King: Thanks for the feedback. Here's chapter 2 for ya.





Disclaimer: I don't own Naruto.


Naruto's eyes slowly opened as the visage of Harley's home entered his sight.

"Good morning master! I was told to tell you to go to the Academy as soon as you awakened, is there anything else I can do for you Kupo." Mog said twirling as Naruto rubbed the sleep out of his eyes.

"No thank you Mog, I should be able to handle myself." Naruto threw his Ninja Dressphere in the air and tugged on his clothes."Alright I'm good to go, any idea where Val and sensei are Mog?" Naruto asked grabbing his satchel.

"Ms. Harley is down stairs running the shop, and young Val is already at the academy, today is the day teams will be assigned Kupo." Naruto gave Mog a wave as he ran downstairs to greet his teacher.

"I see you're awake Naruto, you better hurry to the Academy, you would not want to be late on your first day, and please remember you are representing me out there." Harley said with a smile on her face.

"Haha, nothing to worry about Harley-sensei, you're looking at the future Hokage here." With a 2 finger salute, Naruto made his way to the Academy. As Naruto left the store a dark look came over Harley's face.

'I probably should have told him about the Hokage, I suppose its not too important.' Harley dismissed her train of thought and continued her business.


When Naruto first walked into the building, he saw Val at the front desk and ran over to her."Looks Like I got here just in time Val, any idea which room we're heading to?" Naruto asked.

"Oh Naruto, glad to see you're up, it looks like we're heading to 2-A, the Hokage already took care of putting us down as Academy graduates, and we'll probably end up on the same team, isn't it exciting" Val said eyes showing excitement. They began their walk to the classroom and ran into a man with a scar on his nose holding a stack of folders.

"Ah, you two must be the graduates Hokage-sama mentioned. I'm Iruka, and I'll be your teacher for the next 10 minutes." He said with a laugh.

"I'm Naruto Uzumaki, and this is my good friend Valmafra Lenande, but you can call her Val." Naruto nearly scoffed at the look in Iruka's eyes when he mentioned his name.'Its been so long away from this village, I forgot their were still people around who detested me.'

"I see, well Naruto and Val, please enter the classroom and introduce yourself, I want to get started with team placement announcements as soon as possible." Iruka said looking down at Naruto causing Val to step protectively near him.'6 years of peace and the demon comes back, I thought I was rid of him when he left 6 years ago. and he brought a friend with him, disgusting, I'll have a talk with Hokage-sama about this.' Iruka held the door open for the 2 and entered the classroom. Chatter immediately stopped as the students became aware of 2 new people entering the room."Class today we welcome two new students into our graduating class, I'll like you to treat them with the hospitality this village is known for. Please introduce yourselves." Iruka said as he took his seat. Both clad from head to toe in Ninja garb Naruto stepped forward.

"Hello my name is Naruto Uzumaki, it's nice to meet you all." Naruto bowed and stepped back. A boy sitting near the book with a puppy sitting on his head barked out loud in laughter.

"Hey guys, the dope is back, I thought he got kicked out of the academy." The class began to join him in laughter as Naruto remained unaffected at the taunting. Val began to reach into her satchel quietly but Naruto shook his head. Val sighed and stepped forward with a bow as well.

"Hello my name is Valmafra Lenande, it's nice to meet you all." She said in a sarcastic tone, but no one picked up on it. Done with introductions the 2 made there way to a pair of open seats next to a black haired boy who was staring out the window, Naruto took a seat and re-introduced himself to the boy.

"Naruto Uzumaki, and you are?" Naruto asked holding out his hand. The boy's eyes widened and he took Naruto's hand.

"I-I'm Sasuke Uchiha, n-nice to meet you Naruto." Sasuke mumbled not looking Naruto in the eye.

"I'm Val, pleased to meet you as well." Val said beside Naruto.

'Something is wrong with this kid, the Uchiha I remember were very arrogant, and very fast.' Naruto thought with a shudder. Before he could continue his train of though, the door to the academy slammed open as 2 young girls, one blond and the other with pink hair fought there way into the classroom.

"Out of my way Ino-pig, I'm gonna ask him first!"

"Piss off Forehead I'm gonna ask him first." Beside him he could feel Sasuke shudder in dread, Naruto raised an eyebrow as Sakura got the lead and rushed Sasuke.

"Sasuke-san! Did you give Itachi-kun my letter?" Sakura asked gasping for hair as Ino recovered and made her way to his desk.

"Never mind Forehead, did Itachi-kun get my letter?" Ino asked with stars in her eyes. Sasuke began to mumble and Sakura sighed in frustration.

"Speak up Sasuke, no one can hear you if you talk to the floor." Sakura said annoyed.

"W-well, I gave him both of your letters, b-but he didn't say anything, I'm sorry." Sasuke said a little louder but still looking at the floor. Ino scoffed and ran her hair through her hands.

"Ugh, you must have screwed something up Sasuke, you're so useless." Ino said as she made her way to her desk.

"I'm sorry." Sasuke repeated as Sakura followed her. Naruto shook his head sadly at the scene that played out. He looked at Val who could only shrug her shoulders.

"Ok, please settle down as I call off your teams, your jonin teacher will be here shortly. Team one..." Naruto drowned out the sound of Iruka's voice as he didn't much care for the placement of any of the other teams beside his own. Although he was interested in what team Sasuke would be on."Team 7 will be, Sasuke Uchiha, Sakura Haruno, and Sai, your Sensei will be Kakashi Hatake..." Naruto felt sorry for the Uchiha as he cringed hearing Sakura's name.

"I gotta be on the two quiet peoples team, this is all you fault Sasuke!" Sakura shouted.

"I'm sorry." Sasuke mumbled causing Sakura to shriek in frustration.

"Naruto Uzumaki, Valmafra Lenande, you will make up Team 11, you sensei will be Itachi Uchiha." Iruka announced surprised at who would be teaching the demon boy.

"What! Why do the new kids get Itachi-Kun as a sensei, that's not fair." Ino shouted, upset that should would have to team up with the two lazy ninja's, Shikamaru and Choji."this is all your fault Sasuke!"

"I'm sorry." Sasuke said his hands clenching in anger when he heard his brothers name.

"Stop apologizing you loser!" Ino shouted as she crossed her arms with a huff.

"Those are your assigned squads, good luck, and make me proud genin." Iruka smiled and made his way to the Hokage tower.


The members of team 7 and team 11 were the only ones left in the room, as the other jonin sensei's had come and picked up their students. It was quiet for the most part, only sound in the room was the small talk between Naruto and Sasuke, Sai was painting, and Sakura went to the corner of the room so she would not catch loser, as she claimed.

"This is stupid! When is Itachi-kun gonna get here?" Sakura shouted.

"You're more concerned about when my teacher is coming than yours?" Naruto asked with a raised eyebrow and Sasuke chuckled quietly.

"Hey who asked you anyway Naruto-baka, and you think this is funny Sasuke, you better shut up!" Sakura said standing up and smiled as Sasuke immediately stopped laughing.

"I'm sorry." Naruto sighed when Sakura laughed.

"You're such a looser Sasuke, why cant you be more like Itachi-kun, then maybe more people could stand to be around you, instead of kissing up to you just because you're the Hokage's son." Sakura taunted and Naruto's head snapped to Sakura.

"Wait what did you say?" Naruto asked alarmed.

"Oh about Itachi-kun, did you know he was in ANBU captain at 13, oh and he's so dreamy, an-."

"No about the Hokage, did you say Sasuke's dad, an Uchiha is Hokage?" Naruto ask turning his attention to Sasuke who only slumped his shoulders.

"Um, yea, of course he is, what rock have you been living under." Sakura said in a bored tone.

"What about Sarutobi, what happened to him?" Naruto asked not liking the feeling of dread bubbling up in his stomach.

"Oh, he died about 5 years ago, nothing tragic, just passed away in his sleep, now about Itachi-kun..." Naruto blocked the rest of what Sakura was saying as a cold chill came over his body.

'I-I can't believe the old man is gone.' Naruto said his eyes slowly misting over. Val grabbed his arm in comfort, and Naruto thanked her.

"Will you be alright Naruto?" Val asked worried.

"Yes, I'll be fine, sorry I worried you." Naruto said with a small smile. Naruto turned his attention to the door as a dark haired man entered the room. Naruto felt Sasuke shake next to him.

"Itachi..." He muttered and Naruto raised an eyebrow. Seemed to be bad blood between brothers.

"ITACHI-KUN!" Sakura raced down the steps and latched herself onto Itachi's arm, Itachi grimaced but made no move to remove her.

"Hello Haruno-san, I see Hatake has not arrived yet." Itachi surmised from the fact that team 7 was still there.

"Now now, I'm here, I got lost trying to find a 4 leaf clover." Sakura still attached to Itachi's arm turned to the door as a silver haired man walked in, Headband covering left eye."Team 7 meet me on the roof." Kakashi disappeared in a cloud of smoke, and Sakura complained as she let Itachi go to find her sensei.

"Well, good bye." Sasuke mumbled and he made to the door, a cool voice made him stop in his tracks.

"Little brother, as a ninja, you a representing the Uchiha clan, be sure not to disappoint us, father would not approve." Itachi said as he watched Sasuke's knuckles turn white from gripping the door handle to hard.

"Yes big brother." Sasuke muttered then made his way to the rooftops. Itachi turned his attention to his team before smiling softly.

"Hello, I am Itachi Uchiha, the Hokage has informed me of your situation, and I shall be the sensei of this 2 man cell. Pleasure to meet you." Itachi greeted."Its quite cramp in here, lets take this outside shall we?" And with a poof, Itachi was gone.


Team 11 sat in a small circle as they formerly introduced themselves.

"To start off, I'm going to inform you that on the record, you are genin of Konoha, but off the record, you're a member of a 2 man strike team the Hokage has made."

"What are you talking about? Harley-sensei mentioned a test to become ninja's" Naruto asked, and Itachi shook his head.

"Normally yes, you would have to take a test to become a genin of Konoha, but your teacher has been sending us yearly updates since you left the village, we already know you're at the level of genin at least. With your status, you'll be able to join any genin mission and assist another team."

"So we're free to go?" Val asked, and Itachi chuckled as he closed his eyes.

"Not exactly, you see, although you dont have to be tested to become genin, I would like to test your abilities myself, and see if you're worthy of being a Konoha ninja." Itachi's eyes snapped open revealing a 3 tomoe Sharingan spinning in excitement."It has been a long time since I've tested my capacity, come at me with the intent to kill Naruto!" Both Naruto and val jumped back as Itachi hands blurred through hand seals.

"Fire release: Phoenix Immortal Fire Jutsu!" 2 dresspheres flew into the air as Naruto and Val changed there jobs, a tome appeared in front of Val, as she searched for her spell.

"Spell break, turn into an avenging light! Reflect!" Naruto stood behind Val, as a protective shield appeared in front of her, the fire balls were quickly absorbed into the shield causing Itachi to raise an eyebrow.

"What sort of trick is this, even changed your clothing as well, is this the power that lies hidden in the other world." Itachi said looking at Val's time mage clothing. His eyes widened in shock as his jutsu was suddenly thrown back at him from out of the shield and ripped into his body.

"Alright we got him!" Naruto shouted, before cursing out load as Itachi's burning body exploded into a flock of crows.

"Most impressive technique Val-chan, but it seems to leave you quite winded." They both turned to Itachi standing on top of the lake holding his hand in a ram seal.

"I used a lot of chakra with that spell Naruto-kun, I will not be able to make another one. His jutsu are too powerful to hold." The time mage claimed breathing heavily. Face hidden behind his Black Mage hood, Naruto nodded before calling his tome.

"We'll just have to fight fire with fire then. Smoldering flames far below, punish the wicked! Fire 4!" Naruto raised his Claustrum in the air as a wave of lava suddenly shot toward Itachi. Itachi's eyes slowly changed form as the blaze moved closer to him.

"To think I would be forced to use this, this is indeed a test of my abilities. Amaterasu!" Out of Itachi's eyes shot a dark flame which collided with Fire 4. The 2 flames completed for dominance before Amaterasu over took the flame and headed directly for Naruto and Val.

"Shit its moving in fast, quick Val!" Naruto shouted and as a dressphere was thrown into the air. Itachi has to cover his eyes as a bright flash took place, and he worried for a moment if he killed his students.

"I thank you for the flame, a delicious snack it was." Itachi's narrowed his eyes at the new comer causing Ifrit to scowl.

"Those eyes, I've seen those wicked eyes before, a man who tried to take the power of fenrir for his own." Ifrit spoke cautiously.

"Ifrit Assault!" Ifrit howled as he launched towards Itachi, Itachi who has had experience fighting summon pets, decided to treat this avatar the same. Moving through his hands seals, the water around Itachi began to take shape.

"Water Release: Water Fang Bullet." Ifrit growled in annoyance as jets of spinning water begin to shoot at him. The tome once again appeared in front of Val.

"Astral Flow: Inferno!" Ifrit curled into a ball and unleashed a roar as fire energy exploded from within him evaporating the water around him, turning the lake into a murky marshland.

"I have to refill this lake you know." Itachi commented as the mist from the water fell down around him and Ifrit.

"Apologies." Ifrit rushed at Itachi and took a swipe at the 17 year old. Ifrit roared in frustration as Itachi vanished from his view.

"Show yourself coward!" Ifrit called out. A flock of crows began to descend upon Ifrit attacking him, the crows soon took the image of spikes, and began to drill themselves into Ifrit.

"ARGHHH!" Ifrit roared in pain as it took the abuse of the spikes.

"Demonic Illusion: Shackling Stakes. Good bye." Ifrits world turned black as the abuse to its form was too much, and it retreated back into its domain. Itachi opened his eyes to reveal himself still standing on the lake and he smiled at his opponents."It seems your friend is spent Naruto-kun, perhaps you can entertain me." Itachi sounded confident, but using Amaterasu spent a lot of his chakra.'I'll have to wait for an opening and finish this quickly.'

"Alright then, lets play!" Naruto through a dressphere in the air, and howled to the sky as his transformation into a berserker took place. An array of tattoos began to appear over his body as 2 red tails of chakra shot out of his back."AROOOO!" Naruto howled to the sky.

"Is this the Kyuubi taking, this power is not tainted at all." Itachi muttered.

'Are you there fox?' Naruto asked feeling a presence in his mind. A small chuckle reverberated through his head like an echo.

'Yes boy, it seems that the fusion was a complete success, I can feel the wind against my face for the first time in 12 years.' They Kyuubi said finally taking notice of their opponent.'Ah yes the Uchiha, let us fight boy, I need to stretch my legs.' The battle lust so strong Naruto had to lick his lips, no doubt from the Kyuubi's side.

"Ground Shaker!" Naruto raised his hand and pounded the ground causing a wave of energy to soar toward Itachi. Jumping nimbly in the air to avoid it, Itachi let out a gasp of shock as Naruto appeared next to him in the air.

'Such speed.'

"Mad Rush!" Naruto began to pummel Itachi with multiple punches to the body before sending him sailing with a kick into the water below. Naruto landed on top of the water and closed his eyes to try and find his opponent."Come on out little Uchiha, we still have much more to do." Naruto cackled and the water around Naruto suddenly shot up as 4 Itachi clones fired shurikens at him."You'll have to do much better than that. HOWL!" The shurikens and clones were deflected like paper fans at the aura Naruto provided. Itachi swore and his hand went through the seals needed for his next jutsu.

"Fire Release: Great Fire Ball Jutsu!" A great ball of fire shot toward Naruto who only smiled and began to race towards the flame. Naruto stopped in front of the flame and raised his hands to brace himself catching the flame head on.

"Quite the attack Itachi-chan, but not good enough!" Naruto said throwing the flame ball harmlessly into the air."You've bitten off more than you can chew Uchiha." Naruto began to race towards Itachi who was feeling the fatigue catching up with him.

"It seems I have underestimated Naruto-kuns abilities, a mistake I wont ever make again." Itachi calmly spoke as his Mangekyo eye began swirling viciously. Itachi barely dodged a swipe that nearly took off his head, his sharingan predicting each of Naruto's moves.'I cant keep this up much longer.' Twisting in mid air, Naruto brought his foo down on Itachi's head, grabbing his foot, Itachi launched him into the air while preparing his next jutsu.

"Lets try this again. Water Release: Water Fang Bullet." 7 strong vortex's shot from the water striking Naruto and slamming him on the ground nearby.

"Naruto!" Val quickly moved in front of Naruto who's tails had receded into his body as he fought for consciousness. She saw Itachi quickly moving toward Naruto and she her tome appeared in front of her.

"Land of all lives, suppress all rebels! Dont Move!" Itachi's progress was halted as green bindings appeared out of the ground and stopped his movement. Itachi raised an eyebrow and stared down Val.

"Well it seems we're at a impasse, Your friend there is out of commission, and you dont have enough energy to move." Itachi once again tried to move only to be stopped."While it seems I cant move, and using a jutsu from this distance would only be a waste of chakra. Looks like this a draw." Itachi said with a smile and Val smiled happily before passing out. Once Itachi confirmed that both of his students were unconscious, he broke into a flock of crows. And appeared next to the young pair."Well then, I can't leave them here, I shall allow them to be my guess to dinner tonight." Itachi made a pair of shadow clones and had them pick up the 2, as they made their way to the Uchiha District.


Fugaku stared at Naruto with a grimace as the food in front of him vanished behind the shade of his Black Mage hat, resembling that of a black hole.'He's like a bottomless pit.' Fugaku said taking a glance at his wife, who only smiled nervously.

"More please!" A servant quickly replaced his bowl with more fried rice which Naruto began to gobble down. Fugaku cleared his throat and addressed the lone boy sitting at the end of the table.

"Sasuke, I hear tomorrow is your genin test, do you believe you're ready?" Fugaku asked quietly stuffing more food into his mouth. Sasuke squirmed uncomfortably at the end of the table with everyone's attention on him.

"W-well, Sai is really strong, I heard he's had some special training, a-and Haruno-san is r-really smart.." Sasuke trailed off and Fugaku scoffed.

"And what of yourself, although you have yet to unlock you're bloodline, you are representing the Uchiha Sasuke, do not disappoint me. Although Kakashi is not a true Uchiha, he holds a mastery over the Sharingan, when you finally unlock it, he will be the perfect tutor for you." Fugaku said putting emphasis on the when, Sasuke's eyes widened in confusion as he stared at his father.

"B-but father you know I cant unloc-." He was cut off by Fugaku slamming his hands on the table.

"That's enough Sasuke! I do not want any more excuses, and I tire of waiting. You have one more year Sasuke." Fugaku said, and Itachi looked at his brother sadly as Sasuke once again stared at his plate.

"The Sharingan, the ability to allow the memorization of any jutsu that user witnesses." Naruto took a swig of drink before continuing."Back in Ivalice, I met someone who had a similar ability, traded me his dressphere for a sack of corn," Naruto said causing everyone at the table to raise an eyebrow."If you would allow me Hokage-sama, I would like to take Sasuke to my teacher tomorrow morning, I believe I can rectify this problem."

Fugaku allowed himself to think it over for a while before nodding his head."That is acceptable Uzumaki, we have nothing to lose."

"More please!" Val asked aloud burping behind her hood, her eyes the only thing showing embarrassment.


"W-why are you h-helping me?" Sasuke asked, they were currently sitting in the garden inside the Uchiha manor.

"No real reason, you're a nice guy who needs some help, and I always help my friends!" Naruto said pumping his fist, and Sasuke's eyes widened.

"F-friends? Me?" Sasuke asked.

"Well yea, of course, right Val?" Naruto said as Val nodded her head from Naruto's side. Sasuke rubbed his eyes for a bit before smiling."Now then, first thing first, we're gonna have to get you a job tome, before our trip to Ivalice, there was only 1 book in the elemental countries, but in Ivalice, nearly everyone has one. So we borrowed a few just in case. There's like a ninja's registration card." Naruto explained.

"Oh and Naruto-kun, he'll be able to try out your Garment Grid." Val commented and Naruto nodded, although perfectly happy with his Garment Grid, Naruto had taken a shine to creating his own as a pass time.

"The grid I made can only hold 2 jobs, but it should be fine for a beginner like you. At least until I make a better one." Naruto his glowing eyes squinting in thought.'So many possibilities.'

"A-and what about my sharingan, will this unlock it f-for me?" Sasuke asked hopefully and Naruto shook his head sadly.

"The only thing I know about activating the sharingan, is that the user has to be in a high stress battle situation for it to unlock. Other than simulating this for you, I dont think I can help you." Naruto said.

"W-well its too late for t-that, My father has b-been putting me in near death s-situations to try to unlock my sharingan since I w-was 7." Sasuke said sadly, and Naruto had to blink in astonishment.

"You've been getting the crap beat out of you since you were 7?" Naruto asked and Sasuke nodded.

"Y-yes, I have special t-training with big brother every w-week to simulate near death experiences, b-but nothing has worked so far." Sasuke mumbled feeling slightly embarrassed.

'No wonder he's so fucking meek.' Naruto though sadly as he put his hand on Sasuke's shoulder in comfort."Dont worry buddy, we'll take good care of you." Naruto lay back with a sigh and ran some ideas through his head.'I wonder if I can imprint some of my personality into a Garment Grid like the Kyuubi did, help Sasuke out a little bit.'

'Friends.' Sasuke leaned back and let his mind wander.


"So you were able to put some of your berserker chakra into Sasuke's Grid?" Val asked pulling her shirt over her head getting ready to go to sleep.

"Yea, it was not too difficult, the fox walked me through it step by step, this should give the guy some back bone." Naruto responded throwing his pants into the corner of the room, the two has separate bedrooms, but never slept in different rooms since they were little."This whole new Hokage business is just too crazy, I cant believe the old man is gone." Naruto said falling on the bed.

"Well, Harley-sensei said he went peacefully, its good he didn't suffer." Val said joining Naruto on the bed.

"That's just it, the old man was as strong as an ox, for him to die so suddenly after I left, it's mind boggling." Naruto said sadly and grinned in appreciation as a pair of lips met his.

"You're no good to yourself being depressed Naruto-kun, I'll cheer you up." The lights went off.


Sasuke stood in front of Harley's shop nervously as he waited for her to answer the door."So you're Naruto's and Val's new friend, you're come quite early, they are still sleeping, you can go wake them up for me." Harley said switching her closed sign to open.

"I-I'm sorry for coming early, I didn't want to b-be late." Sasuke said walking in, he had never been to this shop before, and took the opportunity to check the place out.

"Naruto and Val's room is upstairs, they have separate rooms, but I'm sure once you find one you'll find them both." Harley said as she took her place behind the counter Icha Icha in hand.

'That's the same book Kakashi-sensei was reading, are all teachers perverted?' Sasuke thought to himself as he walked up the stairs, quickly finding a room Labeled Naruto he knocked on the door softly."N-naruto-san, it's time to wake up." He mumbled quietly and frowned when no one answered after 30 seconds.'I-I guess I'll go in and w-wake him." He twisted the door opened and walked in quietly. Sasuke saw a lump in the bed sheets and made his way to Naruto."N-Naruto Ms. Harley asked me to wake you." Sasuke said shaking the lump.

"Go away Naruto 5 more minutes." Val turned in her sleep causing the sheets to ride down her front giving Sasuke an eyeful. Sasuke stood frozen for a full minute before a small amount of bllood leaked out of his nose.

"OH MY GOD I'M SO SORRY!" Sasuke shouted causing Val's eyes to snap open, she looked around disoriented from sleep before focusing on Sasuke.

"Sasuke, what are you doing here?" Val asked rubbing the sleep out of her eye causing the blankets to fully drop to her waist causing more blood to spill out of Sasuke's nose.

"I'M SORRY!" Sasuke yelled again causing Val to finally notice of dress, she blushed lightly before covering her self with the blanket.


"I'm sorry!"

"Sasuke get out."

"I'm sorry!" Sasuke said walking backwards with his eyes closed before bumping into Naruto who had just left the bathroom.

"Oh hi Sasuke, you got here early, from all the yelling I assume you checked out Val, what do you think pretty hot huh?" Naruto asked with a smirk causing whatever blood that Sasuke had left to leave his nose.




A blush still covered Sasuke and Val's face as Naruto laughed reaching into his satchel to pull out a dark blue tome."This Sasuke is a tome, normally, no one in the elemental countries would even be able to activate a tome, as the energy needed to activate it is based off an energy source not found in this world. However, these tomes were made specially designed for people who use chakra, pretty neat huh?" Naruto said as he laid out the tome for Sasuke to grab.

"U-um, will this hurt?" Sasuke asked, and Naruto shrugged his shoulders.

"Does it really matter, you're here to make a change aren't you, no pain no gain Sasuke." Sasuke nodded and took the tome in his hand, he felt air leave his body. A dim light surrounded his body for a moment before vanishing."And there you have it. That was not too hard was it?" Naruto asked reaching into his satchel and pulling out a Garment Grid. "This is your Garment Grid, it holds your 2 jobs, one of course being ninja, and the other...well see for yourself." Naruto said tossing the grid to Sasuke.

"So I just throw the sphere in the air." Sasuke said as he through the blue colored sphere in the air, he let out a shocked squeak as his Uchiha uniform change into the outfit of his new job. From head to toe he was covered in blue attire with a pale scimitar at his side, complete with a dark blue jubbah and dark blue mask covering his face only revealing his eyes. Which at the moment, burned a dark red with one tomoe in each pupil.

"Holy shit Sasuke, your eyes! Look at your eyes!" Naruto said pulling out a mirror out of his satchel, Sasuke grabbed the mirror and nearly dropped it in shock.

"T-the Sharingan! H-how?" Sasuke asked emotion dancing wildly on his face. Naruto thought for a second before answering.

"Well, right now you are a Blue Mage, a job that specializes in copying an opponents abilities and using it against them, sounds a lot like the sharingan doesn't it. I'm guessing the blood of the immortals jumped allows you to use your Sharingan, turn back into a ninja and see if you can activate it." Naruto said and Sasuke groaned in frustration as he could not get his Sharingan to activate while being a ninja.

"W-what does this mean, what are the immortals?" Sasuke asked transforming back into a Blue Mage so he could look at his newly unlocked bloodline.

"I was lying about the sack of corn deal for that dressphere, in actuality, I received that sphere after the body of a previous immortal turned into a disgusting creature called a Soulflayer. In the world of Vana'diel, Blue Mages were apart of an elite guard called the Immortal Lions, similar to that of the police force the Uchiha are." Naruto explained and Sasuke nodded so Naruto could continue."The Immortals were founded after the Chimera Rebellion, an occasion on which the Emperor's son was assassinated. The Emperor then confronted the alchemists responsible with making the Chimerae, charging them with finding a means to defeat the creatures. The Alchemists, after many failed attempts, concluded that the guards themselves would have to become monsters."

"They had to turn into monsters themselves, that's h-horrible." Sasuke commented and Naruto agreed.

"At first, it was a disaster. Attempts to graft animal parts and limbs to humans resulted in gruesome and horrific outcomes when most of the test subjects' bodies rejected the grafts. Finally, the Alchemists found a brutal way to bind the essence of a monster directly to the human spirit. Thus, Blue Mage was born, and so were the elite Immortal Guards." Naruto explained before commenting."Ironically, Blue Mages are far from immortal, as a no known immortal has ever reached the end of their natural lifespan ."

"W-wait I dont understand."

"These Immortals have the souls of great beast locked inside of them, many Blue Mage's begin to go mad as the beast begin to corrupt their mind. They lose any sense of being a human, more animal than man, and finally, they turn into a Soulflayer."

"W-what I dont want to go mad! How do I stop this!" Sasuke yelled pulling at his clothing.

"You have nothing to worry about, you dont have the true blood of an immortal as the Blue Mage from your dressphere had already turned into a Soulflayer. The Blue Mage in your dressphere is Raubahn, probably the strongest Blue Mage the Immortal Lions ever produced, but the life of a Blue Mage is full of pain and death." Naruto said darkly."His knowledge is now your knowledge Sasuke, you're carrying on his battle spirit. Use it wisely, while not a full Immortal, you have enough flowing through you now to still be tainted if you go overboard."

"I understand." Sasuke said with a nod before turning away so he could head to practice.

"You might wanna walk around as a ninja Sasuke, I don't think your father would take to kindly to one of his children not sporting the Uchiha symbol." Naruto said as he turned into a Black Mage to warp himself and Val back to their home.

"Good luck with your test Sasuke." Val said with a smile before vanishing. Sasuke turned back into a ninja, and made his way to the training grounds.

Sasuke Obtained the Unerring Path Garment Grid!

Sasuke Can now become a Blue Mage! These peculiar mages can learn the abilities of beasts and Human, making them their own.

Sasuke Obtained a Wightslayer! This Scimitar was once wielded By the Immortal Raubahn.


Sasuke made his way to the training ground and saw that both Sai and Sakura had arrived early. Sakura smirked seeing Sasuke approach, she was beginning to get bored, but yelling at Sasuke would break the cycle.

"Sasuke you're late!" Sakura said out loud, she put her hands on her hips waiting for an apology."Well!"

"Well what?" Sasuke said coolly causing Sakura to flinch for a second, never hearing that tone of voice in Sasuke's voice before.

"Aren't you going to apologize for being late stupid?" Sakura asked.

"I'm not late, I've arrived exactly on time, it's you who has come early, now if you don't mind, I would like to meditate before sensei comes." Sasuke did not know where these words were coming from, but it felt good to finally tell Sakura off.

"W-why you little piece of crap, how dare you talk to me like that, You've always been so stuck up because you're the Hokage's son, well everyone knows that once the year is over you're gonna be disowned, you'll never activate your Sharingan, and you'll never be like Itachi-kun!" Sakura said face red with anger, trying her best to revert the boy to his sniveling form. Sasuke however just sat there with his eyes closed meditating causing Sakura to huff in anger."Whatever looser, just dont get in my way during this test, that goes triple for you Sai!" Sai did not even look up from his drawing.

"Now that's not a way to talk to your teammates is it Sakura?" Sakura turned her head up to see the new boy from yesterday staring at her with glowing golden eyes.

"Naruto-baka what are you doing here, shouldn't you be somewhere failing your genin test, and whats with the dark face, you got something to hide?" Sakura asked rudely confused at why she could only see Naruto's eyes.

"Don't worry about me Sakura-chan, I'm just here to see how my good friend Sasuke is going to do on this test, just pretend I'm not here." Naruto said laying down on the branch.

"Should have known you would become friends with him, losers do stick together." Sakura said laughing at her own joke.

"I see that we're all very lively today." All 4 genin turned their attention to Kakashi as he walked into the clearing. Kakashi raised an eyebrow at the Black Mage in the tree."Oh, and you are?" Kakashi asked Naruto waved him off.

"Just an innocent bystander, please carry on, pretend I'm not here." Kakashi shrugged his shoulders before returning his attention to his team.

"Well team, today you have one single goal, before the clock rings at noon, you have to draw blood from me, don't care how you do it, as long as you do. You must fight me with the intent to kill, if not, you may as well head back to the academy now." Kakashi let the order settle in before speaking.

"Begin." Sakura and Sai vanished from view in a flash leaving Sasuke behind who only stood staring at Kakashi."Hmm, Sasuke Uchiha, you're a little off. The test has already started." Kakashi commented before pulling out his favorite book. A flash of light took his attention off the book as he turned to see Sasuke clad in his Blue Mage Gear. His eye widened slightly at the seeing the Sharingan."Sharingan now when did that happen, I suppose I better take this seriously." Kakashi said closing his book with a snap, before lifting his headband to reveal his Sharingan.

"Help me Raubahn, lend me your strength." Sasuke muttered to himself before crossing his arms in front of himself. Blue light slowly started absorbing itself into Sasuke as he charged his attack.

"Well then, I'll start this off. Flamethrower!" Sasuke put a ring in front of his mouth a blew out a long flame which made its way to Kakashi.

'How is a genin able to use such a move, and I didn't see any hand signs either.' Kakashi jumping out of the way of the flame only to see Sasuke charging at him sword in hand. Kakashi barely had time to black as he took out a kunai to block the scimitar.'There's a haze over his movements, I cant follow him as quickly as I should be able to.' Kakashi thought as he kicked Sasuke backwards. Twisting in the air Sasuke launched his next move at Kakashi.

"Try to dodge this! Cannonball!" A giant steel cannonball shot out of thin air toward Kakashi who quickly went through his hand seals.

"Earth Release: Mud Wall!" A giant wall appeared in front of Kakashi as it absorbed the force of the cannonball causing Sasuke to swear.'Not even the Sharingan is comprehending these jutsu, just what is this?' Kakashi though to himself as he launched a counter attack.

"Water Release: Water Dragon Bullet Jutsu!" Using the lake to gather into a small dragon which sought the Uchiha as its target.'This should be just strong enough to knock him out.' Kakashi thought as he sent the jutsu at Sasuke.

"Metallic Body!" A thick film of Stoneskin warped itself around Sasuke creating a protective skin as the jutsu slammed into him knocking him into a tree."Ugh, that was annoying." Sasuke muttered as the pieces of stone protecting his body fell to the ground showing his body unharmed from the attack.

Nearby Sakura's mouth was opened in shock as she saw Sasuke fight on equal ground with there Jonin sensei."This does not make any sense, Sasuke is was a weak loser, and all of the sudden he has his Sharingan, I thought he couldn't unlock it." Sakura said to herself still hidden in the tree.'He must have gotten some help from Itachi-kun, yes that must be it. There is no way he's better than me or Itachi-kun.' Sakura thought to herself as she clenched the kunai in her hand to prepare and launch at Kakashi.

'He was completely unaffected by my water dragon, those are not normal ninja jutsu, that's for sure." Kakashi said as he watched Sasuke pick himself off the ground unharmed but dizzy. Deciding to capitalize on the disoriented Sasuke he rushed.

"Damn that affected me more than I thoug-" Sasuke was cut off as a kick to his chest sent him flying across the clearing.'Damn it, let my guard down.' Sasuke thought to himself as he struggled to get on his feet. Kakashi quickly appeared behind Sasuke and with a swift chop to the head knocked him out. 'Damn it, still too weak Itachi.' Was Sasuke's last thoughts as he lost consciousness.


When Sasuke finally regained conciseness. He was tied up, but had a clear view of Sai and Kakashi engaging in battle. Sakura was beside him also tied up as well.

"Finally woke up idiot, all that showing off and you get taken down so easy." Sakura taunted and Sasuke ignored her as he tried to work against his bindings."Don't be stupid, he tied up or hands so we cant use hand seals to use our escape jutsu, you're wasting your energy." Sakura commented and that gave Sasuke an idea as he closed his eyes to see if there was a magic to get him out of his bindings. However just before he could began to charge it, Sai's body tumbled in front of them, and a winded Kakashi walked into the area.

"5 minutes left and all 3 of you are out of commission, while I applaud the effort, you still have not completed your test yet, looks like you 3 will be going back to the academy." Kakashi said pulling his headband over his eye, he did not want them to see just how tired he was.

"Hey Sakura, you wanna become a ninja right? No matter what?" Sasuke whispered and Kakashi raised an eyebrow wondering what he was up to.

"Of course you idiot, how else will I ever get to work with Itachi-kun!" Sakura said and almost shivered at the smile that was on Sasuke's face.

"Then I'm sorry. 1000 Needles!" 1000 needles exploded from Sasuke's center and began to there way to Kakashi many of them striking Sakura as well who could not defend herself from the assault. Kakashi used his kunai to block as many as possible, but one slipped through and cut him right on the cheek, causing a needle amount of blood to appear."Looks like we win sensei." Sasuke said before passing out from using all his chakra.

"You asshole how dare you, these things hurt, ow!" Sakura yelled as 50 needles had some how found their way to her butt causing Kakashi to shake his head."When I get my hands on that loser he is dead! Do you here me, dead!" Sakura said as she continued to struggle against her bindings. Sai made no comment as he tried to remove the needles from Sakura's backside."You better not touch me either pervert!"

"Welcome to team 7 I suppose." Kakashi said with a smile as looked over his team.


King: Another Chapter done, R&R, looks like Sasuke has been integrated into the job system, good for him, here is the job list yet again.

Naruto: Squire, Monk, Gunner/Corsair, Black Mage, White Mage, Thief, Chemist, Soldier, Bard, Scholar , and of course Ninja.

Passive jobs: Berserker

Equipment Abilities: Ribbon – Scholar. Bandana - Monk

Valmafra: Scholar, Black Mage, Time Mage, Summoner, Dancer, Sorcerer, Witch of the Coven, Ninja, Chemist.

Passive Jobs: Dark Knight

Sasuke: Blue Mage, Ninja

Passive Jobs: Berserker

Magic Used:

Metallic Body: Stoneskin, absorbs a certain amount of Damage.

Cannonball: Self describing

1000 Needles: Self describing

Flamethrower: Sends a jet of flames at the enemy forming at the mouth of the user.