Obvious Disclaimer: I do not own the HTTYD movie/franchise/whatever.

Note: in this fanfic, I create names for the unlisted dragon names, as there are only 2 names mentioned in the film. These are not OC's (there's only one of those), so here's a list of names and dragon species:

Toothless: Night Fury

Fireworm: Monstrous Nightmare

Tinderflint: Hideous Zippleback

Bumblizard: Gronkle

No-name (Astrid didn't name her): Deadly Nadder

Drako (the OC): ?


During mid-morning, like always, the five dragons got together in a sort of meeting while their humans were in the stadium learning dragon-training tactics. Toothless, the jet-black night fury, had become sort of the leader of the group, partly owing to his fame earned by the climactic battle against the giant dragon. This morning, however, none of the dragons could think of something to do.

"Perhaps we could race around the island ... no, wait, we did that a few days ago." The speaker was a large, green lump of a dragon, aptly named Bumblizard by his geeky human, a young teen named Fishlegs.

"Ha! I can't believe you want to get beaten at that race again, anyway!" This time, it was a large red dragon, looking like a lizard with wings and spikes, who spoke.

"Fireworm, be nice" said No-name, a blue dragon who resembled a raptor with spikes everywhere, "perhaps today we should just do nothing."

She had just finished her suggestion when Toothless walked towards the group; a green dragon was close behind. "Hey, guys, I'm back."

The left head of Tinderflint, the two-headed zippleback, lifted its head drowsily. "Really? I hadn't noticed you left."

"And," continued the right head, "who's the lizard beside you? He looks like Fireworm, but smaller and greener."

"My name's Drako. Toothless told me about your lack of imagination-" started the green dragon.

"You mean inspiration," replied No-name, slightly annoyed at the newcomer.

"Sure. Anyways, I have an idea. You guys have heard of truth or dare?" Drako asked.

Fireworm rolled onto his feet, shook dirt off his wings, and peered at the reptile standing next to Toothless. "Are you sure you're a dragon? You look a little bit too small to me," he inquired. Fireworm was not known for his grace or manners, but rather for his absence of such qualities.

Toothless let out an insulted huff; Drako was larger, albeit by an inch or two, than himself. "Sure, I've heard of the game," he answered the green dragon, pretending not to have heard the monstrous nightmare, "the 'truth' part is a bit boring, though. Perhaps we could make it just dares?"

Tinderflint had decided that the conversation had taken a turn for the interesting, and that she was going to join the fun. "But the truths aren't boring, and they embarrass many of the players," the heads protested in unison, "if you are going to remove the truths, you must add something in order to even it out."

No-name, realizing that she would be left out if she didn't join the fun, suddenly had an idea. "Why not create a points system? Three points for a successful dare, a two-point penalty for a failed one."

"Nah, dragons just end up not keeping points, as there are no rewards." Drako had tried this before, apparently.

"Well, then, how about immunity in the next round for the dragon with the most points?"

"That could work; any objections with the rest of you?"

Fireworm, feeling slightly ignored, said, "only that I object to you being a dragon." He was answered with a small fireball from Toothless. "Oh, sorry, Toothless," he replied insincerely, "I didn't realize that you were the same size."

"If you guys are done fighting," Bumblizard spoke up, "I'd like to go first. I dare..."


Next 2 lines = quick summary.

Okay, the way this story works is you guys (the readers) submit dares so that I (the writer) can make them (the dragons) go through with the things. There are some rules to lay down first though:

1. No deaths of anything that has a name either in this fic or in the movie.

2. No M-rated dares.

3. No dares that grant immunity; that will be decided per chapter by the one previous.

4. NO ORIGINAL CHARACTERS. Drako is the only OC I will allow in this fanfic.

I think that covers everything. If it turns out it doesn't, I will return to edit the rules at a later point.