Author's POV

Today was officially the day of their wedding day and all the girls looked as if they were dreaming.

"Hey…Ino! Anyone there?" Sai asked as he waved his hands in front of her face.


"I think my fiancé is broken." He said.

"Same here." Shikamaru and Neji said once they couldn't get their girls to react either.

"Hinata fainted again." Naruto said laughing a bit.

"What about Sakura?" Naruto asked looking at Sasuke.

"Huh?" He said and looked over to Sakura who was looking at the ring in her figure."I think I know how to get her attention." He said and all the boys looked at him as he leaned down to place his lips with hers.. Sakura was taken out of her thoughts.

The guys caught and soon did the same, as they brought back their girls down to earth, Itachi, Jariya, and Tsunade walked in.

"Save it for the honey moon kids." Jariya said. They soon broke apart.

"Let's go girls." Tsunade said.

"Eh?" But I thought the wedding wasn't until 3pm?" Tenten asked looking at the time. 7:13

"But you guys have to go get everything ready, come on I'll wait for you guys in the car." She said walking out of the room.

They stood and quickly followed after her while the guys sat there staring at them.

"Do we have to go shopping for tux's?" Sasuke asked barely thinking about it for the first time.

"We already got someone to come and show you different designs." Itachi said. "They should be here any minute." And just on cue the doorbell rang.

A guy came in with many different kinds, while the guys looked at them, they were thinking about how the girls were going to get dressed. They wanted to match, so they tried to see their personality.

Tenten will most likely wear…Brown with white on it…but it's a wedding isn't it? Neji thought as he picked up a nice brown suit.

Hinata will most likely wear something…purple..with maybe some pink on it as well… Naruto thought picking up a dark purple suit.

What a drag…hmm Temari will most likely wear some kind of … Dark green dress with maybe some lighter green on it. Shikamaru thought as he saw a decent Dark green suit.

Ino will definitely choose a blue dress, with some light blue on it so it can match her eyes. Sai thought picking up a Dark blue suit.

Knowing Sakura… she's going to go crazy. I'm thinking a red dress with black on it. But it's a wedding…I don't…wait it's Sakura so there are more chances she will. Then I'll go with this suit. Sasuke thought as he picked up a black suit with red on it.

"I see you guys made good choices here." The man said. They began to fit them.

While he was doing that the boys all had the same thing on their minds. Can he customize them later?

"Yes, you guys can fix them how you want later." Itachi said answering their question.

"I love it!" Sakura sang as she picked up her dress. "I'm definitely going to wear this one!"

"I knew you would choose that one." Tsunade said. While the other girls were gushing over their dress as well.

"Now," Tsunade spoke again and every girl turned to her. "It's time to customize them." She said with a smile, which the girls returned with a smirk of their own.


The guys were all standing in the alter, waiting impatiently for the girls.

The crowd around them got bigger and bigger. There were many paparazzi there taking pictures.

They all stood there with sipped tux's, as they personally customized them.


Everyone was whispering amongst themselves, wondering how the wedding will be, and how the girls will look. Many people thought it was a risky move for the guys to dress the way they did on their wedding night, but many also agreed that it was their style and that they didn't expect anything less from them.

While everyone was talking all the girls in the back were having a nervous meltdown.

"AHHH! I can't do it!" Ino began to scream.

"I look so weird!" Tenten followed.

"I'm not going out there!" Temari said panicking as well.

Hinata was about to faint.

"Listen you guys and listen good!" Sakura said pointing a figure at them. "We are NOT backing out! This is our day, this is our moment! We are going to get married to HAWK! I don't care what you have to say or what's wrong with how you look because we are going out there and we are going to say, 'I do'! Everyone got that!" Sakura finished.

The girls all shook their heads nervously.

"Good, because we're on." She began to walk out the door.

The music started to play and everyone got quiet, they all stood up and turned their heads towards the door. The guys looked at the door as well.

The girls began to walk out hand in hand, while Tsunade was in the middle. People began to take pictures.

The guys stood their awe struck. The girls looked beautiful. Everything about them was making them want to walk over to them and kiss them senseless.

Once they were in front of them they each took their hand and guided them besides them.

"I knew you would wear something like that." Sasuke whispered to Sakura's ear.

"I knew you would know what I was going to wear and I knew you'd match it." Sakura whispered back noticing his tux.

"By the way," she said, "you look really cute in it."
He smirked.

As the preacher began to say his lines the guys couldn't stop looking at them from the corner of their eyes. The same with the girls.

Sasuke's hand brushed Sakura's skin and she tried to suppress the shiver that his skin contact made.

He smirked knowing the reaction he got from her.

He touched her fingers with his before gently intertwining them.

"Do you Sasuke take Sakura to be your wife? To love and to cherish, 'till death do you part?"

"I do."

"Do you Sakura take Sasuke to be your husband? To love and to cherish, 'till death do you part?"

"I do."

"Then by the power vested in me, I know pronounce you man, and wife. You may all kiss the bride."

Sasuke didn't need to be told twice, he held out his hand that was intertwined with Sakura's and held it out for everyone to see that she was his now and placed his lips on hers.

Everyone was cheering for them, but none of them noticed they were too busy in their own world.

When they broke apart the couples hugged each other tightly, everyone but Sasuke and Sakura who had their foreheads together.

"I love you… Sasuke." Sakura said kind of breathless.

"I…love you Sakura Uchiha." He smiled at the name while Sakura blushed.

"Ok, let the part begin!" Tsunade said and everyone cheered following her.

The party, everyone thought, was amazing. They sand together, they danced and everyone thought that it was a fairytale come true.

"They look so cute together!" People would say.

Sasuke never once left Sakura's side.

"Congratulations Sakura," A man came to say. "And might I say you look stunning."

Sasuke hugged her closer to him, "You may say it, but don't forget she is my wife now." He said defensively. The man laughed. "Hai hai." He said before walking away.

"Sasuke!" Sakura complained.

"I told you I'm not sharing you." He said before capturing her lips once again.

Sakura completely forgot she was mad at him.

"Sasuke!" A bunch of fan girls began to scream, Sasuke turned his head a bit, but his face was pulled back and his lips crushed with Sakura's once again.

"And I also told you I'm not sharing you either." She said with a smirk.


At the end of the day

"Have a nice honey moon you guys!" Tsunade cheered.

"You better make me and uncle by the time you come back." Itachi said to Sasuke.

"And I want to be a grandmother already!" Tsunade complained. "From ALL of you!"

The guys looked away to avoid anyone seeing them blush.

"Bye you guys!" The girls screamed to each other as they were all in different cars going to different places.

Then the cars drove off.

"Sakura?" Sasuke began.


"This is the start of our future together." He said looking at her seriously. "And I will never leave you alone anymore."

"Promise?" Sakura said looking at him.

"I swear."

With that they drove off into the unknown, and their news lives began… together.

I'm misery, and you're my company. So maybe misery isn't so bad.

The end!

I hope you all enjoyed the series!

Sad to say that this is the end of the story.

But I would love some reviews!