So this wasn't even the scandalous fic I had planned but it works either way!
Taken from the Kink Meme: "No matter how hard they try, Oz and Gil just can't seem to get some time alone. Desperate, sexually frusterated GilXOz smex scene" *sigh* I dunno how in the world I'm going to work this one out, but it needed to be done. So I figured I might as well do it myself.
Umm, we had to do some funky stuff to my mom's laptop becuase it got a virus (mine's still broken). It's better now but Word hasn't been reinstalled. I self-beta'd the best I could, but please excuse any type-o's(:

Soundtrack: Can't Stay Away - Kris Allen

If I owned Pandora Hearts...Gilwouldbemybitch...OOh did I just say that? He'd be with Oz too of course XD as long as I get to watch! :L

"Gil!" Oz saw the raven-haired man walking up the lane and ran outside. He had only been away at Pandora for a few hours, but those few hours without Gil sucked.

Gilbert looked up just in time to prepare himself for the fast-approaching tackle. He chuckled, as much of a chuckle as he could manage with a little blond kid squeezing the life out of his waist.

Oz pulled back and pouted up at the man, "Gil, what kind of servant just up and leaves without saying goodbye to his master?"

"I-It was early. I didn't want to wake you..." Even though he had stuttered a bit, Gilbert's hands moved to Oz's waist of their own accord.

"Well...I guess I can forgive you, just this once." Oz slid his hands up Gil's arms. God, he had missed those arms.

"I'm eternally grateful," Gil said, pulling him a little closer.

Oz laughed a little at that and moved his hands further upward to tangle his fingers in seaweed. (AN: Sorry, Gil! I couldn't resist!) He tilted his head back, waiting to be kissed.

Gilbert didn't disappoint, he never did. Their lips came together and it was slow, elegant. Then Oz opened his mouth and it became a little more enticing. Gil became more enticing. Oz moaned quietly as Gilbert slid his tongue along the contours of his own, squeezing him tighter.

Just as Gil smoothed his hand around to the small of Oz's back, there was an obnoxiously loud, "Gilbert! Have you returned?"

Oz whimpered, he knew what was coming. But it had to be done. They couldn't have anyone knowing about them, according to Gil. Stupid Gil.

Gilbert reluctantly peeled Oz off of him and stood a safe distance away from the boy just before Break and Sharon came out of the house. "Gilbert, what happened at the meeting? Nevermind, we can talk about it over tea."

"Oh right!" Oz literally face-palmed. "Gil, you skipped breakfast didn't you? You should go eat." It should be his job to worry about Gil's health, right?

He pushed Gil into the house and sat him down at the table. Luckily, the servants already had breakfast prepared for him and promptly set it out on the table. There was tea (and sweets) for everyone else. They spoke about the meeting, which had been boring and uneventful. Break hadn't gone because it was too early in the morning and he was too lazy, claiming that 'Reim would take notes for him.' But when that was over Break and Sharon eventually merged into their own conversation, leaving Oz and Gil to start one of their own as well.

"Mmmm, those pancakes look good. Can I have some?"

"Sure." Oz, of course, used this as an excuse to scoot his chair much, much closer to Gil's. He speared a tiny amount with his fork and tried to be as sexual with that bit of pancake and syrup as he could. He slid his tongue over it, tasting the slightly sticky syrup. He figured it would probably about this texture when...

And apparently Gil thought so too, his face was bright red. He was so cute. Oz wanted to kiss him again, it wasn't fair. Dammit, he was gonna get close to Gil some kind of way.

Oh and when he thought of one, let's say feeling along Gil's inner thigh under the table did nothing for the raven's sanity. There was an occasional brush past his manhood as well, but Oz didn't want to be too cruel.

Tea ended soon enough, much to their relief. Just as the two were trying to sneak their way back to Gilbert's room (it was closesr than Oz's) they were interrupted, yet again. "Gilbert, would you mind taking Alice to the market? We're almost out of meat and you know what happens when we run out..."

Gil cursed under his breath. Why was this happening to him? "Yeah sure" he called back toward the table. Well, at least no one could see them from the hallway. He spun around and pinned Oz against the wall, skimming lips down his neck. Oz looked surprised by the sudden movement. There was no way he could have seen that coming. It was a good feeling. At that moment, Gilbert felt like he was actually in control. He had to make the most of this moment.

But at the same time, he also knew he had to make this quick because the stupid rabbit could come out at any time. As he pressed flush against his uke (AN: say what?), he started to rethink himself. Because bloody hell, this was torture. Wouldn't it just be easier to wait until they were definitely alone?

And just when would that be? As if they ever got any time alone. Either way, it was kind He felt bad, and it was fun.

Fun? Oh yeah, he was a masochist for sure.

The ride over to the market was nothing more than what Gil had expected: harmless innuendos, a few casual sneaky touches. Oz leaned on his shoulder towards the end of it, it was all kinds of adorable. But Gil always falls for that stuff. Seriously: fallen.

The horses slowed their roll and before they knew it, they had arrived. When the trio exited the carriage, Alice hopped out first, chattering on about all the meat they would find at the market today. While her back was turned, Gilbert surprised Oz, pulling him into a quick kiss (getting back some of that control?). Just long enough to massage his tongue in, and then pull it out before Alice turned around again. "Are you guys coming?"

Thankfully they had managed to pull themselves apart quickly enough, "Yeah, we're coming."

As they followed behind Alice, Oz slipped his hand into Gil's. Gilbert's face turned bright red and he stumbled on his feet, sputtering incoherently. Why was it that he could kiss Oz so easily now but holding hands was so...? It was so much more... He didn't know.

It was a wonder he could kiss Oz at all without dying of adoration and embarrassment. Kissing had taken a lot of getting used to, but he liked it. He liked being so close to Oz, they just couldn't be so close in front of other people. It would ruin both their reputations, Oz's in particular. It wasn't his place to flush Oz's social status down the toilet, and he wasn't thrilled about flushing his own either. So it was best that no one knew. It wasn't much of a setback, really. The important thing was that they were finally together. So everything was fine. Just as long as no one saw them. Speaking of which...

Gilbert looked around to make sure no one was looking and planted a kiss on his boyfriend's forehead. A sort of apology for removing his hand from the warmth of Oz's. Holding hands is, of course, a continuous gesture and much more difficult to disguise so he had to separate their hands.

"Oz! Seaweed Head! I found the one I want!"

Gilbert's eyes bugged out as he and Oz came face-to-face with a meat stand bigger than the three of them combined. He sighed heavily, "Alright, Stupid Rabbit, which one do you want?"

The girl folded her arms. "Is that seaweed blocking your ears again? I said I want this stand." Gilbert only stared at her with the same sour expression, so she had to clarify. "...The whole stand."

A vein literally made itself visible on the side of Gilbert's head, "And how do you expect me to carry all that! Let alone pay for it!" Oz giggled, Gil had no idea how cute he was. "Alice, we can't buy the whole stand."

"But Sharon said I could pick whatever I wanted."

"Not on my paycheck you can't." Gilbert said, handing some money to the vendor, "I'll take the pork."

"But seaweed head, is that really gonna be enough for all of us?"

"...If I get one for you and one for us then you have to carry yours."

And so the lovers made their way back to the carriage the same way they came. Walking slowly behind Alice (who was busy cradling her massive sack of pork), accidentally brushing up against each other and the like. Which was quite amusing on Oz's part, as Gilbert's hands were busy holding the pig. Meaning that Oz's hands could go wherever they wanted, and Gil was utterly defenseless.

They entered the carriage, Oz sitting next to Gil, Alice seated across from them. Dammit, Oz thought. She can see everything from there. So he set about coming up with the most innocnet way to get some contact in. He found his answer and laid his head in Gil's lap with a yawn.

Oz turned onto his back to see Gilbert blushing down at him. "O-Oz...w-what are you...?"

"I'm sleepy." Alice was an innocent child wasn't she? She'd never suspect a thing...Oz wiggled his head and shoulders a bit in an attempt at getting comfortable. He watched Gil's face get even redder, heard him let out a few strangled noises. This was going to be a long ride.

Seemingly an eternity later, the carriage arrived back at the Rainsworth mansion. Alice bounded out the door headed straight to the fridge (she was saving the remainder of her meat for dinner). Gilbert leaned over the boy who was still in his lap, "Oz, I know you're not sleeping."

"No no, I really am tired." Oz nodded with his words and grinned as Gil swept him up and carried him bridal-style into the house.

"Well I guess you should go to bed then." Gilbert smirked, but avoided Oz's eyes lest he lose his cool (it was doing pretty well so far). The stupid rabbit had left the door open so they silently and hastily made their way to Oz's bedroom.

Can't believe I did that to you? You should have known, it says "In Progress". Nope, there's no way they're gettin' nasty that easy.

Hmm, I'm having a lot of fun with this one, but I don't think it was written quite as well as my other ones. Constructive criticism please?

This was my first fic with Alice in it too. Oh, and Break and Sharon! Lol wut, I write Yura before Break, Sharon, and Alice?
So how was it?