Author's Note: I apologize because this will be very OOC especially for Ren, but I just couldn't help but write it out. So please bear with me and complain to me if you'd like, in the form of a review. =) As for Of Love and Of Heartbreak (OLAOH ) I'm working on the next chapter^-^ so please wait for it=)

ALSO: Try listening to "So Close" by Jon McLaughlin while reading the story, especially the waltz part=) It works very well for the ambiance. ^-^

Disclaimer: Ren does not belong to me and neither does Skip Beat! nor does the song "So Close". It's rightfully owned by Jon McLaughlin.

A Waltz with my Fairy Prince

"Corn." She whispered still surprised by the fact the he was there and he came out of nowhere.

"Good evening." He said with a smile behind his mask.

Even through his mask, Kyoko knew without a shadow of a doubt that the person in front of her was definitely Corn. His dignified stance as he was elegantly wrapped in a white tailcoat with a golden tie, the way the moon shone brightly behind his back told her that she was face to face with her childhood friend. Although she knew this, she couldn't help but also be quite aware of how different this Corn was, of how masculine he has become, after all, the last time she saw him, he was still the size of a human child. Now he seemed even more mature, elegant and even more mysterious than he was ten years ago. These things made her slightly apprehensive when he held out his hand.

Sensing her apprehension, Corn opted to regain her trust by doing a small leap in the air. Kyoko's eyes widened as she remembered how Corn 'flew' for her ten years ago.

"I can't fly too high or the people inside might see." He said with a smile as he saw her astonished face. "The wind delivered your message Kyoko-chan. So I hurried here as fast as I can."

Walking towards the balcony railing once more, Kyoko stole a glance at Corn. He looked down at her and said, "You look happy Kyoko-chan. I'm glad that you're happy now."

"T-thank you Corn." She said unsurely because a part of her found his presence strangely familiar highly reminiscent of one sempai. 'Stupid! Stupid Kyoko! Of course he's familiar because you've met him already!' she mentally chastised and convinced herself that there was nothing to be afraid of. "U-uhm. You seem to be doing really well too. You don't even need to climb on a high rock in order to fly. You just did it where you stood a couple of minutes ago."

Corn chuckled lightly. "I am doing well Kyoko-chan. Thank you for worrying about me. I heard from one of my scouts that someone made you cry by telling you that I might be gone from the world."

Kyoko gasped as she heard him mention the incident with the demon from the 'Beagles'. "You knew about that?"

"Yes. One of my scouts told me as he was passing by the area."

"Well, now I can prove that Beagle wrong because you're here with me Corn! And Tsuruga-san was right! You don't belong to this world in the first place. But, I'm truly very happy that you came to see me Corn. I really missed you." Kyoko said with a smile, the first real smile she's given him since their reunion.

'Corn' couldn't help himself anymore and asked for the thing he wanted the most from her tonight.



"I can't stay for too long." He said sadly as her expression turned from happiness to one of shock and disappointment.

"But you just came! Why do you have to leave so soon? Please stay a bit more Corn! Th-there's someone I want to introduce you to." She pleaded softly. "He's the only person I've ever told about you and I really want you to meet each other!"

"I'm sorry Kyoko-chan. I have to go back to my kingdom. I have responsibilities there. I'm really sorry. I really only sneaked out just to see you."

"But—but—" she stuttered on the verge of tears of losing her friend once more.

"I'll come back. I'll visit more often now. Besides, I have to keep a close eye on the 'Beagle' guy you told me about." He said, trying to pacify her. "So please don't cry anymore Kyoko-chan."

As Kyoko's tears abated with reassurance of more frequent visits, the strains of a song softly floated into the air. 'Corn' took the opportunity to take her hand and bowed in front of her.

"Kyoko-chan." he called to her as he looked her in the eyes. "Will you do me the honor of a dance?"

Looking at their joined hands, Kyoko could only manage a small nod as she became really aware of Corn's presence. He gently pulled her to him and placed his hand at the small of her back as he led them to the middle of the moonlit balcony.

You're in my arms
And all the world is calm
The music playing on for only two
So close together
And when I'm with you
So close to feeling alive

As he carefully held her other hand on his own, she couldn't help but marvel at his grace and finesse. When he secured his hold on her, he looked her straight in the eyes, silently asking if she was ready. She stared at his eyes, the most enchanting feature of his face and gave a small smile of acquiescence.

A life goes by
Romantic dreams will stop
So I bid mine goodbye and never knew
So close was waiting, waiting here with you
And now forever I know
All that I wanted to hold you
So close

Corn eased her into the dance and moved her through gracefully and in time with the tune. Gaining confidence in her feet and knowing that her partner will definitely lead her through the song, Kyoko closed her eyes to relish in the once-in-a-lifetime experience. She was shielded from the cold by his body and she breathed in his fresh, soft but masculine scent, again strangely familiar, but she was far more intoxicated with the happiness she felt that she failed to recognize that it was not the first time she had smelled the scent.

So close to reaching that famous happy end
Almost believing this was not pretend
And now you're beside me and look how far we've come
So far we are so close

'Corn' on the other hand, concentrated fully at the princess in his arms. Looking at her face through the moonlight gave her a mysterious glow, as if she truly was a fairy tale princess come to life. He observed her face, her every expression as they moved fluidly with the music. Her lightly shadowed eyelids, her rose colored cheeks, he absorbed them all, searing them into his brain because he knows that she will never be this unguarded with his other self. He continued to look until he landed on her lips, carefully arched into a small smile as she tried to hum with the music.

Oh! How could I face the faceless days
If I should lose you now?

He fought tooth and nail in order to prevent himself from taking her lips, as vulnerable as they were right now, because he did not want to taint her memory of Corn. He wanted to do nothing more but to hold this precious jewel in his arms forever, this wonderful and amazing treasure. But he knew 'Corn' had to go soon and let go of her and hand her over to his other self, who cannot afford to hold her in public so intimately and stare at her to his heart's content like he was doing now.

We're so close
To reaching that famous happy end
And almost believing this was not pretend
Let's go on dreaming for we know we are
So close
So close
And still so far

As the last notes of the song floated into their little world, Corn held his princess close for one last time before whispering in her ears.

"Good night Kyoko-chan. I'll see you soon."

He softly let go and by the time Kyoko opened her eyes, he was gone, leaving only a small dark blue stone hanging around her neck.


"It's been an hour and a half! Where is that guy?" asked Yashiro-san as he led Kanae to their table and scanned the dancing crowd for his charge once more.

"Don't worry. They'll announce him when he arrives." Supplied Kanae as she looked at the trumpeters lined near the door, ready to blast the ears off of anyone who comes to the party. She thought the party was going to be the usual, just her and Kyoko. But she was pleasantly surprised when Yashiro-san asked her for a dance. He was a comic, easily breaking her nervousness with his quick and witty comments. She stole another glance at him when Kyoko floated towards them with a far off look.

"Where have you been and what happened to you?" shot Kanae as she sensed something out of place in Kyoko's actions.

Kyoko on the other hand was still very much lost in her own world, still overwhelmed by the sensations of her encounter with her fairy prince. She looked at her best friend and with as small happy but mysterious smile and said, "I went to a ball with my fairy prince."

Yashiro-san and Kanae never had the chance to press her for details as the trumpets sounded once more to announce the presence of Tsuruga Ren.

Dressed impeccably in a black tuxedo with its matching waistcoat and a gold cravat, his golden mask artfully decorated with white beads and rhinestones drawing attention to his deep dark eyes. He was the vision of aristocracy with the aura of dignity to match.

Searching the crowd for his manager, he found him waving frantically at him beside his target for the night. Carefully making his way through the crowd towards his princess, he stopped a couple of feet from them only to give them a formal bow.

"Good evening to these two lovely princesses." He greeted as he looked at both girls who bowed to him in response. "You look beautiful Kotonami-san" he said, making the girl blsuh. Turning to Kyoko, he gave her his most honest opinion. "You look absolutely, breathtakingly beautiful Mogami-san" causing all three people near him to blush intensely at his straightforwardness. Gazing at Kyoko in the moonlight was one thing, but seeing her in bright lights giving life to her dress, Ren had to admit that it was a whole new experience.

"It looks like you managed to capture one princess Yashiro-san." He said pointedly, seeing that his manager was quite near Kotonami-san. "You don't mind if I steal this princess away then do you?" he asked, while giving Kyoko a warm smile.

"No, I don't mind." Not at all…thought Yashiro-san. After giving them a bow, Kyoko went to the next table with Ren, who had drinks delivered for them.

"How is the party Mogami-san?" he started lightly handing her drink over to her.

"It was wonderful." she said while taking a delicate sip from her glass.

Eyebrows slightly moving upwards he asked, "Was? Why is it not fun now? Is it because I came to the party?" he said, unable to resist the urge to tease her.

"No! No! Not at all Tsuruga-san!" she quickly replied, flustered that her sempai thought that he was the reason for her use of the past tense. "It's just, I—" Ren cut her short when he pointed out to her neck.

"That's a very beautiful necklace Mogami-san. That's a very rare stone." He told her informatively all the while observing her reaction. And he was very pleased with what he saw. Her eyes softened and her lips curved upwards to form a gentle smile.

"You'll never believe it Tsuruga-san! It was just so wonderful! It was like a dream." Kyoko replied, still reminiscing of the night's previous events.

"Well, try me Mogami-san."

Giving him a small embarrassed smile, she continued.

"It was Corn, Tsuruga-san!" she said breathlessly. "Corn came to me tonight and you were right! He can fly freely now and he can fly as high as he wants but he didn't fly too high tonight because the other guests might see him." she told him excitedly.

Ren on the other hand, couldn't help but feel a little jealous of 'Corn' as his princess continued to talk freely about his other self without hesitation, the dance, their talk, and the whole experience, even mentioning how much she had missed her fairy prince.

"And then, after that, he whispered 'Good Night' and when I opened my eyes, he was gone, leaving me this necklace." She finished with a disappointed look in her face.

"You don't seem too happy for someone who just met their fairy prince Mogami-san." Noted Ren as he regarded her expression.

"I will never have an experience as beautiful as that one Tsuruga-san." she replied, eyes downcast. "That's why I'll consider it a precious memory, even though I still can't believe it wasn't a dream."

"Well, maybe that's why Corn left you the necklace as proof that it wasn't a dream."

She sighed and smiled sadly, "I know. But as I said, I will never feel that way ever again, as if I were a cherished person, as if I were loved."

Although feeling ridiculously immature and stupid at being jealous at his other self, Ren just had to challenge her last statement.

As the melody of the final waltz of the night traveled through the air, Kyoko was surprised to find a large warm hand take her own and when she looked up from staring at the floor, the Most sought after Bachelor in Japan was kneeling in front of her.

"Let me prove you wrong Mogami-san." Ren whispered, clearly referring to her last statement. "Will you give me the honor of a dance?"

Feeling her heart beat faster, a wave of nostalgia came over her as the events of the night replayed themselves in her mind's eye. She could only stare in response as the feel of his hand on hers felt very familiar. And as he gently led her to the middle of the dance floor and led her through every twirl and dip, she smiled a smile of pure happiness. Corn had really kept his promise.


At the other end of the hall, Lory sat on his throne, observing a particular couple who has caught the attention of the guests. Leaning towards his partner for the night, he softly whispered in her ear.

"It looks like you had a lot of trouble changing him back and forth Ten. Did he ever tell you why?" he asked his partner, the ever faithful Miss Jelly Woods who was dressed as a queen herself.

"No, he never did." she replied.

"Ah. Well, it's no bother as long as my plan came into fruition." He noted as he looked on the couple continued to dance gracefully in the middle of the floor. 'Looks like Kuon has finally decided to take a risk Kuu.' he thought to himself. 'And I think you will definitely welcome this princess as your daughter-in-law very soon. Very soon…'

Author's Notes: Ah...the ending was crappy but I couldn't think of a really good way to end it... If you liked it, Reviews are very much welcomed^-^If you didnt. Reviews are still welcomed.