(A/N: First off I'd like to personally thank those of you who have held on over the last few years. My returns haven't been that great giving you maybe 2-3 chapters a year. But I'm finally able to see where things will actually go rather then assuming they will fit. The story will start to pick up in pace now as will my postings. As always thanks to Elder-Master for the beta.)

(Winter Palace: Royal Apartments)

The absolute frigidness of the morning did not reach Her Highness. In fact her apartments were probably the warmest in the palace. Or so she probably thought. Shizuma sat in front of her hearth. The décor about her definitely showed of her status. High backed chairs emblazoned with the crest of her house, as well as fine linens draped over the tables. The heavy curtains that hung over her windows were open about half way, though due to the heat of Her Highness's quarters they were covered with frost and could not be seen though.

The day had begun as most did for Shizuma. She had first woke up around dawn and ordered tea and then fell back to sleep. About a half hour after that Shizuma woke to a well stoked fire and a heavy robe neatly folded on a nearby table. There hadn't been very much variance in how Shizuma started her day in as long as she could remember. And as Her Highness sipped her tea, she looked over towards her bed.

"You are welcome to stay and join me for tea. Though I would recommend doing so quickly before Miyuki notices you are not at your post." Shizuma said to the figure lying in her bed. The girl stirred and soon after sat up. She was one of Shizuma's favorites and in particular showed in her night assignment which was to watch the fire. The past night had been particularly fortuitous for the servant, as when she arrived she found Her Highness alone. A warm body on a particularly cold night was something to be thankful for. Thankful for this, the servant pulled her clothes back on and bowed to Shizuma before departing.

"They never stay." Shizuma said with a light sigh as she rose from her seat. The fire continued to dance about as Shizuma stepped closer and continued to watch it. Soon it would be time for her to actually get dressed. Her Highness began to ponder curiously as she looked over towards her wardrobe.

"Where are Miyuki and Kaori? I have not seen either in a day or so." Shizuma for her part shook off her curiosity. So long as she saw them today, things would be fine.

(Winter Palace: Chapel)

"This is not right! How could something like this happen?" Tsubomi asked as she continued to light candles. The blizzard outside the windows caused shadows to cast over the altar which made the candlelight even more noticeable.

"The Lord has his reasons, it is best if you just focus on the task at hand Sister." Yaya stated as she worked from the other side of the altar. "All we can do now is make the poor soul's last preparations."

"The malice Sister, I could feel it creeping up my spine. I could feel the cold touch under my clothes. There is something more here, something evil." Tsubomi said under her breath.

"While that may be, it is not our place to go around chasing after murderers. Our place is here, in the chapel, serving those who the Lord sends us." Yaya said under a hushed whisper.

"Now, I will hear no more of this. We have preparations to make! We have things to do and no time to waste making up parlor talk. See to it that you bring the other items, Sister." Yaya said as she turned towards the crucifix and blessed herself. Soon after the sound of her boots echoed as she left.

"So you say, Sister. But not even you can change my mind. There is something else." Tsubomi stated as she also excused herself. "I just wonder how long it will be before we can no longer ignore it."

(Winter Palace: Noble Apartments: Servants Quarters)

It had not taken word long to reach the Hapsburg princess and her attendants. After being informed of the murder on the grounds the night before Nagisa was beside herself. It seemed as if it were one thing after another. The whole affair had long since begun to fester despite only having been there less then a week. Sleep had been Nagisa's only solace and even such a thing as rest was beginning to evade her. Tamao had been becoming more leery of her and she had good reason.

"Chiyo!" Nagisa shouted and soon after the aforementioned servant appeared. Chiyo's uniform was impeccable in comparison to her reported state just the night before. The young servant bowed deeply as her sideburns drifted perpendicular. The latter did not speak as she awaited her master's orders. Though there would be no orders today.

"Answer for yourself." Nagisa said as she sat in her chair. The slow shifting of cold tea drifted across her eyes as she looked into her cup for Nagisa knew that her gaze would get no due.

"Mistress…" Chiyo started surprisingly with an even voice. "… I was with Sister Tsubomi last night, as Lady Tamao has no doubt told you." Chiyo's posture did not change. She did not quiver or show any fear in the least. Chiyo's presentation was definitely showing the opposite from what Nagisa expected.

"What Tamao tells me and what I discern for myself are entirely different things." Nagisa stated as she set the tea down finally looking over at Chiyo.

"Tamao is off doing a task that I have assigned her. You are no longer under her terse gaze, speak." Nagisa said as she looked across the room at Chiyo.

"Why the sudden change of heart, Chiyo? When we arrived here you seemed utterly disgusted and mortified of the things that we have learned go on. Yet you spend a night with a priestess, doing the very thing that you fear." Nagisa watched as Chiyo's posture turned from that of a fearful girl to that of a duty-bound servant. And as this happened she for the first time since Nagisa could remember, looked her mistress in the eye.

"Mistress, I did not cavort with Sister Tsubomi out of lust. In fact, I am still confused and not entirely sure why it happened. But, I do know one thing. That I felt safe when I was with her." Chiyo's voice was unapologetic, strong and yet still respectful. Something that completely took Nagisa off guard as Lady Hapsburg expected a weak waif that would snap and twist under her inspection. She found no such girl here.

"Tamao has led me to believe that you are a half-wit and weak. I find the contrary true. How interesting. I wonder what other webs have been woven behind my back." Nagisa stated as she rose from her chair.

"Henceforth you are only to take orders if you hear them from spoken from my own lips. This does not count for your chores of course, but Tamao is no longer permitted to give you orders. Is that clear?" Nagisa said the last part softly as if she were giving a promotion or praise.

"Yes Mistress." Chiyo responded clearly relived.

"Prepare my evening attire. I am expected in the dining hall this evening." Nagisa stated as she moved across the room looking out into the snow covered grounds. And as she heard the door close behind Chiyo another door opened as Tamao stepped in.

"It is done Milady." Tamao stated as she bowed steps away from Nagisa.

"Good. Tamao…" Nagisa said with a pause slowly turning so that her features were plainly visible to her Lady-in-waiting. "Chiyo is no longer to be under your heel." Nagisa stated as she glowered upon Tamao.

"I investigated the matter myself. For once...I decided to hear Chiyo in her own words as opposed to you telling me that her thought are nothing but inane prattle!" Nagisa's voice raised enough to reveal how incensed she had become.

"Milady, Chiyo is…" Tamao's voice cut off as Nagisa's hand swept though the air.

"Chiyo is no longer your responsibility. Did you forget she is in my service and not your own? Your voice shall not carry any order. Do you understand? Not a single one!" Nagisa's anger continued to billow as her face tightened and her fists balled.

"Begone from my sight! And should you seek retribution on that girl. So help me Tamao." Nagisa's finger pointed at the door to the servant's quarters. Tamao simply nodded and then departed. Nagisa returned to her chair soon after sweeping the tea set onto the floor. Though no one came back through the door and as Nagisa began to sob, the wind outside howled and scratched at the windows. Further darkening the room and hardening Nagisa's heart.