What's up peoples? If you read my other stories, than you probably know that I'm calling off my strike for now. So, here is this particular chapter of this particular story.

Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto, Dragonball, Dragonball Z, or Dragonball GT

"So Naruto, just what exactly happened to you?" asked Goku, as the group sat in the living room of the Son house. "You said you're a demon?"

"Technically, I said I'm a former shinobi of the hidden leaf, new Kyuubi no Kitsune, Lord of foxes and the Kitsune clans, Lord of the Nine Hells, and Emperor of the Demon Realm, but that's kind of a mouthful isn't it?" replied Naruto, taking a bite from a rather large sandwich.

"Ya think?" said Piccolo.

"Anyway, the village I came from was Konoha, the Hidden Leaf Village. I was a member of the Shinobi forces. I was sent on a mission to bring a traitor back to the village after he attempted to desert us. I got in a fight and I ended up tapping into the old Kyuubi's power. Now, from what I've seen, you've got some powerful attacks here, but what we used were so powerful, and so focused, we actually ripped a whole between worlds, trapping us both in limbo" continued Naruto.

"You mean the void between worlds?" said Piccolo.

"Correct. Anyway, I used more of the former Kyuubi's power and managed to rip another whole into this world. But by focusing so much power, I became the Kyuubi myself" finished Naruto.

"You keep referring to the "former Kyuubi." Where is he? How is it you can tap into his power?" asked Gohan.

"Well, that's kind of hard to explain. The Kyuubi attacked my village on the night of my birth. Our Leader at the time, the Yondaime Hokage, used a technique to summon the Shinigami, the God of Death himself, to seal the damn thing in a human vessel" said Naruto, eliciting an angry "I heard that" from Kyuubi within his mind.

"And he chose you" finished Piccolo for Naruto.

"Once again, correct. At the cost of his own soul, which is used as payment for the technique, he sealed the fox and its power into me" said Naruto. "And I've now become the very thing which I've tried my entire life to convince people I'm not."

"Hey" said Goku, "What if he used the Dragon balls?"

"The Dragon what now?" asked Naruto.

"The Dragon balls are seven magical orbs that when brought together allow a person to summon the Eternal Dragon Shenron and he'll grant any wish in his power to grant" replied Piccolo.

"Ok, what do you mean "in his power" to grant?" asked Naruto.

"The wish can't exceed the power of the creator of Shenron and the dragon balls" said Gohan.

"You keep answering my questions, yet leading me into so many more" said Naruto. "Who is their creator?"

"Kami" was his reply from Piccolo, making Kyuubi nearly choke inside his mind.

"Wait, you're telling me that the God Kami made these things?" asked Naruto.

"Well, I wouldn't exactly call that geezer a God. He's the Guardian of the Earth. He forgot his original name and after he became Guardian began calling himself Kami" replied Piccolo.

"So he refers to himself as God. A little pretentious, don't you think?" said Naruto.

"Maybe a little, but for being as ancient as he is, the old guy is still powerful" said Piccolo.

"Anyway, do you think these things can fix my problem? Powerful though I may be like this, I would prefer to regain my humanity" said Naruto.

"I have no doubt they can turn you human again. But first, if you're as powerful as you claim to be, you could be of help to us" replied Piccolo.

"Help with what?" asked Naruto.

"In a about a year's time, some powerful beings known as androids will appear. A warrior from the future came to warn us of their arrival. And if what he says is true, we'll need all the help we can get" said Goku.

"I help you with your problem, you help with mine. Sounds fair" said Naruto, before getting up and heading for the door, indicating for the others to follow.

"Leaving so soon?" Naruto turned to see Chi-chi looking at him from the kitchen, several clones behind her doing various chores, practically pleading for him to dispel them.

"Well, these three want to test out how strong I am, and given the fact that I only have the gist of it myself, we were going to go spar" replied Naruto.

"Well, before you go, do you mind if I ask you something?" asked Chi-chi, a slight glint in her eye.

"Suuuurrreee…" replied Naruto.

"Do you think you could maybe teach me this trick?" she asked sweetly, pointing at the clones behind her.

"It depends on how much chakra you have. I would have to find out later. They are magnificently useful, aren't they?" he asked. He made the cross shaped seal again and ten more clones popped into existence.

"You are to do whatever miss Chi-chi tells you to do, understand?" he said to them, before adding in a whisper, "And no dispelling, by accident or otherwise."

That got a few groans from his copies. They complied however, and Naruto and the other three left the house. They then took off, Goku pointing them in the direction of a place called Capsule Corp.

"How did he know we wanted to spar? We didn't say anything about it" said Goku.

"Well, Piccolo did say he could enter minds…" said Gohan.

"I doubt it was that. He only seemed to do it when I looked him in the eye, so his mind entrance is more than likely dependant on eye contact. On a more positive note, I know that he didn't look at everything in my mind" said Piccolo.

"How do you know he didn't?" asked Gohan.

"He had no idea about Kami OR the dragon balls" replied the Namekian.

"He's got a point" said Goku.

"You know I can hear everything you guys are saying, right?" said Naruto. "The reason I knew about your intensions is because I got a gist of your personalities from a few of Piccolo's memories, and because of my tail powers."

"Tail powers?" said Goku, obviously confused.

Naruto sighed before going into an explanation. "Each of my tails, while not only being an indicator of power, grants a different ability."

"So what powers do they give you?" asked Gohan.

"Well, the first five give me basic control of the elements fire, wind, water, earth, and lightning. The tail I used was the sixth, which gives me increased intelligence, along with incredible insight and foresight" said Naruto.

"So you can see into the future?" asked Piccolo. Naruto only shook his head.

"I can only see brief glimpses, and I can't control when I see them or who or what they entail" he said, getting a nod from Piccolo.

"And what about the last three?" asked the Namekian.

"The tails of mind, body, and soul. While I've never used them, from what I've been told by my…predecessor, they can restore anyone to life, provided I have some piece of them. If say their entire body is obliterated, I wouldn't be able to bring them back" said Naruto.

"Man, I hope you're strong, because that would just make my day if that prick Vegeta is weaker than you." chuckled Piccolo.

"From what I've seen, It would make my day too" laughed Naruto.

After another ten minutes, the group arrived at Capsule Corp. where they were greeted by Bulma. She informed them that Vegeta had locked himself in her gravity enhanced training room, and refused to come out. So they would either have to go in, or wait until he came out on his own. Bulma it seemed was very friendly towards Naruto, even after finding out what he now was.

After an hour, Vegeta finally came out to rest.

"Oh joy, if it isn't Kakarot, the Namekian, the Brat, and some other freak. Getting ready to join the circus, are you" greeted Vegeta. "Who is the blonde one anyway?"

"If he's as powerful as we think, he may be the answer to our android problem" said Goku.

"Ha! This twerp? He probably couldn't tear his way out of a wet paper bag. We all know it's going to be me that beats those androids into the dirt where they belong, we don't need his help" said Vegeta.

"Ok, this guy's starting to piss me off" said Naruto.

"Oh, and just what are you going to do about it. I am a Saiyan elite. A top rank warrior. That oaf Krillin is probably stronger than you, loser" said Vegeta, and for a moment, Naruto could only think of how much that Vegeta reminded him of Sasuke. In a flash, he hit Vegeta with one of his tails, sending the Saiyan elite flying through a wall. He came out a moment later.

"Oh, so the animal freak does have some fight in him. Good. It's boring in that gravity chamber without being able to beat someone into a bloody heap" said Vegeta, before launching into flight at Naruto. The blonde didn't even move to avoid the attack, instead taking it head on, causing him to fly over the wall of Capsule corp. and into the sky.

"That'll teach the Brat" said Vegeta with a smirk. His smirk left him however, when the Naruto he had his suddenly burst into smoke.

"When the hell did he make one of his clones?" thought Piccolo.

Vegeta was looking all around for his opponent. "Where could he be? Above…Behind?"

"How about below?" shouted Naruto's voice as a clawed hand shot up and latched to Vegeta's leg. Before the Saiyan prince could react, he was pulled up to his neck into the ground, his opponent appearing in front of him.

"So, I couldn't fight my way out of a wet paper bag, huh?" said Naruto, before the ground began to shake and an explosion of power erupted from Vegeta, blowing the earth around him away, freeing him from the ground.

"You're going to pay for that, boy" he said, his hands beginning to glow with his ki energy.

"Hold it you two" shouted Bulma. "If you want to fight, go somewhere else, because I will not have you two destroying my home."

"Fine, fine. We'll finish this elsewhere" said Vegeta, before launching into the sky, Naruto following shortly afterward.

"Well…Bye Bulma" waved Goku before he, Gohan and Piccolo went to follow the fight. Bulma turned around and sighed as she looked at the gaping hole in her house and the large crater in the ground.

Some distance outside of the city, the group descended so Naruto and Vegeta could have their match.

"You don't stand a chance against me, kid. You might as well give up now. There's no way someone like you can beat the Prince of Saiyans" said Vegeta, dropping into a fighting stance.

"Yeah, yeah, you talk big, but can you back it up?" replied Naruto, dropping into an improvised stance.

"Well, you're about to find out" said Vegeta, before he disappeared and Naruto was knocked by a hit to the back, sending him flying. However, like before, it turned out to be nothing more than a clone, once more raising the question in Piccolo's mind at how he can create the copies without someone at least sensing it. Vegeta quickly moved positions, but it seemed that Naruto was expecting it, because Naruto emerged from the ground just inches from where Vegeta landed, delivering an uppercut to the Saiyan's face.

Vegeta quickly righted himself and back flipped back into a crouched position on the ground.

"All right, so you have some skill, but don't think that will work on me again" growled Vegeta, his anger apparently rising. It nearly exploded when he saw that Naruto wasn't even listening to him. He was in fact turned around, talking to Goku.

"Never turn your back on an opponent, especially one who is superior to yourself" shouted Vegeta, launching a Super Energy Wave Volley at Naruto, smirking when the blasts connected, raising a cloud of dust and smoke.

"Well, that will teach him to-" Vegeta was cut off however, when the dust cloud cleared and Naruto stood there, unharmed aside from his tails that looked to be in poor shape, having absorbed the full force of the attack. They were suddenly engulfed in a red aura, before healing back to their original states.

"Are you quite finished warming up? I want to start fighting serious, but I can't do that until you take the kid gloves off" said Naruto.

"Fine" growled Vegeta. "Maybe a trip to Other World will teach you some respect." With that, both fighters disappeared, and then reappeared between where they had been, both sending a barrage of punches at the other. Naruto used his tails to block most of the attacks from Vegeta, though several did get through. Naruto had to admit, they were incredibly painful. Vegeta on the other hand was sending punch after punch, kick after kick at his opponent, every so often taking one himself. It was painful, but nothing he couldn't take. Both combatants threw punches at the same time, both connecting to the face of the other, knocking both back several feet.

Naruto regained his bearings just as a cry of "Galick Gun" was heard, and a purple beam of energy shot directly at him. His tails came up on instinct to block the attack, managing to do so, though it knocked him back several feet. Before he had a chance to heal his tails, Vegeta managed to get through them, delivering a powerful punch to his gut, knocking him back. Vegeta disappeared and reappeared in Naruto's path and kicked the flying boy high into the air. The Saiyan Prince disappeared a second time, once more appearing in Naruto's path, launching another Galick Gun at his opponent. Naruto managed to twist in the air, but the attack still obliterated his right arm.

The boy fell to the ground in a heap, Vegeta landing next to him. "Just as I thought" he said. "You may have power boy, but you have no clue in how to use it. You put up a fight, but the fact remains…I win."

"So, can I ask you something?" grunted out Naruto, obviously in pain.

"Why not? Are you wondering how I beat you? It was really quite simple. You have no fighting style, and as I said before, you have no idea how to use your power. Krillin would have put up more of a fight" laughed out Vegeta.

"No, it's not that" replied Naruto. "I wanted to ask if you were sure about the same move not working again."

Before Vegeta could react, the ground before him exploded, Naruto emerging with a swirling blue sphere in the hand that wasn't blown off. He slammed it into Vegeta's chest as his clone on the ground disappeared. The rasengan was incomplete, as he had yet to master it with one hand, but it was still powerful enough to send Vegeta flying through several trees, and impact a rock so hard, it left an imprint of him. There was also a hole burned in his clothes, and his chest was a torn up, bloody mess.

Several wide eyes looked upon the scene as a red aura surrounded Naruto and formed a new arm and clothes. It looked as though he had never been in a fight. He then, like Vegeta, passed out.

Chapter End

Peace to all my Fans

Fan of Fanfics