Everything belongs to Charlaine Harris. I just stop by to play in her sandbox.

Many thanks to my beta treewitch703.

Eric looked around him with disgust. He hated hospitals. All those humans cooped up in this small building. The smell of illness and chemicals. The tears, the prayers and the screams. Pathetic. The fuck am I doing here ?

The nurse looked up from her computer and her eyes widened as they traveled up his body and to his face. Eric leered and winked at her when she finally met his eyes. She wasn't bad looking. 25, Dark hair, dark eyes. She would have made an adequate diner if he hadn't had one already. "Can...Can I help you sir ?"

"Yes, I'm looking for someone. A little girl who has been brought here tonight. Blond hair, blue eyes..."

"Oh, yes, Sookie Stackhouse, right ?" She interrupted him. Eric frowned. How dare she interrupt him ? Pathetic human.

"Yes, right, Sookie... Stackhouse." He repeated.

"Are you family ?" The nurse asked. The fuck ?

"Why ?" He replied.

"Well, sir, you probably know as well as I do that I can't give you any information if you're not family." No, he didn't knew. This was the very first time he was looking for someone in an hospital. How was he supposed to know all that bullshit ?

"In that case, yes, I am." He nodded.

"Well, sir, I need to see some ID." Maybe he needed to drain her. No, that would be too messy.

Eric gritted his teeth in frustration before staring at her.

"Look at me...What is your name ?"

"Lauren." The nurse's eyes glazed over and Eric smirked.

"Lauren ? Very well, Lauren, tell me..." He dropped his voice seductively. "Where can I find Sookie Stackhouse ?"

"Room 459, fourth floor."

"Good girl. Now, listen to me. You will forget seeing me here. I never came, never talked to you. Is that understood ?"

"Yes sir, you never came. You never talked to me."

"Good girl." He repeated before walking toward the stairs.

"I am here."

"Am I speaking to the Norseman ?" Unknown voice.

"Yes." Short answer, waiting for more.

"Niall Brigant speaking." A raised eyebrow.

"Niall Brigant ? Really ?"

"Yes. I need a favor, vampire." The second eyebrow shooting up.

"A favor ? From me ?"

"Indeed. I wouldn't be calling otherwise." Amusement at the fairy's irritation.

"I am listening." Attentively.

"Could we meet somewhere ?" No, seriously ?

"But of course. It would be lovely." Very lovely, indeed.

"I'm serious, vampire."

"So am I." But that does not mean I am stupid.

"Shreveport's business area, in an hour ?"

"Very well."

"I'll come alone."

"So will I." I can take you down by myself.

He was climbing the stairs quickly. The faster he'd get her, the faster they'd be out of here.

First floor. So many things to figure out. What to do ? Where to go ? How to keep his promise ? He didn't had the very first fucking clue about how to take care of a child. She'd need food...clothes...school... So many things. Who would take care of her during daylight ? He might not know a lot of things about children but he sure knew she couldn't take her of herself all day long. He'd have to let some people enter his house when he's at his most vulnerable . That mean he'd need at least a secured rest room.

Second floor. She'll have questions. Children are not stupid. She'll realize that he never ate...that he's never around during daylight... Should he explain things to her immediately? Could she keep the secret ? Or would he have to lock her down every day ? That wouldn't be good for her health. But how to make sure his secret would be safe ? How would she react knowing that her care-taker could kill her ? Would she be terrified of him ? If so, life would be complicated... What if she tried to escape ?

Third floor. Maybe he could summon Pam. She could help him... She's a woman, they're supposed to take care of children. Well, on a second thought, maybe not. Pam's never loved children. Not that he does either but... He'd better let her do whatever she was doing right now. He could already imagine what she'd tell him if she knew what he had agreed to do. Okay, so Pam wasn't a good idea. Not immediately anyway. She'd probably have a lot of fun frightening the child and that would complicate things for him. He'd wait before calling her then.

Fourth floor. And there was the main reason why Niall had asked his help. Breandan. The fucking fairy who was after the child. It had been a long time since the last time he had fought a fairy. And a part of him was hoping that the fucker would keep coming after the child. Fairy's blood was a delicacy he hadn't had in a long time. But according to Niall, Breandan was quite dangerous... Not that he was afraid, but the fairy was the one who had killed the child's parents. Niall was convinced that she was next. And if she was, the fairy would find him in the way.

Eric was leaning against his car when the fairy showed up. He had forgotten that Niall could conceal his smell and he felt almost disappointed. Nothing smells as good as a fairy.

"Vampire." The Prince greeted, nodding his head.

"Fairy." Eric replied on the same tone.

"Thank you for coming."

"Well, for you to be so respectful, it must be something big." Eric was savoring it. The proud fairy prince showing him so much respect. Sweeet!

"As I told you over phone, I need a favor." Apparently, Niall wanted to make it quick, not that Eric minded.

"And as I told you, I am listening."

"I need you to take care of someone for me..."

"Excuse me ?" Did he hear right ? Was Niall joking ?

"I need you to take care of a child for me."

"A child ?" Niall had to be joking.

"Yes, a child."

"I'm not a baby-sitter, fairy ! Did you invited me to come here just to fuck with me ?"

"I am not...fucking...with you," Niall said with disdain. "This child means a lot to me and her life is currently threatened." So ?

"So ?"

"So, I want you to protect her. You're the only one I know who is strong enough to protect her should...my...opponent come after her."

"Your opponent ?" How interesting.

"None of your business !"

"On the contrary, Niall, if you want me to protect this child, it is my business."

"Very well. It is my nephew, Breandan, who is threatening the child. He killed her parents already. And I know he'll come after her, now."

"Why ?" That was the thousand dollar question.

"Why what ?" Niall clearly didn't wanted to answer that.

"Why did he kill her parents ? Why is he after her ?"

"She is..." Niall hesitated. "She is my kin." Well fuck ! "As was her father..."

A fairy ? Niall was asking him to look after a fairy ? "She is a fairy ?"

"Only an eighth of a fairy, actually. That's the reason why Breandan is after her." Okay, interesting but enough... Business now.

"How long do you want me to look after her ?"

"As long as it takes." Well, isn't that a damn time frame.

"Care to be more precise ?"

"I'm going to war with Breandan. I don't know how long it will take... This is why I want you to take her with you." Seriously ?

"You want me to take a part fairy child to live with me ?" No kidding ?

"Yes ! You're the only who can protect her." Well, fuck.

"And what's in it for me ?"

"Anything you want." Well, how promising.

"Anything ?"


"I'll keep that in mind. I like the idea of the Fairy Prince owing me a favor. Sounds good." More than good actually. That idea almost made him light-headed.

"Will you do it ?" Was it...Was it fear he was seeing on Niall's face ?

"I will."

"Thank you, vampire." And he even got a thank you. How sweet.

"Where is this child ? How will I recognize her ?"

"She's in Shreveport's hospital right now. She knocked her head today and they've decided to keep her for the night. She's 10, blond hair, blue eyes and I believe you'll recognize the smell of my family on her."

"Very well. I will retrieve her immediately."

"I will clear everything with her grandmother then. I'm in your debt, vampire."

Eric smirked. "I won't forget."

"There's something else you shouldn't forget, vampire... Should anything happen to her, I will kill you."

Eric's smirk got bigger. "Until next time, fairy."

Eric entered the floor and looked around him. The smell was different here. Diluted. Children's blood was potent in the air. The walls were painted yellow whereas they were white everywhere else. There were dinosaurs on the windows. And the lights were still on.

The nurse stood up when she spotted him but he quickly glamoured her to stop moving. He started walking the corridor while she stood frozen. No use bothering to look for the room numbers, if Niall was right he'd just have to follow his nose.

And indeed, the prince had been right. He could smell fairy blood in the air... Had he been younger, he couldn't have. This blood would have just smelt really sweet to anybody else. But he wasn't anybody.

He pushed the door slowly and saw a little blond girl asleep. He cocked his head and stared at her. Had he had a heart, it would have broken. She looked so peaceful and innocent laying there. And yet, her life had just been ruined. By forces she couldn't even imagine. She had lost her parents and now he was coming to retrieve her and take her away from...her grandmother, apparently.

Taking an useless deep breath, he reached out and shook her slightly. "Open your eyes, little girl."

Her eyes fluttered before opening and she stare at him without saying a word.

Well, this was it. "My name is Eric. What is yours ?"

"Sookie Stackhouse." She answered in a small voice.

"A pleasure to meet you, Sookie. Come on, stand up." He ordered her before looking around for her clothes.

"Where are we going ?" She asked when he handed her her jacket.

"You are going to come and live with me."

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