"Hello everyone thanks for coming" Tails said proudly as he clasped his own hands "Do you know why you guys are here?"

"No" Shadow said in a harsh tone "Because you wouldn't tell anyone why were here. But considering there's a something under a sheet I'm thinking its a useless invention"

"Aww man, who invited that?" Tails asked annoyed. Shadow just sat there and grinned like his work was done.

"Tails' inventions are not useless!" Cream shouted and finished with smile "Their great!"

"Thank you Cream" Tail smiled back. "Anyway, back to my point. This one is the best I have made yet" Tails walked back and forth threw his lab. "Now all great scientists including myself, have asked one question. The same one question that if answered could solve life problems maybe!" Tails said happily.

"Is that for you to shut the hell up?" Shadow asked. Sonic and Knuckles tried to hide there laugher but just ended up spilling it all out. Tails gave Sonic his most annoyed look he had, and crossed arms while tapping his foot.

"I'm sorry Tails" Sonic faked a grin trying not to get in trouble with Tails "Go on..."

"So, I think you guys are going to like this. Now how many times have you people asked a 'what if' question?" Tails raised his hand too his own question "I know I have" He smiled sarcastically. He looked around the room where no one raised there hand "Um... no? Anyway, say hello to the 'What if' Machine" Tails smiled as he lifted the sheet. Under the sheet there was a TV box. Inside was pink tied dye, that was moving around in circles. With some scrap metal there was a microphone attached to the TV box.

"I don't get it" Rouge tilted her head.

"That's because I haven't explained it yet..." Tails grinned and nodded his head. "Now, all you do is ask any kind of what if question you want to into this microphone and it shows you what it would be like on the screen!"

"Cool!" Cream let out a squeal of glee.

"This thing knows all" Tails stated.

"Like Google!" Tails laughed at Creams statement.

"I don't think it will work" Shadow said in disbelieve.

"Shadow's just jealous that he's not as smart as you" Cream told Tails as she pointed her finger at Shadow. Shadow's jaw dropped.

"Yea right" Shadow said sarcastically. "Tails your inventions they just never work"

"They so totally work!" Tails growled.

"Remember the 'animal changer'?" Sonic laughed as Knuckles joined him.

"Now that one was funny" Knuckles laughed, all Cream could do was stick up her nose with a 'hump!'

"Thank you Sonic" Tails said sarcastically "Anyway there was a reason why Cream acted that way... I just haven't figured that out yet" He said the last part with a hushed tone "Whatever, I'm sure this one will work. Besides if it doesn't work it's not like it will hurt anyone"

"And your sure about that?" Amy couldn't help but ask. I don't blame her myself, Tails' inventions can get pretty scary when not used right.

"Positive" Tails said as he let out a sigh "Now who wants to ask first?"

Hey people. I hope you like this story. I was thinking (of course my imagination suprises me with random twist's) and I was thinking that fanfics are basicly just theroy. Um, I could write a story based on stories based on theroy. Yes, I'm a very werd person. Leave me a review asking a what if question. For exmaple 'what if Tails was the major' 'what if sonic was the slowest mammal in the world' any question you can come up with, I'll write it. But If I don't get very many I prolly delete this, and if i get to much... well... i doubt that's ever going to happy. Leave as many as you like, i'll try my best to get them all done.

I've got to go enjoy my last week of freedom ;(
