Since you guys gave me some lovely reviews, I have decided to go on with this story!

Hope you like it!

Happy reading, and don't forget to review for me!

Much love,


We made it to the restaurant that served Italian dishes. I ordered the linguine, and Lissa got the same. Once the waitress was gone, I turned on Lissa, I never really did get to quiz her on the bond thing.

"Okay, when did you start to notice the bond going the other way, how much can you 'feel me' and wh…?"

She held her hand up, "Rose, chill," she suppressed a laugh, but she did however, smile -big , "I cant 'feel' you the way you can me. It was only that one time. When you were reading the note. You read the thing quite a few times. I actually had time to copy it, cause you read it over, and over, and over."

I rolled my eyes at her, silently relieved she didn't get as much out of the bond as I did, "Well then. What do you make of it? Do you think it was true?"

She nodded her pretty head, causing wisps of hair to fall over her slender shoulders, "I do. Even though my dad is a low life dirt b.." she didn't finish. She caught what she had said, and pain at knowing that she said "is," and not "was", was killing her. It was still hard on her sometimes, to imagine her whole family dead.

I reached across the table, and took her hand, resting my thumb on the top, smoothing it over the warm skin. "Liss, calm down. Your mom forgave him. So why cant you?" shit as soon as the words slipped out, I was mentally kicking my self. Her eyes widened, and her mouth fell open. When the shock of what I said wore off, she narrowed her eyes at me, making me feel very uncomfortable.

"Just how do you know my mom forgave him? Or is this like the same thing as with Ms. Karp? Keeping more secrets?"

I gave her hand a squeeze, "No Lissa, I'm not. I just found out a little while ago," I gave her the whole Ambrose and Rhonda run down, and when I was done, she was just as shocked as I had been about the whole thing.

The next morning….

We were headed straight to Detroit in one of the courts private jets. The plane had just took off, and I felt a ghost of a migraine coming on, "Shit," Dimitri was sitting beside me, as soon as I said something, everyone turned their undivided attention on me.

"My fucking head is killing me," I groaned.

"Here," Lissa held out her hand to me.

"What? Nothings going to help this," I had my eyes closed, rubbing my temples with my fingers.

"Here, Rose, take this," I opened my eyes to see what she was offering me. It was a ring. One I assumed, she had charmed.

I took it from her, and was about to put it on, when Christian spoke, "Wait! Why don't you see if you can see Tatiana? Maybe she can help you out on who killed her," I started to tell him no, but Dimitri chimed in,

"Yes, Roza. This is the first time you have been out of the wards, isn't it?"

I nodded my head, "Well, see if you can make contact with her."

I didn't tell them that I really didn't want to. But hell, what could it hurt? It's not like I haven't spoke to a ghost before.

"Fine," I grumbled, "Everyone just be quiet, so I can concentrate," I stood up in the aisle. Mia, Adrian and Eddie, were sitting across the aisle from us. Lissa and Christian, sat in front of Dimitri and me, facing us.

The second I let my walls down, I saw dark shadows flying past my head. "Shoo, get! I don't want you. Tatiana!" I didn't see her, yet, "Tatiana, I need to talk to you. Please, please come here!" I saw her flicker in front of me.

"Good! I'm sorry. I am so, so sorry that this happen to you," she shrugged, and had a sad smile on her face, "I need your help. Do you know who killed you?" she nodded. "Okay, do I know them?" again, she nodded. I wanted to stick to yes and no answers, 'cause I knew she couldn't do more than nod or shake, "Well, was it a man?" she shook her head, "A woman?" yes again. "Was it a guardian?" she shook her head no. She kept looking between Christian and me, "Does he know her," yes, "is she younger than you?" she nodded, then pointed to Christian. That's when it clicked in my head. Tasha had been missing since I was arrested, and therefore, since the queen was murdered.

"No, no, no, no," I breathed. I was numb.

"What? What is she telling you?" Dimitri questioned me. "Did she tell you who it was?"

I didn't answer him, instead I walked to the back of the plane, so no one could hear my next question for her,

"Was it Tasha?" I whispered.

Yes, she nodded.

"Oh. My. God." I didn't mean to say it aloud, but I couldn't comprehend much more of anything.

I had to ask one more question, "Was she alone?" Tatiana nodded again.

I was about to collapse. I felt my knees starting to buckle under me.

Dimitri showed up behind me, and put his arms around my waist, pulling me to him. If it weren't for him, I would have hit the floor. How was I going to tell Christian? He most definitely would think that I was lying.

"Roza, who? Who was it?" he asked in a whisper.

I didn't want to tell him, but I just couldn't keep it to myself. This was too big of a secret. I needed his help, and support.

I was shaking my head, "Tasha," I breathed.

Tell me what you all think, please?
