Dear Phans,

This introduction is targeted towards Phans have only had knowledge of the famous musical, and no other versions of the story. In 1925, Universal released its "super jewel" ( or big budget production) of "The Phantom of Opera". The film starred Lon Chaney, Mary Philbin, Norman Kerry, and a cast of thousands. In the medium of film, it is the most famous version of Phantom. Lon Chaney's make-up as the Phantom is the closest to the original deformity described in Gaston Leroux's novel.(if you don't know who Leroux is, then what the hell is wrong with you?). Anyway, this version has been my favorite version of the story(on film), and is my favorite silent film to date. Also, many Phans consider this version to be one of the most faithful adaptations to the original Leroux novel. However, there are significant changes. For one, the Persian in the film is not the Persian! Its sad isn't it? He is my favorite character in the novel(right behind Erik) and he is barely the character he was in the novel? Argh! He also did not know Erik in his past. Adding to that, the film does not speak of Persia, rather that he was an escapee from Devil's Island. Also, the biggest change of all, the ending. Now we all know that Christine was to redeem Erik with her kiss, and he was to release her and Raoul, correct? Not in the 1925 film! However, they did shoot that scene. The only thing was the time period the film was released in. Erik was considered to be a villain, and villains were not allowed to redeem himself or anything.

He instead notices the mob is coming, and takes Christine away. He also steals Raoul's carriage, and is about to run off with Christine, but she jumps out, the carriage falls over, and Erik is forced to run. He then is on the edge of the Seine River, and the mob has his cornered on both sides. But wait! He has taken something out of his coat pocket! He claims to have a bomb within his fist! The people are scared stiff. Then, just to tease them, he opens his hand to reveal, nothing! The mob throws him into the river, and the final shots show bubbles in the Seine...

So the final ending in my opinion is kind of opened ended, especially since that there were rumors about making a sequel, known as "The Return of the Phantom". I cannot say whether these rumors are true or not, but it still interests me very much. I have decided to write what I thought could have happened in this sequel. Hopefully, you will all enjoy this. If not, I hope I gave Phantom Phans, who are unaware of the 1925 some interesting POTO facts...

Your Obedient Friend,
