Hey guys, i'm really sorry I haven't updated in SUCH a long time but I've been really really ill and I still am. I know its short but I found it on my computer before from before I got ill so I thought i'd show you all it. I dont know when I'm gunna get time to update more as i'm in and out of hospital every day. Thank you so much for being understanding guys. Let me know what you think and if you have any ideas for the story.

Draco breezed into the Slytherin common room Hermione shuffling in behind him. Maia was currently chatting away animatedly to her mother but Hermione hated coming in here, she just felt... wrong.

"Mommy I'm hungry can we get some dinner?" Maia asked looking up at Hermione the brunette grinned in relief.

"Of course sweetie come on let's go" She announced hoping to get Maia out the room before Draco noticed.

"DADDY! We're going to get some dinner!" Maia called out and Draco turned to look at Hermione as she was trying to sneak out the common room. He smirked and decided to taunt her that Maia had called him before she got out the room.

"Granger, oh Granger. Granger! Yo beaver!" Draco's voice got louder and louder as the brunette chose to ignore him and ducked out the common room. Draco clicked his jaw, picked up Maia and hurried after her.

All that could be heard through the dungeons was Hermione's last name as Draco's voice got louder and louder.

Finally the three burst into the Great Hall.

"GRANGER!" Draco practically screamed and finally Hermione whirled around to glare at him.

"Hey, here's a hint. If I don't answer you the first 25 times, what makes you think the next 25 will work?" She snapped her arms folding across her chest.

"Jeez your parents dropped you one too many times as a baby!" He announced and flopped into the seat next to Ginny who jumped a little startled but decided not to comment anyway.

Hermione grumbled and sat down next to him after a moment.

"How was your day Ginervra?" Draco asked looking at Ginny. Ginny nearly jumped out her seat as he addressed her and she cast a look at Hermione to ask how she was supposed to act. Hermione was shooting daggers at Draco wondering what the hell he was up to. Just as Ginny opened her mouth to reply there was a screech from the other side of the room.

Everyone swivelled in their seats to face to commotion. Hannah Abbott was currently stood on the Hufflepuff table her hands on her hips.

"I WILL NOT! I DO NOT WANT TO BE ASSOCIATED WITH THAT HIDEOUS THING!" Hannah screamed as she pointed at the little girl sitting next to Michael. Hermione gasped, how could Hannah say something so horrible.

"WELL NIETHER DO I!" Michael shrieked back and jumped to his feet. Hermione put her hand over her heart genuinely upset that they would say such things.

"YOU TAKE HER!" Hannah wailed but Michael violently shook his head. Hermione set her face and got to her feet, the whole Gryffindor table looked at her but she ignored them. She strode purposefully across the room and bent down in front of the little girl sat staring at her 'parent's' with tears in her eyes.

"Hello" Hermione smiled softly at the sobbing toddler.

"H-Hello" The girl stammered around her tears.


"What's your name?" She asked gently and she girl wiped at her tears.

"Jenna Corner" She whispered and Hermione smiled.


"Would you like to come sit with me Jenna? I think your beautiful and I'd love to spend some time with you" Hermione asked and the little girl beamed before nodding her head vigorously and taking Hermione's outstretched hand.

They walked all the way across the room before either parent noticed Jenna had gone.

"Hello I'm Maia, want to be best friends?" Maia asked as soon as Hermione reached their table again.

Jenna's face lit up in sheer happiness and she nodded excitedly. Draco stared at Hermione his head tilted slightly to one side. It was the first time he'd realised just what everyone meant when they said she was completely selfless. Of course he knew they were all wrong, everyone was a little selfish but he was actually... impressed.

He glanced up at Dumbledore only to see the man actually looking... angry. It was a strange thing to see on the normally completely calm man but he really did look angry.

"THAT'S ENOUGH!" Dumbledore's voice rang out over the students and instantly Hannah and Michael seized all fighting. "I cannot believe that two Hogwarts students are being so thoughtless, from this moment on your both to go back to your old way of life and are stripped of this privilege." He announced and both students had the decency to look embarrassed. "Thank goodness Miss Granger took it upon herself to save young Jenna" He muttered before returning to his seat.

Jenna looked up at the mention of her name then shrugged and continued playing with Maia. Dumbledore got down from the teachers table and came over to where Jenna now sat.

"Jenna sweetie why don't you come with me and I'll send you home" He smiled and Jenna beamed.

"To my real mommy and daddy?" She asked excitedly and Dumbledore nodded. Jenna grabbed the old man's hand and skipped away with him waving bye at Jenna and Hermione as she went.

"What do you think she meant by her real mommy and daddy?" Hermione asked looking up at Draco. He was a little taken aback that she was actually asking him a real question but shrugged anyway.

"I don't know, maybe she actually came from a different reality, you know what Dumbledore's like." He shrugged and Hermione chewed thoughtfully on her lip before turning back to her own dinner.

Hermione stared up at the ceiling as the bright red digits on her alarm clock ticked to 2am. She let out a long sigh and sat up; she could just make out the outline of Draco and Maia sleeping peacefully on the other bed. She wished she was asleep.

It was pointless she was not sleeping tonight.

Thanks again guys for putting up with my lack of updates, I'm really sorry :) xx