Don't eat me. Please. I'm sorry I haven't been able to update in…um….Awhile. I kind got distracted then forgot. So any way back up and ready to roll! Chapter Ten here we go! (I made a rhyme!)

Day 8

Headoverheals: has logged on

Shinkicker: has logged on

Headoverheals: hey M'Lyn

Shinkicker: Ash.

Headoverheals: what's wrong?

Shinkicker: oh, nothing.

Headoverheals: M'Lyn…

Shinkicker: You don't want one do you…

Headoverheals: want one what?

Shinkicker: The pregnancy scare with Hannah got me thinking

Headoverheals: You call her Hannah? Not Lady Hannah?

Shinkicker: Of course we are friends. Just like you and Thierry.

(a/n always thought that Hannah and Mare would be friends since they are both humans with vampire soulmates. Same with Thierry and Ash, but vice-versa)

Headoverheals: right.

Shinkicker: Anyway I was thinking about us and the fact that you

Headoverheals: I what?

Shinkicker: that you don't want a kid

Headoverheals: …

Shinkicker: I see I was right

Headoverheals: M'lyn

Shinkicker: don't M'lyn me it's nothing. Not that important.

Headoverheals: Do you want to tell me something?

Shinkicker: Not really

princeofDarkness: has logged on

Headoverheals: M'lyn I think we need to have a talk

Thiskittenhasclaws: has logged on

Shinkicker: I don't wanna talk

Headoverheals: M'lyn please we need to talk

Shinkicker: fine let's talk.

Headoverheals and Shinkicker: have logged out

Thiskittenhasclaws: okay…I guess there is some unresolved sexual tension there.

princeofDarkness: right

Thiskittenhasclaws: you know what sex is?

princeofDarkness: I may not be good with all this techy-blheck , but I'm not Iliana

Thiskittenhasclaws: really

princeofDarkness: yeah even in the dark ages everyone who was at least 10 knew about sex

Thiskittenhasclaws: oh

princeofDarkness: yeah the nobility even had lessons about it

(a/n don't know if it's true, but my minds taken a vacation to the gutter at the moment)

Thiskittenhasclaws: have you …

princeofDarkness: yeah *shudders*

Thiskittenhasclaws: those poor maids

princeofDarkness: no we had to…um…do it with the other nobility

Thiskittenhasclaws: ahh… so you must have had sex before Maggie

princeofDarkness: yeah, my father used to send "gifts" to my room

Thiskittenhasclaws: you must be good then

princeofDarkness: what?

Thiskittenhasclaws: no wonder Maggie raves about the sex

princeofDarkness: she does?

Thiskittenhasclaws: wait does Maggie know this?

princeofDarkness: No, she knew I wasn't a virgin, but not that….

princeofDarkness: please don't tell her

Thiskittenhasclaws: you're dirty little secret is safe with me

princeofDarkness: gee thanks

Thiskittenhasclaws: I could always tell-

princeofDarkness: What I mean was thank you most respected hunter

Thiskittenhasclaws: that's better

princeofDarkness: I gotta go Maggie's calling

Thiskittenhasclaws: have fun! ;)

princeofDarkness: bye

princeofDarkness: has logged off

Thiskittenhasclaws: has logged off

IwillRuletheWorld: has logged on

IwillRuletheWorld: another secret! They will soon FALL! MUAHAHAHAHAH!

IwillRuletheWorld: has logged off