Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto, Tomb Raider: Legend, or Outlaw Star.


Chapter 1

He growled softly as he watched the team of ten armored figures continued on their search through the desert sands of Wind Country. He knew why they were here, he knew why the Guild had sent them.

Naruto turned and went back to his Kitsune, a dark crimson two-wheeled all-terrain vehicle that he had built himself. The tires were roughly four feet in diameter and set in the front and the rear with a V12 twin-turbo engine on top of the rear tire that powered the vehicle. The chassis was covered in dark crimson armor panels with two stationary machine guns set on either side of the tire at 45 degree downward angles and twin dual exhaust flanking the rear tire.

Turning it on, Naruto drove off, knowing full well that the Guild was hunting him down to capture and/or kill him. He was wearing a pair of baggy black pants, black steel-toe boots, a black sleeveless turtleneck, black elbow-length fingerless gloves, black metal bracers on his forearms, black metal greaves on his shins under his pants, black ANBU body armor on his torso with a black hood attached to the collar and pulled up over his head, black sleeveless trench coat that went down to his ankles, Excalibur strapped across his back, a pendant made of black stone with a skull engraving hung from a black leather collar around his neck, clipped to his belt were a pair of twin black Chakra Saber hilts that he had made in the likeness of the Nidaime's old Raijin no Ken (only far more refined and much more powerful), short-barrled blaster rifles holstered on his thighs, four thermal detonators and four concussive grenades were clipped to the back of his belt, a set of binoculars was clipped to the front-left side of his belt, and his communicator was clipped to the front-right side of his belt.

Naruto- 23 years old and 6'9"- had long crimson hair twisted into a thick braid in the back, deep crimson eyes with slitted pupils surrounded by black sclera, his nails were long and sharp black claws, his canine teeth were long and sharp fangs, his whisker marks were dark and jagged, and he was also well-muscled much like that of a master martial artist or street fighter.

Excalibur. Naruto's most prized possession and a weapon he was infamous for. Excalibur was a unique sword made of black stone that had a curved blade and a second, slightly smaller blade attached near the tip. It was an ancient sword of legend that had existed for millenia upon millenia, almost always scattered across the world in pieces before coming together to form a nigh undefeatable weapon so long as it was held in the proper hands. Naruto just happened to be the only person to now of its existence and hunt down every last piece.

"God damn pirates..." Naruto growled as he spotted a Kei dropship enter the atmosphere and land no more than a few miles from his position. It had been almost ten years since they he and the Kei pirates had run into each other, which led to them chasing him to his home planet, Caltorin. Since then, they had been hunting him down.

Naruto was fed up with it and he was going to finish it in style. He had already planted the explosives on each of their ships orbiting Caltorin along with every Kei base on the planet. The explosives he used on each of the ships were roughly a hundred sets of thirty pounds of plastique with seal-based detonaters linked with a master explosive made up of fifty pounds of plastique set up in the communications room of each ship. The bases were rigged in a similar way.

Naruto was a guy who didn't believe in over-kill...just over-achievement...

Biting his thumb and running it over the activation seal inked on a a metal plate, Naruto grinned as dozens upon dozens of explosions lit up the night sky and the horizon, echoes rumbling in the distance. His grin vanished when the ground in front of him collapsed, the cavernous maw swallowing him and his Kitsune. Working hastily, Naruto scrawled a sloppy reverse-summoning seal on a kunai and threw it out of the earthen crevice, activating it moments later.

It was only when he felt a pull far stronger than a short-range summoning suddenly tug at him that Naruto realized he had messed up the seal. Grabbing hold of his bike, Naruto vanished in flash of light...