Part Quartos!

"Hey, Tamari," I shoved the pictures in my bag, "how's it going?" Gaara had gotten completely still, as in hope that if he was still enough she wouldn't see him. I looked behind me, and almost started baughing, a blue haired Tamari was glaring at me. Bad move, she was now madder. I noticed Kankuro and sent him a pleading look; I got a mouthed 'no' in reply. I focused on Tamari, she looked… evil…

"Gaara you can stay at my house, but now we gotta- RUN!" On the last word Gaara and I took off, "Kiba, get our stuff!" 'K!" I noticed Tamari was close behind… Run faster little legs, faster!

"The roof!" I declared, we spun off in the direction of the stairs, "No you don't!" Kankuro stood in our way. I slid over Sasuke's table, with Gaara in tow, leaving a pissed raven behind. "Gaara, we have to get to the safe house!" So we ran across the cafeteria, the football field, and random patches off grass to the tree house on the edge of the school grounds.

Back in the cafeteria

"They have to come home some time…" and Tamari walked off with Kankuro at her heels. The hole cafeteria shivered, they pitied the two boys, but they did deserve it.

After a few minuets Kiba asked, "Dude, do you think they'll be back next period?" I don't think so…" was Shino's reply. "I vote we tell Iruka-sensei, he'll think something out!" "No need Kibbles," an out of breath Naruto said. "Does she know where I live now?" "No, at least I don't think so." Gaara replied.

"Why did we bring her from Suna again?" I asked. "Well, my parent wouldn't let me stay here with just you,' he paused, while we stared at each other, "and it's not like they want her there without us to torture." "Your parents suck…" I mumbled. "So, am I staying at your house?" he asked. "Of course! I wouldn't leave you alone with that mad woman!" As I screamed this, witch the whole cafeteria could hear, I hugged Gaara protectively.

"Stop the gay stuff, Noooooooo!" Kiba screamed, quite loudly, covering his eyes. I rolled my eyes, "Gaara, I'm gonna shoe you all this town has to offer!" I swung my arms around dramatically. "The arcade, the diners, Iciraku's, the movies, the lake, everything!" he smiled at me, "Arigatou, Naru-chan." I bushed full force, we may not be dating, but were both still gay, and his innocent face was freaking adorable!

I coughed, still blushing, he replied with a small smile. "Uh, this gay couple-stuff is grossing me out." Kiba said, I smirked, "You say that after you were groping Shino." They both blushed and looked away, I laughed, quite loudly. "I think schools gonna be fun."

As we walked to our next class, I thought about… everything, my childhood, Suna, Gaara, Kibbles, and everyone I had met. "'ruto, you ok?" Gaara whispered. "Yeah, just thinking." He looked like he wanted to talk, but he let it slide. That reminded me, if Gaara liked someone else, I had to do the boy-friend thing, stalk him and see if he was better than me. I'd get Kiba to help. A plan formed in my head, to get Kiba to help, I'd say: "Hey Kibs, do you think Gaara would cheat on me?" with my innocent eyes, I'd tell him that Gaara was staring at Neji, when he wants to rip Gaara's throat out, I'd say: "Man, I want the best for Gaa, I want to see if this guy is good enough." After which, he would agree and my plan would commence.

While planning this, I didn't see the dark pair of eyes, not Sai, watching me. I looked up to see Gaara watching Kiba and Shino. Kiba was waving his hands around, normal Kibs, but what caught my eye, was how close they were standing. Yes, this schools gonna be fun.

And with an evil laugh we entered English, where more people stared at me, and the teacher, I later found out was named Anko, tried to throw my out the window. The thing is, we were on the second floor…

Bloody English teachers.