When Will heard what Emma had just said, he actually remained calm. Getting out his cell phone, he punched in Dr. Lau's number at NYU Medical Center to let him know that he and Emma were on their way while Evan, Steven and the rest of the glee club, still in their costumes, looked on. After finishing the call, he rushed over to his wife's side and gently walked her towards the group, then began to delegate tasks.

"Evan," he said, "call us a couple of cabs. Finn, Rachel, choose two other people to follow me and Emma to the hospital. Do any of you two have your cell phones handy?"

"I do, Mr. Schue," said Rachel. "Mercedes, Kurt, you're coming with me and Finn."

"Quinn, you're coming with us in our cab," said Will. "Mainly because you've been through this yourself, Emma could use all the help she can get. Steven, take the rest of the group back to the dressing room, help them get their things as well as the trophies and take them back to the hotel, Rachel and Finn will contact you when they can. Also, when you go back there, get Emma's suitcase – it's in one of the wardrobe spaces beside my guitar case." Before leaving for the finals, Will and Emma packed a small suitcase containing the things she would need in case it was time to have the baby.

"Got it," said Steven. "Come on, let's go." He took the remaining glee members back to their dressing room, leaving Will, Emma, Quinn, Rachel, Finn, Kurt and Mercedes behind. Moments later, Puck charged down the hall with Emma's suitcase and handed it to her, telling Quinn that he had his own cell phone with him, then rushed back to join the others. A few more moments later, Evan returned, having completed his task.

"The cabs are waiting at the curb outside the artists' entrance," he told them. "I'll go with Steven and the kids back to their hotel, they might need some extra help."

"Thanks Evan," said Will, and the remaining members of the group headed out the stage door and to the street, where two cabs were waiting. Emma was eased into the passenger seat of the front cab, Will and Quinn sat in the back. In the cab behind them, Finn got into the front seat, with Rachel, Kurt and Mercedes sitting together in the back. All the doors were closed shut by the drivers, and they jumped into the driver's seats of each taxi.

"Tisch Hospital, NYU Medical Center," said Will in the first cab, "and hurry, my wife is going into labor! Deep breaths, Em, you're going to be fine."

"Follow the cab in front," directed Finn in the second cab, "it's going to NYU Medical Center." The taxi carrying Will, Emma and Quinn pulled away from the theatre and into the busy streets, the second taxi following close behind.

Once both cabs arrived at the hospital and the drivers were paid by Will and Finn, Mercedes, Rachel and Kurt scrambled out of the second cab while Will and Quinn helped Emma out of the first. Finn found a wheelchair when they entered the facility and Emma was gently placed in it as they asked for directions to the natal ward at the front desk. The desk attendant gave them the details just as a heavy contraction hit Emma, causing her to squeal in pain. Quinn held her hand as Will wheeled her quickly to the elevators, the others surrounding them. Riding the elevator to the eighth floor, they found their destination and went up to the nurse's station.

"My wife has gone into labor," said Will, "Dr. Lau is expecting us – Will and Emma Schuester." The nurse at the desk looked up their name in the records on her computer at the same time the doctor arrived. He looked at the entire group and nodded at the nurse.

"Will and Emma?" he said to the couple, "I'm Dr. Lau, I've been expecting you. We'll take you right away. And these kids are friends of yours?"

"They're some of my students," Will explained, "we've come all the way from Ohio and have been here for the past week competing in the national show choir championship. Emma's obstetrician back home recommended you to us."

"All right," said the doctor, "let's get this show on the road. Kelly, get a room ready for Mrs. Schuester and tell Charlotte to keep an eye on her progress. Will, as the father you're coming with me. You might need one other person, possibly a female, to help out as well."

"That will be this young lady right here," said Emma, indicating Quinn. Another contraction hit, and she winced. Dr. Lau gestured to Quinn to follow him, Will and Emma, and she obliged, not before turning to face the others.

"I've got my cell phone, Rachel," she told them, "you can tell the others that Mrs. Schue has just been admitted, I'm sure you have Puck's number in your address book. I'll give you updates as soon as I can." With that, she disappeared behind the doctor and her teachers, leaving Rachel, Finn, Kurt and Mercedes behind. Sitting down beside Finn, Rachel sent a text message to Puck, hoping that the others would be back at the hotel by now. All the four could do now was wait.

Once Emma was admitted to one of the birthing rooms, Quinn and the nurse named Charlotte helped her out of the dress she was wearing at the competition and into a hospital gown, then gently eased her onto the bed as Quinn pulled the covers over her body. Charlotte hooked Emma up to a fetal monitor to help keep updated on her progress just as another contraction hit – they were starting to come closer together as time passed.

"Looking good, Emma," said Charlotte as she checked the printout coming from the computer, "the first reading shows you are four centimetres dilated. When we get to ten, we should be ready to go, I'll be back in an hour to check on you. In the meantime, just relax." The nurse left the room, and Will and Quinn pulled up chairs on either side of Emma's bed to keep her company.

"Honey, you're going to be fine," said Will, reassuring his wife. "Just relax, like the nurse said. Maybe this will help." He noticed that the room had a TV and a DVD player, so he had opened Emma's suitcase and pulled out their DVD copy of the concert tour the kids did in Europe. When it started to play, Emma felt herself begin to relax, then turned her head to Quinn.

"Quinn, I just want to thank you for helping me get through this," she said. "Will and I talked it over some time ago, and I would like you to be the baby's godmother. Would you do this for us?"

"I would be honored," Quinn replied with a smile. "Who did you have in mind to be her godfather?"

"Finn," said Will, "mostly because we've been very close since I started the glee club. If it weren't for him joining the group, the rest of you wouldn't have followed. You have all been like a second family to me."

"I think that's a great choice, Mr. Schue," said Quinn, texting the message about Will's request to Rachel. A few moments later, a reply came back:

Finn says he would be honored.

Three and a half hours had passed since Will, Emma and the five glee members arrived at the hospital. In the waiting room, Rachel and her teammates were soon joined by Will's parents and Emma's family bringing trays of drinks and snacks, who had been in the audience for the final competition and congratulated the kids on their well-earned success. They all asked how Emma was doing, and Rachel told them that Quinn has been sending updates via text messages, which Rachel relayed to the others back at their hotel via Puck. The families were eager to see the new baby, especially the Schuesters, as this baby would be their first real grandchild. The TV in the waiting room was playing the local news, where a story about the show choir final was airing at that moment.

"I'm never going to forget this day, ever," said Mercedes. "Remind me to tell Mrs. Schue that Kurt and I will help her pick some great clothes for the baby." Will's proud face appeared on the screen as he was interviewed by a reporter, causing his parents to smile.

"We're so proud of our son," said Will's father, Don. "This truly was what he was destined to do: become a teacher and share his passion for music with his students. He has always been talented, you know – I believe that he's going to be a very talented father too."

"Believe us when we say we're proud that he's been our teacher," said Finn, "we really would have been lost without him, not to mention we wouldn't have won consecutive national championships if he hadn't revived the glee club and brought us together." Suddenly, Rachel's cell phone vibrated, it was a new message from Quinn. Seeing what it was, she showed it to the others:

Showtime! Dr. Lau is preparing for delivery

Quinn and Will, now wearing blue paper gowns over their clothes and blue caps on their heads, stood on either side of Emma, one of their hands in each of hers. Emma's eyes were closed, her hair messed up, shouting out as she pushed hard, then took a few breaths before pushing again. She had been doing so for the last twenty minutes

"You're doing great, Emma," said Dr. Lau, Nurse Charlotte standing nearby. "A few more pushes and it will be out. Don't panic, everything is going to be okay."

"Do as he says, Em," said Will, while Quinn coached on the other side of her. "You've come so far to overcome your messiness problems, I know you can do this." He continued to grip her hand in his for support, Emma's eyes began to fill with tears.

"And... push!" said the doctor. Emma pushed as hard as she could. "Relax. I am starting to see it, take a few breaths... and push!" As she pushed, she let out a scream and Quinn gave her some ice from a bowl to suck on. Will continued to reassure her that she was going to be fine.

"Two more ought to do it," the doctor said, "push!" Emma pushed again, and Dr. Lau's gloved hands began to reach out towards the head of the baby, which was quickly emerging. "One more time, Emma... push!" With every ounce of energy Emma had left, she screamed loudly as she pushed one more time, her head collapsing back on the pillow in exhaustion as she took some deep breaths. The next thing she heard, aside from the beating of her own heart, were the shrill cries of the baby that was now in Dr. Lau's arms. Nurse Charlotte clamped the umbilical cord and the doctor quickly cut it, then gave the baby to the nurse so she could wash it off. Will's eyes were shining at his wife, and Quinn was smiling.

"You did it, Em," he said, tears of joy filling his eyes as the washed baby was presented to Emma.

"We did it," Emma replied quietly, "we have our baby girl."

Rachel had been asleep on Finn's shoulder in the waiting room when the vibrating of her phone woke her up, Mercedes and Kurt had gone to the cafeteria to get some coffee for the group. When they returned, Rachel had just picked up her cell phone to see if there was any word from Quinn yet, and there was. She was smiling as she read the message:

The baby was born at 10:23pm, she's beautiful. They're moving Mrs. Schue to a room on the 13th floor momentarily, Mr. Schue can't stop crying Mother and child are doing fine.

"Finn, wake up!" Rachel exclaimed, nudging her boyfriend who had been asleep as well, "it happened! Mrs. Schue had the baby!" Opening his eyes, Finn smiled, and nearby both sets of parents were embracing each other. Mercedes' eyes filled with tears. Another text message followed from Quinn.

You guys should go back to the hotel, you must be tired. Tell the others what happened, and that Mr. Schue wants to see all of you in the morning. I'll be fine.

"Finn, Mercedes, Kurt," said Rachel as she stood up, "we should go back to the hotel. I'm sure we're going to want some sleep after such a busy day." She called for a cab, then looked at Will's and Emma's parents.

"Don't worry about us," said Emma's mom Susan, "we're going to be fine. You go ahead and reunite with your friends." Rachel nodded, and the four kids left the ward, not before she sent a message to Puck.

We're heading back to the hotel, Mrs. Schue had the baby. We'll tell you more when we arrive.

Back at the hotel, the remaining glee members along with Evan and Steven had all converged in Finn and Artie's room after returning from the competition. A party had started soon after, all the trophies including Rachel's and Will's perched on the desk near Finn's bed, and for the whole time that Rachel and the others had been away, it was spent talking, singing and sharing stories about their time in the club since its resurrection. Puck had received Rachel's note on his cell phone and waved at Artie to turn the music that was playing in the room down.

"Dudes, Mrs. S had the baby," he told the others, "Rachel and the others are on their way here, they should be back soon." A cheer rang through the room as Tina and Brittany both began to cry. Ten minutes later, there was a knock on the door, and Mike opened it to reveal the four who had followed Will, Emma and Quinn to the hospital. Space was cleared on the bed as Rachel sat down with Finn to tell the rest of the team everything.

"The baby was born at 10:23pm this evening," she told them, "Quinn gave me a couple more updates on the cab ride back here. The little one is very healthy, she weighed in at seven pounds six ounces. Quinn is staying the night with the proud parents, the Pillsbury and Schuester parents are also staying behind, I'm guessing they want to see her first. They haven't picked a name yet, but I'm sure they will soon. Mr. Schue wants to see us all in the morning."

Late the next morning, the entire glee club arrived on the thirteenth floor of the hospital, Brittany carrying a large bouquet of flowers. The nurse at the desk pointed them down the hall after Rachel told her who they were there to see, stopping in front of the door to room 1303, which was open a crack. Finn pushed it open, and one by one the kids stepped inside, all smiling at what they were seeing. Emma was lying in the bed, smiling at the baby wrapped in a warm pink blanket in her arms. Will and Quinn were sitting at her side.

"Hi guys," said Will. "Come closer, there's someone we want you to meet." The kids came closer to see the new arrival and Brittany placed the flowers on the bedside table. Finn was the first to look at the baby girl, he could see faint wisps of red hair on the little one's head.

"She's beautiful, Mrs. Schue," he said as Rachel walked over to join him. "What's her name?"

"Melody," said Emma proudly. "Melody Victoria Schuester." Rachel reached out to touch the baby's cheek.

"We came up with the name late last night," said Will. "Melody because it's musical, sort of a way to remind us of glee club, and Victoria to remind us of our European adventure. She looks so much like her mother, doesn't she?"

"She really does," said Rachel, her eyes shining.

"Welcome to New Directions, Melody," said Finn. As the rest of the club gathered around the bed, Emma and Will's eyes met each others with pride.

This feeling, the start of their new family with their current family with them, that was all they ever wanted.