Using the Song Everybody Knows by the Dixie Chicks. I mention the shooting in Arizona, so my own political feelings have probably colored this a bit, but I tried to keep it politically neutral. I really do saddest reading and listening at the same time.


Tell me now if you came sneaking up behind
Would you know me and see behind the smile

America sighed, hand on the door to the conference room. It was difficult to school his features into his 'normal' expression. He had just gotten the call, telling him about Gabrielle Giffords and the shooting in Arizona.

I can change like colors on a wall

A few nation's looked at America quizzically as he snapped at England harshly.

Hoping no one else will find what lies beneath it all
I think I hide it all so well

America flushed, mumbling a small apology. Canada silently asked if he was alright from across the table. Alfred grinned widely, hiding his pain.

Stepping out, everyone can see my face

He could feel their eyes following him.

All the things I can't erase from my life
Everybody knows

America made it to the next room before sliding down the wall, tears leaking from his eyes. He should have known.

Standing out so you won't forget my name
That's the way we play this game of life
Everybody knows

To make it worse, he knew everyone hated him, but it was either that or be like his brother; forgotten. Sometimes he hated it.


Looking through the crowd
I search for something else

America was strolling through Washington D.C. He just wanted a break from all the bad stuff happening.

But every time I turn around
I run into myself

In hindsight, D.C. wasn't the best place. Everywhere, reminders of his more and less pleasant times.

Here I stand
Consumed with my surroundings

Alfed gazed sadly at the Lincoln Memorial. He didn't hear the others come behind him as tears fell again.

Just another day
Of everybody looking

"America-san… Are you alright?" Japan set his hand on the blonds shoulder.

I swore they'd never see me cry
You'll never see me cry

America flinched, peeking behind him, taking in his friends (and Russia). He turned and ran.

Stepping out, everyone can see my face
All the things I can't erase from my life

"America…san…" The Asian nation looked at the others in confusion. Canada sighed, going after his brother.

Everybody knows
Standing out so you won't forget my name

"I just don't want to be forgotten, Mattie…"

That's the way we play this game of life

"You won't be, you're too well known.

Everybody knows

America nodded.


You say I'll pay the price
That's the chance that I'll take

America smirked at them, tears long gone. He was going to change things, change all he could.

Though you may think I'm telling lies
But I just call it getting by

England was looking over him. "You're still not alright. Why won't you let us help?"

"I don't need you're help, duh."

Stepping out, everyone can see my face
All the things I can't erase from my life
Everybody knows

America grinned at their dumbfounded faces. Sure, he wasn't very good, but he wouldn't let them know that. He had issues they'd never know.

Standing out so you won't forget my name

He'd stay as loud as possible and be center of attention/

That's the way we play this game of life

They'd never know about him crying himself to sleep.

Everybody knows I am just barely getting by

Except he knew they always did.