I know that the Season Six premiere is a little over a month out, but I'm dying to know what happens when Season Six actually comes out. So I decided to write my own verison. Basically, this is what I think will happen September 22 (and if it doesn't, that's fine with me!).

I don't own Criminal Minds; if I did, I'd have had Daniel Radcliffe guest star on an episode by now. And there'd be crossovers with NCIS and White Collar in the works.


Fear grows in darkness; if you think there's a bogeyman around, turn on the light. ~ Dorothy Thompson

Derek Morgan listened to the heart-wrenching cries that continued to emit from Kristin Spicer's location in the room as he struggled to break the duct tape bindings on his ankles. Just a moment ago, the UnSub that the BAU team had been profiling with her brother Matt Spicer, and his comrade Detective Eric Kurzbard had fled out the door of the house, taking Matt Spicer's daughter with him as a hostage. Spicer himself lay unresponsive on the ground not two feet from Morgan; as far as he knew, Spicer was dead, shot down in the line of duty.

Like Morgan's own father.

He shook his head; this wasn't then, this was now. Maybe Spicer was alive. And if he was, he, Morgan, had to contact the team, tell them where he was, and make them send an ambulance.

Morgan's attempts to rip the tape doubled. He kicked his bound feet against the carpet, then against the footboard of the bed he lay at the foot of. Finally, he began twisting his lower body, trying to get his handcuffed hands in front of him.

"What are you doing?" Kristin's voice cried out.

"Give me… a second…" Morgan panted, wincing at the strain of his arms stretching over his bound feet.

And then…

Morgan's eyes widened when his arm finally came up in front of him, and a slight swoop of joy filled his stomach. He smiled, despite the severity of the situation.

Now for that blasted tape… He thought.

His finger scrabbled at the thick binding, noticing that his seemingly fruitless attempts at struggling had resulted in some strain on the corner of the edge of tape that was wrapped around his ankles. It was at the site of that single strained binding that he began pulling, tugging and fighting with until…

It gave. Just a little, but it gave.

Morgan took pride in that small victory. He moved his fingers toward the edge of the tape, digging into the groove made from the edge of the piece the strip of tape had been ripped from. He dug into it, peeling it back as quickly as it would allow. It was slow going, but it was quicker than straining against the tape. He rested his head against the footboard.

He just hoped that the others would arrive soon.

_CM _S6_

On a less populated, less cluttered street, a large, black Federal-issue SUV barreled through the suburban streets. Following it, at a similar speed was an LAPD unmarked squad car, also dark in color. At the wheel of the larger vehicle was SSA David Rossi, his face set in a dark, thin, grim line.

"Have you reached him yet?" He asked, glancing at his partner in the seat next to him.

In the passenger seat, SSA Dr. Spencer Reid shook his head, pressing the 'end' button on his phone for what felt like the hundredth time that night. "It's the lack of power in the city," he replied, looking about ready to throw his phone out the window. "I can't get reception unless the cell towers have power. No one can."

Rossi cursed under his breath, and then reached for the police radio under the dashboard.

Behind them, Detective Eric Kurzbard and JJ followed the speeding SUV. Kurzbard picked up the handheld portion of the radio as it crackled.

"Where do you think Morgan and Spicer could be?" Rossi asked from the speaker.

Kurzbard shrugged. "We can assume he isn't at Kristin's house, and we know he's not at Matt's."

"Well, we better think of something," Rossi demanded.

Meanwhile, Reid sat in the front seat, his genius brain whirling as he thought of where this UnSub could be…

And then it came to him.

"Detective Kurzbard," Reid shouted suddenly. "Where was Matt Spicer's childhood home?"

Kurzbard, clearly taken by surprise, rattled off the address from memory. "Whay are you getting at, Doctor Reid?" he asked, confused.

"The location that the UnSub took Ellie and Kristin would have to have significance to both Spicer and the UnSub himself," Reid reasoned. "The current residences of both Spicer and his sister would have no meaning to the UnSub. But the place where their paths crossed, where the UnSub killed Spicer's parents and thereby changed his life forever, that is the place that will hold the most significance to the UnSub, and that will be where he took Ellie and Kristin."

"And that's where Morgan and Spicer went," Rossi and Kurzbard concluded.

"Well, done, Agent Reid," Rossi praised.

"Where is he from again?" Kurzbard asked.

"Las Vegas." Rossi replied.

"Huh," Kurzbard reflected.

Neither party got a chance to say anything else, for at that moment, a grungy, rusty-looking camper van slammed headfirst into the SUV. A moment later, the cop car also drove into the SUV.

For a moment after the smoke cleared and everything was silenced after the crashes, there was a moment of calm. Then, the driver's side door of the camper van opened, revealing the UnSub. He calmly walked over to the two other cars, an evil, sadistic grin on his face. He glanced in for a moment before opening the passenger side door of the SUV and cutting the seatbelt away from the person in the car. Then, the UnSub dragged his unresponsive victim from the car and to his own van, tossing him unceremoniously into the back. It only took a moment for the UnSub to start his car, reverse away from the scene and drive away.


A/N: So this is going to be my first try at Reid whump... Please don't hurt me! It's just a test; one that I'll most likely fail miserably.

So please please review (and go check out some of my other stories; I have one that is entered into a contest that The-Vampire-Act has up that could use some loving...)
