Hey Ho all,

This is my 2nd crack of the whip as far as fan fics go but my first Southern Vamp / True blood story. I'm going to have a crack at 1st person in some chapters as I'm a big fan of Mrs Harris style, but I'm also fond of a more traditional style so I'm going to flit back and forth and I hope people do not mind this, better do the legal stuff I DO NOT OWN ANYTHING I MAKE NO MONEY ITS JUST FOR FUN

Right anyway on with the show , please review and tell me if I'm going wrong or Wright at least in know if I should keep updating

Tyres screeched mercilessly on the road as the Toyota minivan fishtailed wildly round the empty country road; the driver gripped the steering wheel with straining knuckles as she attempted to maintain control of the vehicle , one hand drifted down to the vicious gash in her side as thick viscous ruby red blood seeped out of the deep wound .

Hissing as she was forced to take the wheel again with both hands, she maintained her excessive speed desperate in her attempt to reach the safety of her master and relief from her wounds , silver particles still fizzled and popped in her chest as slowly one by one of the buckshot worked its way out of her bosom and stomach . She had been alive for centuries and could not envision meeting the final death in such a ignominious way , she was meant to pershish by her makers side to be brought down by a worthy foe not a lucky mongrel were , to be left to slink off and die alone in some filthy muddy corner in some backwards part of this accursed state of Louisiana , this she would not accept.

Her vision blurred as she focused hard on the road watching as it was eaten up beneath her, just a little while longer that's all she would need ...but she was so weak so tired, thirst gripped her and the feel of sleep denied haunted her, head lolling back for an instant of sweet rest the rear end of the vehicle swerved and in an instant was top heavy.

The world rolled over and over again slamming her violently round the enclosed space for what seemed like a eternity before it came to rest upside down in a ditch by the side of the narrow dark road, after a few minutes the only sound that broke the silence was the repetitive clacking of the still revolving wheels turning uselessly in the air like a tortoise flipped on its back attempting to still find purchase on solid ground .

Slowly the driver dragged her now even more beaten and bloody form from the now wrecked minivan, inch by agonising inch she cleared the remains, fleeing the very real threat of fire that it now posed, to bleed out was one thing but to burn was something she had feared most , although she would have eaten her tongue before admitting it, to admit fear was one of her makers first cardinal rules DO NOT SHOW FEAR .

Finally reaching the trunk of a near tree she allowed her body to slump and come to rest , was this end? , she now had no way to get to safety, no way to reach help , was this really how it would end for her? . Time had lost all meaning so how long she lay there was unknown, the terrible dawn was fast approaching there was no way she would be able to find shelter , or to burrow to safety even if she could her wounds were not healing the way they should, without blood and the removal of the silver that was still buried deep she would just as well be digging her own grave.

The sound of soft footfalls brought the wounded pitiful misfortunate to attention, but she was hardly in a position to ready her self for battle, had her enemies tracked her? Had she lain here that long? Or was this a new threat that would ultimately lead to her end, gritting her teeth she attempted to raise her head so at least to meet her final death with a look in the eye but she no longer had the strength...it was over .

The next thing she was aware of was a soft hand stroking her cheek, the feeling was oddly comforting despite the situation, slowly and with great gentleness it cupped her chin and raised her head to meet the owner of the appendage , she had been ready for a lot of things but not for what now met her blurred and tired gaze , deep blue and piercingly beautiful eyes met her own they were set in a fair and enchanting face framed with golden locks that shined despite the pitch black of the night , the second sensation that hit was the smell , it cut through all others the oil , the trees, the cold damp ground , it was rich and sweet and fresh like a cool wind over a lake in summer ...sunshine was the closet description the long forgotten sunshine .

She was broken out of her mental fog by the sound of a wind chime light voice '' It's alright I will take care of you ''

Pam gurgled and swallowed the blood in her mouth before mumbling '' Fuck I never thought they would send an angel I thought I would go the other way ''

With that she surrendered to the black and blessed sleep.

Eric Northman had many degrees of fury and rage , they spanned the spectrum from petty inconveniences if occurred over and over again , disrespect from individuals that owed him loyalty , theft of what he considered his property and so on up to what he was feeling now , RAGE was a poultry word for what wracked him now his child was in danger and in pain , he did not know the details but he could feel the fear and distress she had been broadcasting , he knew the general area she was in but that was it, and now the dawn had come , to venture out now would be his final death

Back and forth he stalked like a lion in a far too small a cage , blood dripped from his chin as the symptom of the bleeds left a messy trail down his pale chiselled face , at least that's what he would tell any who dared to ask ..and they were few, but that was not the whole truth , some was indeed the after effect of his refusal to bow to the pull of his kinds daily rest but also some was from the very real fear and emotional pain he was feeling , Pam he ranked as one of his greatest achievements, swift and deadly, cunning and canny beyond comprehension for most, and now she was alone and in need and he was trapped in this accursed office while she fought for her existence .

The meeting with the weres to arrange a price for compensation to be paid for an offence in his area was only meant to be routine affair, after all who would be insane enough to attack his progeny in his own fucking area ? , and if not that, Pam her self was a gifted killer and enforcer ...how could she have been brought low by mangy animals? .

Many hours of daylight still has to pass before he could answer any of these questions and more importantly give aid to his child , sleep pressed harder on him but again he ignored it , in his mind if she met the final death he wanted to be awake to face it with her as he would surely feel it as surely as he would feel his own hand cut off , to surrender to sleep would be to awake to the pain unprepared ...No he would face out the day and any man women or beast who had brought this to pass had better pray to whatever gods the felt were inclined to listen as there would be no MERCY! .