Night World Chat (NWC)

Chat room: Soulmate and Friends

Thierry: VampLord

Hannah: theOldsoul

Ash: Headoverheals

Mary-Lynnette: Shinkicker

Quinn: Badandlovenit

Rachel: Thiskittenhasclaws

Jez: HalfandHalf

Morgead: toughGuy

Maggie: theDeliverer

Delos: princeofDarkness

Iliana: witchChild

Keller: ArmedandDangerus

Galen: GoldenGuy

Day one

Thiskittenhasclaws: has logged on

ArmedandDangerus: has logged on

HalfandHalf: has logged on

HalfandHalf: Hello?

Thiskittenhasclaws: I'm going to take a wild guess…Jez?

HalfandHalf: *gasps mockingly* How did ya know?

ArmedandDangerus: There aren't that many half-bloods that I know of

Thiskittenhasclaws: whoa whats with the HP reference?



Thiskittenhasclaws: is the mighty Keller… reading?

ArmedandDangerus: um…

HalfandHalf: hahaha

ArmedandDangerus: *growling*

Thiskittenhasclaws: Jez is in trouble!

ArmedandDangerus: has logged off

HalfandHalf: naw I can take her im a wild power remember?

Thiskittenhasclaws: …

HalfandHalf: hay! where'd she-

HalfandHalf: has logged off

Thiskittenhasclaws: ….

Thiskittenhasclaws: has logged off