
A/N – Well, this is my first fanfic, so sorry if any of the characters seem OOC... Also, I'm from England, so sorry if I put things like pavement instead of side walk, mum instead of mom, lift instead of elevator etc... bear with me ok? By the way, I have a beginning (this chapter) an extremely BASIC story line and an end to this story. So any chapters after this (aside from the last one) will just be made up as I go. Hope you like it

Disclaimer – if I owned iCarly, Sam and Freddie would be together already.

"Ah... I do love that movie" Sam said as the credits of boogie bear the movie began to roll. It was Friday night and Carly, Sam and Freddie were in the iCarly studio and had been watching a movie. It was Sam's turn to pick what they had watched.
"You're on your own there then" began Freddie, "Carly's so bored she's fallen asleep! And I'm sure I would have to if you hadn't accidentally poured your drink into my lap!"
"Oh get over it Fredweird. Anyway, isn't it past your bed time?" Sam asked as Freddie rolled his eyes at her insulting nickname for him. All though it wasn't anything he wasn't used to.
"Actually, no. I persuaded my mom to let me stay here until 11 at weekends." Freddie retorted as he got up off the beanbag chair he was sat on.
"Oooh isn't someone bad staying out till that time!" Sam said in mock amazement, "What you gotta do to get Crazy to let you stay here that late?" Freddie looked down and muttered something. "What did you say?" Sam asked smirking. He murmured something again. "I DON'T HEAR YOU. Speak up Freddie!"
"I've got to go with her to the 'daily hygiene for teenage boys' convention" Freddie mumbled, barely audible, but Sam heard and began laughing hysterically.
"W-what – are – are – t-they going – to – sh-show you?" Sam said between laughs. "How – t-to – p-properly clean your-"
"Shut up Sam!" Freddie cut her off; "I'm going home now anyway" He picked up his jacket and made his way over to the elevator.
"Aw but Freddie, its only 10:30" Sam said still laughing.
"I don't care." Stated Freddie as he pushed the elevator button.
"Well mamma's hungry. Go get me some ham, bring it to me and then leave" Sam said.
"Bye Sam." Sighed Freddie as he stepped into the elevator.
"Ugh I'll get it my self then." Sam said lazily as she got up off the beanbag and made her way to join Freddie in the elevator. She pushed the button for the ground floor of Carly's apartment. They went down to the floor Carly's bedroom was on and the doors opened.
"What's going on?" Sam wondered. She had definitely pressed the button for the ground floor. She pushed it again and the doors closed. Then they reopened on the same floor.
"Sam lets just take the stairs-"Freddie started.
"NO. Stupid elevator! It will work!" Sam said repeatedly pushing the button for the ground floor of Carly's apartment. The doors continued closing and opening on the same floor as Carly's bedroom. Sam pressed the button again. And again and again and again...

"Shut up Freddork!"
"But Sam-"
"Sam! You're gonna break it!"

Then suddenly, the lights went off and the doors closed. Sam continued pressing the button but the doors remained closed. She went on pressing but only half- heartedly as she turned to see Freddie with his arms folded and (from what she could see – it was dark) a rather angry look on his face.

"Uh... wonder what happened there then?" Sam asked quietly as she finally stopped pushing the button and tried to muster an innocent smile onto her face.
"Sam! I told you to stop! I said that you would break it. But no. You couldn't listen to me for once in your life could you?" Freddie ranted.
"Oh geez! Chill Benson! No need to cry! We'll just press the emergency button and some one will come get us. And by the way, its not that I wasn't listening when you told me to stop. My brain doesn't all ways register nerds voices, especially yours, because its not exactly often you have anything interesting to say now is it. I've learned to tune you out" Sam made her way back over to the panel of buttons.
Ignoring her last comment, Freddie said "Woah! You're not pushing any more buttons. If you don't remember, that is exactly what got us into this mess. Let me do it." As he held up his cell phone for light and walked over to the button panel, stepping between it and Sam.
"MOVE OUT OF THE WAY, BENSON." Sam snapped as she pushed him causing him to drop his phone which he then fell on.
"SAM! You BROKE my pear phone!" Freddie shouted, incredibly annoyed, picking up his phone which now had a smashed screen.
"Quit your crying nerd. I'm gonna press the emergency button" Sam said.
"MEHHHH – WHAT?" came Lewbert's voice (A/N – no idea if that's who would actually be on the receiving end of the emergency button of the elevator, but it fits the story)
"Lewbert?" Freddie questioned looking away from his smashed pear phone and at Sam, who shrugged her shoulders.
"Er...Hey... Lewbe. Me and Fredhead are stuck in apartment 8C's elevator. Can you get like a... I don't know... Elevator repairman or something?" Sam questioned.
"I WAS SLEEPING! MEEHHH!" was all she got as a reply, and then it went silent.
"Lewbert? LEWBERT? LEWBERT?" Sam shouted through the speaker-type-thing. Freddie also began to shout;

Freddie was about to shout back, but he realised two things. 1- all the arguing wasn't going to get them any where and 2- if he pushed Sam any further, she would get very mad, and there would be no where for him to run.

"Sam. I think we should stop shouting, and accept the fact we're stuck here until someone finds us, which shouldn't be to long."
"Yeah well... I doubt being trapped in here with you is going to be too much fun." Sam began sarcastically. "I think we should try shouting Carly or Spencer. See if they hear us." She suggested whilst watching Freddie lean against the back wall of the elevator and slide down till he was sat on the ground with his knees in front of his chest. Sam remained standing, as if sitting would be admitting defeat.

"Sam. Carly's a whole floor above us. And she's a heavy sleeper. I doubt even one of your shouts could wake her. And Spencer's on a camping trip with Socko and Socko's 2nd cousin who owns that 50's restaurant... what's her name... Dina! (A/N – get it?) So he's not going to hear us now is he? Face it Sam, were stuck here until morning." Freddie told her. Sam reluctantly sunk down beside Freddie, Both looking like they'd rather be anywhere else, with anyone else. But the truth was, neither of them minded being with the other as much as they let on...

A/N- How was it? Did I keep them in character? I don't really like the ending... I know it was really full of dialogue but I'll work on that. Please review and let me know if I should continue writing this story. Suggestions and criticism appreciated, but please be nice I know there wasn't any Seddie love, but I had to write how they got trapped in the elevator. If I get told to continue my story by at least 1 person, I PROMISE Seddie will happen :D bye for now!

Peace, Love, Seddie :D