So here's the next chapter!

To get some of this, you really need to know at least the basics of RXJ

If I offend anyone then I apologise. I really didn't mean to.


Romeo: Juliet's coming to the window. I need to hear her speak.

Juliet: Aye me.

Romeo: She's speaking! Speak again bright angel! Where's my voice recorder?

Juliet: Romeo, Romeo, wherefore art thou Romeo? Why are you so? Deny your father's name and I'll never be a Capulet again. Juliet Montague; can you imagine that? (*vomit)

Romeo: Should I talk or should I keep listening to a 13 year old girl fantasise about me? God, I'm such a stalker!
*insert pedo-y grin

Juliet: He's a Montague and I'm a Capulet. Our parents' life goals are to kill each other - so much for parental guidance. But why should a name get in the way of our love? Would a rose be any less sweet if we called it by any other word? (not unless you called it vinegar)

Romeo: For you, I'll do anything, even renounce the name of my forefathers. I'll never look at any other girl again (That's alright, there are hot guys in Verona too)! If I do, I'll gouge my eyes out! (talk about drama queen)

Juliet: Who's there? How did you get in here? I've got pepper spray and I'm not afraid to use it!

Romeo: I wonder if you can use pepper spray on food?

Juliet: That's a retarded question and honestly I have no idea. Have you tried googling it?

Romeo: Oh man, not another google user. What happened to Yahoo?

Juliet: Isn't that for cowboys?

Romeo: No, don't cowboys go 'Yeehaw!' instead?

Juliet: No idea. Do we even have cowboys in the 17th century?

Romeo: No idea, but I'll tell you the answer in about 300 hundred years when Yahoo has been founded.

Juliet: Deal. Anyways, you have yet to tell me, how did you get in here? I'm sure I let the dogs out.

Romeo: I flew over the walls because I'm in love, either that or I walked through the side door; it was unlocked - you really should get new security guards. Either way, no wall nor blade can ever stop my love for you! *insert dramatic Titanic song

Juliet: How did you find me?

Romeo: When we were making out in the anachronistic elevator earlier, I kinda snuck a tracking devise in your pocket.

Juliet: You mean like the ones from Spy Kids? Cool, where can you get them?

Romeo: Off Ebay. You can get anything there.

Juliet: Kinda like Wallmart.

Romeo: Yeah, I suppose. Dunno really, never been to a Wallmart. They don't have them in Australia.

Juliet: True, true. Anyways, back to the script or we'll get fired by Baz Luhrmann; Do you love me?

Romeo: Didn't I just say so for like, the past three pages of the script lady? But if you wish, I shall swear by the moon.

Juliet: I'm only 13! Don't call me lady and don't swear by the moon. It's always changing, waxing and waning.

Romeo: So, what should I swear by?

Juliet: Don't swear at all!

Romeo: You mean I can't say 'fuck' anymore?

Juliet: No.

Romeo: Shit?

Juliet: Nope.

Romeo: Not even a little 'hell'?

Juliet: Well, maybe I can let you say hell.

Romeo: Hell yea baby!

Juliet: Oh, well then, swear by yourself and I'll believe you.

Romeo: I, Romeo do-not-wanna-be-Montague-but-sadly-is, do hereby swear on myself and Darth Vader and Bambi the Deer and Salazar Slytherin and snakes and hell and cookie and cream ice-cream that I love Juliet!

[Nurse calls]

Juliet: I should go. Stay longer, I will be back. (In Terminator accent)

Romeo: Oh, I must be dreaming, either that or I'm drunk, that's fine too. Alcohol makes the world go round.

Juliet: Good night, Romeo. If you want to get married, tell me tomorrow. What time shall I send word to thee?

Romeo: Text me at nine!

Juliet: I er…can't text. I'm out of credit. You'll have email me instead. My email is, secretlyatransvestite (at) fictitious . com

(AN - FFN doesn't let you post links here for some reason so the address is in a weird format)

Romeo: Goodbye my love. Mines, choc_chip_cookiz (at) fictitious . com

Juliet: Choc chip cookies? You serious?

Romeo: What? It's called alliteration! Half the stuff this guy writes is poetry! You don't hear me complaining about your email address so leave my choc chip cookiz alone! And besides, choc chip cookies taste good.

Juliet: Fair enough. Parting is such sweet sorrow that I shall say good night till it be morrow.

So that's that. I might upload more later if I'm bothered. I've got a lot of assesments and tests coming up.

If anyone here doesn't already, Read my Harry Poter fic!

BTW if you didn't realise already, those email address aren't real, or if they are (i dunno, maybe someone has a wacky sense of humour) then they aren't related to this fic. So don't go trying to email to those addresses for the heck of it. Is fictitious even a server?