It had nearly been eight full months since the truce between Providence and Abysus. During the last eight months significant changes had been implemented into standard Providence protocol. No longer were people being sterilized after being cured. Instead they were given a real thorough exam to ensure they were safe and healthy thanks to Dr. Holiday's tireless efforts. Noah, who had become a junior agent, was working diligently with his family to make restorations to all the people hurt by the sterilization and ensuring that the dreaded vaccine had been taken back to research and development. Six had been very busy training the agents in the new EVO protocols ensuring that no more mistakes would be made when it came to EVOs.

Perhaps the most remarkable changes being made in Providence were the ones with Rex and Circe who were now both sixteen. White Knight had made it very clear he was not happy being forced into housing a pregnant Abysus Teenage Ambassador and her android chaperon, but his granddaughter threat prevented him from carrying out his plans. For Circe the responsibility of helping EVOs all over the world and undoing the damage Van Kliess had done was a daunting task, but she had made small victories by convincing the UN not to retaliate against Abysus thanks to her years of being a blue blooded Boston girl. She was hoping that after she gave birth that she could convince the UN to allow Abysus a second chance to join.

Speaking of her pregnancy it had been the scariest and happiest time of her life. When Rex wasn't busy helping her protect the EVO population or curing them he was busy preparing for the birth of their child. Providence had given them their own personal suite to live in (Bobo got to keep Rex's old room). With some help they had purchased everything they needed and had read over a dozen parenting books. Van Kliess and Seven of Nine had agreed to help out a bit after the birth. Even coming to Providence for short visits under heavy guard to give the new parents a break. With the birth of their child, the first one to be born to an EVO pair, fast approaching there wasn't much to do, but make sure Circe's was healthy and pick out a name.

At the moment Doc was in the lab with Holiday reviewing Circe's latest test results. The android had spared no expense ensuring the safety and health of the unborn baby. With Holiday's help the two of then had performed amniocenteses, an extensive and detailed genetic test on both parents, and even with the use of special probe scanned the baby for any rare diseases. So far all the tests had been normal. "I've been reviewing Circe's latest sonogram and I'm pleased that the fetus has dropped down and the placenta is still attached to the uterus wall. The baby's heart rate was normal and I saw no cord problems so Circe should be able to deliver vaginally in week and half's time. Has she been following your advice as well Ms. Holiday?"

"Circe has been taking all her prenatal vitamins, doing light exercise, and not using her powers. The change in blood flow when Circe uses her second mouth could deprive the baby of oxygen so she's been very diligent about that. As long as she keeps off her feet and continues to get her daily check up I don't see her losing the baby. I have to say I'm very excited about the thought of a new life being born here. So much of the time Providence is about containing or taking life away. Now we have a chance to help shape the destiny of a very special child. I have to say I'm nervous and I'm not even the mother!"

"The only issue you should be nervous about Dr. Holiday is if that child's nanites are active the minutes it's born," White Knight said, his screen lighting up and intruding in on the two doctor's conversation. "Thanks to my granddaughter's threats we are in the dark about the level of nanite activity in the child. We have to be prepared for any contingency included the possibility that the child will have to be contained after birth."

"Sir, Lord Van Kliess and Dr. Hansen have made it clear that any unprovoked or unwarranted attempts on the family's life would be a direct violation of the treaty and consist of an act of war. I can assure you Dr. Holiday and I have been monitoring the nanite activity in both mother and child and there has been no sign of anything unusual. Your fears are not necessary. If there is any sign of danger or trouble I or Agent Six can handle it. Instead of envisioning all the things that could go wrong perhaps you should be prepping the medical staff or buying a gift for Circe's baby shower."

White Knight stared down the android before speaking. "I'm not the partying type. If you recall I'm not thrilled with this birth for several reasons including that our weapon in this war will be distracted from his duties as a father. He's already been distracted enough caring for his girlfriend. I wouldn't be surprised if he married her. This is all wrong!"

"Sir, is it so wrong to hope that a child from two opposing sides can bring peace? EVO activity has actually gone down as more of them are cure or make their way to Abysus. Rex hasn't been distracted by his new responsibilities rather they have matured him and made him a better solider. Change is good sir and I don't think even you want to go back to the way it was before."

"Watch your tone Holiday you can always be replaced. Keep me updated on the situation and if Rex's uncle or my granddaughter decide to stop by for a visit inform me at once," White Knight said before vanishing from the screen. Holiday slumped down against the computer council exhausted. The door to the lab hissed open and in walked Six, Noah, and Bobo. It looked like their last mission had been a success and no major injuries had been sustained. Six took one look at her and asked, "What happened? Did White Knight threaten you again?"

"Doesn't he always Kaori? He's really not looking forward to the birth of this child. He thinks the birth will signal the end of the world or something. How was your mission?"

"Let's just say Gambon has a new crater thanks to Bobo ticking off the local wildlife. Noah and I had managed to contain the rampaging animal EVO and Rex was moving in for the cure when Bobo had the whole elephant heard rampaging towards us."

"Hey, I was at fault there really! How was I supposed to know that tree trunk was an elephant leg?"

"I don't know Bobo why not use your sense of smell? All I know is that I nearly got stomped to death because of your mistake! You're lucky Rex cured the matriarch of the herd or we had been flat as pancakes. This is not what I signed up for," Noah muttered. "Hey where did Rex go?" He got an answer when shouting could be heard coming from the couples suite. "Not again. You think the two of them would have settled the argument about baby names by now. What round is this? Seven? Eight?"

"It's ten. They both agreed to pick one name for the child based on gender and movie preference for some reason. Why they did that is beyond my comprehension," Six responded smoothly. "I hope they resolve this soon otherwise maintenance is going to have to repair the suite again."

The two teens were in their spacious and deluxe living room throwing insults at one another again. The room had soft plush carpets, cheery arts and craft style furniture and beautiful artwork and curio around the room. Photos of the two of them and the rest of their "family" were hung on top of the pseudo fireplace mantel. The walls were a soft yellow with blue trim. Normally the couple was very harmonious helping and supporting each other, but not at the moment.

Ever since Circe had enter her third trimester the fears and responsibilities of the two teens seem to overwhelm them spilling out in ridiculous arguments. Maintenance once had to come in and repair the nursery because Rex had thrown a fit and torn off the kitty and puppy dog wallpaper on the wall claiming it was to girly. Circe had retaliated by throwing out all the pizza and soda saying the junk food was going to kill her and the baby. Their current argument was what to call the baby.

"For the last time Rex we will not name the baby if its boy after a lion king and cocky horse! Can imagine the complex our child will have growing up with the name Simba (Lion King), Buck (Home on the Range) Van Kliess? He'd been teased by every kid in school!" Circe shouted, wheezing a bit. Instead of her normal attire she was draped in a comfortable red maternity dress with fuzzy bunny slippers. It had been a gift from Seven of Nine saying Circe needed to relax and calm down.

"And your name choice is any better? You want to name our daughter after a Disney princess who didn't make the cut and little mouse girl from a Sherlock style movie. Eilonwy (Black Cauldron) Olivia (The Great Mouse Detective) Winchester? When did we agree the child wouldn't be sharing my last name at least?" Rex was wearing a mix of his old clothes and the ones he got at Van Kliess. He had switched out the gloves and boots for his old ones, but kept the rest of it. He was extremely tired from the mission in Gambian and had come back to his suite excited that he had finally found the perfect name for his son? That was when Circe started screaming again.

"Probably around the same time I told you I wasn't ready to think about marriage! You always think you have to be right don't you Rex? If things aren't done your way then you throw a fit. What about what I want huh? I'm the mother here, the bringer of the new hope for human and EVO kind? You think its easy meeting with world leaders while getting looks of disapproval because you're a runaway team mom? No, you wouldn't because you always had Providence or Van Kliess taking care of you!"

"Don't put words in my mouth Circe! It's not any easier for me! Half the time I get my ass kicked before I can even get the chance to talk to EVOs. Earning their trust to the point I can offer them a choice is sometimes next impossible. Then I have to deal with the crap the other Providence and governmental agencies are giving me when I try to talk to them about policy change and EVO rights! So why don't you cut me some slack!"

"Rex you're going to ugh," Circe let out small gasp. Rex rushed over to and helped her recline into the glider chair. "Are you alright? Is the baby in distress? Should I get Doc or Holiday?"

"Calm down our daughter (son!) was just giving me a little kick to let me know she doesn't appreciate all this tension. Isn't that right sweetie? You hate it when mommy wails on your bolt for brains daddy isn't that right?" Circe said, gently stroking her swollen belly.

"Hey, don't listen to a word she says son. Your mom may be a former aristocrat, but she doesn't know the first thing about fun," Rex jokes, and then he took notice of Circe's face. "I really got to learn to think before I speak. Circe, what's really wrong? It's not just work or the baby is it?"

"Rex, its nothing you need to be concerned about. I have a grip on it really. Ow! Hey I'm being honest here! Ow! Oh you just won't let mommy off the hook will you? You remind me of your grandmother baby girl. She could always tell when I was lying," Circe commented softly. Her face was very sad.

"Circe, I know you met with your parents about a month or so ago when you were doing diplomatic work in Boston. What happened? Please tell me."

"It wasn't the happiest of reunions Rex. I was with Doc and my usual escorts were talking with some of the most influncetal people in America hoping to negotiate trade and health care for Abysus when my parents showed up. They almost didn't recognize their little water sprite with how much I've changed. I don't know how, but they convinced me to have lunch with them. I should have never agreed to it."

"That bad huh?"

"Worse, nothing had really changed. They still disowned me and thought I was a freak not to say I hadn't tarnished the family name by getting pregnant out of wedlock and working for the world's biggest threat proclaiming his ideals to the world. My mother was so insistent saying that I should give her the baby and let her raise it to be a proper member of society. That had no idea what challenges I was facing or what awful horrors I could bring about to my unborn baby. I got so fed up I nearly screamed at them! I've been on edge ever since. Rex, what kind of mom will I be with role models like them?"

"Hey at least you remember having parents and being a kid, I don't have any of that. Forget what your mom said she doesn't know anything. You'll be a great mom and I think our little one is agreement right?" Rex said, feeling the baby kick. "Why don't you sing our little one's song so he/she goes to sleep?"

Circe smiled and stared rocking back and force smiling. Her arms cradled her stomach and she began to sing softly a song that she thought fit her baby to a T. It was a song called Who I Am by Jessica Andrew.

If I live to be a hundred
And never see the seven wonders
That'll be alright
If I don't make it to the big leagues
If I never win a Grammy
I'm gonna be just fine
'Cause I know exactly who I am

I am Rosemary's granddaughter
The spitting image of my father
And when the day is done
My momma's still my biggest fan
Sometimes I'm clueless and I'm clumsy
But I've got friends who love me
And they know just where I stand
It's all a part of me
And that's who I am

So when I make big mistake
When I fall flat on my face
I know I'll be alright
Should my tender heart be broken
I will cry those teardrops knowin'
I will be just fine
'Cause nothin' changes who I am

I am Rosemary's granddaughter
The spitting image of my father
And when the day is done
My momma's still my biggest fan
Sometimes I'm clueless and I'm clumsy
But I've got friends who love me
And they know just where I stand
It's all a part of me
And that's who I am

I'm a saint and I'm a sinner
I'm a loser, I'm a winner
I'm am steady and unstable
I am young but I'm able

I am Rosemary's granddaughter
The spitting image of my father
And when the day is done
My momma's still my biggest fan
Sometimes I'm clueless and I'm clumsy
But I've got friends who love me
And they know just where I stand
It's all a part of me
And that's who I am

I am Rosemary's granddaughter
The spitting image of my father
And when the day is done
My momma's still my biggest fan
Sometimes I'm clueless and I'm clumsy
But I've got friends who love me
And they know just where I stand
It's all a part of me
And that's who I am.

Circe drifted off to a gentle slumber and Rex place a blanket over her. Smiling he went to the bedroom and grew a small bush before infusing it with metal. With this hybrid he was able to contact Van Kliess secretly through the plant network without being detected by White Knight. It took a few seconds, but soon Rex was connected. "Hey Biowulf how are you doing today?"

"I have few complaints. Seven of Nine finally managed to get rid of the flea problem."

"I bet that's a relief. Hey, can you get my uncle? I need to talk to him about something important?" A few minutes later Van Kliess was on the line smiling happy to hear from his nephew. They hadn't had much unmonitored contact over the last several months so it was a nice change of pace to be able to talk freely without being watched. "Hey Uncle Shaka, how are you doing today?"

"Much better thank you for asking. Anya's latest experiment has help stabilize my nanites for longer periods of time than before. Hopefully soon I can stop draining others of their nanites to stay healthy."

"That's great to hear! It's so hard to help convince EVOs to go to Abysus when they think they might end up snack food for you if they become out of control. Its nice to know Abysus is taking shape."

"Yes it is Rex, thanks to your efforts our dreams are becoming a reality, but I have a feeling that isn't why you called me Rex. Is everything going alright with you and Circe? I know that last time we spoke the two you were having some minor altercations."

"It's cool really Uncle nothing wrong per say it's just, Circe told me about her impromptu visit with her parents. It didn't go so well."

"Considering their bigamist thoughts towards our kind and the fact they tried to hand off their daughter for sterilization I'm not surprised. I can only surmise they tried to convince her to give them the baby when it's born."

Rex nodded his head. "Circe told them flat out no way, but the conversation has left her doubting her abilities to be a good mom. I mean lets face it both of us are teens who really haven't had the easiest of lives and have major responsibilities to the world. How are we going to raise this child, both as a symbol of EVO kind and as regular parents if we don't have any good role models? I don't even remember my father so what right do I have to try and be one?"

"I was wondering if that's what was bothering you. Rex, I may have never been a real father, but I can tell you from experience with helping Wilhelmina and Kacancu raise you and Ron. Both of you were a handful especially you Rex. You were such a wild child that you made your father cry from time to time. Even Ron couldn't keep up with you, but Wilhelmina usually got you to behave by reading to you."

"I wish I could remember them. Sometimes I think I'm on the brink of getting a memory back, but then it fades. You don't know what its like to stare at the only picture you have of your family and be fraught with desire to know more."

"I do Rex believe me I understand more then you can imagine. Listen to me okay? You may not have memories of your family, but the way the raised you can be seen in the way you behave and think. I know my brother and his wife would have been proud of you and the way you're taking care of your family. Don't agonize over being the ideal father; just be the best you can be. Now remember to call me after the birth so I can arrange a lovely guarded visit with my grandniece alright?"

"I promise Uncle. I can't wait to see you and the rest of the Pack again. Oh and Uncle Shaka, thanks for the encouragement."

"Any time my boy any time."

The next few days went by without incident. Circe seemed to have recovered from the incident with her parents and the couple had finished setting up the nursery with the gifts the family had gotten them for the baby shower. Holiday had knitted a soft lilac baby blanket with pictures of animals on it. Six had given them a new digital camera and photo album to create their own baby book. Bobo gave them a stuffed monkey and Noah's family had contributed by getting the latest baby monitors on the market so they could keep an eye on their child when they were on missions. Doc had given them sets of clothes. Even Callan and White Knight had contributed bye getting loads of diapers and a rattle. Everything was coming together nicely.

Circe was in the lab getting a final check up with Rex standing by her side. He was a little squeamish around all the OB-GYN equipment. Circe was looking at the ultrasound machine and listening to the fetal heart monitor. "Well Doc how does everything look in there? Is the baby okay?"

"The baby is doing just fine and the ultrasound shows a perfectly healthy baby of forty weeks. The baby's turned and by all the activity I'm seeing I think you can expect you to go into labor any day now," Doc responded, as he finished the examination.

"That's good to hear. I'm done being fat! I want this baby out of me now!"

"Circe, please try to remain calm. Your blood pressure is a little higher then we like it to be. Your stress test also tells me you've been experiencing some anxiety lately. You haven't been doing anything that would cause these results?"

"Holiday I can assure you that Circe hasn't been using her powers and that I've kept her stress level down. We wouldn't ah Circe your killing me!"


"What's wrong Circe? Where's the pain oh my lord, Doc her water just broke!"

"What broke, hey where are you taking her? What's going on?"

"Circe's water broke signaling the beginning of labor! Call the OB team to labor and delivery stat! I want the nurses ready with NICU incubator incase something goes wrong. Doc, take Circe to L&D I'll be there shortly. Come on Rex we need to get you sterile. You're going to become a father tonight," Holiday informed the shocked teen as he was dragged away.

Several hours later Noah, Bobo along with Six and several security guards were waiting outside the delivery room. Rex had cut the video link to the room to keep White out causing him to fume. He had almost ordered them to blow the doors off the hinges and secure the room when Six reminded him of his promise. Screams and shouts of pain could be heard from inside.

"Good grief you think she was dying in there. Not even my simian cousins made this much of fuss when they were giving birth," Bobo complained.

"You did not just compare Circe to a monkey did you? I wish we could be in there to support Rex. When my mom had Noelani she nearly broke my dad's hand because of the contractions. Can't they give her an epidural?" Noah questioned. Another loud curse followed by the sounds of machines being shoved into the wall could be heard.

"In this case that's not an option. Because of the unique situation surrounding the birth and unknown factors of how the drugs would effect the status of the baby's nanites Circe has to give birth naturally. I'm sure she's fine and so is Rex. The boy can take down an army of insane EVOs. I'm sure he can handle his girlfriend giving birth."

"REX I'M GOING TO KILL YOU!" Circe screamed as another contraction hit. This one felt like her entire insides were being rearranged and upside down. After her water broke unexpectedly she had dilated from one to ten centimeters in a matter of three hours. Things had happened fast and she found herself gowned and getting ready to bear down. Rex was fighting the urge to morph his hands to avoid them being crushed as she continued to push. Sweat poured down her face, her hair was greatly disheveled and she was exhausted. "I can't do this. It hurts too much!"

"The baby's already crowning Circe, just a few more pushes and you'll be a mom. Team please stand by," Holiday urged as she got ready to catch the baby. Doc was ready to assist and run his checks.

"Come on you can do it Circe! You're the strongest person I know. This should be easy! Remember to breath and then push ah!" Rex groaned, as his hand was crushed again.

Circe groaned and pushed. Holiday kept urging her. Gritting her teeth she bore down and pushed with all her might. A slurping sound was heard and she sank into the bed as the sounds of a baby crying filled the room. "Is the baby okay? What is it?"

"Congratulations both of you! You have a perfectly healthy baby girl! Rex, you want to cut the cord?" Holiday said, lifting the squirming and bawling baby. Rex was crying tears of joy as he gently cut his daughters cord. Doc whisked her over to the Team who started running their health and nanite checks. "Okay no time to celebrate. Circe you need deliver the after birth and then you can see your baby."

"Right! This should be easy after delivering the baby," Circe said. A few minutes later the placenta was delivered and the baby was all cleaned up. She passed her Apgar, birth diseases screening, and her nanites were deactivate. She was a perfectly healthy normal girl weighing 9lbs 5 oz and measuring 26 inches.

"Hello little Eilonwy Olivia Van Kliess. I'm your mommy and this knucklehead over here is your daddy. You don't know how long I've been waiting to meet you," Circe cooed as she cradled her baby close to her chest. Rex stroked place a comforting hand on her shoulder before gently stroking his daughter's cheek. "She's perfect isn't she Rex? She even looks like you don't you think?"

"Yeah she has my skin, hair, and eyes, but your smile and nose. She's so beautiful. I can't believe the two of us created this little person," Rex said in awe. He was surprised when Circe handed him Eilonwy to hold. He was so afraid he might drop her, but once his daughter was in his arms he couldn't stop staring at this miracle. The entire world just faded away so he didn't hear his friends coming in to congratulate him or give him fake cigars nor did he hear the conversation between Holiday, Doc and White Knight assuring them the child wasn't a threat. The only thing that mattered at that particular moment was his family and the joy for the future it gave him.