Warnings: yaoi m/m relationship – mentioning and further m-preg – don't like, don't read – you have been warned

Disclaimer: Vampire Knight and its characters belong to Matsuri Hino – just this plot is my idea.

BETA: Avie Raze – thank you dear, for your hard work

Authors Note: so it looks like I'm finally up with the sequel. Hope the wait will pay of, and for those who haven't read the prequel, I say that you do just so as this can't be read without it – there are things mentioned in here that happened in the prequel and without knowing them, you won't understand.
I changed a little the rules of vampire world to make it interesting, and there will be a lot of OC's, so look up to it… I at least am looking out to write it, as because I situated it after all that we know, I can do what I want…


- Chapter 1 -



With the first rays of the rising sun stretched thru the sleeping town, one lonely car made its way to its destination. It quietly sped thru the empty streets, before coming to a stop before a set of large modern buildings – elegantly sliding into an empty spot between two idle cars in front of the entrance.

Opening the door and stepping out of the car is a young man, his messy brown hair dances in the breeze while his black sunglasses protect his eyes from the low sun. His clothes are simple and his aura is dangerous but despite this he blends in effortlessly with his surroundings. The city will soon be filled with masses of people but he will fit in seamlessly – he is a true hunter.

Looking up to the thirteenth floor, he surveys his environment. It has become habit for him to control the situation before entering. His young friend living there has similar habits. Both knew that only one thing is certain – you never know what can happen. After a short while – when he's sure that nothing strange is going to happen – he moves to the front door. There's no need for him to ring the bell, he had kind of forced his friend to give him a spare key for emergency situations, like this one. After easily opening the door, he enters the elevator on his right and presses the button for the thirteenth floor.

He always wondered why his friend insisted on the thirteenth floor, but he never asked. The ride appears to go on forever – one of the many reasons for his few visits. As the door finally opens, he takes another turn to the right after stepping out of the elevator. The building is newly renovated, and he can still smell the paint, new furniture – another reason he doesn't likes this place.

The number 1313 is engraved in the wood door he stops in front of. Its elegant gold gleaming at him. Using the key to open it he notices it's not locked. He enters the apartment uncaring of what he might see inside.

The small apartment is divided into three parts – the kitchen on the left, the living room on the right with the spacious bathroom next to it, and the sleeping quarters above the living room, with the glass staircase leading to it. There's no wall dividing the kitchen and living room, so from where he's standing he has a great view to every corner. He slams the door shut, startling the half-naked man – he only has his briefs on – in the living room. The man is trying to pick up the pieces of his clothes that are scattered on the floor.

"Who may you be?" Two black orbs look up at the brown-haired uninvited guest. The newcomer surveyed the half naked man. He has a pretty manly face, nice body and dark messy hair that together gave a nice picture for his eyes, but that's all. He needs to have a kind of special aura around him for the hunter to acknowledge his existence. He will forget about him the moment he chases him out.

"Kaito Takamiya," the hunter answered smoothly. "Now get lost."

"I don't think…" the half naked man couldn't finish what he was about to say, as Kaito pulled out his gun, pointing it at him – looking at the gun, not just his words were lost, but also his confidence.

"I don't like to repeat myself," without any further protests, the taller dark man slipped fast past the gun-wielding hunter, not even bothering to put the clothes he was holding on, as he rushed out of the apartment like his life depended on it.

Closing the door for the second time and putting the gun back to its holder, he made his way up to the bedroom. He moved slowly, as he decided that there was not a need to rush. The room is spacious, with only the necessary furniture – a built-in cabinet on the whole left side, with mirrors on its slide doors, a big king-sized bed in the middle and one abstract painting hanging on the wall. The big window on the left wall that brought in an abundant amount of sunlight, along with the mirrors, gave the illusion of a much more space than the room actually has.

"He's already gone. You don't have to pretend to be asleep anymore," Kaito moved to sit on the bed, right beside the ball of covers.

"Who was he?" he waited until a face came out from under the covers to raise his question. Messy silver hair, lavender eyes that were now fully awake and slightly pink cheeks – Zero Kiryu – the hunter he was currently paired up with.

"Hell if I know," Zero sat up, revealing his naked chest – smooth and pale, like silk.

"Don't tell me that you really did get yourself drunk after that news yesterday," at the mere mention of the news they were informed about, Zero flinched, obviously not glad to be reminded about it so soon, "and let the first idiot who offered to fuck you."

"Shut up, will you?" he couldn't give Kaito any other answer, as the hunter just hit the nail on the head – as that's exactly what he did yesterday.

"If that's what you wanted, you could have just said so. I would be more than pleased to satisfy you," a smile making its way to his lips, and into his eyes as he waited for Zero's reaction.

"You're sick," said the silver-haired, naked hunter, and before Kaito could comment on it in any way, Zero threw the big pillow that was behind him at Kaito before swiftly crawling out from the bed. He made his escape thru the other side of the bed, that wasn't occupied by a horny hunter.

"Nice ass," said Kaito as he spotted Zero's naked figure leaving the room.

"Shut up," was what he got from the teen, before he vanished completely from his sight. Kaito let himself fall face down onto the now empty bed, holding to his chest the big pillow and smiling to himself. Inhaling the scent of the teen, then he was back to his serious mode as he focused on the reason for his visit. With that in mind, he also made his way down.

He almost shouted his friends name as he saw no one in the apartment, but decided against it as he heard the shower running in the bathroom.

"Should I make you breakfast?" came the question instead – even if the shower was running, he knew that Zero would hear him because of the vampire genes he possess.

"Don't you dare to go into my kitchen!" came the immediately reply, Zeros voice loud enough to be heard thru the water.

"Oh, come on. I'm not such a bad cook," even if he said it with a hurtful tone, the smile on his face revealed that he meant it just in a playful way.

"No, you're not. You're even worse than bad. Just sit down for a damn minute so that I can finish."

To sit down wasn't exactly what Kaito had in mind right now, but it seemed a better option than joining Zero in the shower, considering he wanted to keep his life for one more day.

After a few more minutes of nothing but quiet that was interrupted just by the falling water, Zero stepped out of the bathroom, surprised to see Kaito sitting quietly on the black sofa – even if he looked bored staring at the ceiling. But he tilted his head in Zeros direction the moment he heard him open the door.

"Are you tempting me?" his eyes were taking in every detail of the delicious body standing a few steps away from him – his muscular but delicious body that was fully exposed for his eyes, except for the towel around his hips. Another small one was around his neck, which he had used for drying his hair – but not fully, as some drops were still falling from the silver locks.

Kaito stood up, walked to him with a serious expression on his face – Zero let him come closer, wanting to see what Kaito would do. But it wasn't anything perverted as he had imagined. Kaito simply took the small towel that was around his neck, covered his silver hair and started to dry him of.

"You should dry your hair, otherwise you will catch a cold."

"Stop it. I'm not a small kid," Zero tried to protest, but his attempt wasn't strong enough, as it didn't made Kaito stop.

"Kaito!" shouting his name made the trick, and he also grabbed his hands as soon as they stopped doing what he didn't wanted them to. Now, getting a better look at the hunter, he saw how serious his face was.

"So tell me, Kaito. What are you doing here?"

"Just came to tell you that I already have that little bit of information that you wanted me to find out."

"So fast?" Zero didn't really meant to ask that question, it just somehow left his lips on its own. He was surprised – they were talking about it just yesterday, after the emergency meeting at the Hunters Association. He didn't think that Kaito's abilities were so great.

"What? You didn't think I would find him so soon? To tell you the truth, it wasn't a piece of cake, but because it was for you, I…"

"Where is he?" interrupted Zero Kaito's speech, "he" being the only one on his mind right now – and the urgency to know his whereabouts.

"How about – thank you Kaito, for your hard work. I really appreciate that you spent all night searching for…"

"Kaito!" interrupted him Zero again, this time squeezing his hands using him vampire strength.

"I won't tell you. But I will take you there," added Kaito quickly when he saw Zeros lavender eyes darkening.

"Then we're leaving right now," he let go of Kaito's hands, letting the towel fall to the floor from his head – he turned in the direction of the door.

"And you're going in… that?" stopping, Zero looked down seeing just his bare foot, but also the towel around his waist – the only thing that covered him.

"Shit," cursing under his breath, he turned and made his way up to get some clothes. "Don't move from that spot. I'll be right back," he informed Kaito before he disappeared into the bedroom, not bothering to close the door.



Nearly two years have gone by since the last time I saw her. Yuuki. When I thought that Kuran had turned her, I was furious. I was shocked when I learned that she's a pureblood – that she always was one of them. But even so, I couldn't hate her – my love for her being stronger. When she left the academy with him, I felt empty. But yesterday, at the meeting, after the shocking news… I don't know. I was furious and I did something stupid – something that I've never done before.

Many things have changed since our paths have parted. With the president of the Hunters Association dead, there was quickly established a council, consisting of the best hunters to maintain the order. They're still trying to persuade me to take the position of the president. I think that with the new power I gained from absorbing Ichiru's life, they look at me as a threat. A threat that's better if it's under control – under their control. But I don't want to become someone's puppet.

There are also things on the vampire side that have changed. The council is no longer, and so, Kaname's hands are free to work on his dream – the coexistence of vampires and humans. I don't know where we hunters stand in that ideal world of his, as we're somewhere in the middle of both races – human, but the origin of our powers coming from the bloodsuckers. There were few official occasions that I was forced to attend, but I tried everything to have minimum contact with them. I know that I told Yuuki that when we meet again it would be when I kill them, but I don't think that I can do it. And now this.

"What are you thinking about?" Kaito asked me, rudely interrupting the flow of my thoughts. We're currently in his car, on our way to an unknown place – unknown to me, as he refuses to tell me, insisting to instead take me there. I know that Yagari asked him to look after me, and thru the half-year that we have been put together, I somehow got used to him, but he really doesn't need to go to such lengths It's not like I will do something stupid – well, maybe, but that's my problem.

"If you actually know where we've been going for the last two hours," I answer him sarcastically, because I'm not exactly in the mood to talk to him right now.

"Of course I know where we're going. Do you doubt me?" looking out to the wasteland with nothing in sight, I want to say yes, but I bite my tongue. "Another two hours or so, and we'll be there." Great.

"Than wake me up once we're there," I better use this time to catch up on some lost sleep from last night – I will need all of my energy.

"Hey! Not fair!" I pretend not to hear him. Closing my eyes, I welcome the darkness.

- Z -

I already know that this is a dream, and in reality I'm with Kaito in his car, asleep. I know this, because for the last half year, I sometimes have this dream. It's always the same. I tried to change it many times, but no matter what path I choose, it always ends the same way. So I don't fight against it anymore. But I always hope to wake up from it before the worst comes to worst, because the pain I feel is real, and I always end up waking up covered in sweat, hurting all over.

I pick up my gun as I stand up from the green grass I always wake up lying on. I'm in some kind of garden, with flowers and trees everywhere – I can even hear the birds singing, though I don't see them. It's not that big of a garden, as I can see the golden linkages that form this cage-like thing around it. There's only one path that leads out, one small opened door to my right. It's like someone is trying to lure me that way, and I don't like that – I don't like to blindly follow after someone.

So I tried other ways to get out of this cage – like thru the golden linkages, as there is gap between them that I can easily pass thru. But it was futile, as the moment I thought that I was at the other side, I realized that I'm back inside. So there's no other way to go but the door – and I do exactly that, and I know what will be waiting for me there.

Stepping outside the cage, I don't need to look behind me to know that the small golden door closed itself after me, leaving me no other opinion but to walk forward.

Even if the sky is clear and it's hot out here, I don't see a sun – I never saw one. The road is made out of small stones and it's hard to walk on them, as you can see the darkness between them – like a bottomless well and you have this feeling that the small stones could break and then you will fall and fall and fall. On both sides are bushes with sharp thorns – I once tried to push my way thru them, but it always ended in me injured and standing before the tower I'm heading towards now too.

It's strange, that in this dream, I don't have my vampire healing abilities, as all the cuts and wounds I receive are not healing – even if they are just small cuts. But I have my thirst, as the smell of my own blood in the air is making my head spin, my throat dry and my mind longing.

The tower is made from black stones that look like they were just placed one after another. I don't see where it ends, and there's no window, no other way in other than the opening before me – no way around it, as I tried that too already. Even if the tower is tall, the stairs are going down.

I don't know what's in the tower, as the stairs are like a tunnel with stonewalls all around me – just enough space for one person. I don't need a light, as my eyes can see quite well in this darkness, and there are no obstacles or objects that could hurt me. After what feels like an eternity, I'm finally at the end – a wooden door now blocking my path.

The door is big and monumental, and even I can tell that it's old. There's nothing special about it, no ornaments decorating it. The only way to open it is to use my gun, so I change the anti-vampire bullets in it for normal ones, as I would need them later. Firing few bullets around the door handle, I kick the door open and enter.

It's totally different scenery than one would expect. The room is big and long like a hallway, with white walls and marble pillars supporting the ceiling, statues in every corner and the floor is also marble – of course there's no way back, as it disappeared like it was never there in the first place.

There are windows on the left wall, but even though light is passing thru them, for some strange reason it's impossible to see thru them. There are also a number of doors on the right wall, but from past attempts I know that none can be opened, or even broken down. The only way is to continue down the hallway, until I reach that massive door at its end.

The further I go, the more people – or vampires – show up. I don't know what they are, as my senses are dull, not telling me anything. Some are just standing there quietly, or reading books, and some are talking to others. It's futile to try and interact with them – or talk to them. It's like I don't exist for them. I know that they are talking, but I can't hear any voices. To be exact, I can't hear any sound – not even my own steps. And their faces – they are all wearing white masks. I leave them untouched, as they are no threat for me – that is waiting for me behind the door at the hallways end.

It automatically came open as I near it, and I enter the court-like room. There she is, standing where the judge should be sitting – her dark hair falling to her shoulders, where it merges into her white dress that reveals more than I would like to see. She is also wearing a white mask, but what always draws my eyes is the little butterfly sitting between her breasts. She's just standing there, quietly looking at me. She's not a threat to me – not now that is. Even if she's the one who will imply the most pain, the first to strike is the one who's behind me right now.

Turning around with my gun prepared to fire – my eyes are hit by a ray of light, and my vision is becoming blurry. What is going on? Oh, yes. I'm waking up – or better to say, someone is waking me up.

- Z -

I look at Kaito with questioning eyes, as the first thing I see when I awaken is his face – too close for my liking.

"I was going to kiss you awake if you would not have woken up soon – just like the prince kissed the sleeping princess," there's a smile on his face, but I can tell that he means it – and I would have at least punched him because I can't just kill him – if he really did kiss me awake.

"We're here, by the way," oh yes. The engine's no longer on, and the car is not moving anymore. Opening the door and stepping out, I first look around – there's no way to tell where I am, as there are trees everywhere – if he were to leave me here, I would definitely be screwed.

The mansion before us is somehow similar to the Moon Dorm back at the Cross Academy, but it's slightly bigger. There are no walls or a fence around the mansion to keep the intruders out, and why should there be? Everyone who knows who's living here is wise enough to know not to bother him with anything unimportant.

"You're not coming?" I look at Kaito as he makes no attend to move from the spot by the drivers door.

"No. My job was to get you here – and that I have done. Just don't do anything stupid, as I would like to leave here in one piece."

"I'll try," I answer truthfully. I really don't know what will happen once I see him. I know that it was a good move to go to Kaito for this kind of task. I don't know what kind of strings he pulled, or what kind of people he used to get us here, but leave it to him if you want to find a pureblood.

There's a figure standing by the door – the two years haven't done anything to him – like it were just mere minutes in his long vampire life. Takuma Ichijou – if the blond noble is here, than he's definitely here too.

"Hello, Kiryu-kun," he greets me as soon as I shortened the distance between us – with that smile he always had during the past. But there's also something else in his smile – and in his eyes. Is it because of me? Or because of Yuuki? I think that it's the later one, as there's no way that any of them would be affected by anything that would happen to me.

"Where is he?" I didn't greet him back, as the mix of my emotions is too strong now.

"He's inside," I didn't need to specify who I was talking about, as there's just one vampire I would seek out after hearing such news. Stepping inside the house and thru the door that Ichijou holds open for me, I feel it – I'm obviously unwanted in here. I can feel it from all the eyes looking at me – vampire eyes. Some of those faces are familiar, but there are also many new, unfamiliar faces. Despite the thick air filled with negative energy, the hatred in my eyes is fixed only on one figure standing up on the second floor by the rail.

"Kuran," I spoke his name like a poison that's about to kill me.

