Author's Note: And, here we are, the preview for Bad Bromance's sequel! I wasn't planning on doing a third story, but I figured I'd give our two heroes the chance to try to get their happy ending. ;3

It will be called 24, based on the song of the same name by Jem. Here's the summary, as promised.

24 (Balthier&Lightning, Ragnarok): After obtaining his only chance to return to Pulse, Balthier soon discovers that he can no longer run from the past. With the lives of others at stake he must make a choice before time runs out: lose everything, or let the beast within rise once more. Sequel to Bad Bromance.

And...guess what? PREVIEW TIME! :D Here's a sneak peek of what to expect in the final story of this trilogy!

The rain-clouds darkened the sky as the villagers rushed to find shelter. A storm was coming, that was certain.

The waves at his feet were going back and forth with every passing moment, reminding Balthier of what he was hiding from. But he knew he wouldn't be able to run much longer; not from something so great, so terrible. He looked down at the sand and the water seeping through his leather boots. It wouldn't be long now, he reminded himself.

Just as he looked toward the endless sea before him, he heard the clicking of a gun from behind and the quiet, graceful foot steps that followed, as expected.

"You're late."

Balthier turned around, staring at Lightning with vacant, near-dead eyes. She held her gun blade toward him, the barrel of it aimed directly at his expressionless stare. Her lips quirked in the smallest of scowls, and her aqua eyes stared into whatever was left of his soul.

"You're going to give up and die," she spat in but a whisper. "Is that it?"

He turned away from her, facing the waves once more as she closed her eyes. He took a faint breath, gazing at the sun set. "It's time to end this," he told her; hopeless. Surrendering. Giving up.

Lightning opened her eyes, taking one step forward. "So it is."

Birds and creatures scattered and flew into the sky as a gun shot rang out, echoing in the empty distance.

You may recognize the dialogue from the video "A Supporting Role" by the YouTube user Spazzlings. I give them full credit for coming up with those lines, so don't think I'm that much of a genius to come up with that on my own. xD The amazing. :3

Anywhoo, expect 24 to be even more angsty and dark than its predecessors. And, like how Balthier was the narrator of So Starstruck and how Snow narrated Bad Bromance, Lightning will be narrating the events of 24.

I don't know when I'll be able to post this new story, since school will be taking up most of my time. And it'll be my own original storyline, so that'll take time to finish planning out.

Tell me what your opinion is of the preview, and the summary! I'd very much appreciate your feedback.

Until then!

Love, Cherri.