A/N: Well x] This is an attempt at a new way of writing this story. It's strange, I know, but I'm going to give it a shot. Let's see... In this story, we take a look at Lee's life from Gaara's viewpoint. It is kind of OOC, as far as his thoughts go. I suppose the world is a little AU, since the situation is different...I'm not entirely sure. In any case, please enjoy this read, and comment!

Oh, beautiful boy.

Do you know I am here? Do you know that I watch you? No, probably not.

But that is okay. Even if you do not know I am here...I will always love you.


Do you remember, oh beautiful boy?

The day we met? Father took me to your village

A meeting with the Hokage. "Don't run off," he told me.

Of course, of course. Where would I run off to, in a village not my own?

I waited, and waited. Oh so long I awaited him. But night fell before he came.

I sat outside, I sat alone.

No one else but me.

But then you came by, with such a smiling face

It took my breath away.

So beautiful! Your hair so shining, even at night. And your smile so bright.

The moon cried in awe of your smile!

I watched you pass quietly (you didn't spare me a glance) with your hands being held by those two people.

Those people. The man with looks to define your own, and the woman with that smile. That grating, hate-inducing smile.

I hated her, oh beautiful boy. I hated them both, for they were lying to you.

Their love wasn't real. Not like mine.

Father came back soon after you had passed from my line of sight. Time to go home, he said.

I couldn't leave yet. Not with those people around you!

Followed you home, watched them tuck you into bed. It made me sick.

Their smiles so fake, their love so translucent. How could they spout such sickness?

They went to bed, and I crawled in.

That man tried to save her, the woman with the smile, but he broke too easily.

The sand crushed her bones so fine I could have made bread with it.

She pleaded with the sand.


"Don't hurt the little leaf! He doesn't deserve to die!" She cried.

I assume she meant you. It enraged me.

I would never, ever hurt you! You know that, don't you?

I held her heart in my hand until it stopped beating.

Squeezed until there was nothing left.

And still it didn't feel real.

I remember his face.

I made him watch the sand work.

Finally, something real came from him.

His screams were real. The blood that spilled

Soaked my hands

Colored my hair.

But I made sure that night, that they would never hurt you again.

They could not lie to you.

Shower you in filthy fake words of love.

I found you, when I was done with them.

I watched you sleep, watched you dream.

Would you, one day, dream about me?

If I could sleep, I would dream of you.

Only you.

I touched your face with my bloody hand. I marked you then as mine. You're mine, don't you know?

You slept so soundly, it makes me smile even thinking about it.

I had to leave though. I wouldn't be able to stay the night and wake in the morning to see your joy and your relief.

Father was waiting for me. I had to go home. Back to the desert so far away.

I went home with Father, to meet with my siblings. They told me of a horrible story!

Of a boy orphaned in the village of Konoha after we left. A boy without a mother or father.

Someone killed them both. The child would have to be adopted at some point.

He was alone, now. No one to love him.

They told me the details, expecting me to feel sympathy for that child.

I had no care for that child. Why should I?

I would only think of you.

Because...Well, you know why, don't you?

No one will love you like I do.

Their love is not real.

Does not compare to mine.

They wouldn't do what I would do for you, oh beautiful boy.

Had that child been you, I would find that person who hurt you

I would.

You don't remember, do you?

It was such a long time ago, and you didn't even see me.

But that's okay, because I will always love you.
