My first fanfiction here!

Quick summary: Brock finds Dawn's diary and begins to read it. He discovers all kinds of things about her contests-and who she likes!

Hope you guys like it :)

~Dawn's Diary~

Brock was cleaning up the supplies so he, Ash, and Dawn could pack up camp and get a move on to the next town. Ash and Dawn were busy training for Ash's next Gym battle.

When Brock picked up Dawn's sleeping bag, a pink book covered in hearts and smiley faces tumbled out. Brock bent over and picked it up. It was Dawn's diary. And he knew what that meant-the place where she wrote her personal thoughts and feelings.

Should he read it? No that would be wrong.

Then again, Dawn was busy training with Ash.

She would never have to know.

Brock gave in to curiosity and opened the pink book to the first page. Invasion of privacy? Yes. Fascinating? Very much so.

Hello Diary!

I'm Dawn! I left home for the first time today, and I'm on my way to being a Pokémon Coordinator.

A lot of stuff happened today. First, I got my own Piplup! Well actually, first I went to Professor Rowan's lab. Then I had to go find the Piplup and a Chimchar. Finding Piplup was a real adventure. We got chased by some Ariados through the forest and then we saw a mysterious Pokémon in the lake.

I met a lost Pikachu, who ended up belonging to this kid named Ash. He's really nice, and now I'm traveling with him and this other boy named Brock. Brock is a lot older than me. Ash is not as much older, but still older. I'm only 10.

I was trying to catch Pikachu, but it didn't work. That made for my third failed catch that day! But it turns out that it didn't work since Pikachu already belongs to someone. It would've been wrong of me to catch it.

Anyway, these bad guys were chasing after Pikachu. Pikachu, Piplup and I were trying to fight them off when Ash found us. He climbed on the giant robot that the bad guys had and freaked me out! And then after fighting them Pikachu used Thunderbolt on the bad guys to send them flying into the sky! It was SO cool!

So I got Pikachu back to Ash and Professor Rowan was with us. Ash called his mom and Professor Oak and I actually got to talk to a Pokémon poet! Then Ash put on some new clothes since his old ones were messy due to an explosion when he sent the bad guys blasting off.

And all seemed fine until we went outside. There was this guy-Paul, if I'm getting his name right-waiting for Ash they had a battle and I sided with Ash, but only because I knew him better. It ended in a tie. I kinda wish someone would have won, even if it wasn't Ash.

Don't tell anyone (of course you can't, you're a book), but that guy that battled Ash was kinda cute…

Well the book sure told Brock.

So that's the first chapter! I'll try to have the next one up before the week's over.

-xxGlassRose :)