Guinevere, Lancelot and Merlyn

Rating: PG

Disclaimer: This is a fanfiction written for fun. I don't own any of the characters or storylines from BBC's Merlin, I'm just borrowing them for a bit.


Morgana closed her eyes as Merlyn gently worked the large tooth comb through her hair with a soothing touch, gently teasing out the tangles that had appeared overnight. She had woken with a heavy heart, as she had on this day for too many years past.

Today was her annual pilgrimage to her father's place of rest. Sir Gorlois lay at the edge of the Darkling Woods and every year she would visit his grave and pay tribute. Each year his face seemed to fade bit by bit from her memory and each year she gripped a little tighter to the moments she treasured with her father.

She wondered how different her life would have been if her parents had lived. She had few memories of her mother and her father had died not long after her tenth birthday. Had she inherited her magic though one of them? Would they have accepted her? Protected her? Would she be living in fear as she was now? The King loved her, she knew, but what would he do if he discovered her secret?

Would they have supported her and championed her as a future Queen? No matter what she tried, Arthur did not seem to be taking any notice of her. She didn't have a mother to advise her, or a father to speak on her behalf like Lady Guinevere. She was alone.

She opened her eyes just as Merlyn tied off her last braid, looking into the mirror unseeing. Why wasn't she good enough? She would be the perfect Queen. She knew Camelot, knew the people and the outlying towns and villages, the neighbouring kingdoms. Was that why Guinevere was constantly visiting? Was she in training to take what should be hers?

As if summoned by her thoughts there was a knock at the door before the Lady herself entered.

"Morning, Morgana." Guinevere greeted her with a small subdued smile. "The guards and the horses are ready when you are." Morgana felt a moment of shame over her previous thoughts. She knew that it was she who was the reason for this visit. Lady Guinevere had accompanied her on her pilgrimage many times over the years and she had always appreciated her friend's support.


It was a sombre party that left the walls of Camelot behind that morning. Lady Guinevere was relieved to have left the Castle. She could not believe how much Camelot and its inhabitants had changed in her absence.

The King was in a dark temper, while the Prince appeared deep in thought. Even the servants seemed affected. She had never seen Arthurs manservant so serious. And poor Merlyn seemed to have aged. Sad, tired, ever vigilant eyes told of her discomfort. There was one exception. She noticed a marked improvement in her friend Morgana. She was quieter but somewhat calmer, with a self-assurance that had been missing from her previous visit when the other woman had been nervous and almost crawling out of her skin.

There was a darkness, an undercurrent of fear in the marketplace but outside the Castle, Spring had finally asserted itself. The gold, dancing wheat fields were an amazing sight against the clear blue sky. But the bright day was in stark contrast to their small entourage.

The trip had appeared to start in the familiar pattern, the Prince assisting the Ladies to mount their horses and wave them off…Lady Morgana relishing his attention… Arthur trying and failing to catch Merlyns eye as the maidservant studiously ignored his subtle attentions.

Things improved slightly as they left the Citadels walls. Morgana appeared to relax despite the task ahead while her maid fell back to the rear of the group, silent and contemplative.

That all changed by the time the sun was high in the sky.

Now she missed the tediousness of the morning. Her ankle ached fiercely and she cursed the offending limb which had prevented her escape. Hers and sweet loyal Merlyn who had stayed behind.

At least Morgana had managed to escape she thought with some relief.


Kendrick was furious.

Guinevere nervously watched as he set his furious gaze on the handmaiden. His look turned thoughtful, calculating. As he took in the young girl, his staring caused both women to tense in disgust. With a sudden lurch forward, he grabbed Merlyn's delicate arm in one heavy paw and with a brutal twist he forced her to turn side to side, examining her profile. He then grinned in a way which caused both women to cringe.

"Put these on." He ordered the young woman, throwing a fine gown at her.

"Hengish has never met Lady Morganna." He explained to his men who caught on to his plan. Bawdy laughter broke out as they realised their payday may be salvageable after all.

"Hengish!" Guinevere exclaimed in disgust, a thread of horror in her voice. She recognised the name, having had the displeasure of meeting the vile man.

Kendrick shrugged with a grin. "For all he knows, this little wraith is Pendragons ward. And with the lovely Lady Guinevere to collaborate..."

"I will not impersonate my mistress," Merlyn interrupted.

Without missing a beat, Kendrick swung his sword at her throat, in a quick practised movement. The tip of the blade resting against her pale skin. A single flick would spill blood.

"Then you die where you stand!"

"No." Guinevere protested, lunging forward to grab Merlyns arm in a weak attempt to pull her away from danger. She was so useless with her ankle, that the men didn't bother to restrain her or drag her back.

"It's fine. She'll do it. Merlyn, you'll do what they say." She ordered the handmaiden. For a moment she thought the younger woman would argue, but Merlyn must have read the stress in her face and reluctantly conceded.

"Now dress," Kendrick demanded with an amused smirk. "And there will be no repeat of the last time. Get on with it!"

The last time being their previous attempt to escape in which only Lady Morgana had managed to getaway. Guinevere went cold. Surely, he did not mean for the young woman to change in front of him and his men? It soon became clear that was exactly what the barbaric mercenary intended.

In a move that demonstrated the courage Guinevere knew the younger woman had, Merlyn held her head high and started to remove her clothes. Her eyes hard and defiantly locked on Kendrick. She was brave and magnificent. Without ceremony, tears or reaction to the catcalls and jeers from the appalling audience, Merlyn removed her kirtle and skirt before pulling on the royal purple gown.

The audience groaned as the gown went on and Guinevere moved quickly to the maids exposed back to lace up the dress wanting this part of the ordeal over with.

Kendrick was still smirking maliciously at the maidservant. He stepped closer and grabbed Merlyns lower face in hard grasp, his fingers pressing into the flesh of her cheeks.

"You have the same fire as the fair lady, don't you? Good. You might just pull this off. If you don't, I will have great pleasure in breaking that spirit before I kill you."

Guinevere pulled Merlyn back protectively, glaring at the hateful man over the girl's shoulder.

Kendrick only laughed.


There was an uproar in Camelot when Arthurs patrol returned to Camelot with a tired, tearful Morgana in tow and a ransom note crushed in the Prince's tight fist. The King's joy in Morgana's safe return was noted. As was his disinterest at the remaining hostages.

"The bandits still have Lady Guinevere and Merlyn, my lord. You must send a rescue party!" Morgana pled, her guilt at having had escaped and the thoughts she had entertained about her friend earlier that day weighing on her.

"I believe they were Mercian. We've received reports that Hengist has crossed the border." Arthur spoke up. His demeanour was grim as he wrestled with the thought of two women he cared about in the hands of the infamous Mercian Commander.

Watching his father's face, he knew before he spoke that the King would not pay the ransom or send a rescue party. As Morgana continued to argue and beg, he watched Uther's face grown more irritated yet determined.

"You won't pay the ransom! What will Sir Thomas say!" Morgana demanded incredulously. Somewhat surprised that the King would treat such an important ally in such a way.

"It is not about the ransom…"

"Don't tell me it's about the principle!" Morgana cried, furious with her guardian. "Guinevere is my friend, the daughter of one of your most trusted advisors! She and Merlyn sacrificed themselves so I could escape!"

"They did so willingly and will be honoured for it, child. But in my experience with Hengist, even if we paid the ransom, we will not get Lady Guinevere back alive and a servant is of no value to these bandits. She is most likely dead already."

Morgana furious reply almost masked the pained gasp from the elderly physician beside him. Arthur turned to face the old man, turning his back to his father as he rested his hand on Gaius's arm. He met the old man's eyes and silently conveyed a promise at odds with his words as he appeared to agree with his father.

He had no intention of heeding his father's wishes.


He must have been convincing, as the Lady who stormed furiously into his chambers was ready to rage at the Prince. Instead, she was stopped in her tracks at the realization he was already packed and ready to leave on the trail of the captured pair.

It wasn't good enough. Lady Guinevere was a loyal, noble daughter of Camelot's strongest ally, Of course, he was going after her, he had assured Morgana as he and Glen left his chamber.

As the two men headed toward the stables, Arthur paused as they reached the stairs to the Physicians chambers.

"Glyndwr, go ahead and ready the horses, I am going to get some supplies from Gaius."

"Sire, I have…" By the time Glen had turned the Prince was already taking the steps two at a time in his haste to reach Gaiuses rooms. He was surprised to see the old man waiting for him, sat at the table with his hand on a small leather satchel.

"I suppose you are going after Lady Guinevere and Merlyn?" It was not a question. And before Gaius could say more, Arthur jumped in.

"Gaius, don't even think about telling me not to go. There's nothing you can say that will stop me."

"I confess, I wasn't going to try and stop you, Sire." Gaius's calm voice knocked the younger man off his guard. Seeing Arthurs surprise, Gaius smiled weakly at odds with the strain in his face. Gaius knew of Hengish and his reputation better than most.

"All I ask," He continued, "is you make sure you come back safely, too." He handed over the small bag. "Heres just some basic medicines, Merlyn will know which is which."

"I'll bring her home, Gaius, you have my word."

"I know, Sire. And I thank you. I have only properly known her for a year, but I cannot for the life of me imagine life without her."

"I can't quite picture it either," Arthur forgot himself as he replied, the astute physician looked at him sharply before letting it go for the moment.

"Just come back safely, Sire, Camelot can not do without you either."


In the rather unpleasant smelling, dank darkness of the dungeons, Lady Guinevere huddled close to her friend to preserve their warmth.

Kendrick's ruse appeared to be working. The foul beast Hengist was rather taken by the fiery "Lady Morgana". Lady Guinevere's presence selling the con.

However, her mind was not on her predicament, but on another. Hengist had forced them to sit through a number of barbaric gladiator fights where prisoners fell again and again to his favoured champion.

And then the door had opened to reveal the Champion himself.


He had jogged into the cage, taken aback when his eyes met his unexpected audience. He'd recovered quickly and the two women then waited with bated breath as the two men fought fiercely to the death. Guinevere had reached out and grabbed her friends' hand, surprised and grateful for the strong grip she got in return.

At last, he emerged victorious, receiving his prize as his opponent met his grizzly end by the poor tortured Wilddeorrn.

What was he doing here? She had waited so long for any news of the brave knight who had saved Camelot, only to be banished for his trouble. No man had caught her attention as thoroughly as he had. But she was painfully aware that she did not really know him.

His deception at their first meeting was not forgotten. Yet, she still believed her impression of a good, honourable man was closer to his true persona. Merlyn certainly believed so, speaking up for her friend when Guinevere had approached the subject with the younger woman.

Now the two women huddled together in the cold dampness. Merlyn had insisted on re-wrapping her ankle and she had to admit it now felt a lot more comfortable. The handmaiden certainly had many hidden talents.

The whisper on the wind was faint, but both women started at the sound, looking at each other questioningly until it repeated, a voice on the drafty wind.

"My Lady, Lady Guinevere…Merlyn…"


With energy at odds with the total exhaustion, she knew the girl was feeling, Merlyn jumped to her knees, pulling herself up toward the bars near the ceiling. She was too short of course, but the familiar voice came through clear.

"I could not believe my eyes when I saw it was you."

"Me, neither," Merlyn let out a little laugh, flashing a bright grin at Guinevere. Her excitement at their reunion clear.

"I thought my mind was deceiving me." Guinevere agreed, pushing down the strange twist in her stomach. Was he talking to Merlyn or to her?

"Why does Hengist think you are Lady Morgana?"

"A mercenary named Kendrick captured us, but Lady Morgana got away. He told Hengist that I'm Lady Morgana. Lady Guinevere was us and we're both being held for ransom."

"When no ransom is paid, he will realize the truth and then he will throw us to those beasts." Guinevere was certain. "We have to get out of here."

"I will not allow that to happen," Lancelot swore, his determination strong, even though the thick cold stone separating them.

"What are you doing here? Are you one of Hengist's men?" The look Merlyn gave her was incredulous. As if Lancelot would!

They listened intently as he explained himself. With few options open to him he had been making his way the only way he could. Living by the sword. He was obviously ashamed of his lifestyle.

"I don't believe that of you. You were so full of hope!" Guinevere protested. "

"I was wrong. The world's not like that."

"I still see the hope in you. I do not accept it is gone." She insisted, oblivious to Merlyn who had moved away to give the pair the illusion of privacy as the tone of the conversation changed.

Lady Guinevere had not mentioned Lancelot since he had left Camelot, but it was obvious to anyone watching that the tender regard between them had persevered. The soft smile and quiet joy on Guinevere's face made the dark cell a little brighter.

Exhausted, Merlyn settled down against the wall and closed her eyes. She needed to save her strength for their next chance of escape.


At the same moment, Merlyn was struggling to find some rest in the early hours of dawn, Glyndwr was awoken by a cup of cold water splashing his face and his Master's frustrated voice.


He woke with a start, "What's happening? How long was I asleep for?"

"Long enough." Arthur asserted, heaving his pack onto his shoulder. Glen was surprised to see the camp, save his pile, packed up and the Prince ready to go.

"Did you get some rest?" He asked concerned, noticing the strain around the Prince's eyes.

"Couldn't sleep." was the short answer as the Prince started to walk along the stream, following the slim hope of a trail they had picked up.

"I have never seen you like this," Glen said, shaking his head at his master. "Not about anyone!" He had been Arthurs manservant for many years. In a way, they had grown up together. Although they never forgot the differences in their stature, the Prince would often treat the younger man as an annoying little brother. The loyalty between the pair was absolute. But even for Glen to dare to broach this forbidden subject was risky.

"What are you wittering on about?" Arthur rounded on his servant, frustrated at the delay.

"You really care about her, don't you?"

"Lady Guinevere is important to Camelot and Morgana…"

"I'm not talking about Lady Guinevere and you know it," Glen argued, earning a dark look from his master. The long silence between them was heavy and full of a conversation that neither wanted to have.

"What I care about," Arthur spoke in a quiet, measured voice which was somehow deafening, "is not wasting any more time talking. Let's get moving."

He turned back to study the worn map he had been studying.

Glen stood watching the Prince for a thoughtful moment, before grabbing his pack and catching up after him.

"Where are we headed?" He asked, dropping the subject.

"The ransom was supposed to be delivered to the Veil of Denaria. If they're holding them anywhere, it has to be there. Which means, it'd save a day's riding if we cut through the tunnels of Andor."

Glen groaned as the reason they left the horses came clear.

"The Wilddeoren infested tunnels! Tunnels overrun by baby rats that feast on human flesh! Are you insane! We should go to the mountains!"

Prince Arthur ignored his spluttering, walking over to the bushes.

"Remember Glen, Wilddeoren are completely blind. They hunt by sense of smell. Gaia berries will put them off the scent. So, if we smear ourselves with them, perhaps we can pass through the tunnels undetected."

With that Arthur smeared his face with the red berries, wincing at the pungent smell. With a grimace, Glyndwr followed his lead.

"Perhaps you'd prefer to be eaten alive," Arthur asked drily as Glen continued to complain about the smell under his breath. His servant gave him a sour glare before asking him to pass some more of the foul-smelling berries.

They quietly made their way into the entrance of the tunnel, eyes straining in the pitch black.

Glen felt something soft under his foot and cringed. "Ah! I just stood on something."

"That was my foot." The answer came out through clenched teeth and Glen's misery got worse. The scrabble of dirt and dull scratch of claw against stone reached their ears.

"Wilddeoren coming this way." Arthur breathed out, pulling Glen into the shelter of the wall. "Whatever happens, keep completely still."

The two men huddled in the cramped spot as they listened to the movement of the giant rat-like creatures, rooting through the tunnels. Glen was sure his heartbeat could be heard echoing along around the tunnel system, drawing the wild beasts toward them. The light from the entrance was so faint and Arthur did not dare light the torch until the beasts were some distance away.

How long they waited, neither men knew, but before long, the noises faded into the distance. Arthur lit the torch, illuminating their path and the men carefully picked their way through the rubble.


Merlyn woke with a start when the door to their cell was thrown open with a clang, the imposing figure of Hengist crowding the entrance. She stood up quickly, instinctively moving in front of Lady Guinevere who had been sat beside her.

"I've not yet received word from Uther that he intends to pay your ransom." Hengist was seriously displeased and suspicious. Merlyn knew the jig would soon be up. "I was informed that the King was extremely fond of his ward. Are you not surprised he is content to leave you here to die?"

She tilted her head up defiantly, almost regally the way she had seen Lady Morgana when challenging Uther, "How can I know the King's mind when I am locked in your stinking cell?"

Hengist snarled at her, pushing his face into hers. "If I do not hear from Uther by dawn tomorrow, this stinking cell will be the last place you ever see."

He let out a small cackle before running the back of his fingers down her cheek.

"Or perhaps not the last. After all, I must have come compensation".

On reflex Merlyn jerked her face away, her hand coming up to push him away but Hengist grabbed her by the neck with his large hand. He pulled her up onto her tiptoes and squeezed. She was aware of Lady Guinevere crying out and the slap of skin on skin. Her breath was trapped in her lungs and she could feel her magic start to surge when she felt herself flying through the air.

She landed heavily, her head bouncing on the floor and her face slamming into the bench. Her lip throbbed as the taste of blood bloomed in her mouth courteously of a split lip. She coughed as air rushed into the lungs barely registering the cruel laugh as Hengist left the cell with a slam of the gate.


Guinevere ignored the sharp sting of the blow to her face. It was nothing compared to the crack of Merlyns head to the floor or the red marks on her neck. She rushed over to help her friend to her feet. Merlyn winced as her head protested the movement and allowed Guinevere to lead her to the small bed.

Propping the young girl against the wall, she was alarmed as Merlyns pallor paled even further. She hesitated, unsure of what to do next.


The relief she felt at the sound of Lancelot's voice was incredible.

"I was terrified I might find your cell empty. What happened?"

"There's been no word from Uther. I fear Hengist is growing suspicious. He attacked Merlyn!"

"Merlyn! Are you alright?"

"I will be." The young girl said, her voice somewhat hoarse. She managed a smile for the worried Lady and squeezed her hand in reassurance, despite the pain in her head.

"Her head was hit hard and she is very pale!" Guinevere argued as she dabbed at the blood from Merlyns lip.

"You must keep up the pretence. I give you both my word, I will not allow you to die here."

"What about you?"

"I have little to live for."

"Do not say that!" Merlyn gasped, shocked.

"It's the truth. For all my words, for all that I believed, I have come to nothing."

The injustice of it swelled in Lady Guinevere and came bursting out,

"You are everything that is right with this world!"

Merlyn and Lancelot looked at her in shock before the latter's turned into wondrous surprise, even as Guinevere blushed in shock.

"I did not know you felt that way," Lancelot whispered, touched.

Guinevere moved toward the bars of the door, moving her fingers till they gripped his though the bars. "I didn't even know I could feel this way about someone."

Lancelot smiled a beautiful smile and with eyes full of hope. His fingers gripped hers.

"Then you have given me a reason to live. Be ready." He said, looking at Merlyn meaningfully. "I will come for you before nightfall."


The coolness of the freshwater as it rid his face of the stench of the Gaia berries was a welcome relief. He couldn't quite believe that had worked. It wasn't till he was in the tunnels that he realised that he had gotten a bit carried away following one of the older knight's advice regarding the Gaia berries, which had never been tested. Fortunately, Sir Kentish's advice was sound.

Unfortunately, having voiced his relief, he had to listen to Glen rant about the risk his master had taken! The younger man understandably put out at having been smeared with foul berries and lead blindly into danger.

"I'm sorry." He said, again stunning his manservant. "I shouldn't risk your life like that."

Again, Glen gave him a long, thoughtful look, which made him uncomfortable. He distracted himself with his flask until the other man broke his silence.

"Well, they do say love makes you do strange things."

Arthur spluttered on his drink, spraying the ground as he choked incredulously.

"What are you talking about?"

"Arthur, I know you and It's so obvious. A blind man could see it. Is it really that hard to admit you like her?"

"Are you crazy, Glen! How? What?"

"Merlyn! Don't get me wrong you're here for the Lady Guinevere as well but Merlyn is who you'd walk through a Wilddeoren nest for! Just say it!"

"I can't!" Arthur shouted, finally getting the words out and they couldn't stop. "How can I admit that I think about her all the time. Or that...I care about her more than anyone. How can I admit that...I don't know what I'll do if any harm comes to her? Because nothing can ever happen between us! To admit my feelings knowing that...hurts too much."

Arthur turned to the river, unable to keep eye contact with his preceptive manservant. He watched the water sweep a long branch off the shore, tumbling though the current in freefall, much as he felt himself falling. It was an odd relief to voice his confused feelings to another.

How had one tiny maidservant turned his world upside down so entirely?

"My father won't let me rescue a servant, Glen. Do you honestly believe he'd let me marry one?

"You feel that strongly…You want to marry Merlyn?" His candidness had surprised Glen, who could not help but respond in shock.

"No! No...I...I don't know... My father is putting more and more pressure on me to marry... and I can't get my mind of a waif of a girl to even look at another woman."

"When you're King, you can change that." Glen's thought was tempting but Arthur refused to let it take root.

"How long do you think that will take? And I can't expect her to wait. She deserves better…"

"If she feels as you do, she'll wait for you."

"We don't even know if she's still alive." Arthur voiced the fear that had kept him going. "Let alone if she feels the same way. And if what we suspect of her is true…the danger to her…if my father discovered what we know…"

"She's alive." There was certainty in Glen's voice. At the tense look Arthur shot him, he insisted. "No, she is. We will find her."

"Come on. We've got a long trek ahead. Oh, and Glen...if you dare tell anyone about this, I promise I will make your life a living hell."

"Oh yeah, not a word," Glen swore. It really went without saying.


Merlyn tripped as the guard threw her into the room at Hengist's feet. She quickly stood, not wanting to be at a great disadvantage to him. He smirked at her, eying the bruising to her neck with some satisfaction before walking toward her.

"Morgana. Morgana! I keep asking myself, "Why does Uther not pay the ransom? He's a rich man, why would he leave his beloved ward to suffer a slow and terrible death?"

"I don't know," Merlyn said hiding her fear and clamping down on her temper. "Maybe he doesn't like me that much after all." It would be so easy to let loose on this man, let her magic take care of him, but her control was shaky, fatigue and an achy head made her nervous and fear of what she could do rivalled her fear of this man.

He advanced on her quickly, snatching her hand and turning the palm up to his gaze.

That was when she knew the gig was up. Her slender fingers were strong and worn, calloused and scarred. They weren't the hands of a noble Lady.

"Bring Kendrick to me." Hengist roared. "Perhaps he can tell me why Lady Morgana has the hands of a serving girl!"

He backhanded Merlyn, the blow throwing her into the wall and onto the floor. This time the knock to her head knocked her unconscious.

The sound of Kendrick begging greeted her as she slowly regained consciousness, catching snippets of the conversation.

"No, wait!... Hengist, wait…..capture the Lady Morgana….she escaped… Morgana's maid…"

"Thank you…honest. Release…Wilddeoren.

She covered her ears as she heard the terrifying screams of her previous tormentor as he met his violent end.

She tried to stumble to her feet as she heard Lancelot's voice and her heart sunk.

"You can do what you will with me. I do not care. But let Merlyn go."

"Oh, no. Merlyn is that your name," The world spun as she was hauled to her feet by her chained wrists. She weakly pushed against the hard body pressed against her as she struggled to catch her bearings.

Lancelot stood alone in the fighting pit, staring furiously at Hengist who just laughed unconcerned.

"Merlyns going to keep me company for a bit, but Lady Guinevere will join you."

Both Merlyn and Lancelot watched in horror as the gates opened and Guinevere was thrown into the pit. Lancelot caught her, the devastation on his face clear to see.

"You thought she got away. No. You failed her. And that must hurt you," the brute mocked. Merlyn struggled against her captor as two of the bandits tied her friends back to back. The crowd seemed to get louder, eager for a bit of blood sport.

"What do you say?!" Hengist hollered, shoving Merlyn forward so she was clinging to the barrier and granted a front-row seat to the horror unfolding. He held his arms out to his audience! "Shall I spare them?"

"Kill! Kill! Kill! Kill...!"

Merlyn worked at her bindings, concentrating on her knots. She focused hard, tuning out the roars around her, ducking her head to hide the flash of her eyes as her bindings snapped. She edged closer to the edge of the pit, knowing she would prefer to be Wilddeoren food than experience any more of Hengists hospitality.

She noticed Lancelot turn her way and meet his eye with a nod. She was ready to make a move. She was about to focus on her friends' bindings as Hengist roared;

"Release the Wilddeoren!"

As the gate opened the giant carnivorous beast who had recently devoured Kendrick was heard heading toward the opening. The focus on the gate almost distracted them from the two men jumping into the ring. Merlyn could not believe it when she saw the blonde head of Camelot's Crown Prince and his manservant!

"Arthur!" Guinevere shouted incredulously as he freed them. The Prince looked around, searching frantically before spotting the handmaiden.

Arthurs' eyes were on Merlyn as he moved toward the wall. Merlyn jerked away as Hengist lunged toward her. She tumbled over the wall, into the ring. She closed her eyes expecting to hit the ground but was caught in a pair of strong arms. Her vision spun again as she was pushed into the centre of the ring, but she knew who had caught her.

"Nice catch." Lancelot bantered, taking the sword from Glyndwr.

"What are you doing here, Lancelot?" Arthur asked as the other man joined him.

"I came to save the Ladies, you?"


Guinevere relieved Arthur of Merlyn so he had both hands free. Both men were so intent on protecting the women from the Wilddroen, they missed the movement of the furious Hengish.

From her position leant against Guinevere's shoulder, Merlyn watched as Hengist grabbed his crossbow and aimed it at those in the pit. She had no choice but to act. Praying the noise of the crowd was loud enough, she uttered,

"Ic bebíede fealle".

The snap of the chain holding the chandelier over his chair gave Hengist just enough warning to throw himself out of the way.

Glen had managed to wedge the tunnel door open behind the Wilddroen and was yelling at the others to come through.

"He's right, the tunnels our only chance. Let's go!" Arthur inflicted a nasty wound to the beast's leg before heading toward the tunnel. Hengist yelling for his men to follow as he himself jumped into the pit.

"After them!" Hengist roared as he charged into the pit.

"Take them! I'll hold them off." Lancelot said, pushing the small group toward the gate.

"No!" Guinevere shouted as Arthur picked Merlyn up, hiking her over his shoulder, his other hand latching around Guinevere's arm and pulling her along with him toward the gate.

As the Lady protested, Merlyn watched upside down as Lancelot cleared the way and used the last of her concentration to snap the rope holding the gate open. She was so tired she didn't realise she hadn't said a word, her instinctual magic responding to her silent command.

"Open the gate!" A terrified Hengist's demand ended with a horrific scream as the Wildreon took its revenge. His screams in her ears, Merlyns world faded to black.


Arthur sat by the campfire, his eyes on the figure of the sleeping Merlyn. It was a while before they had reached a safe distance from Hengist's keep and he was finally able to take a good look at the women they had rescued.

Both their faces were bruised, pale and tired. As he lay a worrying limp Merlyn on the driest spot he could find, he saw the livid red finger marks around her neck. Guinevere told him how they had occurred and that she did not know what had happened between Merlyn being dragged out of their cell and her appearance on the balcony with Hengish. The girl only stirred when after carefully checking her hand, his hand had come across several lumps.

He cursed himself for not getting to them sooner. The battered handmaiden had stirred briefly, enough for them to coach her to take a few sips of water before she drifted back off to sleep. Efforts to keep her awake failed and the Prince shared a worried look with his manservant. He had seen knights with head injuries that never woke up.

With the light fading, they set up camp. It was a quiet, exhausted party. Glen prepared the meal as Guinevere sat wrapped up in the blankets next to the sleeping Merlyn, staring at the flames.

"I'm surprised you would undertake such a rescue mission."

Arthur started at Lancelot's question as the other man sat next to him on the log, both men looking at the resting women.

"My father would not pay the ransom. When Morganna returned, he believed the others to be dead."

"And yet you believed different. Disobeyed him and came here anyway."

Arthur looked over at fire at the two ladies, his features hidden in shadows.

"I had to be sure." Was his reply as he ended the conversation. Clearing his throat, he declared that they should all get some rest.

Lancelot volunteered to take the first watch and soon only he and Glyndwr were tending the camp. Lancelot watched the younger man as he tidied the camp, pondering his thoughts.

As Glen settled down next to him he finally spoke.

"Does Arthur have feelings for Lady Guinevere?"

His question was expected and Glen swallowed the mouthful of stew he was chewing slowly, thinking his answer through.

"I know the King is keen for the match," He said slowly, "However, I believe Arthurs intentions may lie elsewhere." He kept his eyes fixed on the flames, avoiding Lancelot's questioning glance. "Anyway, what about you? You have feelings for Lady Guinevere…"

Lancelot let out a breathless, bitter laugh.

"My feelings do not matter. I have nothing to offer, no future."

Glen protested. "It always matters and things will change. I am sure of it."

"But until they do, I can not stay. I've lost my way and its time to find my own path." He looked over the fire at the peaceful face of the sleeping Lady who was so often in his thoughts.

"Tell Guinevere that knowing her has changed me forever. But I am not worthy and somethings can not be…"

"Lancelot…" Glen protested as his friend stood to leave. "You don't have to do this. At least stay until Merlyn wakes..."

"I wish I could, but if I don't go now... I don't know if I could. If I were to return to Guinevere, to Camelot, I need to do it with my honour intact. I need to have something to offer her. Please pass my message on. And tell Merlyn that I said thanks and if she needs me, she knows what to do."

Glen looked at him curiously, but Lancelot just smiled and bid him farewell before disappearing into the forest.


For the first time in a long while, Merlyn woke to the feel of sunlight on her face. Unfortunately, it was accompanied by a pounding headache. She kept her head still and her eyes shut, trying to stay in the comfort of still darkness.

She could not close her ears though. She could hear the flicker of flame, and then the hiss as it was doused with water. There was movement was all around her, the sounds of bedrolls being tidied away and feet snapping thin twigs on the floor. It was a comforting sound and Merlyn found herself almost completely relaxed. Her magic was wrapped around her in a comforting blanket, no longer desperate to lash out and protect her from her enemies.

If it weren't for her magic, Merlyn was sure the blows to her head would have been fatal and her throat more permanently damaged. It had taken so much of her strength to hold her magic in check.

"Where's Lancelot?"

Lady Guinevere's voice caused her eyelids to flicker and concern nearly made her move. But the fact that just moving her eyelids hurt had prevented the attempt to raise her head.

"He's gone." She heard Glen reply, sympathetically. "He left during the night."

"No." Guinevere let out with a little sob. "Did he say anything?"

"He said that somethings can not be. He wanted you to know that you have changed him forever."

"We will see him again."

Merlyns voice was weak and somewhat breathless, but it was enough to have their heads snap toward her.

"Merlyn!" Guinevere moved first, stumbling as she threw her to the ground by her friend. "I'm so relieved you are awake."

"I'm not so glad." Merlyn joked as she slowly raised herself up. Her head protesting the movement.

Guinevere and Glyndwr helped her move to a seated position against the tree. Merlyn colour leached from her face and the world spun before it fixed on a red blur. Her focus sharpened and suddenly in front of her stood a concerned Prince.

Arthur approached the trio, kneeling down to her level.

"We have a long walk ahead of us. Do you think you will make it?"

Merlyn thought for a minute before grimacing, forced to admit she wasn't quite sure. That she admitted it was enough to worry the others.


After some debate from a somewhat mortified maidservant, it was decided that Arthur would carry her and that they would make frequent stops. It would take them at least two days and chances were that the King would have sent men after them. They may encounter them during the trek back.

Arthurs blood was still simmering with rage. He tried to ignore the livid purple marks around Merlyns throat, by keeping his gaze forward. Merlyn had held herself rigidly for the first few miles but since relaxed into his arms. He could not help but glance down at her limp form. Her eyes were closed against the sunlight and as gentle as he was, any sharp movement would cause her to flinch and swallow hard.

It was too easy to carry her. She weighed next to nothing and would not eat when they stopped, saying she felt so sick that she wasn't sure she would keep it down.

The rage was somewhat tempered with relief when he returned to the camp after relieving himself, that he overhead Merlyn reassuring Lady Guinevere in hushed tones that apart from the bruises that littered her limbs, throat and head, she had not been interfered with. It had been a question he was too afraid to ask.

It wasn't until late after they had made camp and retired for the night, that he had a chance to speak alone with her.

He was keeping watch, mostly at her restless sleep, when she sat up quickly, paled and turned her head to empty her stomach. He moved quickly to help her, ignoring her red cheeks as he moved her in her bedroll away from the site and buried the evidence.

"Thank you." She whispered, embarrassed, as she siped at the water he gave her. It was odd to be waited on. By a prince no less.

"You are welcome." He waved it off, sitting beside her. "Shall I make some more of Gaius' tea? That seemed to help."

"I think I just moved too quickly. I feel alright now." She reassured him. "I think I may be able to walk tomorrow. Thank you for your help."

"No problem. Even if you did complain most of the way." He teased. Merlyn narrowed her eyes playfully at him and his grin grew.

"Sorry, my heads not quite so hard as yours!" She threw back as she lay back down with a small smirk. Arthur gave a light laugh as he sat down beside her, before becoming more sombre.

"How are you doing?"

Merlyn looked up at him. "I'll be alright, Sire. If I was still unconscious or you could not wake me then you would be right to be concerned, but I am feeling better."

"That's good to hear, Merlyn, but that wasn't exactly what I meant. It must have been quite frightening. Hengist is known for being a brute."

"I was lucky he believed me to be Lady Morgana for as long as he did," Merlyn said rather blankly. Arthur saw the small shiver that passed through her at the thought.

"What gave you away?" He asked curiously.

"My hands,"

Arthur looked down and without thinking picked up one of her hands. He did not realise that Merlyn had stopped breathing at his touch. He studied the small hand, with long slender fingers. But under the pads of his fingers, he felt the hard calluses and the ridges of scars that betrayed them as working hands.

"Not the hands of a Lady," Merlyn said grimly.

"I've seen these hands work wonders," Arthur told her, dragging his eyes away from the appendage in question. "I've seen them mending, I've seen them healing. I've seen them comforting." It was then he realised he was holding her hand and that he had been gently stroking the palm of her hand as he talked.

He looked down and much to his surprise as hers, he lifted the back to his lips for a brief tender kiss.

He cleared his throat as he let go of her hand and straightened up. Putting distance between them.

"But it is not the hand of a Lady," Merlyn repeated as she tucked said hand into her covers.

"No" Arthur whispered, feeling a sadness settle in his chest.


By a stroke of luck, they came across a party the King had sent after his erstwhile son and they made the rest of the journey in good time.

Merlyn sat in front of Lady Guinevere on one of the horses, the other woman keeping her steady and both gave a large heartful sign of relief as Camelot came into view. They were tired and hurting, but now so close to home.

Lady Morgana was waiting for them as they entered the courtyard, her face lighting up as she saw her friend. Guinevere had barely slid off her horse before she was drawn into a hard, heartfelt embrace.

"Oh Guinevere! I thought I would never see you again. And Merlyn! Gosh, your alive!" Her joyous exclamations faded somewhat as she saw the state of her handmaiden and the gentle manner in which Arthur helped her dismount the tall horse.

When Merlyns knees buckled, Arthur caught her, shifting her into his arms as she paled again.

"Let us get you to Gaius." He murmured, ascending the steps. He met his father at the top of the stairs and met his carefully blank gaze with one of his own. The King looked down at the two ladies embracing, relieved to see Lady Guinevere. Then his eyes moved back to his son and the half-conscious maidservant in his arms.

He was furious with his son. Arthur had disobeyed him yet again. And although this time he had returned safely, with Lady Guinevere, the outcome could have been very different.

But his son met his eyes with no guilt or remorse, choosing instead to step around the King as he headed to the Physicians Chambers.

Four sets of worried eyes followed him.

None for the same reason.

Thank you for reading.

I do seem to like Merlyn-bashing but I was trying to find a good explanation as to why she wouldn't or couldn't use her magic to escape. By afflicting a potentially fatal injury I thought her Magic would be at more use keeping her alive.