A/N: *Sings The Final Countdown* Well guys, here it is! The Final Chapter! The one you've been waiting for! Well, those who've read and those who've reviewed anyways!

I apologise for the delay...I had a slight disagreement with my laptop...AGAIN. Me and technology...honestly. Basically, there was no internet connection, so I pressed random buttons before eventually deciding to restart the evil thing...and now it won't switch on. And makes a wailing, beeping noise when I try to switch it on. *glares*

Today was awesome! I went to Collectormania in Glasgow! It was so much fun! I got Harry Potter merch, Supernatural merch...so pretty. I need a new room just for posters...wonder if that'll go down well. And now I'm laughing hysterically as my brother has his friend over and they're doing Karoke on the playstation...I'm cackling away to myself whilst writing this. My ears hurt...my poor ears.

As usual, I want to thank everyone who's read this! Rachie for always reading it before I submitted and especially to: Ellie Clemons and TheLadyPendragon. You can have a virtual hug AND a virtual cookie for being awesome and always reviewing. Thank you also to Caz21, I tried to reply to your message, but it said that you'd disabled the private messaging feature! I'm glad you've enjoyed this!

I don't think there will be a sequel for World's Apart, simply due to my Harry Potter fics and my story. I may decide to do one in the future, who knows. But for now, there won't be a sequel. I found Adam amazing to write, and Dean too. Sam was a bit difficult at first, but I got round that!

Thanks for reading (and reviewing!), and I hope you enjoy this final chapter of World's Apart!

Chapter 10- Under A Paper Moon.


18 Months Later.

Sam turned to Dean with a sad smile on his face. Dean caught the middle Winchester's eye and they both turned to gaze at the baby of the family who was crouched down in front of one of the many graves cluttering up the local cemetary in Windom. From their position by the Impala, neither man could tell how Adam was coping on his first visit to Kate's grave. They could just about hear him murmuring softly, not the words, just the melodic sound of his voice flowing through the wind.

They gave him a few seconds longer before slowly wandering up behind him, and each of them placing a hand on a slightly shaking shoulder, the owner of which sniffed wetly as they did so.

"You ok, buddy?" Dean asked quietly.

"Yeah," Adam sniffed again, "It's just hard, you know?"

"I know, buddy, I know." Dean sighed, squeezing the youth's shoulder.

"It's nice here...sort of." Adam gestured to the large willow tree, towering above the three men, even above Sam, creating oddly shaped shadows on the freshly mown grass. The slight breeze caused leaves to fly around their ankles, and their hair to blow in their eyes, as the sky above them slowly darkened.

"I know what you mean," Sam replied, "Peaceful. Fitting for your mom especially, after all she's been through."

Adam nodded, "It's all weird this. Everything's normal now. No bad guys are after us...for now. We're safe."

And indeed they were. The trio had visited Steven Singer in Meadow Oak Institution earlier in that week, and they were relieved to have discovered that Steve was doing extremely well there. He wouldn't be let out for many years, but nevertheless, he appeared to be extremely enjoying himself, and had even made friends with the other residents. There was even a rumor floating about that he had began a particularly interesting relationship (under the watchful eyes of the carers) with Enis Lloyd, a resident who had been there for the past five years. Bobby kept in regular contact with his brother, determined to keep in contact with him this time, and not let him slip off the rails again.

Jo and Ellen had also been regular visits to Bobby's house. They came over every Sunday for the day, ended by a spectacular feast prepared by Bobby. It took longer than expected for the meal to be prepared, as Bobby had to keep whacking Dean with the spoon when he was caught dipping his finger into the pie and licking it.

Sam, Dean and Adam had moved into Bobby's once Adam had been discharged from the hospital, under strict orders that Adam 'made sure to relax and rest, and have absolutely no strenuous activity until he's fully recovered', (here Dean sniggered immaturely), before said nurse thrust a bundle of drugs at Sam, deeming him to be the slightly more responisble adult.

They loved it at Bobby's. They were taking a couple of months off of hunting simply to relax, taking an extended vacation to get to know Adam, and for Adam to get to know all them. Surprisingly, he got on rather well with Jo - much to Dean's jealousy, before Adam kindly pointed out that he saw the blonde woman simply as a sister, and that 'she's like really old Dean, your age I think. It's just wrong!' - here Dean glared at the kid whilst Sam sniggered and fell off his chair.

It wasn't all fun and games though. Adam had taken so much time off from school with everything that had happened with Kate and Steve and recovering, that he spent the majority of the vacation time catching up on school notes borrowed from friends, and was then kindly given the opportunity to sit his exams with the rest of his school year, despite missing out on so much, and he was currently in the process of applying to various colleges. Encouraged by both Sam and Dean, he sat up until the early hours of the morning typing up essays on Sam's laptop, and then praying for an acceptance into medical school. A few weeks later, he recieved an email congraulating him on his entry into Standford School of Medicine, and he was going to be leaving in a few months to start his college life. He'd worried over this briefly, asking Sam and Dean for their permission, saying that if they wanted him to help with hunting, he could always go to college later. Here, Sam refrained from smacking him on the head and instead, pushed down his exasperation and turned into patience, before calmly replying, "Don't put it off, Adam. It's one of my greatest regrets. But then, if I hadn't of left, we probably wouldn't have met you. Just don't put it off till later, you might never do it then."

Adam only smiled at Sam then, before nodding and saying that of course he'd accept the position, only if they promised to visit him, and let him hunt during the holidays.

It had been a while after Adam was nearly fully recovered before he worked up the courage to ask if he could visit his mom's grave. There wasn't much of a body left to bury, nevertheless, it was revealed that Bobby had kindly organised the funeral, and at Kate's resting place was a simple, marble plaque that stated her full name; 'Katherine Louise Milligan - beloved mother to Adam. You left this world far too soon, But filled it with love and hope, I'll smile from under a paper moon, And it'll give me the strength to cope. I'll miss you now, I'll miss you tomorrow, I missed you yesterday too. From when the sun rises, to when the sun falls, I'll always be thinking of you.'

Adam crouched down further, so that his knees were nearly touching the ground before reaching out and brushing his hand over the engraved words. Tears starting to flow down his pale face, and Sam and Dean each squeezed a shoulder a final time before turning to leave Adam to grieve for his mom alone. He reached out a hand to grab Sam's trouser leg before they could move too far, however, and motioned that he didn't want to be left alone.

The two men crouched down closer to Adam, even then still towering high above him. They both placed a hand back on Adam's shoulder, rubbing in a comforting, circular motion as Adam let out a shuddering sob before sighing, "Hey, mom. This is Sam and Dean, my brothers. Dad's other sons. I wanted to let you know that I'm safe, and I'm not angry with you. I don't know if you knew about them. I wanted to say thank you, for protecting me from Steve. Did you know he's my Uncle Bobby's brother? Well, he's not really my Uncle. He's one of dad's friends, but he's amazing! Did you know dad was dead too, mom?" He let out another shuddering breath. "I hope you're together now, I know he loved you as much as you loved him. I just wanted to let you know I'm safe, and that everthing's ok now. I got into medical school! I want to make you proud, mom. I love you so much. Sleep tight, mom." He pressed his fingers to his lips, kissed them, and then placed his hand back on the gravestone, his fingers covering his mom's name.

The three Winchester men crowded round the gravestone, the youngest caught up in memories of Kate Milligan, his mind flicking through the book that was his memories as the two eldest ones simply stood in silence, as the light from the silver moon above them highlighted them, creating shadows on the ground and illuminating the three men standing side by side. And they would stay that way forever.


A/N: Wow, I suck at writing poetry. I literally wrote that in about 10 minutes...sorry!

I hoped you enjoyed reading World's Apart, as much as I enjoyed writing it. I just felt like Adam's character never got much screen time (HE'S STILL IN HELL YOU MUPPETS! GET HIM OUT OF THERE!), so I wrote this!

Thanks for all the amazing reviews, and thank you to everyone who read it! *gives you all a massive hug* THANK YOU!

P.S. Chapter song is Under A Paper Moon by All Time Low. According to Google, the idea of the paper moon represents a 'beautiful dream' which is apparently a French idea. Cool, eh?

P.P.S Standford School of Medicine is real. I had far too much fun researching medical schools in the US! =)