Disclaimer: I do not own Bleach or the song used in this story

A/N: Working on a bit of a writer's block at the moment. So while I'm trying to get through it, enjoy this songfic!

Artist: Carrie Underwood
Song: Cowboy Casanova

Edited 30/10/2012

No More

Karin rolled her eyes as she saw yet another girl falling head over heels for the new transfer student, Tōshirō Hitsugaya. This was the seventeenth one this week and the guy had only been here for a few days! The shrieks were well passed unbearable and the way they looked at him really sickened her. If she could, she'd punch every single one of them just so she could have at least one ounce of peace.

Karin shook her head, remembering the bet she made with her boyfriend, and sighed. No matter what she was to refrain from using any violence unless it was absolutely necessary. Still, it was so. Very. Tempting.

The noises only got louder by the second, screeches becoming even more intolerable, until she tightened her fists and slammed them hard on her desk. The sound echoed throughout the room, silencing the entire class.

"Will you just give it up already?!" she yelled. "Clearly the guy has no interest in any of you! So would you all do us a favour and leave him alone so the rest of us can study? Higurashi-sensei might have given us a free study period, but it doesn't mean you can gawk and squeal at the new guy all day. Get a life!"

"Instead of yelling at us, why don't you? Go…I don't know…play soccer or something?" responded a girl. She had to have had guts if she was going up against Karin. "We all know your life revolves around that black and white ball anyway. So do us the favour and leave."

"Oh sure, kick the only sane person out. Just don't come crying to me when he finally starts talking back." By that, Karin meant that Tōshirō Hitsugaya was currently not his stoic-self due to the mod soul currently occupying his gigai. He had left long ago to attend to the group of hollows circling downtown Karakura.

By lunchtime, Karin walked back into her class and headed straight to her desk. She sighed, missing her sister's wild banters during lunch –she was home sick with the flu– and opened her bought bento box.

After taking a few bites, the elder Kurosaki twin took a quick glance at her shinigami friend and couldn't help but laugh as she saw his annoyed expression. He was finally back in his faux body and by the looks of it, he was regretting it.

When the room got colder, Karin thought it would be best to bust the tenth division captain out of his predicament. Fortunately or not, the only way she knew how was to lecture the girls in a song. If they wouldn't listen to reason, perhaps they would if it was in a song. People tended to listen to you when you sang. Why? She didn't know. They just…did…

Knowing that she would probably embarrass herself, Karin still climbed on top of her desk and began singing as she beckoned the girls to gather around her.

You better take it from me
That boy is like a disease
You run and you try and you're trying to hide
And you're wondering why you can't get free

Curious at this uncharacterized behaviour, the girls left the new student and gathered around her. Even some of the guys were curious as to why she was singing and dancing.

He's like a curse, he's like a drug
You'll get addicted to his love
You wanna get out, but he's holding you down
'Cause you can't live without one more touch

Karin motioned for the girls to move and jumped off her desk. The crowd separated into two as she kicked her desk, hitting the guys that were ogling her right in the stomach, and made her way to the teacher's desk. Leaning against it as the girls re-surrounded her, she continued her song.

He's a, a good time, cowboy Casanova
Leaning up against the record machine
He looks like a cool drink of water
But he's candy-coated misery

He's the devil in disguise, a snake with blue eyes
And he only comes out at night
Gives you feelings that you don't wanna fight
You better run for your life

Before starting the next stanza, she walked out of the classroom with a bunch of girls behind her and headed into the school's courtyard, right where the fountain was. She stood up on the ledge and danced as she waited for the people to crowd around her. She didn't have to wait long.

I see that look on your face
You ain't hearing what I say
So I'll say it again, 'cause I've been where you been
And I know how it ends, you can't get away

By now, everyone's eyes were on her. Even the people from the other classrooms opened their windows to check out what the commotion was all about. People singing and dancing in the middle of school was something akin to movies and musicals. It didn't happen in real life. Yet the proof was right in front of them, and strangely enough, it was enjoyable.

Don't even look in his eyes
He'll tell you nothing but lies
And you wanna believe but you won't be deceived
If you listen to me and take my advice

Karin jumped off the ledge of the fountain and found the boy in question. She circled him as she sang, examining him like a scientist would a specimen.

He's a, a good time, cowboy Casanova
Leaning up against the record machine
He looks like a cool drink of water
But he's candy-coated misery

He's the devil in disguise, a snake with blue eyes
And he only comes out at night
Gives you feelings that you don't wanna fight
You better run for your life

As she approached the bridge of the song, Karin moved towards each girl from her class and sang as if she was speaking to them.

Run, run away, don't let him mess with your mind
He'll tell you anything you wanna hear
He'll break your heart, it's just a matter of time
But just remember

Then she went back to the shinigami, circling him once more.

He's a, a good time, cowboy Casanova
Leaning up against the record machine
He looks like a cool drink of water
But he's candy-coated misery

He's the devil in disguise, a snake with blue eyes
And he only comes out at night
Gives you feelings that you don't wanna fight
You better run for your life

Sick and tired of being perceived as nothing more but a piece of meat, Tōshirō left, leaving Karin to finish her song.

Oh, you better run for your life
Oh, you better run for your life

When she finished, the raven-haired teen was out of there faster than you could say 'shinigami' and made her way to the roof.

"Cowboy Casanova?" the shinigami captain questioned the moment she arrived. "Doesn't that mean you should be staying away from me too?"

"Hey, it was the only way I could get those ravenous hyenas away from my boyfriend without resulting to any violence. Besides, it's not like I was wrong to tell them that you weren't interested in them. Now pay up!"

Tōshirō pulled his girlfriend onto his lap and happily gave her her kiss. It was the least he could do since she showed him how far her restraint could bend.

"By the way," Karin said after they broke apart, "I hope you know how to restrain yourself."

"And why's that?"

"Now that the guys have seen this side of me, they'll be chasing after me like the girls chase you. And since I'm technically not dating anyone…" Karin stopped mid-sentence, knowing that it'd kill him if she went on. "So do me a favour and try not to freeze them to death."

"That might be a problem. Think you can convince me to make that promise?"

Karin smiled mischievously before wrapping her arms around his neck and whispered seductively, "I think we can work something out," before she claimed his lips.