Hey, guys! I'm so glad you all enjoyed my last Fringe fanfic, thanks for all your lovely reviews! I decided to write another one. I suppose it's set before all of the alternate universe craziness happened, some very laid back fluffiness to lighten the mood. :) Hope you like it! xoxo

Peter was spending his Friday night on a night out with a girl—a seven-year-old one, at least. Olivia had some unexpected work come up on the night she had promised Ella she would go out dinner with her, so Peter offered to take her.

Peter and Ella entered the local diner and sat down. The waiter handed Peter a menu and a kid's one for Ella with crayons. Instead of coloring it, though, she ripped it in half.

"What are you doing?" Peter asked.

"You wanna play a game?"

"Um…sure. What is it?"

"It's a game I learned from a friend at school. I played it with Aunt Liv yesterday."

"Alrighty, then. What's the game?"

"It's really easy. You take one sheet," she slid a ripped half over to Peter, "and I take one. You write the name of the person you like on it, but you CAN'T show it to me. I do the same, but I can't show it to you. Do you get it?" She handed him a crayon.

When did this happen? Kids are getting crushes at THIS age?, Peter thought, confused. Nonetheless, he took the crayon. She was staring at him, egging him to write on the back of the ripped up children's menu. He started to write. "O-L-I-V—"

Suddenly, Ella leaned over and tried to sneak a peek at his paper.

"Hey! No looking!" he said defensively. He finished writing OLIVIA and quickly covered the paper with his hands.

"It's okay, I already know who it is." she said in a sly voice.

"Oh really?" he said.

"It's Aunt Liv!" she giggled.

"What? How did you—I mean, you don't know that!" he tried not to blush.

"Yeah, I do! My mommy says that you're in love with her."

"Well, your mommy doesn't know everything."

"You never said you didn't like her!"

He sighed. There was obviously no use arguing. "Well, don't tell anyone. Got it, squirt?"

"I pinky swear, Peter." she giggled and held out her pinky.

"Now, it's your turn to write on your paper." he said, after pinky swearing, of course.

"Nah, I don't really have a crush. But I got you to admit yours! Ha ha!"