Disclaimer: I don't own Love Hina. Are you really surprised?

a/n:This is my first Fan-Fic, and as such, reviews are very important. Any constructive advice is welcome, and praise wouldn't hurt either.

a/n2: There were numerous grammatical errors in the original release. Most, if not all, should be fixed.

a/n3: I have made some improvements to this chapter, and changed some things to fall in line with events in ch. 3. More changes may come later, but I can't be bothered to make them right now.


Prologue: Welcome To The Jungle

"Granny? It's Keitaro! Are you here?"

Silence and the echoes of the young mans call greeted him.

"I guess she's out right now. But wheres the inn staff?" Mused the man. There was no indication that anyone was there, and he hesitated in the doorway.

This is strange. If the inn were closed, why would the door be unlocked? But then, if it were open there would be people about. Maybe she heard from my parents and found out they kicked me out. She must have closed the inn and wanted to give me time to settle . With that decided, Urashima Keitaro entered the building, and unknown to him, he had changed the course of his life, for better or worse, forever.

(Several Minutes Of Aimless Wandering Later)

After wandering Hinata Inn for a short while, he found a door, with a sign above it indicating it was the manager's room. Grannie's room. I guess I can wait in here until she comes back. This being an inn, I can't just take a random room.

He knocked and when there was no response, entered the room. Sighing when he found it empty, as expected, he sat down next to a table and stretched.

"I can't believe my parents! Kicking me out and ridiculing my dreams! So what if I failed the entrance exams twice! I can get into Toudai, I'm only 19! I have plenty of time! Damn it!" With that final shout, Keitaro calmed. "Well, my marks are pretty bad, and I have a 48 average. They're probably right, but I'll never forgive myself if I don't try, if not for me, then for her." He smiled as the memory played out.

Two children sat in a sand box, a boy and a girl, best of friends.

"Kei-kun, did you know that when two people who love each other enter Toudai together, they will live happily ever after?" The girl says. She leans forwards and kisses him on the cheek. "When we both grow up, lets both go to Toudai."

"I promise that whatever happens, we'll met again at Toudai!" he vowed.

"Even if she forgot about me, I still have to try!" Keitaro renewed his promise. "I swear I'll get into Toudai and meet her again!"

But I sure as hell wish I remembered her name.

Calmed by his memory and confident that he'd meet the promise girl soon, Keitaro decided to explore the inn some more. After a short while of walking, he came across a sign. 'Hot Springs'.

"The hot springs!" Keitaro shouted, excited. I can't believe I forgot about the hot springs.

He stepped into the marked change room and slipped out of his clothes, and grabbed a towel from a stack by the entrance. Stepping into the spring, Keitaro sighed and relaxed, and the troubles of the past few days seemed to just go away.

Which is fortunate, as the new trouble heading his way will be more than enough for Keitaro.

(Outside The Hinata Sou)

Aoyama Motoko, after returning home with her dorm mates after going out for lunch, proceeded outside, to meditate and train. The girl, only 15, was a kendo master, skilled in the secret arts of her family. She punished anyone she ever suspected of even considering harming her friends or any innocent, and harboured a deep distrust of men in general. In the 2 years that she lived in Hinata Sou, she had realized that she was being unfair, but the resentment of men is deep rooted and she struggled daily to come to terms with her problems.

Shortly before she moved into the dorm, her older sister, Tsuruko, married, giving up her right to the dojo. Motoko believed that the husband made her sister weak, and hated him for it . Harbouring resentment, Mokoto couldn't bear to live with her sister anymore, and left, eventually winding up at Hinata sou. She was welcomed and accepted into this ragtag 'family' of sorts.

She maintained a rigorous training routine, and kept up in her studies, but always tried to make time to be with her friends. They were the best friends she could have ever hoped for. That, and her strict sense of honour, was the reason she was so protective of her friends; she would never admit it, but since she left her family, they were all she had.

Finding a suitable spot to meditate, she sat and concentrated, centring her mind. She needed to think about some things her sister said two weeks ago, involving her problems with men and the possible repercussions.

"Help! There's a pervert in the hot spring!"Undoubtedly the voice of Narusegwa Naru, resident Toudai hopeful and fellow male-hater. At hearing that a male had assaulted her friend, two years worth of mediation flew right out the window.

Temper instantly the equivalent of one-million suns, Mokoto stood, and blade in hand, stormed off in the direction of the commotion. Rounding a corner, she saw the cause of the situation. A male clad only in a towel was running from a hastily dressed Narusegwa and Mitsune, and a hoard of flying mecha turtles, courtesy of Su, who stayed a little ways back, swarming towards the male in question.

Screaming her rage at this violation of human decency, she swung her blade, but by luck or skill, he avoided the blow and kept running, eventually reaching the laundry deck. Realizing he was trapped, he turned and proceeded to apologize and plead as the girls approached.

"Please, please, please, it was an accident! Don't hurt me, I didn't do anything, don't hurt me!" He screamed apologies and supplication and ultimately started begging.

Closing in, the mecha turtles, embarrassed and freakishly strong Naru, Mitsune with a devilish glint in her eye that promised something, although the something could be anything, and homicidal samurai Mokoto prepared to utterly annihilate the perverted male.

"Whats the commotion? Keitaro, is that you?" The girls turned, shocked, to see...

"Aunt Haruka!" The male, apparently 'Keitaro',flung himself at Haruka, who supposedly was his aunt. Looking for the potential safety off his aunt, they were all surprised to see her slap him across the face.

"I've told you time and time again to drop the aunt thing." Haruka warned her nephew. "What happened?"

"There was a misunder..." Keitaro began, trying to insure the towel was secure after the slap.

"He attacked me in the springs!" Naru screeched at Haruka.

The other girls, afraid of Naru harming Haruka to get to her nephew, stepped back, except for Mokoto, so she could intervene in the event of trouble.

"What did he do?" Haruka asked, taking a drag on her cigarette and glancing at her towel clad nephew at her feet recovering from the blow.

"He was hiding in the springs to peep at me," Naru was, understandably, full of rage at this.

"After he saw you, what did he do?" Haruka pressed

"What do you mean? He-I, he peeped and," She trailed off.

Haruka sighed slightly. "What I want to know, Naru, is how he attacked you? My nephew isn't the sort to attack people, let alone women. If I had to guess, he 'peeped' by acident."

Naru was lost for several seconds, then Mitsune stepped in. "Uh, Haruka, even if he's a good sort like ya say, he did sneak into a all girls dorm and go into the bath area. That ain't right," Unless he pays first, she mentally added, along with a mental smirk.

"A-all girl Dorm? But this is an inn...right?"Keitaro stammered at his aunt.

Haruka face-palmed and said, "Right, we never did tell you or your parents that we change to a dorm. Didn't seem important. I'd have warned you if you called ahead," She looked at him. "Why didn't you?"

"Ha Ha Ha, very funny. You expect me to believe that he didn't know it was a female dorm?" Naru looked Haruka in the eye.

"Shut it", She said to Naru, then looked back at her nephew, waiting.

"My parents told me to give up on Toudai. I refused. They kicked me out. That's why I didn't call ahead: I didn't have money to stay anywhere else, hell, to even call. I'm flat broke," Keitaro told her. "I've got nowhere to go."

As soon as he said he was broke, Mitsune realized she couldn't profit from his plight, and lost interest, walking away. Su, in a rare moment of sanity, decided Haruka wouldn't let her test the new mecha defence bots on the weird guy, and with a flick of the control stick, she called them off to look for something else to destroy to test the nuclear powered rail cannons mounted on the bots. Shinobu came out of her hiding place by the stairs when she saw Mitsune and Suu leave. Motoko realized that this was all a misunderstanding, and recalled a conversation she had had with her sister not two weeks ago. Realizing her folly, she sheathed her blade and decided to wait for the argument to sort itself out so she could apologize for being judgemental. As Haruka watched the others stand down, Naru let into Keitaro, still angry.

"Someone like you would never get into Toudai. Your nothing but a pervert and a baka and..."

"Shut it, Naru! Calm the hell down!" Hakura glared at the girl until she took a step back.

"Wheres Granny Hina?" Keitaro prayed she would be here.

"About a year ago she left to tour the world," Haruka told Keitaro, knowing why he wanted to see her. "She left me as dorm manager."

Seeing all was not lost, Keitaro played the one card he had,"Au-Hakura, can I stay here for a few days until I can get a job and place to stay?" Keitaro pleaded with his aunt.

"No, I refuse, no men, let alone a baka pervert like you..." Naru tried to start into him again.

"I, for one, believe that we should permit him a few days to get back on his feet. Besides, after what we tried to do, acting entirely on your word because you were embarrassed, without asking his side in this, we owe him recompense for our actions. Providing he can behave himself, we should give him some time to rest," It took all her willpower, but Motoko managed to say it evenly and calmly, even if her grip tightened on her blade. Sister is right, I need to think with my mind, not with my passion. I must atone for-no, I cannot think of it now, I must appear strong.

Naru and Haruka both looked at Motoko, shocked. Naru because she spoke against her, who believed herself the victim, and Haruka because Motoko spoke in defence of a man, and not just any man, but one who was mistaken for a pervert. Haruka smiled, realizing the girl had really grown and matured.

"You take his side over a friends?" Naru, clearly hurt, looked at Motoko in disbelief.

"I am on the side of honour and justice. Honour states he deserves recompense, and justice need not be done, as the incident was a accident. I do not fault you for your accusations, but I disapprove of your continued mistreatment of this male," Even if I would have joined you not two weeks ago. Fortunately, no one could see her minds internal debate.

Keitaro was dumbfounded. I thought she tried to kill me, but now...maybe I misunderstood her.

Haruka smiled," Well, Kei, I don't have a problem with you staying a few days,"And a pointed look at Naru kept her from voicing hers.

"Haruka!" Everyone turned. "Fax for you!"

Mitsune walked over to Haruka, and deposited a piece of paper in her hands. She glanced over at Keitaro surprised he was still here, then sent a concerned look over at Naru, shrugged and left. Haruka looked up after a few seconds of reading the fax, more than a little surprised. She looked at Keitaro, and hoped she wasn't signing her nephews death warrant.

"Good news. You don't have to worry about looking for work or lodgings. You are the new manager of Hinata Sou."

Well, what did you think? Let me know with a review.

No major surprises here, but next chapters will be original events.

I'll update when I can.


-The Hendog