Hey guys!

I predict there are going to many, many fics from tonight's episode. It was fantastic until right up to the very end. I think I broke my hand from hitting the wall so hard. Kidding...kind of =)

Here's a really short one shot from Sam's POV. Didn't you think it was so cute when he was staring at Andy when she was laughing at the diner?

Anyways, hope you all enjoy it. As always, please review, I live for them, and it's much appreciated!

Sam thought that Andy McNally's smile was one of the most beautiful things he had ever seen.

He had witnessed almost every expression pass over his rookie's face - a snarky grin, a teasing smirk, an angry snarl, a frustrated frown. But his favorite expression was her smile.

It lit up her whole face. When she smiled, her eyes laughed right along with her mouth, turning to a warm, deep chocolate brown. There was a single dimple that appeared that he thought was absolutely adorable.

At the diner, after he had broken the awkwardness between them with his horribly lame jokes, she had laughed, which was a wonderful sound in its own right, but it was her smile that took his breath away. He realized that he never actually got to see her smile a real, honest-to-goodness smile, all that much, which was a terrible shame, because watching her laugh, he couldn't help but smile himself, which didn't happen nearly as often as it should.

Throughout the rest of the day, he had looked over at her more times than he usually did, hoping to catch a glimpse of the beautiful curve of her lips.

As if her smile didn't bring him to his knees already, he realized that even a hint of laughter or happiness in her eyes made him want to share that warmth that seemed to radiate from her. When he had been patching up her wounded leg, there had been the physical warmth from their skin-to-skin contact, which had been heaven all by itself, since he had needed to feel her under his fingers again, even if it was just in a professional, friendly capacity. But there had also been a different kind of warmth.

When he had helped her off the hood of the car, she had smiled at him again, making his heart falter for a beat. When she had held his gaze with her laughing eyes, he felt a heat that seemed to seep into his very soul.

Andy's beautiful smile.

And just like that, Sam found another reason why he loved her.