Me: Just a random thought from today's events. Enjoy! I disclaim everything here!

It was the middle of the lovely crisp afternoon. It was autumn at the time, and many of the villagers were either sleeping or chatting in the warm afternoon.

Sir Len and Sir Ted where having a little chess game with the audience of Lady Rin, and Sir Nero. Sir Ted was a comical chef, always making everyone smile, and smack him, with his jokes and cakes. Sir Nero was the opposite, yet they were best friends. Sir Nero was quiet and calm and was known for his loyalty. Sir Len was an excellent strategist and a loyal man to his friends, he was submissive and collected, also adored by many women. Lady Rin was not an exception. She had a quite known love for Sir Len, who didn't seem to notice. But she was patient, kind, loyal, gorgeous, as well as fierce, violent and has a sharp tongue. I suppose you may call her a yandere, someone who is nice at first, but as you go deeper, they get violent.

Apparently, Sir Len was winning their little board game. He always had the skill, as a strategist. But Sir Ted was not one to lose hope. The white side, belonging to Sir Len, had only the king and a tower, while the black side, by Sir Ted, had only its king. Soon enough, Sir Ted lost.

"Ah! That was the first time I almost defeated thee, Sir Len" said Sir Ted. SMACK! "Oi!" he yelped.

Sir Len and Sir Nero cracked their knuckles and Sir Len said, "Enough with the sirs and ladies. Say it only when formal, but we're playing chess in the middle of the afternoon in Rin's great porch." Sir-I mean- Nero and Rin nodded.

"Fine, suit thyself" muttered Ted. And what Len said was true. They were at Rin's porch. It was quite wide and colored cream. It had a little coffee table in the right side, where they were playing, and a bench behind.

"After that game, maybe you boys are hungry?" asked Rin. They all agreed in unison. "I'll be right back with tea, anything else?" Rin said.

"I'll take some nuts please, and one of your roasted bananas too" Len requested. Rin nodded and headed for her kitchen. She opened the cabinets and got the snacks. Then she gracefully walked back to the porch.

As they ate, Nero exclaimed "Goodness' sake! Why is it so boring today!" Ted and Len eyed him, while Rin sipped her tea with a soothing calm face. "Most probably because you do not want to do thy work and are relaxing here, but you have relaxed, now back to work." Rin explained.

The boys looked at her like she was insane, and Ted quickly said, "No thank you, Rin!"

Rin eyed him, meaning, I'll get you later, Teddy. And Ted looked horrified, while Len and Nero laughed. Then, Len got an idea. "Lady Rin, may you do us a favor of entertainment?" he asked. She raised her brows at him and knew he was up to something. "You don't call me Lady unless you need/want me to do something I would rather not." She said. "Please!" coaxed Len.

Surely she could not resist, those blue eyes, that soft and spiky blond hair, everything about him was perfect, to her. "Fine. What is thy favor?" asked Rin.

Len's face broke into a huge grin. "May you sing for us? As entertainment? Please!" he said, and Rin's eyes widened. "S-s-sing! Out here in the vast open field? Heavens no!" she almost screamed. They begged, she agreed, but not without saying, "I'll get you little brats one day, count on it."

They moved the coffee table aside and the boys sat at the bench while Rin took the stage in front of them. She took a deep breath and sang:

I woke up in the morning
And the first that came into my mind
It was you
I was gonna get my bang cut
And "News?"
Is what I heard
Pink skirt and Flower Barret
I stick it and go out
Today I am...
MELT! I really might melt...
To say "I love you"
It's impossible!
And yet still MELT!
I couldn't even look at your eyes
I will not fall in love with LOVE!

She was interrupted by a gallop of a horse, and a man with black hair in a black robe stepped down. He had golden eyes that were as fierce a lion's. He was also an incredible strategist, like Len. He was also higher in rank, for he was the richest man's son.

"S-sir Rei!" exclaimed Ted, and the boys stood up straight and saluted. Rei did as well, then looked at Rin. She gracefully bowed and had a posture that of a queen. And Rei fell in love.

Why wouldn't he? Rin had hair like golden strings. Her ribbon bounced cutely whenever she moved. She had a fair complexion and her eyes were as blue as the sky. Her smile could make the biggest glacier melt. Her neck wasn't too long or too short, it was just right. Her chest seemed worthless but that is because of her dress' ribbon. Her arms were soft and smooth. Her curves were perfect and promptly taken care of. Her legs were like silk and they were fast and strong too. Her dress was beautiful. It was mostly yellow, her favorite color, and white laces and shoes. Her best feature yet is her voice. Rin's voice was like the chiming of bells, gentle trickling of water, chirps of birds, notes on the flute, and its was far too hard to describe. No man would not lust for her. But she was tied with other women, Miku Hatsune, the girl of green, Meiko Sakine, the red rose, and Luka Megurine, the pink princess. The four of them were the most gorgeous, most talented women in the land. But they missed one more, Rui Kasamine, the lady of darkness.

Rei took quite a while admiring Rin's features, which only Len took notice of. "My lord, do you have any business here? We were busy with Miss Rin's little show." Len said, rather coldly. Rei raised his eyebrows. "Is that the name of this fair maiden?" he asked, taking her hand in his, and kissed it. Len was as red as a tomato. Rin was a bit shocked and blushed. Ted and Nero glared at Rei.

The boys knew what Len was really feeling. Len loved Rin. He hid it well enough to make Rin think about it. But this situation of 'All is fair in love and war' he won't hide it no more.

"Anyway" Rei said, looking at Nero. "Your sister, Lady Neru Akita, asked me to deliver this to you, good sir" he gave Nero an envelope and saluted, "Till next we meet, my lady" And he left.

Len was fuming. He couldn't bear having anyone. Anyone. Touching his Rin. Yes he was obsessed with her. And Ted and Nero knew what they had to do.

"Rin, I need to go home, if Teto finds me home late again, she'll kill me" said Ted. "Yah, me too" Nero agreed. "Well, fine, I'll see you tomorrow boys!" Rin said. They exchanged their good byes and left. Leaving Rin and Len alone.

"Rin." Len said in a dangerously low voice. "we need to talk." Rin was not one to miss things like voice lowerings. "Len, what's with your tone? You've been that way since Rei greeted me-" It struck her. Rei had kissed her hand. It couldn't be possible that Len was j-jealous! But before she could continue her thoughts, Len grabbed her hand and led her inside.

Me: How was it? Please review!