
The gang where all sitting in the front room waiting for their taxi to arrive and take them to the airport. Suddenly there was a series of load bangs before Laura entered the room dragging her suitcase behind her.

"Don't mind me. Dropped my suit case" She explained.

"You should off let me to bring it down for you." Daphne said

"No way as of 3:00 tonight I am going to be twelve I am perfectly capable of bringing a suit case down stairs." Laura said flopping onto the sofa. At that point Fred entered the room.

"Ok bedrooms are clear. Oh morning governor!" He said noticing Laura for the first time that day.

"Is this teasing ever going to stop?" Laura asked.

"I wouldn't bet on it!" Fred informed her. "And happy birthday by the way." He said ruffling her hair. Laura smiled smoothing her hair back to its normal position.


"Now since we are all here..." Daphne rummaged around in her bag before producing a small box with blue wrapping paper around it and presenting it to Laura.

"Happy birthday!" The gang chorused.

"You guys got me a present!" Laura exclaimed.

"Like of course, it's your birthday!" Shaggy said.

"Go on open it!" Daphne urged. Laura smiled taking the present out of Daphne's hands and unwrapping it reviling a small black box; she opened it up and smiled.

"The ring." She said.

"Well, we didn't know what to get you and we where aloud to keep the ring so we thought why not?" Velma said

"Like its go a lot of value to!" Shaggy added

"Yeah and we were hoping it would have some sentimental value as well. I way to remember your first mystery by." Fred said

"Well thank you I love it!" Laura exclaimed

"And we were thinking that if you want it doesnt have to be your last mystery with us either." Fred told Laura, her eyes widened.

"Did you just...!" Laura couldn't even get the words out her mouth

"Yes we just invited you into mystery inc.!" Velma finished for her. Laura didn't say anything

"Ya know what; I think it's safe to take that as a yes!" Daphne filled in. Laura nodded. "Laura you are absolutely speechless aren't you?! Wow finally found a way to shut you up." Laura just stuck her tongue out at Daphne. "I think I'm going to enjoy this!" Daphne smiled. At that point there was a knock on the door and it was time to go.
The gang walked out the airport into the sun light. Suddenly Laura felt someone grabbing her from behind automatically she elbowed them, the person realised their grip and Laura turned around to see who it was, her mouth dropped open.

"I am so sorry!" Laura apologized

"Never hugging you from behind again! Oh happy birthday by the way sis." The women said while holding her stomach. Laura went forward and hugged her sister. She had blue eyes and straight brown hair like Laura.

"I am so so sorry!" Laura apologized again.

"Daphne how on earth did you put up with her?" The women asked.

"I really don't know." Daphne replied. "How are you Crystal?" she said hugging her.

"My stomach kinda hurts but apart from the fine thanks you?" Crystal said glaring at Laura playfully. Daphne laughed

"I'm find thanks." She replied. The gang all got introduced to Laura's older sister before heading over to a black range rover sport and putting their suit cases in the boot.

"Hope you guys are hungry, as a thank you for looking after the monster mums invited you to dinner. Is everyone alright to come?" Crystal wondered. Everyone nodded.

"What we having?" Laura wondered

"Oh your favourite, Sushi." Crystal said while getting in the car. Laura climbed into the back.

"No seriously?" Laura asked.

"We really are having Sushi, you see mum forgot to get you a birthday present so she thought as a distraction she will make you clam up on us and have to get rushed to hospital. Of course she wouldn't leave you floundering she's not shell fish." Crystal explained putting emphasis on the sea related words while smiling. Laura looked at her sister.

"You spent ages trying to come up with those jokes didn't you?" Crystal smiled sheepishly

"Lasagne." she admitted avoid any more conversation on her bad jokes. The gang all just laughed

"Why would we have to rush her to the hospital?" Fred wondered

"I'm allergic to seafood." Laura simply said.
It didn't take long to get to Laura's house. Crystal grabbed Laura's suitcase and opened the front door. Laura took her suit case of her sister and dragged it up stairs to her room. It wasn't long before Laura was back tripping down the last few steps on her way. She frowned

"Why is it so quite?" She wondered. Everyone just shrugged. Laura walked through a door way that led into the front room followed by the gang

"Happy birthday!" The people in the room chorused. One woman ran up to Laura and hugged her followed by a man, who the gang assumed to be Laura's parents. The woman had long strait brown hair like her two daughters but brown eyes. The man had ginger hair and blue eyes. He turned to Daphne and gave her a hug.

"How's my favourite niece?" He asked. Daphne smiled

"Your only niece is fine thanks. How is my favourite ginger uncle?" She replied

"Your only ginger uncle is fine thank you. Laura wasn't too much trouble was she?" he then asked

"No, it was great having her there." Daphne said before introducing the rest of the gang. Laura's mum then came over and introduced herself. Then a door from the other side of the room opened and a wheelchair rolled in.

"Oh you couldn't have waited for me could you? I mean a man has to pee sometime" He said rolling over to Laura. "Happy birthday!" Laura bent down and hugged her older brother, Alex, who had brown eyes and ginger hair.

"Thanks." She said. They all had great fun, Daphne's parents even showed up for the party. In the end they didn't go home until nine. Laura gave Daphne a hug. "Thanks for letting me come, I had a great time." She thanked her cousin

"Thanks for not causing too much trouble." Daphne replied.

"And thanks for the present." Laura said to the whole gang hugging them all. "See you soon." They all got in to Crystal's car and Daphne gave her directions to their house.

"Crystal?" Fred asked.

"How can I help you?" She replied.

"If you don't mind me asking, what happened to Alex?" Fred wondered.

"You mean why he is in a wheel chair?" Crystal was silent for a while before saying "It happened when he was 8. Mum was getting some money out to take us all to the cinema and when she turned around a man was standing there with a gun, he told her to give him the money or he would shoot Laura. Of course mum did but Laura was only 4 and she was scared so she did what any other 4 year old would do and she started to cry, drawing attention. The man went to shoot Laura but Alex saw it coming and pushed Laura out the way meaning he got shot himself, paralyzing his legs." Crystal swallowed.

"I'm sorry I should never have asked." Fred apologized. Crystal shook her head.

"Its fine really, I would much prefer you asked me anyway." The rest of the journey was completed in silence until it came to saying good bye. The gang wheeled their suitcases into the house and up to their room. They all said good night and headed to bed.
Daphne awoke that night to a light coming on outside her room; she heard footsteps creeping downstairs and decided to get up to investigate. As she got further down the stairs she could hear the kettle boiling and turning into the kitchen she saw the familiar blond hair of Fred cutely ruffled from turning over in his bed.

"What are you doing up at this time?" She asked, Fred turned and smiled when he saw it was her.

"I could ask you the same thing." He replied pouring the milk into his cup. "Tea?" Daphne just shook her head before taking a seat at the island in the kitchen; she rocked herself back and forth slowly on the spinning chair trying to figure out what she should say next. Luckily for her Fred was one step ahead, coming over and sitting next to her with his newly complete cup of tea he spoke "I couldn't sleep. I can't stop thinking about what happened to Alex. I know it's stupid, I mean I only met him today but..." Fred sighed "I just can't imagine what it must be like to go through something like that." Daphne nodded understanding completely.

"Don't worry the same thing happened to me when I heard, of course I was 10 though so I didn't fully understand. Laura had to stay with us for a while when Alex came home, she was never really the same after that. She lost that happy, hyper active personality all 4 year olds seem to have. Alex is probally the most comfortable with it all; he even makes jokes about it, which his parents hate him doing." A momentary silence filled the room.

"So what are you doing up anyway?" Fred asked

"Oh when you turned the light on upstairs it woke me up. So I thought I should see who was awake at" Daphne checked her watch which she had forgotten to take off "half three in the morning and dared to interrupt my beauty sleep." Fred laughed.

"Come on you and me both know you don't need any beauty sleep." Fred smiled unsure if his cheeks were as red as they felt. Daphne couldn't help but smile as well.

"Well you would say that wouldn't you. You're just to polite. It's like a reflex for you."

"How do you know, what if I genuinely believe that?" Fred looked into Daphne's eyes, searching around in their sky blue just for a sign even a little hint. Nothing. Daphne just stared back into his own trying to stay calm.

"Well then we would have quite the situation on our hands wouldn't we?" Daphne wasn't sure of any other way to reply. She had briefly considered saying 'oh I wish!' but had quickly decided against it knowing it would only lead to a horrible and heart shattering reply. Daphne gave Fred a quick smile before standing up "I'm gunna head back to bed. Night." and with that she turned around and hurried up the stairs. Fred nodded even though Daphne couldn't see him.

"Night Daph." He replied.
It was an hour since Daphne had come back up stairs; she was yet to hear Fred come up. She tossed and turned wishing her bed was more comfortable. She had just found a comfortable spot and was going over what had happened downstairs when her eyes widened as she realised something important. Laura and Velma where right! Now Daphne knew why it felt so different to all her past crushes. She was in love.

And that my friends im affraid is it! The final chapter! I wasnt over the moon about the start of this chapter but i felt the end was better, why dont you guys tell me what you thought by placing a review in that little box bellow then just hit the review button and voila! Thank you to everyone who has read my story and an even bigger thank you to any one who has reviewed even the small short reviews make all the difference! A special thank you to Jazzola who has stuck with me throught this story and all of my others. You really are a great author,person and friend i dont know where i would be without you, honestly! Once more thanks for reading!

Fire :) x