A/N: HIIIIIIIIII! That was loud o.0 Anyhoozel, I've decided I'm going to write some Tribbie, because there's not enough of this pairing, so there. Yup, yeah, so you can…uh…read it now. God the authors note sucks. Also, this is me trying second person. Yeah, fail fic is fail.

You know that all this is wrong. But sometimes it just felt so right. You groan internally as you realize you're starting to sound like one of those corny romance novels your mother loves so much.

You know it isn't right how she makes the relationship you have with her a secret. It's all to protect her social status. You chuckle. Although you'd never tell her this, she doesn't have much of a social status. Not in Hollywood Arts at least. You think how much you just want to tell her how much this makes you feel terrible, how you can't be together in public, but you know what she would say anyway.

"Robbie, what does it matter if other people know about us or not? You're just being silly." Something along those lines.

You think about it though. Does it really matter if everyone else knows? You imagine about all the reactions from your friends. Tori would be a little freaked out, but probably would get over it one way or another. Cat would probably be happy for you, besides, that girl was always happy. Jade would laugh at the odd pairing of me and Trina. And Rex? He could hear Rex saying "Finally, this boy has a date!" Then say something about Trina never shutting up.

Your relationship wasn't the most healthy as some others. The only way you could get her to even go on a date with you was to ask her out over and over until she finally cracked. And you made a connection. You and her, well, "clicked". But then, Trina's so called popularity butted in.

There was to be no physical contact in public. You could never pull her into your arms and kiss her like you wanted to oh so much. It was always "Is the coast clear? Good, okay, to the janitor's closet!" and then have a rushed make-out session. You couldn't speak to her as a boyfriend would. You had to speak to her as if she was higher authority then you, and then she would respond "Oh god, you again?" Even though she didn't mean the words, they stung.

Everything was to be in secret. And those little secret meetings were great sometimes. You remember watching movies in her room and laughing together at all the funny parts. Like a real couple would. You remember when she actually got you a present for your birthday (okay it was a card and five bucks but coming from Trina that's a lot) and hung out with you for the day, in locations nobody at Hollywood Arts went to, of course. You hung out like a real couple.

But you and her weren't a real couple.

It just felt like you were her dirty little secret, something she was ashamed of. Something she wanted to stay with all the skeletons in her closet.

Yeah, it hurts you, but as she pulls you into the janitor's closet for another one of your secret meetings, and she says how much she loves these moments with just the two of you, you accept it. With some difficulty, yes, but you ultimately accept it.

You just wish you weren't always just her dirty little secret.

A/N: I think it turned out better than I had planned J Yay! So, review please, because if you review, you get a cookie! Okay not really, but you get the satisfaction of critiquing someone's hard work. Yeah I know shitty reward, but just review.