Hey all,
I know it's been a while - sorry for that. Everything has just been crazy! But here's another chapter for you!

Disclaimer: Max & Co. belong in full to the amazing James Patterson.

Chapter 16

Sam's POV

"Actually Dylan, Sam's my boyfriend."

I just stare at her, uncomprehending. Seriously?! After everything, NOW she decides to finally show some interest in someone and date? NOW?! She was never interested in any of the guys back home, as a matter of fact, she was oblivious to them. I don't think she even realized anyone, let alone me, had feelings for her. And trust me, there were a lot of them showing interest, so it never bothered me. If she didn't know how I felt, at least she never showed any interest in anyone else. I thought there was no way she could possibly find herself someone here - especially since she was so opposed to it before hand.

I guess I should feel more, but right now I'm just numb. I take a deep breath. No it's not fair to Max, I never told her how I felt about her, besides that time that I told her and it completely failed. So I force a smile and shake Sam's hand. Whatever happens after that is a blur. I just want to go home, curl up in a ball and cry my heart out. But I can't do that to Max. I look down give myself a second to compose myself, take a deep breath, and continue with my charade.


Max's POV

I hold my breath in anticipation for Dylan's reaction. Would he be okay? I mean, he used to be the only guy in my life, my best friend. But now he's here, probably expecting me to still be mad at Jeb but instead finds me settling down into my new life with ease. Not to mention, a new best guy-friend and a boyfriend.

I watch as his expression goes from utter shock, to something I can't place, to an expression verging on anger, and finally the worst expression yet, blank. Empty. I have never seen him look like that before. The usual life and sparkle of his blue eyes has gone out. They are dull and glassy and he quickly looks at the floor.

Everyone else was holding their breath, not daring to break the silence. Even though they don't know the entire story, they probably have figured out that something was amiss. I'm about to go forward and check on him when he looks up and smiles. But I know his smile, and that's not it. It doesn't quite reach his eyes.

"Hey, man. You're going to have you hands full with Max." He says extending his hand to Sam.
"I already do." Sam says returning Dylan's smile and handshake. I let out a breath and feel like I can breathe again. It was alright, the worst was behind us. It may take him a long time to forgive me, but Dylan was not one to hold a grudge and I know for a fact that whenever I fall, he will always be there to pick me up and dust me off again. He wouldn't leave me hanging. I feel a pang of remorse and guilt when I think that just because of distance or time, our friendship would waver. Going over to Dylan I catch his eye, with difficulty, I might add, and he follows me to the drinks table.
"Hey," I start.
"Hey," he replies a small smile on his face. His fake smile.
"Well... I'm sorry I didn't tell you sooner," I get out. He muttered something staring at the floor, but I couldn't make it out. "What was that?" I ask.
"Nothing." He says with a small sigh. I read over impulsively and give his shoulder a squeeze.
"So, you like him. I guess I don't have to beat him up?" He says, hinting at his normal humor. I laugh, glad the initial shock has worn off.
"Yes, I do like him," I reply with a laugh. He smiles back at me, a real Dylan smile this time. That makes me so happy. I grab his arm, hooking it with mine and we head back to the party.


Fang's POV
Well, that's what Max was worried about. Dylan finding out about Sam. I knew something was off, ever since she heard that he was moving back to Arizona, but I didn't know the real reason. Now that I think about it, for some reason it bothers me. That's ridiculous, Fang, why does that bother you? I don't know but it does. It's not Dylan exactly... but right now I can't put my finger on it.
All of these thoughts are running through my head, but no one knows. I have an excellent poker face. So naturally, it's no surprise that Max sees right through it. She's the only one who can do that, see right through me.
"Hey, what's up?" She asks siding up to me.
"Nothing much. Good party." I reply. Play it cool, Fang.
"Mmmhmmm." She replies, but we both know it means that she knows that I know that she knows something's up.
"It's nothing. I'm fine." I reply earnestly. She ain't buying it for a second.
"No. Everything is not fine. What's the problem?" She asks in her no nonsense tone of voice.
"I don't know." I reply honestly, no need to elaborate. Obviously, Max has other plans.
"It may help to talk about it." She hints at me.
"Well," I begin, but immediately decide to lie, "I like Nudge's idea of starting a band". I say.
"Are you for real?" She asks me, incredulous.
"Uh, yeah." I reply. Great, now what have I gotten myself into? So I decide to play it by hear I'm out of the red zone.
"Who are you and what have you done with the real Fang?" she asks me.
"Ummm... I don't know. After hearing everyone at the party it just seemed like something that would be cool to do." I reply. Internally I'm patting myself on the back as well as slapping myself in the face. Nice cover, Fang, but seriously? A band?
"Well... I guess it was okay. But good luck with that." She says walking away. I know she wants to get out of this conversation as fast as possible.
"Mhm." I reply, watching her as she goes back to join Dylan. When I see them together I finally place the weird feeling I got in my head, I was jealous. Jealous of how easy she was acting with him, how casual she placed her hand on his arm, how good they looked standing next to each other. But that's ridiculous, Fang, I think to myself. It's Max.
Yeah, but she's also the best thing that's ever happened to you, an inner voice chimes to me. WHAT?! I quickly walk over to the cooler and grab a handful of ice and drop it down the back of my shirt. Wow, that was stupid, I'm thinking to myself as a harsh shiver runs through me. Another voice, the one I know to be mine, adds, but effective.


Max's POV
Fang, start a band? Seriously?! Is he for real? I mean, he's got the best voice I've ever heard, but I never pegged him as the type to start a freakin' band. When he was acting weird that was the last thing I thought to be on his mind. I thought he was thinking about his problems with Lissa, not about starting a band!
"What were you talking with Fang about?" Dylan asks me as I return to him.
"Well, he said that he actually liked Nudge's idea of starting a band." I reply, slowly. I'm still trying to wrap my head around the preposterous idea.
"Oh. Well that's great. He would be great at that." Dylan says. There's something under his voice that I can't quite place, could it be jealousy? But it's gone before I can ponder it long enough.
"I guess so, but it just seems so unlike him..." I reply trailing off. Then I see the weirdest thing happen. Fang strides over to the drink cooler, no that's not the weird part, okay? The weird part is he grabs a handful of ice and shoves it down the back of his shirt. What the -? I look around to see Dylan staring off into the distance and everyone else immersed in their private conversations. I was the only one to witness Fang's strange behavior. Yeah, because you're always aware of him, everyday, everytime, everyplace. My mind says.

"Shut up." I mutter under my breath which causes Dylan to look at me like I'm a lunatic. Well, I'm hearing crazy voices in my head so that probably gives him permission to. Before I can analyze what the voice in my head says or Fang's actions too much Nudge comes up to me and Dylan.

"Hey." She says.
"Hey." I reply still crinkling my brow.
"What's wrong?" She asks.
"I don't know. Ask Fang." I reply. With a shrug she goes to Fang and starts talking to him. Haha, I think, now look who's on the spot. I smile discreetly to myself. Glancing back every now and then he finally catches my eye. Nudge is jumping up and down and Fang is glaring at me, like burn a hole in your skull kind of glaring. I crack up. That's the Fang I know and love. WHOAH! Did I just-? Nope, not even going to THINK about that right now. Thankfully I don't have to because Nudge jumps onto the low table in the middle of the room and says she has an announcement to make.
"Hey everyone! First of all, great party, right?" Cheers and applause answers Nudge. She jumps up and down on the balls of her feet a little, barely containing her excitement.
"Okay, ready for the big news?" she asks. "Yes?" She says without a moment's pause. Was it a rhetorical question? You bet it was. Nothing can stop Nudge now, not even my hand slapping over her mouth as she squeals: "Fang and Max have decided to create a band together!"
And that's, when all hell broke loose.

Sorry guys, I've had this typed up for awhile but have never been able to finish. Okay, here's the next chapter. Let's hope that I'll be able to balance my life a little better and continue. Hahaha. :)

Fly on,