Demyx's Marshmallow

Pairing: Demyx/Zexion

Rating: T

Disclaimer: Axel's hair is red, Saix's blue, I don't own, so please don't sue!

Summary: Demyx challenges Zexion to a contest, to see who can abstain from "marshmallows" for the longest.

A/N: Sorry about the extended abscence. Shit happened. Exams got a bit hectic, I got rejected by a guy a really liked (And he's now dating my best friend), I went overseas. Then my cousin died and I got hit really bad by writer's block. I got rejected by another guy, and to top it all off, I discovered Facebook. Trust me, if you're not already on Facebook, don't go. It's pure evil.

"So I heard about this new study thing that some people did,"

Zexion opened one eye to glare at Demyx as he walked in, then shut it again, resigned to the loss of his peaceful quiet.

"What," He growled in the direction of the walking interruption.

Demyx grinned and revealed the packet of (fat-free) marshmallows he was holding behind his back.

"The idea is to measure how successful a kid is gonna be when it grows up and stuff by putting it in a room with a marshmallow and telling it not to eat it for fifteen minutes. If the brat doesn't eat the marshmallow, it gets two marshmallows. And the kids who don't eat the marshmallow are the ones who grow up into lawyers and doctors and other important-type people.

"Does this have any relevance whatsoever to any topic I would be remotely interested in?"

"Yes it does, Zexy- I challenge you!"

"… Really."

"Yep. If you can hold off eating the marshmallow for longer than me, you can have two!"

"I don't eat marshmallows. This won't be very difficult for me."

"Just try it"

Barely five minutes later, Demyx was already squirming. He and Zexion were sitting at a table, staring at a marshmallow, which was the sole adornment of said table. Zexion didn't looked at all overcome with his need for marshmallowy yumminess. Demyx, on the other hand, was literally unable to restrain himself.

"Want a marshmallow!" he whined.

Zexion glared.

"Wait ten minutes and have however many marshmallows you want, just shut up about the damn things in the mean time," he snapped.

Nine minutes into the competition, Demyx's resolve failed him. Hr reached out one hand, only to be stopped by Zexion grabbing his wrist. He blinked.

"You were about to win…"

"Tough it out, Demyx. There's a reward at the end, remember?"

Suddenly, Demyx found his extra reserves of patience.

Neither spoke for the remainder of the contest.

"Congratulations. You managed to go fifteen minutes without a marshmallow. You must be so proud."

Zexion's sarcasm was not lost on Demyx. It did, however, go unrebutted, as the younger nobody had far more important issues to deal with.

"Where's my reward?" He asked.

Zexion rolled his eyes, both the visible and not-so visible, and reached for the packet that was resting against the leg of the table.

"Not what I meant, Zexy," Demyx said.

Zexion looked back up at his companion and opened his mouth to protest the nickname- but was silenced by Demyx leaning forward and kissing him, clumsily (headbutting him in the process). When Demyx pulled away, Zexion was sitting in a kind of dazed stupor.

"See? I really did resist my "marshmallow" for twenty minutes," the blond musician said with a cheeky grin.

Zexion just growled and grabbed the front of Demyx's robe to pull him in for another kiss.

After another fifteen minutes had passed, Zexion caught himself thinking that perhaps marshmallows weren't so foul-tasting after all.