Disclaimer: I don't own Kyou Kara Maoh! It belongs to Takabayashi Tomo who made the best story and lovely couple, Yuri and Wolfram XD

Author Note: Hi everyone, how is your day? I just want to say thank for favorite this story even added me as your favorite author and following me, it's such a lovely for me. Back to the main point, this story still has a long journey and I don't have any thought to end it quickly. Many things still unsolved but you don't have to worry, I already predict how this story will end. I don't want to finish it quickly because writing Yuri and Wolfram relationship progress are addicting to me and I have fun with it. Their relationship status will more into the adult story, not teenage story since at the beginning story Yuri and Wolfram reach their adult years, around twenty I guess with Yuri older than Wolfram.

It's also the reason why the rating changing from Teen into Mature which I give warning before you read my story, not for those under 18 years old. As for the mature theme/scene, it's the most difficult thing to write than a fighting scene or argument scene hahaha. I even read some of the novels with a mature theme for inspiration, quite a lot even I'm kinda embarrassed to continue reading and getting used to it. Remember what I told you from the previous chapter at below note, this chapter will have an explicit scene, so prepare for it?

Happy Reading and Enjoy! :D

Chapter 24: Private Time, just Two of us




I am in the library alone with some books pilled up beside me. In the castle, there are five libraries and the library where I sit right now is the smallest one which becomes my favorite place. Usually, I used it when I need time for alone, playing with the kids, and thinking. Many think that happened to me after I arrived at demon castle, became a demon prince and Yuri's consort, meet with the kids, Arthy and Ezio as my friends, and I dreamed Shin'ou and Rufus relationship, their past story. Each of the dream changing as telling their story. Speaking about relationship, my relationship with Yuri sometimes stable or having tension then back to normal, just like a normal couple. It's been two years I arrived and became the Prince Consort of Demon King, Shibuya Yuri. Only a few months, here I am. The demon prince and prince consort of demon king and no one believes this is not a dream, it's real. I bet people will call me crazy since there is no such a thing you became a demon prince only a few months

After I arrived at the castle, there is a two-person that made me curious the most. It wasn't Yuri the demon king since he treated me badly for the first time we met. Those two people are Gwendal and Conrad, the one who kidnapped me first from Uncle Stoffel who sold me to pay his debt. As I grew up with Raven, Uncle Stoffel advisor, he told me about my mother from her adventure life, her love story and her kids including me. I didn't realize the way Raven told me about mother and the way his eyes became tender, he had feelings and love mother deeply until he told me I have siblings. Raven said mother married with another male before my father, her third husband, which means I have two siblings or the youngest. Raven said the physical of my half brothers more into their own father than mother, so do the eyes. The first brother has gray hair and deep blue eyes and the age gap quite big. The second brother has brown eyes with dark brown hair. As he told me about my siblings, I can't believe what did I just heard even asked Raven why my brothers didn't visit me or taking me with them.

Raven just keep silent, he didn't answer my question.

Since then, I prefer to think that they don't know about me or left me behind. Every time royal people who visited Uncle Stoffel castle until now, I always pay attention to the person who has the same physical feature with my siblings just like Raven described. I'm asking all of them if they had a baby brother when they were young, their teenage life, and their mother physical features. If the physical features same as my mother, probably they are related to my siblings. Raven knew my mission to find my siblings and he told me it's useless especially I didn't know their family name. Every royal people I met and interview, no one exactly the same what I expected. I did for five years and give up, maybe they thought I'm dead or don't want to take care of me since they are busy with their own life. Seeing the kids with their siblings made me jealous sometimes. Having another person who takes care of you and you won't be lonely even your parents passe away because you still have siblings. I ignored my curiosity about my siblings since I don't meet or saw the person as Raven described many years. My curious faded as time passed until the day I was kidnapped to demon kingdom when I met a person just like Raven described.

When Raven took me to Gwendal, my curious appear again as my emerald green eyes met his deep blue eyes. I was almost asked him if he's my brother but the way Gwendal smirked and looking at me with sinister eyes as looking at me before taking me to the Demon Kingdom made me emotional since I was sold by my own uncle to pay his debt. I was not focused since I'm panicked and furious so there was no time to thinking about it. I'm titled my head while looking above, enjoying the pattern of this old library, an illustration of an enchanted forest and the creature that stayed there. Many think I am curious after I arrived here. A few days later, when I prepared to take to Yuri, Conrart who accompanied me kneeling and vowing his loyalty and introduced to Yuri, silently I am looking his physical feature especially his hair and eyes, brown color. He has the same physical feature, just like Raven described to me.

Call me weird, stupid, or whatever. Are they my brother? My half brother since we have a different father but same mother? How many lovers my mother had even she gave birth to three sons including me with a different father? Is she a playgirl since she had many lovers even married another person besides my father. Gwendal and Conrart physical feature are exactly what Raven described to me when I was little. I must meet one of them or both of them as I asked a question to them, especially their childhood and teenage life.

That's the first I need to solve. The second one about the dream I saw after I became a Demon Prince. The dream about Rufus and Shin'ou, the first demon king and queen. The first dream I saw was Rufus probably became the demon queen and move back where Rufus status was soldier, not demon queen yet. Why I dream about their past story? The last dream I knew was Shin'ou asked Rufus if he can join her again visiting the forest together. Is it will continue?

There are a lot of things that I need to find the answer. My curious feeling towards Gwendal and Conrart if they are my half brother especially the dream about Shin'ou and his beloved consort, Rufus. I don't know a lot about the history of the demon king, but there is something I'm curious about Rufus lineage. Is she a Bielefeld which means she is my ancestor?

Speaking about relationship, me with Yuri kinda complicated and I think I didn't know him more such as his favorite color, his likes or dislikes, and personality. After he told me his conflict from childhood until the present, I want to know him deeper than before, so do our relationship. Our intimate activity is fine, hate to admit it as my cheek feels hot, you can be called it turned red and flushed. I want our relationship not only about sex, more into an emotional relationship where I understand his pain, loneliness, and sadness.




"You want to take a holiday? With Yuri only?" Shouri stands and takes another book after finishing the first one. He seemed surprised when I asked for holiday or day off with Yuri, alone. Prince Shouri looking at Yuri who busies reading a book and writing some of the important things to remember. Realize he's been watching by his brother, Yuri gives signs to him that 'just listen to him and don't complain.

"I think we need to know each other deeper. I mean…" how I explain this thing to Prince Shouri. "We haven't known a lot deeper, for example, our habit, personality, likes and dislikes, etc. I don't know if I'm being cursed our bad luck always on my side, every time I want to spend time with Yuri, many obstacles happened." I explained to Prince Shouri that confused with my words. He must be confused about how come that I'm not knowing Yuri well after the marriage?

Well, this two years with events such as assassination and accident while Yuri busy went out for diplomatic duty with me stays at the castle until he returns. I was injured many times with dreamed about demon kingdom royal couple story, Shin'ou, and Rufus. I don't know if those dreams telling something or have a message that wants to deliver since the dream stuck in my mind for a long time. Not only that, my time as the king's consort or demon prince busied by study about history, geography and everything about the kingdom. Other lessons I take are self-defense, swords training, and fire element which more exhausted that any lessons. Gwendal said that since I'm still not getting used to it, I'm easily exhausted because it drained my energy even I almost collapsed. Seeing that I almost collapsed while study fire element, Gwendal suggest me to takes medical and healing lessons. I almost protest and asking why I should take other lessons but he has the point. Taking medical and healing lessons, it helps me to control my fire, healing myself while injured and making the power of my element bigger to use without using much energy. Lessons by lessons, I understand why Gwendal suggest me taking medical lessons, he also said Yuri took medical lessons even mastered it since he has four-element, he needs to mastered the medical lessons.

"I don't know if you have free time with Yuri or not before I arrived at the castle, but I think that your time with my brother is less than your lessons time." Prince Shouri remembers how I am busy taking many lessons while Yuri is also busy as the King. He's looking to Yuri who taking a sip of chamomile tea. "Don't get me wrong Yuri, your consort spending his time more with the kids than you although he's your consort."

"Speaking what you said, it's totally true." Yuri continues to drinks his tea. "We only have free time together only at morning and night, that's all." Prince Shouri sighed hard, looking at the window while he hears the kid's voice enjoying their free time with Conrart and Gwendal. Arthy and Ezio now riding the pony since their body size still little while Gwendal and Conrart walking beside them to prevent their fall.

"The kids having the same classes with Wolfram, so no wonder they spent time more with him than you, brother." Prince Shouri remembers after Yuri returned from his foreign diplomatic, he saw Wolfram had fun with kids at garden chose a flower for a bookmark. Yuri told him that he's quite jealous not because the kids at his side, but Wolfram spends his time with the kids more than him. Sounded childish of course, but he understands why his brother complained, he wants alone time with his consort only.

"Is your sex activity also part of it?" Prince Shouri asked as my cheeks flushed while Yuri spurts his tea, looking at Prince Shouri who smirks to him, replied by Yuri's pissed off groan placed the cup. "I'll take it as yes," said Prince Shouri shortly. To think about it, my free time with Yuri only at morning and night, a few hours and our sex activities also part of it. I won't call it as part of knowing each other. Yeah, I admit it having sex with Yuri really amazing most of it, such a talented King no wonder many people satisfied after slept with him.

"I want spending time with Yuri more than we usually did. Having a conversation while talking about our likes and dislikes, childhood, and our favorite things. Linking our hands while enjoying the beautiful scenery, visit market or festival, dancing at the town. I don't know a lot about him, but hearing his confession at the city, his past made me want to know more about him and wishes Yuri to open himself more to me. A lot of things I want to share to him from my childhood, my late mother, and lost siblings.

"I think what your consort said it's true, you guys need private time." Prince Shouri looking to Yuri wipes his mouth after spurted his tea, coughing a little. "When the last time you take your day off Yuri?" Prince Shouri asked Yuri directly, stands while chewing some biscuits. Yuri looking back to him, avoid his gaze. Seeing Yuri's behavior, he wants to avoid this topic.

"Don't know, I forgot…" Yuri rested his back on the chair, sighed hard. Yuri tries to remember his last day off, taking a holiday or going somewhere else for relaxation. "I'm busy handle many things okay?"

"Busy you say?" Prince Shouri unsure his answer. "Listen, you took your day off a few days, but you spend all of it by having sex your previous lover before you met prince wolfram…"

"SHUT UP SHOURI! MUST YOU SAID IT BLUNTLY?!" Yuri shouted banging his hands on the table, his face turned into red crimson makes the cup and plate shaking and some papers fall down. Is his brother a stalker? How come he knew many things about Yuri's personal life. I begin to understand why Yuri pissed off with Prince Shouri behavior. He knew a lot his daily life even his sexual activity, but Murata told me that Prince Shouri usually asked soldiers and maids about Yuri's life when he did a trip. He did that to prevent bad intentions from any kingdoms who want to do any harm. Of course, it made Yuri pissed off but he seemed to let it go as long not out of the line.

"Most of it related to sexual things right?" Prince Shouri teases Yuri who looking to him with killer gaze, wishes to shut his mouth. "Don't look at me with your usual killer gaze, I knew it already and I bet your lover knew some of your previous lover name and what you did with them before he came to this castle…". Prince Shouri, please don't include me into this nonsense or unimportant conversations, please. I'm exhausted with their quarrel that some it leading into fights.

"I prefer to keep quiet…" I avoid Yuri's gaze who looking at me now. He must be thinking that Murata who spilled the secret about his previous lover and their activity. I'm can see Yuri's eyes through mirror reflection, saying that we will have a discussion and talk after his job is done. Urgh, he will ask me who told me that story and Yuri gonna blame Murata for it.

"Yuri… you totally need a holiday." Prince Shouri told Yuri with looking to Yuri from up and down, knowing his physical need a rest but the owner keeps pushing himself. Yuri continues signing the paper but Prince Shouri keeps continue, "take your day off, around a month probably enough. Take your prince consort with you since he needs to know yourself deeper than before. You can take a holiday in our private cottage, it's beautiful." Prince Shouri smiles and he winks to Yuri, which Yuri just groan continue his job.

"Are you suggest us to take a holiday?" I surprised hearing Prince Shouri suggestion for me a Yuri to take holiday.

"It's also my gift to both of you like forgiveness, especially you Prince Wolfram. I treated you badly by a threat you and doubt you as prince consort. I should trust Yuri when he decided to make you as demon prince but a lot of things happened before you came here, when he chose his own partner, most of them are failed even betrayed him."

"It has happened after Princess Elly betrayed Yuri right?" I'm answered his concern but Yuri just keeps silent, no response.

"Seemed my brother already told that story." Prince Shouri fixing his glasses wipes with the napkin. "Back to conversation, since then many royal families tried to get closer with Yuri and using him for their own purpose, as his brother I'm quite worried when heard Yuri chosen you as demon prince in short time as he wants. Especially with your mysterious or unclear background."

"That's normal I guess, especially I was sold to Yuri to pay my uncle debt, you were worried if I am good enough for him." I sit on the couch, looking at the flower inside the vase that I picked for Yuri. A few weeks ago, I picked some white lily flower to place it inside the library after the previous flower wilted. The maids probably forgot to take care of it so I decided to change into the new one.

"Never thought you take care of the flowers." The flower vase placed on Yuri's table at the left side. Realize that I'm talking about the flower, Yuri stops his working and put the ink pen near the paper.

"It's been a long time I saw white lily. The last time was at the festival but not this close." Yuri answer shortly, rested his chin on his palm looking at the flower, slightly touching the petals. "Purity and Majesty, what a joke," Yuri said to himself. I remember Yuri told me his flower symbol is white lily given by his mother, hoping that he'll be growing up becoming a prince with a pure heart but he didn't turn into what his mother wishes before.

"Isn't that your flower symbol right?"

"Yes, but it's not really suited for me, a demon king." Yuri's watching the flower from petals to leaves. I can't read his expression while he's still looking at the flower, but his black eyes looking sad, thinking why his mother gave him that flower symbol which totally opposite with his personality. Prince Shouri quickly changes the atmosphere as he takes out a jar of a capsule. The color is red as he gives me and Yuri the capsule.

"That's why you need a holiday. Now, at least drink the medicine I give to both of you right now."

"What is this?" I asked Prince Shouri, looking the medicine with a shape of the capsule and red color. Yuri looking at the medicine without any words, gazing Prince Shouri for a moment who realizes he's been watching. He gives signs towards Yuri to drink the medicine, with a little wink and sneaky smile. Yuri just groans and take a gulp of medicine.

"It's a medicine for filling your energy so you won't get exhausted easily. Usually, I drink the medicine for a long trip. Make sure to drink the medicine before both of you leave for the holiday." Prince Shouri smiled to us and I drink the medicine as Prince Shouri continue talking. "I also asked the maids to packed your suitcase so you just relax waiting for the carriage to be ready."

"Holiday? Long trip? What is he exactly mean? "Prince Shouri, what are you talking about?

"Shouri, I'm not taking holiday right now. There are many important things to do than talking holiday…" Prince Shouri cut Yuri's words until the door knocked, the soldier comes in with some maids steps heard from the outside carrying some of the suitcases?

"Your Majesty, the carriage is ready." said the maids enter the library. Yuri confused heard the soldier words who told that the carriage for the trip ready to go. Yuri stands walking to Prince Shouri telling the soldier that they need a few minutes before departing.

"Hold on a second, I don't have a trip today and didn't ask for it." Yuri narrowing his eyebrow, confused for a moment until his eyes wider, looking to Shouri clapped his hands to Yuri who finds out that Prince Shouri prepared this. "It must be you, right?" Yuri pointed Prince Shouri pretends not hearing anything while Yuri begins to complain to him. "How come you did it without discussion? You can't seriously make a decision as you want. I haven't finished many documents to sign, arrange the diplomatic meeting that will hold this month and many things that I need to do!"

"If I told you that you need a day off, probably you refuse or won't take it. I don't want to accept any refuse again, so I prefer to prepare your holiday with your consort silently. How many times I asked you even told you to take a break but you ignored it! Look at yourself, when the last time you cut your hair? I bet when the ceremony of Prince Wolfram becoming your consort officially." Prince Shouri touches Yuri's long bangs, making Yuri feels disturbed so he slaps his hand from his bangs.

"It's not that long!"Yuri protest as he points his long bangs with the length reaches his nose. "I only need to swipe it bangs when it covered my sight." Yuri's hair length is not that long but seeing his hair reaching his collar uniform seemed he needs cut. "I just tied when need it but I don't think I need it right now." Yuri continues signing another document but Prince Shouri stopped him by taking the paper with the ink, throw it directly to the trash bin.

"Listen, since it will be a long trip to your holiday place, the private cottage, better you prepare yourself so do Prince Wolfram. Didn't you hear that the soldier inform me of the carriage prepare to depart? It only needs a passenger." Prince Shouri informs the soldier that Yuri and I ready to depart as he folded the paper put it inside his pocket.

"You've got to be kidding me. This is a joke right?" Yuri surprised seeing his suitcase for travel packed and placed it above the carriage joined with my suitcase. Yuri messed up his hair, can't believe his brother did this without discussion. Prince Shouri throws Yuri's usual long coat for the trip right into his face.

"Now, you better depart right now, take your holiday time with your beloved, and you will thank me later."

"You better take responsibility when the bad thing happened while I'm not around!" Yuri shouted as he puts his long coat as he gives me a long sandy brown coat. As I put my arms inside the sleeve of coats, Conrart enters the room with Gwendal behind him.

"Enjoy the holiday, Your Majesty. I think you deserve a holiday after many bad things happened when you arrived for the first time at the Demon Kingdom." Conrart helps me to put the long coat by buttoning the coat.

"I don't think it's called holiday Conrart since Yuri refused to accept Prince Shouri offer but he doesn't have a choice." We are looking to Yuri has an argument with Prince Shouri, asking him to finish every job unfinished make sure don't make a mess with it. Prince Shouri confidently taking the risk and will finish it right before Yuri returns to castle from holiday.

"How come you don't trust me while you learned many things about kingdom through me until you can handle it by yourself. Gwendal will accompany me so you don't have to worry, just take your holiday and this is an order from me." Prince Shouri sterns to Yuri as he's walking to the outside. As we walking towards the carriage, Yuri quickly grabs my hands as we walking to the carriage waiting for us.

"Luckily we stayed at the castle, if not probably another fight will happen again just like a forest before," Yuri mumbling to himself but I guess he disagrees with this idea.

"You better watch your mouth brother, I can hear what you said before." Prince Shouri warns Yuri but he ignores it, continue mumbling and I can hear some of the curse words. We finally reach the carriage as the maids opened the door, entering the carriage while Prince Shouri and Conrart stand near the door.

"Are you sure is it okay if we depart right now?" I asked Conrart who closes the carriage door while Yuri just folding his arms, restrain himself to not explode front of Wolfram caused by Prince Shouri behavior this morning. Seriously, Yuri easily sensitive or short-tempered if related to Prince Shouri. "Is Gwendal already know about this?"

"Gwendal knew it so you don't need to worry," Conrart reassure me as he takes out something from his shirt pocket. The shape of rectangle wrapped in brown paper with Gwendal signs. "Before you depart, he asked me to give you this flower bookmark made by himself. He said that lately, you interested in making flower bookmark with kids so he made one as a gift. Gwendal said that opened it when you arrived at cottage then placed it above the book."

"Please tell him that I will love the gift and use it well." I smile to Conrart grabs his big warm hands. "What about the kids? I promised to them we will plants flowers today even bought the seeds." I showed the flower seeds inside my pocket but Prince Shouri showed out asking me to keep the flower seeds for myself.

"Just bring it to the trips or you can plant some of the seeds at the cottage. The last time I visited the cottage, most of the flowers were wilted. You can ask Yuri to join plants some flower." I put back the seeds inside my pocket but still worried about Ezio and Arthy.

"Gwendal already takes care of it, but I must say it's really hard for him since the kids exhausted after rode the pony. He takes them right now to their room for rest." Said Conrart but he's giggling remembering how exhausted Gwendal to pick up the kids into their room. Realize that I'm still thinking about the kids, Prince Shouri reassures me to not worry much.

"Relax Wolfram, I told kids that you and my brother need a private time alone and will return safely. They can spend their time with Gwendal, Conrart, and Murata. I bet they will love to babysit the kids". I don't think Gwendal want to babysit the kids since they always tease Gwendal that lead to anger sometimes. Conrart and Murata are fine, but I'm worried they make another chaos.

"They are will be fine as long I am beside Gwendal and Murata accompany us," Conrart reassure me if anything related to kids.

"You better depart as fast as possible, it's gonna be a long trip." Shouri waving to us while Yuri just sits folded his arms, mumbling to himself even said some of the curse words to Prince Shouri. What my ears caught are 'I'm gonna kill him when I returned, what is his plan right now, and what is exactly he wants.

"I sit back closing the door and it begins move leaving the castle. Somehow, I feel grateful to Prince Shouri who prepared this although I don't speak anything to him. Prince Shouri seemed to know Yuri needs a long holiday or private time with me since he spends most of his life to become a King after their parents passed away. A few minutes later, something weird about my body, probably the effect of the medicine I drank from Prince Shouri.




"Is there some reason why you send them to your private cottage? The trip actually quite long." Conrart asked Prince Shouri as they walking together to inside after they accompanied Yuri and Wolfram to the gate. Conrart actually disagree with Prince Shouri idea especially after the assassination at the festival before, made Wolfram injured also lost his fire element.

"Honestly, I felt bad towards them, especially Yuri. When I heard the news he had chosen his new consort, I returned to the castle and checked his new consort, make sure that if he's worthy to become Demon King consort." Prince Shouri stops for a moment, looking at the portrait of Yuri and Wolfram painting after the coronation. Yuri wears his midnight blue uniform as crimson red crown placed on his head with the royal robe, same color with the crown. The robe tied with silver chains and red diamonds as the length of robe reach the floor. Yuri's right-hand holds the royal sticks as the other holds the swords. Yuri's expression showing his authority as the demon king, sharp slits eyes without a smile. Totally different from his consort.

Prince Wolfram wears his royal blue uniform with silver chains and emerald diamonds, the same color as his eyes, pinned on his white snow color scarf that put inside his white shirt. His crown color is coral that matches blond hair, also it has the meaning of 'The Consort of Demon King'. His robes color is chocolate almond with length reaches the floor. Wolfram right hand holding the orange fire color royal sticks with the pattern of fire, meaning he has fire element while the other hand holding a bucket of white lily although the swords placed on his left side. Wolfram expression showing a warm and peaceful feeling, little smile with a tender looking.

"So, what you think? Is Prince Wolfram worthy for King Yuri as you expected?" Conrart looking at the painting, smile slightly at Wolfram's painting, he chuckles remembers how exhausted Wolfram that he complained a lot, standings for a long time as the painter sometimes protest with his sudden movement or his expressionless until the painter suggest to bring Ezio and Arthy since he saw Wolfram really fond of those children, he just needs a tender looking eyes. Painting the prince consort quite hard but he prefers painting the prince consort with the children than the demon king since he has a positive aura. Conrart heard from Gunther that the painter easily painting Yuri but gazed with his slit eyes and demon king aura, don't ever imagine it! The painter feels his life just decrease for five years but this painter is the best in the city.

"Well, it's still early but I guess he's worthy for my little brother, as demon king consort. Better I keep watching him, just make sure everything is fine." Prince Shouri looking at Prince Wolfram painting deeply, he just wants to make sure that this chosen person is worthy as demon king consort after he saw many suitors and royal families tried to use his little brother for their own sake.

"I hope you like him someday, even Gwendal interested to him." Conrart looking at the royal couple painting, but his eyes glued to Wolfram figure. Wolfram hair's color, his emerald eyes, and face remind Conrart to his mother. He knew that his mother married to another guy after his father passed away and having his baby. Conrart separated with his mother after his father passed away while his mother married to another guy secretly and living together with him. Conrart can't join with her since he accepted at royal knight training, joined with Gwendal who joined early. After the war ended, they prepare to meet their mother to welcome their new baby brother. Sadly, their mother died after gave birth to the baby and no one knew about his conditions. No matter he and Gwendal looking for anywhere, the result is none. It might sound weird, but when he saw Wolfram for the first time, he thought that his face resembles someone but don't know who it is. Looking at the painting, Conrart realizes that some of Wolfram physical feature resembles his biological mother.

"Conrart, is there something wrong?" Prince Shouri asking to Conrart who still glued to royal paintings, but his minds somewhere else. Prince Shouri follows Conrart eyes that glued to Prince Wolfram's painting.

"Where is the family history book? Is it a library?" Conrart asking Prince Shouri, looking at him seriously.

"Yes, would you like to join? I' m heading to the library right now." Conrart nodded to Prince Shouri and they are walking together. Seeing Conrart asking for the family tree after looking at Prince Wolfram makes Prince Shouri thinks that this wolfram seemed interesting to watch. They arrived at the library with Murata and Gwendal inside the library, asking Ezio and Arthy to leave for lunchtime after they wake up from their nap time.

"Is there something you need?" asking Gwendal to Conrart who looking around library, especially history section. The maids enter the library as he takes Ezio and Arthy to the kitchen for lunch with Murata accompany them and will return to the library.

"There is something that I need to check at the library, I need royal family books," Conrart asking Gwendal the books that wrote family lines history, he pointed out that it beside the history section. Suddenly, Gizella enters the room with a pale face as out of breath. She just ran from the medical room to library although it's far since the medical room located at the south hall while the library in the north hall. Gwendal and Conrart confused looking at Gizella while Prince Shouri stays calm as usual.

"What is it Gizella?" asked Prince Shouri taking a bite of cookies made by Ezio and Arthy a few weeks ago with Wolfram.

"Did someone take this medicine?" Gizella opens the library door holding two jars with a capsule inside it, enter the library joined with Gunther and Dacascos carried some of the books that Murata asked. Gunther walking passing his adopted daughter while putting the pile of books on the table while Dacascos lined the books according to the alphabet. Gizella walking inside as she's looking to everyone at the library with curious.

"Why are you looking at us like that?" Gunther asked Gizella worried while Dacascos keep arranging the books until Murata returns after taking the kids for lunch and helping Dascascos to find the books he's looking for.

"I just want to know that, if someone takes this medicine?" Gizella shows a jar of medicine she carried, the capsule of medicine with the color of crimson red. "Because this medicine can't drink only one pill. It must drink with another medicine to prevent something bad happened in the future." Gizella shows another medicine with light blue color as Gunther and Gwendal cheeks turned red for a moment since they know the effect of the medicine only drink one capsule, not two capsules.

"We didn't take the medicine Gizella, have you asked another people at the castle?" asked Conrart to her, looking for the books and paper that explains royal family lines information. Gwendal busy signing much paper that left behind or halted to signed because of the assassination at the city before and he's more focus to healing Wolfram who lost his element, making him medicine recipe to regain the fire element. Gwendal already regains his earth element, but his element still limited.

"I already asked many people at the castle, every maids and soldier, their answer are not as I expected. They even don't know the medicine that I described, after all, they can't take the medicine carelessly without my permission unless the person taking medicine lessons and mastered it." Gunther looking both of the medicine while thinking what her adopted daughter said, no one can take the medicine carelessly unless took medical and healing lessons.

"You said only the person who mastered medical and healing lessons, they can take the medicine right?" Gunther still thinking, probably he knows some of the people at castle took medical lessons.

"I asked Gwendal to put shield protection to prevent people carelessly take medicine without my permission even medical worker too unless they mastered it. Most of them now went trip to the city for checking medical equipment at the city. The soldier who took medical lessons still learn about basic so it's impossible."

"Conrart is impossible since he's half-human and to learn the medical and healing lesson, the important requirement is the person must have demon blood since it required a lot of energy." Gizella looking at Conrart who still busy with his activity, moving to Murata. "While for Murata, although he's descendants of King Shin'ou advisor, he's reincarnated again with human blood, so it's impossible."

"Probably Yuri? He's mastered medicine and healing lessons right?" Murata asked.

"No, and probably impossible. King Yuri visits medical room when necessary or needs study about medical and healing which usually accompanied by Gwendal or me." Gizella shaking his head.

"Although I knew some basic medicine, I can't do healing even making the medicine, which means I'm not the culprit." Gunther remembering the person who mastered medical and healing lessons. There are only four-person including Gizella, King Yuri, and Gwendal. Gunther remembers another person and he's joined with them right now.

"So, who takes the medicine?" Gizella really worried because the effect of the medicine is quite strong and directed to wrong way only take one capsule, not both of it. "It's not that the medicine is dangerous but the effect of it when drinking only one capsule according to the color of the capsule."

"What do you mean?" asked Conrart, lifting his head, confused with Gizella reaction. Gizella explains it to people in the library since they're not familiar with it.

"This both medicine function is to regain the energy of the drinker, it can't drink only one capsule because you will have the side effect. The red capsule gives the drinker long effect, while the blue capsule short effect. If the drinker only takes one capsule, the medicine function that regains the energy turned into hormone medicine leads the drinker eager to have sexual intercourse."

"I think I already know it," Gunther said with his eyes directed to Prince Shouri who sits calmly take a sip of tea. Realize that he's been watching, Prince Shouri looking back to Gunther and everyone in the library. Without guilty, he admits it that he was the person who took the medicine./p

"Yes, it was me Gizella. I am the one who took the medicine and gave it to Yuri and Prince Wolfram before they went for the trip." Gizella shocked heard Prince Shouri answer. "Since their destination will have a long trip, I gave them medicine for energy health so they won't easily be exhausted but I never knew that it needs to drink together. I thought it only needs one medicine." Prince Shouri explains his reason calmly but hearing his words makes Gwendal anxious if he has a plan for that two royal couple.

"Which one you gave to them?" Gizella panicked asking Prince Shouri which medicine he gives to King Yuri and Prince Wolfram, wishes for the blue one because the effect only has a short time. She's hoping Prince Shouri pointed the blue one as her green eyes locked to his hands' movement until she shocked where his hands pointed./p

"The red one." Prince Shouri pointed Gizella left hand as people in the room shocked with Prince Shouri answer. Conrart almost tears the old royal family paper, Gwendal breaks the ink pen, Murata and Gunther face turned pale as death person, Gizella freaking out while Dascacos lost his balance caused by her screams.









"A few minutes more, we are arrived at the royal cottage. It takes time really longer than I thought, three to four hours. As we passed the kingdom gate, Yuri stops for a moment and he spells some magic, making the shield around the carriage so we are protected. The shield also make us invisible so people won't recognize our presence while they passed us. I asked Yuri how he knows this kind of magic and he replied by Prince Shouri who taught him this magic.

"Shouri taught me this magic when I leave for diplomatic. He said that since my status as demon king began after our parents died, he taught me because he was afraid something bad happened to me when I did trip. Shouri first trip for diplomatic made him almost killed if Gwendal and Conrart not protected him. He thought that it was normal but every time he did trip with me guarded and alone it's no use. He decided to use this invisible shield magic. Not only protected, it also makes the user invisible and people won't recognize him although they passed each other." Yuri peeking through the curtains carriage door, make sure if we arrived or not.

"Is it also why he easily did a trip or journey alone without guards?" I'm looking into the window carriage, seeing the scenery outside where we passed the enchanted forest. I see the forest creature through the window, looking for the food and drink. I remember correctly the forest is Shin'ou and Rufus favorite place to meet, their hidden place where they can become their self without status, being normal.

As we passed the forest, a firefly flying following our carriage until it rested on the window. When Yuri spelling his shield magic since it's getting weaker because to use the invisible shield magic, every one hour needed to respell again. The firefly color is emerald green, same as my eyes color, rested on the window. As my eyes faced with the firefly, I saw a person right front of me, looking to me. Is someone can see us?

"Yuri, have you finished the spell?" I asked him wonder. The person I saw at the outside carriage is a beautiful female with a long wavy brown hair, petite body, and wears a sky blue gown. As my hands rested on the window, her hands did the same action I did so our hands touched each other through the window. I'm captivated by her beauty until our eyes meet each other. She has same eyes color as mine, become wider after I realize the female person front of me is Rufus Bielefeld, the first demon king consort. Before I speak for a moment, she moves back and fading just like a wind.

"I finished it ten minutes ago. The shield back to normal so don't need to worry." Yuri sits back but he's trying to control his breath with his body trembling. Is the magic required much energy?

"Yuri, are you okay?" I asked him to worry but Yuri shaking his head. "Is the magic made you exhausted easily?"

"It's okay. Actually using the invisible shield magic required energy but not that much. For the first user, it makes your body exhausted faster even before you finish the spell but you won't easily tired again after using it as much as you need. It just that the medicine that Shouri gave to us this morning. I need to control it before it explodes and something will happen." Yuri keeps calm but his eyes slowly turned dark, not his usual.

"What do you mind something will happen?" I reach his hands but slowly my body becomes full of heat, breath becomes short and trembling as well. What happens to both of us right now? Is it the effect of the medicine that Prince Shouri gave to us this morning? I try to restrain myself and hold it back. I sit beside Yuri who smells so good. Smell as the dew, rain, and chamomiles.

I take a glance to Yuri who also rested his head on carriage window, looking at me deeply. Don't know how I pull him closer to me as my arms wrapped around his neck. We are looking at each other as Yuri whisper softly on my ear. "Don't hold it, just let go until it's gone from you." Yuri wraps his arms around my body, pulls me closer as I put my open mouth over his and devoured him, my tongue touching his. Stroke it greedily.

Yuri hold me in place as he takes over the kiss, my mouth, and drink me in. In an instant, I was hot, my skin humid with perspiration. Yuri's lips are firm yet soft against my own, his grip angling me just the way he wanted, his teeth scraping gently across my lower lip. I clutched his hair in my hands, holding on, my toes flexing to push me closer. And then he was on me, his hands cupping my head and his lips on mine, kissing me fiercely as the carriage movement stops. We finally arrived at the cottage.

"We arrived now…" I'm looking to Yuri who restrains himself to do it more than kisses, worst maybe we will have sex inside the carriage right now. We parted for a moment and get out of the carriage. We told the driver just put the suitcase inside the cottage, no needs to put it inside the bedroom. Yuri urgently asked him to move quickly because the driver must return quickly before getting dark and it's true. Before he left, Yuri put another invisible shield spell so he will return safely.

After the driver left us alone until the carriage can't be seen by us, Yuri sealed his mouth over mine. I sighed and his tongue dipped inside, tasting me in long leisurely licks. His kiss was confident, skilled, and just the right side of aggressive to turn me on wildly. Yuri growled, deepening the kiss, stroking my tongue with lush slides of his own. I felt the raging beat of his heart against my chest, proof that he wasn't just a hopeless ideal conjured by my fevered imagination. Cupping the back of my head and the curve of my buttocks, he lifted me off my feet taking me inside.

"I want you, Wolf."

"Take me…" I'm pressed full-body against him, achingly aware of every hot, hard inch of him. I kissed him back as if I could eat him alive. My skin was damp and too sensitive. My length throbbed for attention and hard with my raging heartbeat. I was vaguely aware of movement, and then the couch was against my back. Yuri's mouth captured mine, his kiss not gentle. His tongue swept against mine, possessive, demanding, and urgent.

"I want you naked, Wolf. Naked and laid out for me. I'm going to kiss every inch of your skin and then lick you all over right before I become a mad person."

I'm trembled at his words. "You just teasing me…."

"It's not," he murmured. "Truth. Now, I need those tight little nipples on my tongue." I wanted them there, too. My hands tugged at my shirt, pulling it over my head until I'm topless while his hands went to my chest.

"I love these, you know."

"How about the rest of me?"

"The rest of you is pretty good, but I love these especially." His fingers played with my nipples, coaxing them to points. "I love how responsive and sweet they taste." He circled one nipple and then leaned down to kiss it. I curled my arms around him as he continued kissing my skin and hands caressing my body. It felt so good to have him touch me. I closed my eyes, relaxing against him to feel his warmth against my skin.

"I need you completely naked for me, I think," Yuri said. "I'm going to devour you with my mouth for a good while before you get your chance to have your way with me."

"You such a horny King," I murmured.

"When I have sex with you." he agreed and flicked his tongue over the tip of my nipple. "I need you on the couch. Now." Yuri slapped my buttock.

"Sure, "I breathed then moved across the room to the sofa. I sit down on the edge, looking over at Yuri topless. Yuri hauled me into his lap, tugging my thighs over his. He kisses me again and his mouth devoured mine, tongue sweeping into my mouth. Yuri holds me cradled against him with one arm, his free hand playing with my hard nipple until I'm whimpering against his mouth. When I'm whimpered, he groaned.

"You sounds sexy when you're being pleasured, you know."

"Really?" My voice sounded breathless, even to my own ears. Yuri brought the tip of my nipple to his mouth, licked it hard.

My length aches and hard every time I hear your sexy voice." His tongue flicked against my nipple. "I want to make you come, and come hard." What Yuri said is totally true. Yuri's touch can drive me completely wild with need as my hand over his shoulder while he's sucking both of my nipple with a little bite. My length becomes hard and I'm totally soaked.

"Yuri, take my pants off. I want to be naked for you."

"Sure," Yuri murmured against my chest. "I want to bury my fingers inside you, make you come hard with my hand, feel you coming around me, all tight and wet." He told me, his hand moving to the button of my pants.

"Ooh, why you don't do it now?" Just the visuals from his dirty talk were enough to drive me insane. My fingers fumbled with the zipper then it was down as Yuri grabbed the waist of my pants, shoving at them. Without push my pants off, Yuri slipped his fingers into the waistband of my panties and grabs my hard length completely. My fingers clung to his shirt as his fingers slowly move inside me, rub it with his fingers one by one.

Yuri kisses my mouth, sliding his fingers over and over again, making me buck in his lap. "You're so wet, Wolf" I protest when he pulled his hand free, showed me his fingers gleaming with my own juices. "It's making my mouth water because I know how good you taste." I'm moaned with the sight of him licking my juices from his fingers, makes me want his tongue at my length, sucking me deeply.

Yuri leaned in and kissed me again as he thrust his hand back into my panties, rubbing against my walls, and tongued my mouth. I fist his shirt in my hands with hips raised to meet the rub of his fingers, so close to coming. Knowing I near to climax, Yuri whispered seductively.

"Come for me…" then I did small orgasm that felt incredible and I'm trembling against his chest. "You're so beautiful," he said, pressing another hard, quick kiss to my mouth as he pulled his hand free from my panties, patted my hip. "Take your take pants off now." I wiggled out of his lap and got to my feet, noticing that his hard thick length was erect under his pants, the bulge of him impressive. I'm shimmied out of my pants and underwear both, sending them to the floor.

My pulse throbbing hard with the aftermath of my orgasm, looked at Yuri seated on the couch. His eyes are sleepy with arousal. A wild image comes to me, want to climb all over him, rub my naked body against him. Turn him on and make him wild. I straddled him on the couch, sliding a thigh over each of his, and knees against his hips.

"I'm thinking of tongue or sucking you deeply while I laid you out on that table over there in the dining room." His tongue flicked against my lips. "Or sitting here on the couch with your buttock on me and my hard length buried deep inside you, you riding me wildly."

I trembled with Yuri's description. "The coffee table?"

Yuri thought for a moment. "Any idea?"

I shook my head. "I don't know..."

"Save it for more tongue-eating, then." His mouth captured mine. "How about you sit on the edge of the coffee table while I feed my length into your mouth." Yuri's tongue flicked against mine.

"Sounds good…" I'm moaned imagine the visuals Yuri describes. So arousing.

I grabbed his wrists, but he moved too quickly, lifting me up by the waist so my feet left the floor, and then carrying me to the couch. "Are we gonna have sex here?" I asked him. "On the couch?"

"You don't mind, right? I think you want it just by looking your face," told Yuri and me pressed my body against him. I can see his wonderful, gorgeous face with his dark sharp eyes, rub my hand through his silky black hair, and press my hard nipple against him. I put his covered hard thick length inside me, rocking it slowly as my body was draped all over him like a blanket.

Yuri groaned, his eyes closing with his hands go to my hips, and pushed me down harder, against the covered bulge of his erection. "You feel so damn good," he told me.

"You're so hard and thick already." I leaned in and ran my tongue along the edge of his jaw. "And I love it."

"You're not the only one." Yuri grounds his hips against mine, his length prodding against my walls. His hand skimmed down my back, then clenched on one buttock. "Take off my clothes Wolfram. I want to feel your skin against me." I circled my hips on him, pressing down against his length as my hands went to his shirt.

"I want to feel your bare chest against me." I tugged at his clothing until we managed to pull his shirt off. I slid my hands over the hard planes of his chest but smooth to feel it. Yuri is firm everywhere, his pectorals hard, his stomach taut although there are some scars around his body but it makes him cooler. I'm so lucky to have him as my King.

"You're getting sexier than before." My finger dipped into his belly button, feel his skin twitch.

"Push your hard nipple against me, Wolf," he told me. "I like the feel of you on my lap." Yuri's hands went back to my buttock, grinding me against his length. My chest skimmed against his chest with nipples hard. "Feels so good…"

"I like this…" I'm moaning with pleasure in my throat, kissing him as I moved up and down on his covered length, his tongue playing with mine. I dragged my fingernails down his chest lightly, scraping at his skin, and rewarded with a new groan from him.

"So beautiful," he murmured against my mouth. "My beautiful, sweet Wolf."

p align="justify""Naked, Yuri. I need you inside me, My King. Deep." My tongue flicked against his. "Hard." His dark eyes flared with need, and his hand went to my hair, capturing me against him. He thrust hard up against my walls until I gasp at the feel of him.

"Like that?"

"Oh yes…" I'm incredibly aroused. I rubbed against his chest, whimpering when his nipples scraped my own. "Yuri... need you inside me." My body shivered, suddenly frantic for him. Yuri's lips moved over my jaw, neck, kissing me everywhere.

"Want me to fill that sweet, empty walls of yours with my hard thick length?" Yuri murmured, kissing my mouth again. "I'm going to take you deep and hard..."

I nodded, dazed at the mental images his words put in my mind. I wanted Yuri to take over, push himself into me and make me come so hard. Yuri patted my buttock. "Up for me, my prince." I slid off of his lap, watching him and blushed at the sight of the wet spot over the straining crotch of his pants. It was me and Yuri made me so wet, really exhilarating. Yuri quickly takes off his pants joined with his underwear, throw it at somewhere else.

Sitting up, Yuri pulled me back into his lap. Yuri holds my waist while we shared a hurried and sloppy kiss. Still kissing, I rose a little above Yuri, holding myself with his both of my hands on Yuri's shoulder. I start sliding downwards, impaling myself while Yuri's hands slid down from my waist to my hips. A few seconds later I'm sitting on his lap, exhaled the breath I had been holding. I raised myself then came down again with movement's become faster. Yuri's length so hard as a rod of steel, it makes me trembling in pleasure.

"Oh yeah," Yuri gasped as I ride him again.

"So good..." I moved again, slowly, caressing his throbbing length with silken, drenched heat. I lean forward to wrap my arms around Yuri's shoulders. I groan into Yuri's neck as the slight change in the position made a burst of new pleasure shoot up my spine. "I'm… I'm gonna, Ohh!" I closed his eyes because it's good, so good. The pleasure was coiling tighter and tighter to the point of snapping back upon itself. Suddenly, the changing position happen. I looked up at Yuri who above me and his knees between my spread legs.

I bent his knees, shifting closer with Yuri pulled his lower body onto his lap. The change in the position prolonged my orgasm since Yuri's hard length now stimulating different areas in me. Yuri now takes in charge, his deep forceful thrusts rocking my body. I turned my head to the side and moaning aloud every deep thrust by him. "You're easily getting wet…" My essence was oozing steadily from my length and pooling on the stomach. Yuri rubbed his fingers over the puddle then hold of my hard leaked length.

"You're so hard and thick…" I'm tightening around his hard thick length. Grunting at the pressure, Yuri started smearing the essence over my length. After a few strokes, the pressure around him lessened but then, now pulsing, was back. "I'm going to come…" I'm panted out, body tightened, then arched. My length spurting the essence in Yuri's hand as his eyes rolled back with his entire body rigid. Pinning my shoulders, Yuri jackhammered through my orgasm, his own spiraling like molten metal down his spine and pooling in his length. His head fell back on a serrated groan, his body bowing as her pleasure fueled his, enflaming him. I can feel Yuri essence spurted from the tip of his length his straining muscles burned and quaked, entire body rigid as Yuri emptied himself into me. Unsatisfied, Yuri pulls out his soaked hard length, dropped to his knees on the floor, moved and bent between my legs.

"Open your legs wide, Wolf. I have a craving, need for some cream." I spread my thighs gracefully, heels lifting to the couch and my knees falling open. Yuri exposed my smooth bottom to him as well as my wet, gleaming walls. Trembled, I can feel his breath at my inner thighs. "Wet and juicy…" Yuri told me, moving down between my legs. I'm quiver again and Yuri braced his hands on the backs of my thighs, keeping my legs spread wide. Yuri leaned in and gives me a long, slow lick. "You're so wet that coated my tongue, delicious." Yuri swept his tongue against my length, tasting, and exploring me. He lapped at my walls, enjoying the trembles of pleasure from my body. Yuri moves back to my length and begins to lap at it with his tongue, I jerked and moaned his name.

"Oh, God, Yuri..." Yuri continued to tease my length with his tongue, then sucked and nibbled at it. All the while, I rocked my hips against his mouth in little motions, strangled moans escaping my throat as I came. My moans keep continued because Yuri just keeps licking and sucking. He slides two fingers deep inside me and begins to thrust in time with his tongue against my length. My walls quivering, muscles clenching spasmodically against his hand, and cries growing wilder with nails clawing at the sofa.

I let out a sharp cry and a burst of wetness hit Yuri's tongue. Continue licking at me, I make a choked sound, then moaning all over again. "Oh, God, Yuri . . . Oh! Oh, God! I'm gonna come…!"

Yuri eats me with ruthless skill. His tongue fluttered over my length until I writhed with the need to come, with him still full clothes. I'm shivering enjoying pleasure while he wraps his lips and sucking me, the sensitive tissues trembling around the shallow plunges of his wickedly knowledgeable tongue and brought me to another climax with a cry of his name. Finished eating me, Yuri takes the heavy length of his soaked hard length in hand and stroked the thick crest through my insides, coating himself in the slickness of my orgasm. Yuri doesn't hesitate and with a powerful thrust of his hips, he's inside me and stretching me. I clawed at the sofa cushions. He's still thick, hard and so deep although he reached his climax first when I rode him.

I wrap my arms around him and sank my teeth into the side of his neck. The primitive claiming made my insides clench around him, caressing him. "Feel so good…" I said hoarsely and ran his lips over me, lightly abrading him with the hint of evening stubble on his jaw. Yuri pounds into me with relentless drives and the rhythmic slaps spurring me toward another orgasm. He grunts on every plunge, mirroring my cries. I reached another orgasm while Yuri still continues pounding inside me.

"Oh God," Yuri bit out, "you're milking my length so hard."

I shook violently, fighting to breathe. "Keep going..." I gasped, slamming my hips into his, pumping up and down the rigid length of his erection. His race to orgasm was wildly exciting, as his complete control of my body. I take his lust and hunger, servicing him as he had me. The friction of his thrusts was delicious, a steady rubbing and pulling that made me crazy with desire. Yuri shuddered and cursed. His length lengthened, thickening as his balls tightened and drew up.

I felt the lash of his essence inside me, pumping hot and thick. I'm so hot for him, so close for another. The fingers of one hand sliding into me and rubbing my length. I came hard for another followed him, milking his spurting length as he emptied himself inside me. His lips were on my cheek, his breath gusting hot and moist across my skin, low rumbles spilling from his chest as he came hard and long.

Still continue, with my pelvis tilted up to cradle him and my body completely restrained by the bands of his arms, he possessed me completely. Yuri gives a tentative thrust, withdrawing partway, then shoving back inside me. He held both my wrists in one hand and cupped my butt in the other, lifting me as he pulled out, then thrust deep. "You're even tighter than before and I lost myself when I am inside you. "It feels good when you squeeze my length like a fist."

Tilting my head back, my lips and teeth followed the sharp line of his jaw. "Your length getting thicker and harder than I remember, made me come so hard, more than twice," I whispered by his ear, licking delicately into. "I slowly turned into demanding submissive." I have deliberately tightened my walls around him. Yuri cursed and withdrew, then slid deep in a measured glide.

Gripping his taut ass in my hands, I squeeze and held him close so I can grind into him. I'm nearly come again from the fleeting pressure of his pelvis against my length, with walls spamming greedily around his length.

"Wolfram…" He groaned, reaching behind him to grab my hands and pull them away. He crowded me, forcing me to lean back. Yuri pinned my hands with his and give me a breathlessly perfect stroke with a practiced swing of his hips. My head fell back with mewl as Yuri began to shaft my walls with smooth measured thrusts. "I am not gonna stop until I am satisfied even it needs all day."

I can't speak for the pleasure, the fit of his thick, long length so perfect it filled every centimeter of me. "I always imagining you in me, hard and deep, with your hot hard thick length until both of coming hard together." Eyes closed, I absorbed the rhythmic impact of his hips into me and the arousing smack. The push and pull of his length was an erotic massage over my hypersensitive body, the wide crest rubbing over a spot that made me shake uncontrollably. "You're so full, makes me lost and burning."

"I don't think I can't stop" he growled. With a groan, Yuri buried his face in my throat and surged inside me, the thick length of his rigid length tunneling deep. Gasping my name, he ground his hips against me, trying to get deeper, shoving and circling, screwing. His hips working restlessly and hold both my wrists in one hand and cupped my butt in the other, lifting me as he pulled out, then thrust deep.

I moaned aloud, rippling around him, my walls takes ravenously at his thickness. "Oh God, it's so good. You feel so good …"

"I want to come all over you, come inside you." His mouth lowered to mine, sucking erotically. His kiss was wild and wet, passionate. His lips slanted over mine, his tongue takes me deep and fast. He stroked into me and I writhed, my thighs grasping his pumping hips.

"I'm gonna come hard again, Ooh!" I shouted with sweat on my temple, wetting my hair that glued to my forehead. Digging his knees in, Yuri gives me what I begged for, powering into me. His length plunged into me over and over, his groans and fevered words of lust gusting against my ear. My walls tightened, my length throbbing with every impact of his against mine. The sofa thumped against the wood floor, inching forward as Yuri pounded into me, every muscle in his body flexing on his downstrokes. A few minutes later, another race of climax drives us both. My walls clutch and grab at his driving length, the endless pulses of orgasm radiating outward to my fingers and toes.

I wake up and moved around the front of Yuri, purred, "I need something…" I leaned down before Yuri said any word, speared my fingers through his hair and kissed him. Yuri responded immediately, his tongue dueling with mine as I kissed him deeply, languorously, removing my hands from his hair as nipped Yuri's lips and soothed them with my tongue.

"What are you doing?" Yuri's voice was hoarse and deeply aroused.

"I want to explore…" I traced my tongue over his chest. I bit one of his nipples and then soothed it with my tongue. Yuri's body tensed, but he didn't move as he let me explore his body as he lies down on the sofa now. I repeated the action on the other one, and then trailed my tongue down his abdomen, moaning at the feel of his skin as my fingers trailed down the same path.

"You're mine and the hottest King I've ever seen…" I wrapped my fingers around his engorged member and sighed as I looked at Yuri, his head tipped back, the corded muscles in his neck straining, enjoying the pleasure. "Time to pleasure you back…"

"I'm yours…" Yuri rasped, his head snapping up to look down at me.

"I want to taste you…" I licked my lips hungrily. "I want to eat you until you lose your mind."

"Hmm, can't wait to feel my length inside your mouth," Yuri answered darkly.

"It's one of my fantasies to make you come inside my mouth."

"I bet you'll love it. Just like how I love to tongue you, makes you come hard while scream in pleasure, begging for more…" Yuri growled. Lowering my mouth to him, I twirled my tongue over the sensitive head of his length, lapping up a drop of salty moisture dotting the tip, sucking it off leisurely.

"Feels good…" Yuri groaned, threading his hands through my shoulder-length wavy blond hair. I wrapped my lips around his length and took him deeply into my mouth, letting my throat relax. I tightening my lips around the length as I let him slide in and out.

"Do you like that?" I let the tip of his length pop out of my mouth.

"I love it so much…" Yuri whispered, his voice ragged. 'One of my wild imagination, you pleasure me with your sweet mouth." I wrapped my fingers around the girth of him and continued to tongue the head, dipping against the sweet indentation that was beaded with the essence. Yuri tasted so good in my mouth. I closed my lips over him, sinking lower on the root of his length and taking him deep into my throat, Yuri is fully erect and hard. I loved the thickness of him, loved the smooth flesh of his length, the soft skin peppered with raised veins that felt fascinating under my fingers.

"Want to pleasure you with my mouth." My tongue lightly whirled on the head, lapping, and licking. It was just as hard and thick as I remembered. "I'm curious about your taste…"

"Why you're not trying to figure it now?" Yuri's hand went to my hair and wrapped in the strands there as if telling me to do it right now. I sucked, pulling up and then sliding back down over his length repeating the motion while feeling gets hard, slick and wet with need. I drew harder on him and slid his length out of my mouth to run my tongue along with the thick crown again.

"Mm, delicious…" My voice was breathy with desire. I leaned down and licked the head of him, loving the way his body clenched and tensed as I did. "Like chocolate." I like it then licked him again, and again, using my tongue to bathe the head of his length infirm, teasing strokes. I circled the divot in the center with my tongue, lapping up the essence that beaded there.

"Not as delicious as you," Yuri murmured. "I love the taste of you on my tongue, like a strawberry." Yuri groaned and shifted underneath me while his length hardening, swelling even larger.

"Yes, but better I continue" I purred. "I'm craving for more…" I take the head of him fully into her mouth and sucked. Yuri's head fell back on the couch pillow and he groaned. I make a soft sound of pleasure low in my throat as continued to suck on the head of his length, rubbing it with the tip of my tongue. I pumped him with one hand, leaning over him, and then began to take him deeper, working him into my mouth with slow, easy motions.

"Wolfram…" Yuri groaned as I squeezed my hand around the base and continued to suck him deep. I feel his hand press against the back of my head, a silent suggestion for more. I'm pumping him with my mouth over and over again, happy to oblige. "You're mouth so good…"

I released him with an audible pop. "Am I?" I murmured, not sorry in the slightest, and leaned down to give him another wicked lick. "Is your Prince makes you lose control?" I slid my mouth up and give his length head a playful lick.

His fingers dug into my scalp, smirking. "Yes, he's an unpredictable Prince." Yuri twisted his hand in my hair, not hard but firm as his hand pushed my mouth back down over his length. My gaze flicked up to him, watching me with slit dark eyes as I looked up at him, take the head of his length back in mouth let it rub along my tongue. "Just like that, Wolf" he rasped.

"As you wish…" I said in a low voice and then bent over his length again to take him into my mouth once more. I made a little hum in my throat just like what Yuri did to me before and sucked him deeper.

"Don't stop…" Yuri growled, and pushed my head back down on his length. I sucked him deep again, my walls clenching with the erotic sound of the groan he made when I pulled Yuri all the way into my mouth. He was so hard and full in my mouth, making my body shivers. Yuri thrust into my mouth again, his fingers digging into the back of my head, and a hard, rasping breath jerk heard from above. I sucked harder with humming a little in the back of my throat. Yuri pumped quicker now, his hips rising to thrust into my mouth over and over./p

"So good…" The groan he gave after that was low and filled with need, and his fingers twined in my wavy hair. Yuri began to thrust into my mouth again, shallow, rapid jolts that matched the panting of his breath. I take him deeper with Yuri drove into my mouth wildly and his body tightened under me. Suddenly, I can feel Yuri tense underneath me. "Wolf, I'm going to come—". Yuri begins to buck and his length hit the back of my throat.

His hot seed spurt, pouring down the back of my throat with gave, ecstatic groan. I pulled off of him slowly, swallowing his spend, and then gave the head of his length a parting kiss. He groaned and threw an arm over his forehead, still panting. A few moments later, with his panting breath, eyes dark full of lust Yuri's hands on me, he dragged me a few feet out of the living room onto the rag rug that ran down the length of the hall and dropped to his knees, pulling me down with him at the hallway. My throaty giggle just makes him harder. "Are you gonna take me here, My King? Are we gonna do another round?"

"Yes, my pretty Prince…" Yuri agreed, his other hand continued to roam over my body, his mouth kissing my pretty jaw and throat. "I love how your voice erotic voice singing while I take you into incredible pleasure that can't be described or makes you addicted to it …"

"Mm, such a naughty King," I said in response and my fingertips slid over his abdomen, feeling the muscles and sliding lower to grasp his length. "Are you never enough or satisfied over me, My King?"

"You know me…" Yuri closed his eyes and groaned, bracing himself. Yuri slides between my knees and I wiggled on the rug below him. Yuri leaned down and kissed one tip as my breath caught in a sexy little gasp. He hauled one of my legs up around his waist and slid a finger down through inside me, seeking the entrance. My gasps turned into soft cries and I pushed against his finger, raising hips. Yuri let his fingers graze my length once before removing his hand, enjoying the little jump my body gave in response. Then Yuri takes his length in hand, guided it to inside me and slammed deep. I give a breathy little shriek, eyes widening with hands found Yuri's shoulders and my nails dug in.

"Oooh, that was good."

"You like that?"

"Yes," I said in a soft, breathy voice, lifting my other knee so my hips tilted up. Yuri circled his hips against my own, rocking deep inside me, and I moaned. "Your hard and thick length deep inside me, I love how it can make me insane in pleasure way…"

"Very well…" Yuri murmured again, watching my head fall back with pleasure. "Do want slow or fast, my prince?"

"Fast…" I whispered, my nails digging like claws into his back, my hips twitching under him. "Fast and hard…" Yuri drew back until he almost out of me, then slammed deep again rewarded with my calves tensing against him. Yuri thrust again and again until he's pumping me hard, his fingers digging into my hips to keep me anchored in place. Each thrust slammed into me, knowing Yuri won't going to last long. My body bounced with each hard drive of his length, makes Yuri wilder with need. I give a small moaning breath with each thrust, eyes closed with pleasure, and raised my hips to meet his thrusts uncontrollable. My moans grew louder with every lift of my hips. Yuri slowed his pace, circling his hips gently again but still embedded deep into my hot tight passage.

Yuri brushed my length with his thumb, then circling the wetness over it as I am shuddered under him, crying out. A tiny gasp rose in my throat and I pushed against his thumb, harder and harder, and then froze. Yuri feels my walls flutter and clench around him, hard, as I begin to come for another. Yuri continued rubbing, extending my orgasm while I am continued to clench around him calling out his name in a rasping half sob.

Yuri thrust hard then he came gritting his teeth against the yell of pleasure that threatened to erupt, emptying himself deep inside me even as I am quivered. My walls clenched around him in multiple aftershocks while Yuri still continued to move in me and we didn't stop as we turned into two lust-driven wild animals with energy that never drained. I don't think I can walk for days.




"YOU GAVE THEM WHAT?!" Murata screams in shock and his book fall from his hand. His eyes become wide while Gwendal almost lost his balance, needs a cup of tea and some of the cookies after hear it. Conrart can't speak anything even his eyes not blink. Gunther fainted on the floor with a pale face and Gizella drops the medicine into the floor.

"YOU GAVE THEM THE RED ONE?" screams Gizella doesn't care if her voice heard into outside.

"I gave them those medicine since Yuri and Wolfram need to regain their health after last time." Prince Shouri explained to Murata but he can't get what Prince Shouri explained to him anymore. He's totally shocked until Gizella walking towards Prince Shouri as restraining herself from anger.

"You can't be serious…" Gizella arranges her emotion with a red face, ignoring people around her even his father, Gunther wake up from his faint, panicked seeing his adoptive daughter confront Prince Shouri. "You don't know that the medicine needs to drink with two pills because if only drink the one pill, the medicine won't working to regain health and energy, it turned the drinker into lust driven person. It's called sex medicine."

"Did I just heard that they only drink one pill, not with another? The red capsule?" Conrart speaks after he shocked for a moment, continue speaking with unread emotion. "If they only drink one pill, then a few hours later the medicine not working to regaining their energy, but making them turned into two lust driven…" Conrart doesn't continue his words, he just palmed his face with blushing at his cheeks, don't want to imagine what will happen to Yuri and Wolfram right now.

"Really? Is that true?" Shouri pretends to hear the medicine for the first time. "So, what I gave to them is one pill, the red capsule, that makes them…"

"GOD DAMN PRINCE SHOURI!" Gwendal barked aloud, the stuff on the table shaking until the papers scattered on the floor joined with inks. Gwendal face become red because he can't imagine what will happen to Prince Wolfram right now, probably worried about his condition especially the way King Yuri will treat him now. People at the chamber startled by Gwendal voice looking at him while Prince Shouri still calms as usual.

"I did mistake Gwendal, forgive me. It's not a big problem right?" Prince Shouri shrugs his shoulder with Conrart eyes wider than usual, Gizella mouth open joined with Gwendal's right hand moving to his sword but stopped by Murata, asking him to control himself but Gwendal warns him to stay away, he doesn't care if he must swings the swords to Demon Prince or King's brother.

"You have no idea how effective medicine. It even can be lasting for two weeks even longer since they took the red capsule! If the took the blue capsule it only lasting for two days!" Gizella shouted aloud and before she smacks Prince Shouri head, Gunther holds her joined with Dacascos although he's afraid to see her face. Gizella shouted to Dacascos to let go of her but he refused and his body shaking with a scarred face. He prefers facing Gizella scary face then let her go to punish Prince Shouri since he's King Yuri's brother.

"Gwendal, please stop…" Murata begging to Gwendal grips his right arm tightly with both of his sweaty hands. Murata doesn't want any blood fighting inside the castle just because of a small problem, probably not small in his opinion. "You still need recovery after using all of the earth element before to stop the royal demon brothers fighting.

"I'm still had my energy to swing my swords, kick him as much as I want until satisfied." hissed Gwendal to Murata, he had enough with this royal brothers lately, it made his headache. He wishes to smack his head or anything to kick him hard.

"Fine, fine…" Prince Shouri raises his hands while his face still calm although people in the room give him a death glare. "I apologize what I did to Yuri and Wolfram, maybe I should visit them right now explain everything…"

"I bet Yuri already knew what you did when he drank the medicine you gave to him." Murata sighed hard, still holds Gwendal's right hand although not strong as before.

"You better not going to the cottage! I don't want any battle between royal brothers even solved it!" shouted Gwendal towards Prince Shouri with his sword pulled in half as Murata screams in silent, afraid of another fierce battle but he also worried with Gwendal's condition since his earth element not fully recover.

"Gwendal, please control your emotion!" Conrart runs towards him, take his swords from his tensed hands that in a few seconds will swing towards Prince Shouri, make sure Prince Shouri safety. Realize the swords had been taken, Gwendal just stands with hands clenched hard, sweating at his forehead and eyes looking straight or sharp towards Prince Shouri.

"You should stay at the castle, don't ever visit them right now. I don't know what will happen to those two at this moment…" Gizella voice slowly becomes low with flushed face, joined with people inside the room except for Prince Shouri who knows what happen to those royal couples right now. "I just don't want to imagine it right now…"

"Actually, what you said it's true, better I do not visit them right now." Prince Shouri mixing his glasses positions with smirks smile. "I should not disturb their sweet moment…"

"SWEET MOMENT YOU SAID?!" Gizella frustrates with anger, her scream can be heard to outside, makes the maids and soldier surprised. "AFTER WHAT YOU GAVE THEM THOSE RED CAPSULE MEDICINE, I CAN'T… ARGH!" Gizella reaches the flower vase and ready to throw before Gunther hugs her from behind, Dacascos stands in front of her, telling her to stop her action right now. Murata steps back quickly with headache as Conrart running towards door to inform the soldier or maids at outside to stay calm, nothing happened.

"Forgive us, Prince Shouri! Forgive my emotional daughter at this moment…" Gunther almost cries begging forgiveness seeing his adopted daughter turned into a scary person, he never saw her like this before except Dacascos who getting used to it but still scary for him facing Gizella when she reaches this state. Gwendal just keeps silence but shocked seeing Gizella explodes with anger towards Prince Shouri, shouting that she wishes to kick his head./p

"I do think that Yuri must feel grateful since he's not that stupid I think. Probably he knows the medicine that I give to him since he's quite expert about medical…" Gwendal ears catch Prince Shouri words with his eyes wider a little, and a shocking face. A few seconds later, he doesn't care about his positions anymore and prepare to attack Prince Shouri. Both of this brothers attitude made Gwendal lost his minds. Gwendal might be thinking that Yuri knows about the medicine since he took medicine and healing lessons at a young age even master it quickly. He just keeps silent and drinks it, using this opportunity to have sex with him right now./p

"Gwendal, stop! You can't attack Prince Shouri, he's King Yuri's advisor and brother! A royal family." Conrart reminds him quickly as best as he can with his usual calm voice but louder.

"STEPS BACK CONRART! I NEED TO SMACK HIS HEAD RIGHT NOW!" Gwendal shouted aloud as Murata running to those two half brothers, prevent another argument that will lead into a fight, probably a useless or ridiculous fight. "I can't stand anymore to face those brothers! They always caused the problem and need lessons!" before Gwendal takes his sword, Murata already takes his swords and put it inside the wood case as he stands in front of it.

"Give the swords to me, I need it to smack that stupid prince head!" Gwendal threats Murata who keeps his guard, shaking his head. Gwendal runs towards Murata to pick his swords back until Conrart stops him from behind by hugging him.

"You can't do that, Gwendal. No matter how you hate him even Yuri, probably you hate him sometimes, we must keep respect or advice them properly." Murata speaks with trembling because seeing Gwendal angry face almost makes his soul flying away from his body. He prefers talking back Yuri's argument and he complains than Gwendal's angry moment.

"THEY NEVER LISTEN TO MY ADVICE, YOU KNOW IT ALREADY!" shouted Gwendal to Murata who lost his balance, quickly lock the case and put the key inside his pocket, running towards door calling a help because there is an emergency moment. Maids and soldier quickly run inside the library but their face turned into pale as they welcomed with Gwendal and Gizella scream with anger towards Prince Shouri.

"Prince Shouri, it'll be better that you get out of the library at this moment before you get hurt from my brother and Gizella as well." Conrart looking at Gizella who dragged by the maids after Dacascos catches many library properties thrown by Gizella to Prince Shouri almost lost his balance when Gizella throws a chair towards Prince Shouri.

"Thank you for the advice Conrart, I will be back when the situation is calm, especially when Gizella and Gwendal cool down." Prince Shouri smiles to Conrart who busy calming Gwendal shouted to Murata asking for the key, begging Conrart to holds Gwendal as long as he can. Gizella finally dragged to Gunther study room with soldiers and maid avoid her scary face, shouting to them let her go while Gunther with Dacascos keeps telling her to restrain herself.

"Rather than a complaint, I'm sure Yuri will give me a reward, for my clumsy attitude." Shouri whispers to himself, smirks and leaves the library, "I bet they have a great time there since it's private area so they can be noisy and scream without disturbing the neighbor." Prince Shouri smiles widely, whistle while dancing as he did nothing wrong. Prince Shouri greetings the maids and soldier, walking to the laundry room. He meets Yozak who takes a break after patrol, helping the laundry maids lift the baskets full of dirty bedsheets.

"Hello Yozak, finished your patrol?" Prince Shouri walking towards to Yozak. The maids and soldier around the laundry room stop their activity for a moment, bowing to Prince Shouri presence.

"Morning, Your Majesty." Yozak puts down the laundry basket, bowing to Prince Shouri. "Is there something are you looking for?" Yozak asked him when Prince Shouri enters the laundry, asking the maids his washed and ironed clothes. The maids nodding pointing the wood cupboard where she puts the clothes. It folded tidily with the smell of lavender.

"Yes, I need some clothes for my trip." Prince Shouri smiles as he takes some of his usual clothes and coverage clothes when did travel alone. Prince Shouri sometimes did the trip alone while "Probably I will take a trip for a few days, important trip. After that, I will visit the king and his consort at the royal cottage."

"Aren't they on holiday right now? Staying at the royal family cottage?"

"Yeah, but there is something that I need to inform, also the king forgot his important equipment, better I bring and give it to him right after I finished my important trip." smiles Prince Shouri.




"It's a hormone medicine…" said Yuri with half-open eyes, out of breath after we decided to finished after we did many rounds, both of us sore and exhausted.

"What?" I almost can't hear Yuri's word since I also exhausted after we did more than six rounds without rest for a moment. Above all, I admit it was incredible and awesome.

"Hormone medicine, I prefer called it 'sex medicine' if only drink one capsule. The medicine function actually to regain energy and healed the wounds quickly if we drink both capsule, red and blue capsule together. It can't drink only one capsule because there will be a side effect for it."

"Side effect?" I asked in half asleep, exhausted of our sex activity before. I'm resting my head upon Yuri's chest and he ran his fingers idly through my wavy soft blonde hair and playing it. It's true that Yuri took me more than twice. Made love more than six rounds and I came hard every round, same as Yuri came hard deep inside me. Our body is sticky because of sweat and essence.

"If you drink one capsule, the function of the medicine turned into the drinker turned into a lustful person or eager to have sexual intercourse. Red capsule gives a long effect while the blue capsule only a short effect, around two or three days. You can simplify it by making the person turned into a need for having sex. Probably Shouri gave us for fun, he just wants to tease me. The problem is, you don't know when the medicine working. It could be in the morning, afternoon, and night. It begins working to me now." Yuri tracing my face line, caressing my wavy blond hair.

"Which color he did gave to us? Red or Blue?" I flushed hard remembering every round we did from we arrived at the cottage until the bedroom without stopping. I have no idea that I turned into a seductive and dirty person that I never did before. I hope what we drink is the blue capsule since the effect only has a short time. "No, we drank the red capsule before we left. I think he did it on purpose to make us drink which has the long effect."

"I prefer to want to thank him since the medicine effect turned you into seductive and demanding submissive," Yuri smirks and laughing a little. "Never thought I hear dirty words from your mouth."

"I don't know if I said some dirty words…" I embarrassed hearing Yuri's laugh, knowing that I have a demanding side when having sex. Surprised, Yuri rolling me down with him above me, pulling down the sheet that wrapped our body after our bed sports.

"Why not? The dirty words from your mouth make me hard and hot…" Yuri caught my nipples between thumb and forefinger, tugging it gently. My eyes closing while arching my back, asking more until my fingers sank into luxurious strands of silky black hair, sliding through the mass to stroke over the scalp beneath.

"Yuri…" I arched my body, pushing forward against his mouth more until Yuri bits down on my nipple.

"Don't be shy, I bet you like it too…" Yuri smirks, his breath gusting warmly over my skin as kissing down my skin that heating again.

"Fine then…" I pulled Yuri's head down to place a kiss on my beloved lips. "Don't blame me if my dirty words can make you crazy more about me…" Soon the kiss became heated, deepening, engulfing both of us in a passionate daze. Yuri grunted softly as my hands slid over his wounded back and down to grab at his buttock and squeeze. Our tongues clashed and battled, then Yuri raised his head to catch his breath. My palms slid back up to his shoulder-blades, as began nipping softly on the corners of Yuri's lips. With the back of his hand, Yuri brushed over my temple and the blond hair, feeling the heat wafting off the flushed cheeks. He grinned down while nipped playfully on my neck to my ear.

"I won't blame you because it makes me, Oh!" Yuri gasped suddenly as my hand snuck in between our stomachs to grasp.

"Well then…" I purred, kneading Yuri's hardening length. "Speaking of dirty words, you're getting hard and wet already." Yuri moaned at the ministrations.

"I fully agree…" he gasped out, lowering his head to softly graze on my chin and neck. I purred at the pleasant attention, kissed continuously while caressing each other. His palms slid over my hard nipples that hard cause of the cold wind.

"Hmm…" I enjoyed his hand on my nipple, shivered when our bare chest touched each other. Yuri kisses on my chest then the trail moves towards my length. Yuri straightened back up again as his hand slipping between my thighs. The fingertips brushed over my opening. Lower himself, Yuri taking me in his mouth as his hot, wet tongue stroked the underside of my length, along the thick vein there while still spurting my essence. I shuddered hard with a hand going to his silky black hair. Yuri's hands grip my thigh as he lapped at the head of my length, looking up at me with a teasing glint in his eyes.

"What a lovely sight…" Yuri whispering when he took me deep in his throat again and began to hum. I am groaned and began to thrust into his mouth, probably won't going to last long. I came hard inside his mouth, hot essence down the back of his throat.

"That's feels so good, don't stop…" I moaned. Without stopping, Yuri bore down on me, pulling me deep into his throat and humming louder. The vibration of his vocal cords made my length feel like it was bathed in sensation. Yuri lower himself then burying his mouth inside my walls. I gasped in shock and my fingers curled in his hair with body shuddering as his tongue darted and stroked inside me deeply. "Oh!" Yuri will make me come again as fast and hard as he had, never thought I will come hard more. One hand stole between my buttocks and ran his fingers along my entrance, then plunged a finger inside. His tongue continued to flick and suck my length, relentless and determined. "Yes, more..." I gasped shivered in pleasure with fingernails dug into his scalp, rough, and I came hard for another in a wet salty rush against his tongue. Yuri gives my length last satisfying lick, savoring the taste, and then looked up at me grinned.

I am on him in a flash, rolling up on the bed and kissing Yuri hard. Surprised, Yuri kissed me back, then hissed when I reached for his length. "You're getting hard…" I said against his mouth, then tugged at his lower lip with my teeth. "Is it because of my seductive voice when your mouth and tongue pleasure me?"

"True… and I think I will put it inside you while I thrust you hard until you beg for mercy."

I shook my head and give him a naughty look, face gleaming with a sheen of sweat. "Before your hard thick length inside me, how about some lubricant for it?" I slid a hand down his chest and pushed him backward. Yuri's length standing straight up in the air. As he watched, I straddled him and went straight for his length. My mouth suddenly sliding over the head and encasing it in warmth. Hands grasped his length and then sucked hard, on the head.

"Oh yes, it needs lubricant…" he groaned. I only wiggled my buttock and continued to swipe my tongue against his length, licking the head and tasting the essence that beaded there, then taking him deep into my throat and pumping the base with my hands. Yuri's fingers are wrapped in my wavy blonde hair and he holds me as I worked his length, using my tongue in wicked little licks.

"I gonna come all over your beautiful face." Yuri groaned hard, his head titled back while watching me intense. I got the naughtiest look of all on my face and pulled him deep into my throat, sucking hard. It was so good that makes Yuri nearly saw stars. A raw shock wave of pleasure coursed through his body. Then Yuri exploding, shooting hot jets of essence down my throat and yelling, keep pushing his still-hard length into my mouth even as he came. I am working my mouth over his length and getting every last ounce of essence from him.

"Don't move…" I moved shoved the blankets lower than before as Yuri lie down on the bed. I straddled him and lay on his stomach, enjoying the way his eyes looking at me with flushing cheeks and hooded dark eyes after orgasm in my mouth.

"You going to ride me, Wolf?" His voice was a husky, please whisper.

"I need a ride..." I simply rolled my hips against his belly and enjoyed his muffled sound of pleasure. "I need you inside me." Yuri's hands went to my bare thighs, holding me against him. I leaned in and gave him another kiss. I raised my hips, grasped his hard length, guided him inside me, lowering until I am seated on his length.

"So good…" I give a small sigh of pleasure at that.

Yuri groaned with eyes closing, his hands clenched on my thighs. "I like it when you're demanding and taking charge."

"Hard and full…" I let my nails scrape over one of his nipples, then bucked my hips, just a little. The resulting sensation that rippled through me nearly drives me crazy. Yuri is so hard and thick inside me that it hit all of my nerves. I begin to rock, adjusting a little here and there to find a rhythm, then bounce on top of him. My hips rising and slamming back down on the full length of him. Yuri responded, flicking his hips up with quick, short thrusts to match my movements and to give them more power.

Soon, we're driving against each other, each thrust progressively rougher and wilder. I feel burn inside with each Yuri's wild thrust, means oncoming orgasm. I closed my eyes, braced my hands on his chest, and concentrated my movements on making it happen. "Harder… Deeper."

"As you wish, my Prince," Yuri told me between lifting me up and down, makes his length deeper and deeper inside me.

"Oh! Just like that!" I am barely aware of him, lost in the chase of the pleasure as I ride him. The roughness exciting my body and making me become even wilder, more abandoned on top of him. Each body-rocking slam brought me that much closer. Our erratic pace continues as Yuri underneath me take on a furious edge. He pounded into me, grunting with every hard, bracing thrust as my back bent backward in a perfect arch, came hard. Yuri's body stiffening against me as he came only a second after when his hit wet essence coating inside me.





Author Note :

I just hope you are in good condition after reading this chapter, especially the hot scene between Yuri-Wolfram, seriously writing sex scene is difficult and I am having hard time for it. That's why I write that scene first and after I finished it, I continue to the other part story. It also my gift for my reader who still loyal waiting and read my story after I took long hiatus. I'm really grateful all of you still read my story and since they drink the red capsule which had a long side effect, there will be many hot scenes at future chapter hahaha

Thanks a lot and please advice or review :)