KarinXkazune12: btw 2 me Finn looks like a hot blond boy. So plz think of him like that in this fic.


Finn sat around in his tree house, Jake playing video games. There hadn't been too much trouble in the land of Ooo.

"Hey bro, Has the Ice king kidnapped Princess bubblegum yet?" Finn asked flopping down on the floor.

"Nope." Jake replied not looking away from his games.

"Anyone in trouble?" Finn asked rolling onto his belly to look at Jake.

"No screams or cries for help so. No." Jake said, quickly glancing over at the bored blond. Finn sighed, rolling on his back again.

"If you're so bored then why don't you go on a date with princess bubblegum?" Jake suggested turning off his game. Finn turned so red that Marceline could make a full meal outta him.

"W-why would I do that!" Finn stammered, sitting up super fast. Turning his continually Redding face away from jake.

"oh C'mon Finn! I was gonna go on a date with lady Rainicorn today anyway; we could go on a double date." Jake said trying 2 get a glance at the young boy's face, but Finn kept looking away.

"But why! I'm not her…..boyfriend or anything." Finn said, saddening at the end of the sentence. Finn squeezed his forearms.

"Doesn't mean you can't ask her. C'mon you're the hero of the land of Ooo! How could she not say yes!" Jake said slapping Finn on his back.

"You sure dude?" Finn asked finally turning to look at Jake.

"Of course when have I ever been wrong?" Jake asked

"well, that one time with my fear of the ocean, the thing with the doughnut, and.." Finn said listing off all the times Jake had done the wrong thing.

"Alright! Alright! I've been wrong a few times, but I'm 100% sure this time!" Jake said waving his arms in the air.

"Well if you're that sure. I guess I'll go ask." Finn said getting up to go visit the candy kingdom.

"Good luck bro." jake said heading out to go get lady Rainicorn.

"Thanks." Finn said.