Summary: As the Ringwraiths hunt for the One Ring, Sauron summons three demigods from another world to help with the search. However, Percy, Nico, and Thalia have a different idea. PJO/LOTR. Takes place after TLO.

Disclaimer: Last I checked, my name wasn't Rick Riordan or J.R.R. Tolkien. Therefore I do not own PJO or LOTR.

AN: As of right now, it's just Nico, Percy, and Thalia. However, I might decide to bring Annabeth and possibly Grover into Middle Earth at some point or other. This is my first story, so please go easy on me.

Percy POV


Feigning innocence, I said, "Well what?"

Annabeth rolled her eyes and snapped, "Friday, Seaweed Brain! Are you joining Athena in Capture the Flag or not?"

Crap. The game of Capture the Flag against the visiting Hunters of Artemis just had to be this Friday. "Well, see, Thalia's offering me a pretty good bargain to join sides with the Hunters, since, you know, they need allies since there are so many campers. Plus, you haven't offered anything for me to ally with you so far."

She rolled her eyes "Answer the question."


"Answer the question."

"Well, see-"


"Yes, fine!" I shouted, exasperated. "Just make sure we win, 'cause that was a good bargain I gave up!"

Annabeth grinned and said, "I'm planning on it."

"What, I don't get any privileges traded for the alliance?"


"Why not?"

She gave me a mischievous look and said, "Because I knew you couldn't say no to me, so why bother?"

I gaped at her for a moment, speechless. She laughed and started towards the Athena cabin, waving. I found my voice just as she reached the door.

"HEY! That is SO not cool!"

"See you Friday, Seaweed Brain!" she called as she disappeared inside.

I guess I stood there, gaping like an idiot, until a voice said from behind me, "She got you on her side, too?"

I must have jumped several feet in the air. I spun around and yelled, "Gods, Nico, make some noise when you move!"

A twelve-year-old boy with olive skin and dark hair snickered "No way. That look on your face was priceless."

"Shut up" I muttered. "Hey, so you're allying with Athena too?"

Nico nodded. "She really bargained hard to get me on her team. Traded first shower for the next month."

First shower for a month? Now I was really ticked at the unfairness of it all. "She didn't offer me anything!" I fumed.

"Of course she didn't, she knew she didn't need too." He grinned. "You probably gave up an awesome deal too."

"Shut UP, Nico!"

Thalia POV

Friday dawned foggy and humid. By noon, the grass was still rather slick with moisture. Not necessarily good for trying to run without slipping.

The Hunters were eager for Capture the Flag. Seeing how we were outnumbered by campers, we had to recruit some allies for the game. I'd convinced several minor god cabins to join us (it wasn't hard, seeing that the Hunters always win) along with Ares, Hephaestus, Demeter, and with some difficulty Hermes, since several of the Hunters still held grudges against them for what happened to Phoebe.

"I still don't see why we have to ally with those Hermes idiots." Phoebe grumbled as we made our way down to the woods. "They'll probably make us lose on purpose or something."

I sighed. It had been like this ever since I had to break it to them that we had allied with Hermes. "Look, they want to win too, and I made them promise no funny business until after the game. Okay?"

Some girls still grumbled, but there were no other complaints as we marched into the woods.

Most of the campers were already there, meaning that the pavilion was packed to bursting. Chiron announced the teams and the rules, and then we were off.

The only thing I was disappointed with was that we didn't get the part of the forest with Zeus' Fist. For some strange reason, I felt that I really had to go there, that it was the place to be right then.

"Okay, so Travis and Conner, you can guard the flag. Phoebe, take the Hunters and distract them by the creek. Katie, take everyone else and scatter through the woods. I'm going to find the flag."

Everyone nodded and took off through the trees. I struck a course towards Zeus' Fist. I had this gut feeling, like some sixth sense was telling me to get my butt over there as soon as I could. I don't know why, but I headed over there anyway.

Percy POV

Nico and I were sent to guard the flag at Zeus' Fist.

We had both felt a strange need to be at the pile of boulders, so we decided to convince Annabeth to let us guard the flag there.

I circled the boulders, idly watching for attackers. The clashing of campers and Hunters could be heard around me, but I felt strangely disconnected, like it wasn't really important. It was like a voice was whispering in my head, That's not important. Stay by the boulders. Keep circling them.

Nico was looking strange, too, kind of dazed, as he also circled the boulders. I suddenly felt a strong urge to just turn around that boulder…then things would make sense…

But why? A voice in the back of my head whispered. What needs to make sense? What's so important about these boulders?

I didn't know, but it was like a fog was clouding my judgment, and when I got around the boulder in question, I was facing a crack in the rocks. The very crack that was the entrance to the Labyrinth two summers ago.

Before I knew what I was doing, I said "We could hide in there, and fool the Hunters into thinking nobody's guarding the flag."

My mind was screaming what a stupid idea that was, how we don't know what would happen with the crack in the rocks now that the Labyrinth was gone and there might still be some funky magic in the place. However, to my surprise, or as surprised as I could get in my foggy-brained state, Nico agreed, though he did look a bit distant.

"Yeah, let's do it."

Just as I started to squeeze in, Thalia burst through the trees. She spotted us immediately and charged.

Normally, I would have stood and fought. Now, however, I forced myself into the crack with all my strength.

And met nothingness.

There was a freaking hole there. For the sake of Zeus, I thought the Labyrinth had been destroyed!

The immediate danger of falling to my doom snapped me out of my foggy trance and I managed to cling to the very edge, hanging over the void. I was furiously cursing myself for actually letting those stupid urges to make me do such ridiculously stupid things and cause me to be dangling by my fingers over a hole with who knows what at the bottom.

"NICO! HELP!" I screamed at the top of my lungs.

The fact that I was in serious trouble seemed to snap Nico out of his dazed state as well. He yelled and grabbed my wrist, but there is only so much a twelve-year-old can do to pull a sixteen-year-old out of a gaping hole of nothingness.

Thalia reached us just as Nico slipped.

Yelling, he landed hard on his behind and started sliding in, scrambling for a foothold as he slid into the crack. Thalia must have caught on that something was seriously wrong here, because she shouted something in Greek and grabbed Nico's leg. However, even Thalia's awesome Hunter of Artemis strength couldn't stop the combined momentum of both me and Nico dropping into the void.

And so, screaming things that would have made even my mother slap me, the three of us fell into nothingness.

Ta-da! The first chapter. Meh, its kind of short. More to come, I promise.

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