Chapter Four

Kakashi held onto Naruto. He wanted so badly to go out and find the ones that hurt his little chibi. That's right his! And Kakashi didn't even shudder too much at the possessive thought. Taking a deep breath to calm down. Still holding Naruto Kakashi made his way over to the two morons… he meant friends.

Kakashi rolled his steel colored eye at them. "You two can get up now you know." Asuma and Genma sweat dropped then jumped up. Kakashi glared at them as Naruto hide his cute little face in Kakashi's neck.

Asuma swallowed, he knew that glare. It was his only warning not to scare Naruto if he wanted to keep his head. Not that he would. "Hey Naru it's me Asuma. Remember?" He softly asked the scared little boy.

Naruto's golden hair shot up. He remembers the beard guy. He's always nice to him when he stayed at Jiji's. "Asie?" Naruto asked in his chibi voice.

Asuma grimaced at his nickname. Knowing the two other jack asses would never let him down. "Yup that's me kiddo." He was rewarded with a blinding smile. "H'llo." Asuma laughed "Hey kiddo."

Genma smiled at the small boy. "Hey Naruto, my name is Genma." Genma found himself looking into the bluest eyes he had ever seen. Such an angelic little boy. How could anyone think this sweet kid is a monster. Genma mentally shook his head at the stupidity of the villagers. "I'm a friend of Asie" Genma smile widened as Asuma elbowed him in the ribs "and of Kakashi."

Naruto looked at Kashi to see if the weird stranger was telling the truth. Seeing Kashi's nod and eye smile. Naruto turned to Gen'a and smiled. "H'llo." Any friend of Kashi has to be cool right? Cause Kashi is the coolest. So if he thinks Gen'a was okay. Then okay.


Kakashi sighed a happy little sigh as he watch Naruto play with the new toys Asuma and Genma brought over to welcome Naru into the Hatake clan. One was a stuff kunai, and the other was a coloring scroll. "This is a wonderful thing you're doing here Kakashi." Genma said as he chewed on his ever present needle.

Kakashi shrugged he didn't feel the need to explain himself. He whipped out his beloved Icha Icha. Asuma's face turned a deep shade of red when he noticed the orange book. Genma nearly choked on his senbon. Then he started to laugh his ass off.

Naruto not know what the weird guy was laughing about. Looked at the men and started to laugh with him. Hey looks like fun to him.

"Kakashi! What are you reading?" Asuma asked. "Oh man I want one, but the store own never sells it to me!" Genma whined at the same time.

Kakashi's grey eye brow raised as he watch his friends reaction to his true love of Icha Icha. Under his mask Kakashi's full lips formed a smirk. Meh, he really needs to pay more attention to people's reaction this time around if they're all going to be this funny. "Meh… It's a book Asie."