A/N: Well, this is the last chapter. I've been writing this for what seems like forever and I think that it's kind of a natural point to end it. Thanks for all the awesome comments and I hope you have enjoyed this! It was fun to write for sure. If you haven't seen it already, watch The Runaways asap!

Kristen stood outside on the balcony smoking, gazing out into the New York skyline. She was waiting for Dakota to get ready before they headed out for dinner with Joan and Cherie. The New York premiere had gone smoothly and she was feeling a little melancholic that all of this was actually over. She smiled to herself as she thought about specific memories, like the first day on set and the night they all went out for drinks. She ran her fingers through her hair, realizing that her natural light brown had almost completely washed out the jet black it used to be. She was going to miss being Joan Jett. She was going to miss everything.

Dakota waltzed out on to the balcony and Kristen turned, her eyes scanning her entire body. She was wearing tight black skinny jeans and ankle boots, a loose-fitting tank top and a brown leather jacket. She looked adorable. Kristen smiled.

"Hey you," she said, exhaling, and stubbing her cigarette out.

"Hey," Dakota replied.

"You look nice," Kristen said. She looked down at her own attire: a black and white checker shirt, jeans and black sneakers. "Especially compared to me."

Dakota laughed. "I like what you're wearing," she said. "You look…like you."

Kristen rolled her eyes. "Oh good," she said.

Dakota had a silver chain around her neck. Kristen thought it looked too subtle, blending in with the rest of her outfit instead of standing out. She took a step closer, sliding off a ring on her index finger; the one she bought in Australia. She held it out for Dakota to see, before putting her arms around her neck and unclasping the necklace, carefully sliding the ring down the chain, watching as it fell to the centre. She smiled and Dakota just watched as she gingerly put it back around her neck.

"That's better," Kristen whispered.

Dakota smiled and her fingers slid down the chain. She looked down at the small, silver ring and stuck the tip of her finger through it before letting it drop down against her chest.

"I love it," she said.

Kristen put her hands on Dakota's hips. "Keep it," she said.

Dakota hesitated before breaking into her familiar, beaming smile. She hugged Kristen, breathing in her smoky scent. She was going to miss these moments with her.

Kristen pulled back, pushing her hair out of her face. She stared at Dakota, scanning her face, looking for some kind of indication about how she was feeling.

"Okay?" she asked softly.

Dakota nodded, leaning forward slightly on her toes and kissing Kristen.

"Always," she said softly, before pulling away, letting her hands linger in Kristen's.

"I guess we should go, huh?" Dakota asked.

Kristen paused for a moment. "Yeah, I guess we should."

Dakota let her hand fall out of Kristen's and she walked back through the room. Kristen sighed, putting her cigarettes into her pocket and following her, wishing more than anything that this didn't have to end. But, nothing this good can last forever.

This was the last night the four of them - Kristen, Dakota, Joan and Cherie- would be together for a long time. They sat in a small, dimly lit restaurant somewhere in between Soho and Greenwich Village. They were talking animatedly, laughing, recounting their antics on set. Dakota looked around the table and smiled to herself. She felt strangely like a little family sitting there, sipping green tea. She was going to miss having Joan's strong influence around her everyday, and Cherie's warm smile and throaty laugh. But most of all she would miss Kristen. Her chest ached at the fact that they would be separated for awhile, each off on their own projects until they were inevitably reunited on the set of one of the many films they had in common. But even so, it would never be like The Runaways was. It will never be day-in, day-out contact. It will never be the same, and Dakota knew that was the inevitable truth for them. It all had to end at some point.

Kristen's hand found its way across Dakota's leg under the table. She was feeling insecure about what lied ahead and the one thing that always made her feel balanced was touching Dakota. Just having their bodies attached in any way made her feel calmer instantly. It was almost bizarre how it worked, but Kristen had come to rely on this and the thought of being apart made her anxious. The worst realization for her also was that it would never be the same between them - it couldn't. They had to end this thing, whatever this thing was, because it was the only logical option. Their days together living in their little blissful bubble were numbered.

Joan and Cherie had the same problem. Of course, it was nothing new for them. But their rekindled friendship had sparked something in both if them that made them realize that being apart again would be strange. Cherie had once again become accustomed to Joan's presence - the sound of her voice, her laugh, the feeling of her hands against her body. It hasn't taken long to get used to her again. Joan was like your favourite book: you never forget all the details, but when you read it again it's still just as wonderful as always, if not more. Everything about Joan was like a memory for Cherie, but it also felt so new; like they had picked up where they left off and yet started fresh all at once. Cherie didn't want to part ways, but she lived in California, and Joan lived in New York. There were thousands of miles between them, and even more responsibilities.

"Stay in New York for a bit," Joan had suggested earlier that day. "Just a few days, maybe a week."
Cherie smiled "Joanie," she said, just as she always did. "You know I can't do that. I have to go home, I have to see Jake!"
"He's alright without you for a few more days. He's 16! He'll be alright."
Cherie sighed. "It's not that I don't want to. I do, believe me. It doesn't feel right to leave things between us, but you and I both have things that keep us away from each other now that the movie's done. At least this time it's on good terms," she smiled weakly. "And you've got a couple shows coming up in California don't you? We'll see each other then."
Joan nodded. "Maybe you can sing a couple songs with me again, like we did at Sundance."
Cherie grinned. "I would love to."
Joan walked over to Cherie and crouched down in front of her, resting her arms casually on her legs. She peered up into her familiar face, staring into her baby blue eyes. "I am so happy." Joan said, smiling.
Cherie draped her arms over Joan's shoulders. "Me too, Joanie."
Joan leaned forward slightly and kissed Cherie softly. Everything felt still, but in a good way. Last time they had said goodbye, it felt as though their worlds had been flipped upside down, turning them into strangers. But now they felt closer to each other than perhaps they ever had, sharing something new that was positive instead of the drug infused, chaotic and exhausting life of a teenage rock star. It felt now, for the first time in a long time, that everything was exactly as it should be.

Later, as the four of them sat around the table, they each spoke with such candid ease, feeling totally and completely comfortable with each other. It was almost if they always knew each other, as they had always been this way. Kristen thought about the first time she met Joan, how nervous she was and how intimidated she had originally been by Joan's tough exterior. But, she smiled now, gazing into Joan's soft, brown eyes, realizing that she was probably the most honest, genuine, caring person she had ever met. And Cherie, who had been through so much and who stood on stage like a lioness, roaring like the queen of the jungle, was just a normal, California girl at heart who had grown up way too fast. Kristen smiled as she watched Joan and Cherie interact, the way that their movements were so in sync, so fluid with one another it was almost as if they were one. Kristen examined the look on Joan's face as she watched Cherie speak, always a tiny smile playing on her lips. And as Dakota responded, Kristen turned to look at her, not realizing that she was giving her the exact same look.

Dakota could feel Kristen's eyes on her and she liked it, knowing that nothing else was distracting her from this. Kristen's squeezed her knee inconspicuously and Dakota shifted slightly, a smile sneaking into her voice. She paused, glancing over a Kristen, who flicked her eyebrows at her, taking a sip of her drink as if nothing had happened.

"Anyways," Dakota continued. "I guess I am just really going to miss you guys." She smiled, though there was some melancholy to it.

Cherie put her hand over Dakota's across the table. "We are going to miss you, as well. I can't believe this is the last time we'll all be together. For awhile at least."

Kristen looked into her drink. She didn't like getting to sentimental, though she always hated ending a film, and this one was no exception.

Joan looked at Kristen, studying the look on her face. She had gotten to know Kristen's expressions pretty well over the past year. Just as Kristen had studied Joan, Joan had studied Kristen. She smiled to herself, knowing Kristen's look as that of discomfort.

"Kristen," Joan said, getting her attention. "What are you going to do after you go back home to LA?"

Kristen shrugged. "Sleep," she said.

Joan laughed. "That sounds nice."

Dakota put her arm around the back of Kristen's chair. "Except that you never have time to sleep." She said, smiling.

Kristen sighed. "I know. I'm going to try, though. I actually have, like, 2 weeks off so, I mean, I won't really have an excuse."

Cherie looked at the two of them, seeing so much of her relationship with Joan in their interactions with each other. "Are you going to see each other while you're both in LA?"

They both looked at Cherie, then each other, a smile playing on their lips.

"Sure," Kristen said. "But she's probably fuckin' sick of me now."

Dakota laughed, her cheeks going pink. "Yeah. I am, like, so glad this is over so I don't have to hang out with her all the time," she said sarcastically.

Kristen poked her in the ribs and Dakota giggled. "No, we'll probably see each other all the time just out of habit," Dakota added.

They all sat there smiling at each other for a moment, a thousand different memories filtering in and out of their minds. Joan looked over at Cherie, who smiled and winked. She looked back over across the table. Kristen was leaned over into Dakota, whispering something into her ear. Joan smiled, admiring their friendship.

"I don't want to leave this place," Kristen whispered.

Dakota smiled. "Me neither." She looked over at Kristen and tilted her head, smiling.

Kristen sat back in her chair, feeling giddy and foolish because she couldn't stop smiling.

"I love you guys," Kristen said, looking at first at Joan, then Cherie, then Dakota. "Honestly, this has been the best fucking time I've had in awhile."

Joan put up her glass. "To The Runaways," she said. They all clinked glasses, taking a sip of their drinks and smiled to themselves, committing absolutely everything to memory.

4 Months Later

Kristen was standing around talking with Rob and Taylor, smoking a cigarette. She was feeling tired today and regretting staying out all night, but it was nice to be reunited with some familiar faces. Rob leaned in close to her and she was hit in the face with his cologne, which she always liked, but she noticed how different it seemed now.

"I'm fuckin' freezing, woman. Hurry up will you?" he smiled that charming, British smile of his and she nodded, taking one last drag before dropping her cigarette on the ground, stomping it out with her foot. They started walking back into the studio, about to start shooting yet another instalment of their now infamous film franchise. They sat around, discussing the staging. Kristen stretched in her chair, cracking her knuckles. She felt her eyes drooping and took a deep breathing, hoping to snap back awake.

"Tired?" Taylor whispered beside her.

She smiled and nodded. "Always."

He put his arm around her and pulled her against him for a moment. He was so strong and she couldn't help but notice that she felt incredible weak beside him. She giggled and he let go.

She glanced over at Rob who smiled crookedly and she bit her lip. It had been awhile since they'd seen each other and she didn't realize how much she'd missed him until now. She'd missed everyone, and she felt like she had been catapulted into another world while she was working on The Runaways, but now she was back in reality, becoming her most famous persona once again. She sighed, looking at her watch. She felt her stomach lurch as she realized what time it was. Dakota was supposed to be here any minute and her heart sped up in anxious anticipation. She smiled to herself as she realized this reaction and looked over her shoulder at the door, which swung open revealing a very happy looking Dakota. They locked eyes instantly and Kristen felt the most incredible sense of calmness fall over her. She turned around, leaving the conversation she was having with Rob and Taylor, walking right towards Dakota. Kristen threw her arms around her instantly, feeling like they were the only two people in the room, and she desperately wished they actually were.

"Hi," Dakota said sweetly. "How are you?" she looked around and waved at the boys.

"Better now," Kristen said, running her hand through her messy brown hair. She looked at Dakota and fought everything inside of her not to kiss her right there on the spot. But, it wasn't like that any more between them. They had ended it maturely, like adults. They knew that it had to be done, and it was. Kristen thought it was actually getting better and she hadn't thought about Dakota nearly as much as she had at first, but seeing her again for the first time in weeks made all those feelings come rushing back.

"Have you talked to Joan lately?" Dakota asked.

Kristen nodded. "Yeah, sort of the other day. She's really busy with touring and stuff right now. But she's good. Really good."

Dakota smiled. "That's great!" she said. They looked at each other for a moment and then both burst into a laugh. They didn't know what was so funny. Maybe it was the fact that things were so different now, or that they were both thinking and wanting the exact same thing, but either way, they had a special moment between them that they hadn't had in what felt like ages. The familiarity of each other presence was overwhelming and they couldn't help but get lost in it.

As they stood with the rest of the cast, discussing the agenda for the day, they both snuck glances at each other. It felt different now, but somehow still exactly the same. Though they knew they couldn't act on their feelings anymore, there was still a spark between them that they both held on to, playing with the boundaries of their friendship. Kristen smiled and Dakota got that familiar fuzzy feeling in her stomach that made her feel like there was a secret between them that Kristen was reminding her of. She grinned back, looking away shyly, trying to appear like she was paying attention. But, as they looked at each other again, they knew absolutely everything that was going through each other's mind. This intense connection between them would never fade, just as any true friendship never fades. Although their romantic relationship had ended now, it was something they would always share; a secret that only they could tell each other. And as they stood there now, they just gazed at each other, saying, much like Joan and Cherie, everything that needed to be said with just one look and just one smile.