*Hey you all! New story even though I'm in the middle of like three other ones! I just have so many ideas! I'm so sorry for all of you waiting for my other stories! Grrr sorry! I'm going to try this first part in Freddie's POV though… * -Ariel


{That night, we all had a drink; even Carly. We figured we would just try it out, to see what it was like. None of us thought anything about it. Or so I thought. }

"Hey Fredaroonie, go get me a drink will ya?" Sam said resting her head against the wall and half closing her eyes. We were sitting on the fire escape; Sam never drank around Carly but was often drunk around her.

"Sam, you've had at least 3 drinks and it's only 5. We have to record iCarly soon and I would love to do it while you're somewhat sober." I said, slightly annoyed and very worried.

Now don't get me wrong. I hate Sam as much as any other nerd she tortures; But, as much as I hate to admit it, she's one of my best friends. She'll never admit it, but she's addicted; Just like her dad was. She doesn't know that I know what happened with her dad.

I had come by her house to get my pear pod back because she took it, again. Her mom answered the door and said she wasn't home. I'd seen a picture of a man who looked a lot like Sam behind her back on a fireplace.

"Is that Sam's dad?" I asked her mother, pointing to the picture. She just looked at me for a moment; getting that hesitant but strong look in her eyes that Sam often got.

"Yes, that's Sam's father. Sam didn't tell you anything about him?" She spoke slowly, hesitantly.

"Nope. She's never really mentioned him. What uh… What happened to him?" I replied, watching for her reaction. She sighed and held the door open wider, stepping back so I could enter.

"Well, come on in. I guess I could tell you; But don't tell Sam." She said as I stepped through the door and looked around. This was the only time I'd been to Sam's house; Carly had given me the address but couldn't come with me.

It was very average. A red couch, a few chairs, a fireplace, and a TV being the bigger things in the room. I could see an Xbox next to the TV and the controllers and all of that on top of it. I looked down at the gray carpet and saw a stain a little bit lighter than the carpet; nobody else would notice it as easily but I guess I have an eye for that kind of thing.

Sam's mom motioned for me to sit down and I sat in one of the black chairs. It felt weird being in this empty house with Sam's mother, awkward. She sat in the other chair across from me, closest to the fireplace and the picture.

"Sam's father… He and I met in High School, high school sweethearts. He was a 'bully' I guess; Always messing with the weaker kids. Sam got that from him, her aggression. But anyway, back then he was way into all the partying and drinking and drugs. I was an outcast, so we kind of clicked. We were together from when we were 17 until we were 24."

"I had Sam when I was 18 and he stayed around; tried to be a better father than his was. We never married. Sam was a typical Daddy's girl. They did so much together; Ball games, carnivals, they both loved food… Ham, steak, ribs, we had more meat than a butcher. But then… when Sam was 6…"

She paused, and her eyes started to water, "He started drinking more. He got so angry, and she was so young… He scared her sometimes, I know it. He yelled and screamed at her when she sat waiting up for him when he went out to get wasted. She'd lie on the couch and eat ribs or ham or something until he got home. He'd push her off of the couch and yell and pass out. He was hurting her more and more… and I just couldn't put her through that anymore. So I…" She took a deep breath and blinked away the tears.

She had been looking ahead, eyes focused on memories I couldn't see, she looked at me then. "I told him to leave. I told him I was tired of him messing up out daughter. He of course was drunk and got angry. It was the biggest fight we had ever had. I had bruises, he had bruises, and I finally pushed him out the door, praying that Sam didn't wake up. I threw all of his stuff out of the window and we haven't seen him since. He hasn't called, he won't write. Sam didn't take that well and refuses to talk about him. She still takes an interest in food and watched every football game she's home for. But I can't help but think I lost my boyfriend and my little girl."

Sam's mother bit her lip and stood up, not giving me a chance to react. I checked my watch for the time, 8:14.

"I guess Sam should be home soon then." I stood up also and we both walked to the door. I could tell she was done talking about the subject so I just held my hand out,

"It was nice to meet you Ms. Puckett. Thank you and I'm sorry for all of your troubles." She shook my hand and I started to walk home. All I could think about was Sam. Why didn't she tell me? Why didn't she tell Carly? I knew Carly didn't know because she'd asked me if I knew one time. Sam has kept such a big secret for so long… So much pain…

I thought of Sam differently that night. Like knowing that had made other mysterious things about her make sense. That was the day where I figured out one of her biggest secrets. And the first night I dreamt about her.

"Come on Loser. Just one drink." Sam pleaded; opening her eyes a little and gave me a puppy dog face. Sam may have been wasted; but she still managed to make me feel so guilty I wanted to bring her a whole keg just to make her happy. Be strong Freddie. This isn't the first time you let her beat you.

I shook my head, "No, Sam. You've done enough drinking for the day. You've done enough drinking for the week. You're underage anyway so technically, what you're doing is illegal and…"

Sam groaned, cutting me off. She slumped her shoulders and pulled her knees up to her chest and rested her head on her knees. I sighed and turned back to my laptop. I had been searching 'underage alcoholics', I'd read a few pages and sites but none of them were of any use; they were mostly just facts and prevention and why it's so bad and all that.

Wait. Why am I even doing this? After all the shit she's been doing to me all these years, shouldn't I just let her get in trouble? I closed the window and shut my laptop looking over at Sam. She, or course, had passed out. With her eyes closed and stray hairs falling over her face, her lips looked pink and moist, and I hate to admit it, but she looked really beautiful…

Jeez Freddie shut up. This is the girl who told the whole web that you'd never kissed anyone! The one who's been hitting you and pranking you and insulting you for years! Stop being such a pansy. I pulled my phone out and checked the time. She's been sleeping for about 15 minutes, and her last drink was almost an hour ago, so any minute now…

Suddenly, Sam's eyes flew open and she opened her mouth. I reached behind me and grabbed the small black trash bin I'd kept here for when this happened. In less than a minute she was bent over it and I was holding her hair as she vomited. I hated how it always smelled like whatever she'd been drinking; this time it was vodka, her favorite. After a few minutes she finally sat up and I handed her one of the paper towels I also kept here. As I watched her wipe her face I started to think. Why is it always me? Why do I always have to clean up every fucking mess she makes? Why am I wasting my life like she is? I could be doing so much right now… Well actually I guess I don't really have anything to do… Ugh. I have to do something about this. I was starting to get angry at Sam when I felt my phone vibrate, a text from Carly.

Hey is Sam here yet? You ready to do iCarly? *CarlyBoo*

Yea she just got here. We'll be over in a minute.

I quickly typed a reply and slipped my phone and laptop into my backpack. Sam saw me moving and started to zip her bag too, pulling an empty liquor bottle out and throwing it into the distance.

"You know I hate it when you do that." I said shaking my head at her.

"Oh get over it." She replied pulling out a pack of gum and popping two pieces in her mouth. I pulled a Ziploc bag with her alcohol toothbrush and toothpaste and gave it to her, so she could excuse herself and brush her teeth while Carly and I set up.

"How do I look?" She asked turning toward me. I took in her messy hair and tired expression.

"Tell her you just woke up, make sure you brush your hair too," I told her and picked up our bags, handing her hers and putting mine on my back. I gave her the once over one more time and took a deep breath.

"Try not to make it obvious that you're wasted. You ready?" I asked her and she nodded. We stepped out of the escape and made our way to Carly's apartment.

*Kay, sorry you all this chapter ended in a crappy way, instead of all suspense filled (: Ah, Favorite for Carly's awesome signature! I've never been drunk so sorry if I get some of the facts wrong -_- I feel all bad because my stories involve Sam being the one in trouble and Freddie the one helping her :[ I tried to convince myself it was because his mom was crazy but I might have to do one where he's the one with the problem. Maybe he'll join a gang or something. Idk but if you have any ideas or suggestions please share. :D Anyway, thank you for reading (: I hope you enjoyed. –Ariel*