"But I'm not evil!" Reid exclaimed, his hands lifted in the air as if they could ward off the accusation.

"No," Prentiss conceded, "But wouldn't you be willing to use unconventional, possibly deadly means if you thought it would help all of mankind?"

"I think you would," Garcia said in a sing song voice. She tilted back in her chair and flashed a sweet smile when Reid frowned at her. Reid pressed his lips into a thin line and exhaled slowly through his nose.

He ran his fingers through his hair, eyes narrowed and focused on the middle distance as he thought, then suddenly snapped his fingers and smiled. "Peter Parker! I have a lot more in common with Spiderman than I do with Ozymandias."

Prentiss tilted her head to the side and gave him a considering look before nodding slowly. "Okay, I could see that. But I don't think that anyone would argue that Garcia isn't a perfect Oracle."

"Was there ever any doubt?" Garcia hooked her arm through Morgan's and peered up at him through her eyelashes with a flirty smile. "You'll be my Nightwing, right?"

Morgan arched an eyebrow and smiled uncertainly. "Do I want to be a 'Nightwing'?"

Prentiss chewed thoughtfully on the end of her pen. "Considering his uniform is a whole lot of black spandex?" She exchanged a look with Garcia and they both snickered. "Oh yeah, I think you do."

Morgan still didn't look entirely convinced. He disengaged himself from Garcia and inched a little closer to Reid-who was looking a little too thoughtfully at the insides of his wrists-like he could help protect him from the two women openly leering at him.

Hotch, who had been absorbed in conversation with Rossi and JJ, looked up and frowned. "Okay, that's enough. Can we focus now? We actually have a case that's close enough that we can go home at night. I'd personally like to take advantage of that and be in my own bed before midnight."

Even Reid was glancing between the paper-covered board and Hotch with a mixture of puzzlement and borderline awe. "I still don't see the connection. How did you figure it out?"

"How? Come on, who the hell do you guys think I am?" Hotch's lips quirked and he looked slowly around at the team. "You can keep your spiderwebs and computers. I'm the world's greatest detective." He placed a hand flat down on the cluttered table top and leaned forward, his dark eyes suddenly intense. His mouth curved into a sharp, predatory smile. "I'm the goddamn Batman."

Without another word, he gathered an armful of papers and strode out of the conference room.

After a long, stunned silence, Garcia fanned herself with a folder and whistled lowly, her eyes wide. "Am I the only one who thought that was freaking hot?"

Prentiss and JJ, who were both leaning sideways in their chairs as they watched their section chief walk back toward his office, said, almost in unison, "No."

Inspired by my Criminal Minds Superhero post on livejournal (coffeebuddha [dot] livejournal [dot] com/49727 [dot] html) and something luredin said in the comments. Seriously, people, don't leave me alone with your plot bunnies.