DISCLAIMER: Mai Otome and its characters are Sunrise property. I am the person responsible for the smut entailed within.

AUTHOR'S NOTES: And this is because I can…yeah…I'm having fun. To those reading and reviewing or just reading or hell just alerting…thanks for showing some interest. Don't be afraid to drop a line.

Earl: Shards of Reflection

As the Council of Enforcers gathered in the Mausoleum, the Supreme Enforcer watched over each woman as she took her seat. Youko Helene was beyond pissed off at the moment, there was a snake in her midst and though a few could fall into the category, the most similar to said creature actually bore its name.

"Madame Viola how was your evening?" the Supreme Enforcer asked rather nonchalantly.

"The bed was soft as usual, but cold and empty. That would be thanks to you I believe," Shizuru Viola countered though she did not meet the other's eyes.

"Would that be avarice or envy that I hear in your voice?" Youko asked in a more firm tone.

"Neither, Supreme Enforcer, since it seems I got the better deal last night," Shizuru replied this time her eyes locked on Youko's with such mirth as to cast aside all doubt.

As she watched this play out, Natsuki avoided looking at Haruka because she knew there would be trouble in those violet eyes. Haruka cleared her voice and stepped up from her chair making her way around the table to Natsuki. It took every ounce of courage Natsuki had to stay sitting as Haruka came over and kneeled by her chair.

"Never speak of what went on earlier and I'll spare you. This situation is going to make my next move easier and quicker. It's almost game over…for both of them," Haruka whispered into Natsuki's ear. The sensation and meaning of the words made Natsuki's skin crawl.

Natsuki reminded herself that the woman across the table was not her Shizuru and never would be. This woman was the person Viola could have become without her. As her feelings and memories of her Shizuru threatened to take over, Natsuki felt Madame Armitage's hand tighten significantly on her shoulder clearing all thought except, 'Damn she's even stronger here.'

As Haruka walked away, Natsuki shot up out of her seat like her butt was on fire and said, "Next time you wish to address me, Madame Armitage, do so without your threats."

Haruka just smiled as she sat back down next to Shizuru, who was still verbally sparing with Youko. Haruka nodded to Natsuki as she also returned to her seat and with careful measure nodded in return. It seemed things here were headed into a death spiral that Natsuki wanted no part of. She needed to get out, but was still unsure of how she got there in the first place.

"Are you trying to challenge my leadership, Madame Viola?" Youko asked rising from her chair and placing both hands on the table. Youko's expression now dark and menacing kept the focus of the Council trained on this discussion.

Natsuki noticed that one hand was bare, but the other bore a steel glove with long claws extended out between each finger. Of all things, Natsuki left behind one war to find another. This situation was growing worse as both women were now standing, neither woman hid her emotions.

"Actually, Supreme Enforcer, I do. You are too weak to lead such strong women considering you never used that glove until you gained this position. I have proof that you are not only unfit for the position, but never earned it in battle," Shizuru countered looking across the table at Youko with a maniacal gleam in her eyes, avoiding the rest of the Council.

"Excuse me for interrupting this heady display, but I would like to see this proof of Madame Viola's," came the crisp reply of the Lutesia Remus Enforcer.

"Madame Claudel is not the only one," stated Haruka looking defiantly at both women.

Not far from Garderobe grounds,

Three women were barely asleep in the small shack located on the Windbloom canal. The oldest of the three was recovering from her wounds and didn't have much to say, she was grateful to be alive considering her company. Sitting across the small shack from Maria Graceburt, her two companions were eyeing one another intently. It was difficult to digest everything that had happened to them and it was no secret that the red-head had originally intended to kill the black haired woman sitting next to her.

"So it seems the Director had her own agenda and helped Helene become Supreme Enforcer," the red head said through clenched teeth.

"That little bitch cooed my name while Helene snuck into the room and used the distraction to knock me out. Her smiling face was the last thing I remember. Standing there behind me at the foot of my bed, gloating as the world went dark," the black haired woman replied.

"So Supreme Enforcer what do you want to do about all this nonsense?" the red head asked.

"To tell you the truth Madame Sugiura, I was wondering what you wanted to do. I have been asleep all this time. You, on the other hand, have had to live in a prison I dare not to imagine," the Supreme Enforcer stated coolly.

"I want that bitches' head. I came to dethrone you since you took out Supreme Enforcer Shamrock. She only wanted to bring change. She wanted to restore the original vision as set forth by Fumi and Mikoto," Midori Sugiura answered feeling as if she signed her own death warrant once again.

"Mikoto betrayed Fumi; it destroyed everything their dream stood for. How can you and the Schwartz think that restoring that vision would be wise?" the former Supreme Enforcer asked.

"Because Mikoto never betrayed Fumi, She saved Fumi's daughter and the future she represented. The man Fumi served, the father of her child, was the worst liar and most brutal butcher Earl had ever seen, Fumi was blind to this," Madame Sugiura said breathing a deep sigh.

"The child died, the father died, and Fumi avenged their deaths by killing Mikoto. That is the world as we know it," the former Supreme Enforcer replied searching the others eyes for deception.

"That Madame Sayers is the lie. The child survived to have children of her own," Midori Sugiura stated bracing herself to finish, "Fearing the system that came from her own mother's wrath Mashiro gave up those children. Her son went to the Aswad Schwartz, her eldest daughter to those in Artai, and her youngest was sent to members in Aries. Their identities were closely guarded for fear of the Supreme Enforcers of the past, since the title changed hands so often in such a blood thirsty manner. In the years to follow as the title found less fluctuation, Mashiro's descendants planned on a means to an end of their own."

"She tells the truth Madame Sayers, I should know. You killed one of those descendants, a woman I loved dearly, when you took the title," Maria Graceburt spoke up weakly.

"The Schwartz has been infiltrating the ranks using Fumi's descendants?" Rena Sayers asked shock now present in her features. Soon anger followed once more, lies…it had to be or else all was for nothing.

"We have been trying to garner the position over the years in order to bring the dream back, ever so slowly," Midori Sugiura responded thinking of her part in that history and how she had been betrayed by someone she loved and trusted.

"Unfortunately I am unsure as to who your replacement was, Madame Sugiura. There are two possible candidates, but both seem destined to be devoured as Youko Helene was. They sent your youngest cousin in hoping she would be the final solution," Maria Graceburt said straining to sit up.

"Madame Sayers haven't you ever wondered what the world might have been if that Great Betrayal had never happened?" Midori Sugiura asked as she stood and walked to the doorway of the small shack and looked at their meager surroundings.

"The women of my family stopped hoping during the conflict that followed Fumi's commission of the Enforcer/Guardian system. My ancestors survived only because the family Guardian, a woman named Miyu Greer sacrificed her own life," Rena Sayers answered as she joined Midori Sugiura in the doorway, thoughts of a better life running through her mind for the first time in many years.

"It is too late to change the errors of the past, but just maybe the future can be spared anymore bloodshed," Maria Graceburt said as she lay down once again and was suddenly consumed by sleep.

Midori felt the cool arms of Rena wrap her in close. The sensation of hands resting comfortably on her stomach and thigh reminded her of things long past. As Rena rested her chin on Midori's shoulder, Midori had to overcome the urge to shake her off. It had been too long since she last felt the touch of a woman. Rena's warm breath tickled her ear and Midori turned completely in the embrace to say, "Your wish is my desire."

Rena nodded to the sleeping form of Maria Graceburt and edged Midori out of the shack. They looked into the cool water of the canal and stripped down before heading in. Midori sighed as she realized how well preserved they both were. Rena had not aged; she had been cryogenically frozen in her capsule. Midori on the other hand, had aged nearly ten years thanks to being in the suspension fluid. It had provided her body nourishment but Midori, spent the entire time thinking of how she would kill Youko Helene and Yukino Chrysant.

Midori was shaken from her reverie as she felt Rena's lips on her back, at the edge of her shoulder where it rose up into her neck. Midori felt too many twitches and twinges of insanity and guilt that she almost didn't register the warmth that filled her core from Rena's touch. The water had been a bit chilly at first, but was now cool and provided a lingering sensation of another embrace.

Rena's hands made short work of finding all of Midori's most sensitive areas and bringing her to a quick but brief climax. As Midori's body was wracked with shudders and temporary loss of muscle control, Rena hovered over her whispering in her ear. Rena talked Midori down as she became revitalized and wild-eyed once more. With all the strength she could muster Midori turned Rena back to the shack where Maria Graceburt stood watching from the door.

Rena willingly allowed Midori to control her. Each touch registering between Maria's eyes and Rena's as Midori ordered her to cry out. Rena felt her body screaming for release and begged Midori to finish her teasing play.

"Oh Blessed Lady, please…please let me…" Rena tried to as Midori pulled her back and turned her head into a kiss. Their lips never parted as Midori turned Rena to her and brought her to a strong climax. Midori laughed as she cleaned Rena and then carried her back to the shack. Maria went to grab their abandoned clothes and suddenly felt hands on her butt pulling her close and not allowing her to move from that bent over position.

"So who last worshipped at your shrine?" Midori said huskily as she eased off Maria's skirt half of her Guardian uniform, "Not Una, was it?"

"It was Headmistress Yukariko, she was…" Maria lost track of her words and her surroundings as Midori then removed her top.

"You may have some white in that once beautiful blond head of yours but this…this never ages," Midori said as she rounded Maria's bottom, kicked her feet apart, and teased the edges of her labia, "Thanks to Madame Sayers I seem to have built quite an appetite…let's see if I can satiate my needs with you."

Inside the Mausoleum,

"So you stole my key, you vicious wench," Supreme Enforcer Helene shouted as she watched Shizuru Viola hold up the key.

"You have been lying all these years and now I will do what you never had the nerve to do," Shizuru Viola stated as she stood behind Haruka Armitage, making her way around and away from the table, "I challenge you and your right to lead this Council."

"As to be expected," Supreme Enforcer Helene responded as she stood and headed towards Madame Viola.

"This fight is yours, but that key leads to this assumed proof. I am not alone when I say I want to lay my own eyes upon it," Haruka Armitage stated as she stood, snatched the key from Madame Viola's hand, and proceeded to the doorway into the tomb.

"It's useless without the password, Madame Armitage," Natsuki Kruger said as she watched Haruka place the key in the lock to no avail. She too wondered what truth could possibly be hidden down in the tomb. The tomb in her Earl's Mausoleum was a crystal graveyard of Otome's past.

"How many traitors are there in my midst?" Supreme Enforcer Helene demanded to know as she took one last step and snatched Madame Viola by the collar of her robe.

"That dear lady seems evident, though I must state I would never work with the drunk or the deviate," Shizuru Viola stated as she grabbed Supreme Enforcer Helene's wrist trying to break her grip.

Faster than anyone else could move, Madame Haruka Armitage rushed across the room and punched Madame Shizuru Viola knocking her free from the Supreme Enforcer's grasp just as the woman was about to dig her glove claw into her midsection. Madame Viola hit the ground with a loud thump, bloody lip, and was out for the count.

"She's always been too weak. You have always been too sneaky, and none of us cares to watch this display any longer. What is the password?" Haruka Armitage demanded as she held the gloved claw hand directly under the Supreme Enforcer's own chin.

"Your anger betrays you. If this glove is used against me you'll never get the password," the Supreme Enforcer smiled wickedly as she watched Armitage's reaction to her words, "But I must first thank you, for knocking the Viper out. Secondly, I would suggest you let me go or face the consequences."

While it seemed everyone was too busy focusing on Armitage and Helene, Natsuki had walked over to the large door, and took a moment to think. Just as Madame Armitage received some help from Madame Claudel in stripping the glove from Supreme Enforcer Helene, the sealed door slid open turning all heads to the quickly retreating form of Natsuki Kruger.

Natsuki was already down into the Enforcer tomb when the rest of the Council came down the stairs behind her. To say she was shocked was the very least, Natsuki looked at each of the Supreme Enforcer capsules reading their names seeing Rena Sayers was broken and empty. As the others discussed the irreparable damage and the broken capsules, it became clear that Madame Viola was going to be held responsible for the damages.

Natsuki followed the toppled rows to the other broken capsule, noting the wires and wetness around the broken shell. Natsuki grinned as she realized that it belonged to Madame Midori Sugiura an Enforcer of the Aswad. Because of the cool damp climate of the tomb, the still damp ground gave away more than enough clues to see that this woman was alive and definitely not alone.

"Well Madame Kruger what seems to be so interesting over here?" Rosalie Claudel asked as she came up beside Natsuki, arms crossed in front of her.

"This capsule definitely held a living person, none of the others that are opened held fluids," Natsuki replied pointing to the wet ground and the retreating footsteps.

"Madame Armitage it seems Vio…I mean Madame Viola was correct," Rosalie Claudel said as she turned to face Haruka Armitage, her hand brushing gently along Natsuki's side. Natsuki shook slightly from the contact and noticed a quick short smile on Madame Claudel's face.

"Madame Claudel, you and Madame Blythe watch over Helene while I retrieve Viola," Haruka Armitage stated as she watched the others take possession of Madame Helene drawing her further into the chamber.

"Madame Armitage, I would advise against going alone," Natsuki said thinking of her first meeting with Madame Viola. Natsuki felt chills as she scanned the room mentally adding the images in her head.

"Worry not; Madame Viola never could beat me, no matter how tricky she was. Besides I think I have the means to persuade her," Madame Armitage replied as she disappeared up the stairs holding up one gloved hand, the steel claws scraping the roof above her head.

"Seems your pet project escaped Madame Helene," Natsuki stated as the others returned to her side next to the destroyed capsule of the former Aswad Enforcer.

There was a loud primal scream from the floor above them and the roof of the tunnel actually seemed to shake. There was a loud din that could only have been the sound of Haruka destroying the room. Natsuki knew if it were her Shizuru upstairs, Haruka would be an easy target. Here though it was more likely she had left to regroup and ready an attack.

A young meek looking student came down into the tomb, the young girl was not only dumbstruck by her luck in drawing her assignment, but also by the history that lay before her. Natsuki had to fight her revulsion back as she stepped towards the young girl with aqua colored hair.

"State the nature of your business here, Coral. Explain why you shouldn't be punished," Natsuki said in her harshest tone of voice.

The young girl looked up at Natsuki with stars in her eyes and a look of admiration, "Headmistress Tokiha sent me to deliver a message to the Council."

Close to shouting Natsuki asked, "Well relay your message or are we to play 20 questions with you?"

At this point Natsuki grabbed the Coral by her robe and pulled her to eye level. There were tears in her eyes and a fearful expression on her face, Natsuki felt the urge to laugh and had to fight it.

"If you kill her, the message dies too," Supreme Enforcer Helene said from her seat on the toppled casket of Elliot Chandler. The stench of the remains was vented through the open passages and the early but effective system put in place during the building of the Mausoleum.

"For now you need to keep your peace Helene, I know what I'm doing. Now Coral, the message," Natsuki growled never once taking her emerald eyes off the scared Coral in her hands. Natsuki wanted to drop the girl as she fainted in Natsuki's grasp. Supreme Enforcer Helene laughed as the girl did, Natsuki became irritated and passed the prone girl to the Enforcer of Artai and then she turned on the Supreme Enforcer.

"That'll be enough out of you for the time being," Natsuki said as she stormed past the now laughing Enforcer, landing a solid blow to her left cheek in passing, and went back up into the Mausoleum.

The floor of the Mausoleum was littered with debris from Madame Haruka Armitage's berserker rage. Shizuru Viola had slithered out while they were otherwise occupied and from the blood drops on the flooring, someone had taken a nasty blow to aid in the flight. Natsuki turned at the sound of footsteps, the Artai Enforcer suddenly standing alongside her.

"Seems she finally got one up on dearest Haruka," the Enforcer said with a hint of malice.

"So it would seem. Did you get the message from the Coral?" Natsuki asked looking into the woman's blue eyes, seeing an emptiness that seemed to live in many here.

"Young Miss Marguerite will only pass it on to you as ordered by the Headmistress. I swear if Viola's damaged Haruka's face I'll kill her myself," the Enforcer said as she pushed her ponytail back over her shoulder, her blue eyes burning with an unspeakable malice, as she headed out of the Mausoleum.