The Naka River gurgled as it passed through the reeds on its bank, almost masking the weary sighs of a resting ninja. Aoba felt the weight of his worries as he lay amongst the Naka's banks. Seeing Itachi in passing, just a few short days ago had brought back painful memories of Obito. Poor Obito, who had been his only friend as a child while dealing with the pressures of being a true child of the Uchiha. The reeds cushioned his back, calling him to sleep and discard his worries. Eyes weary by worry closed finally in slumber in answer to the reeds call.

Unknown to the slumbering ninja, was another presence among the reeds. Itachi looked on as his cousin lay sleeping among the reeds. Even in sleep, Aoba appeared troubled, and Itachi could guess quite easily, what was plaguing his cousin's mind. When they had seen each other in passing a few days ago, Aoba had clearly been thinking of Obito when he had looked at him.