Standard Disclaimer: I do not own the characters from Gundam Wing.
I do however own the plot of this particular story.

AN: To understand what is going on in this story you are advised to
read the original story `Seduction'. However, there is a brief
synopsis of the original story line at the beginning of this chapter
so you may be able to follow what is going on without reading the
first story.

Warnings: Spoilers for `Seduction'
Rating: PG

(A sequel to Seduction)

By kmf

Miss Hilde Schbeiker walked at a quick pace along the public footpath
that led to the boundary of the Sanq Hall property. A plain straw
bonnet hid her short black curls, and she wore a serviceable dark
green woollen gown with a fashionable high waist and matching
pelisse. She held her dress up around her calves as she walked to
prevent the hem becoming stained by the wet grass. The extra length
in her stride she gained from holding her skirts up was an added
benefit to her desire to remain neat and tidy. No one was about whom
would take offence at her display of black stockings, and even if
they were she would not have cared. She was in a hurry to visit her
good friend Miss Relena Peacecraft who Hilde had just discovered had
suffered a great misfortune.

Miss Schbeiker and Miss Peacecraft were not of the same social
circle. Miss Peacecraft was of a noble class, even though she was
illegitimate. She was the daughter of a Duke, and the sister to the
Marquis of Zechs with whom she was currently residing. Miss
Schbeiker was the eldest daughter of a German immigrant farmer and of
no consequence to the world in general. Their friendship was unusual
and Hilde cherished it greatly. Not because of the social circle in
which Relena moved, but because Relena was such an openly kind and
caring young lady.

Hilde frowned as she walked. Relena did not deserve anything that
had happened to her over the last few days, but unfortunately a
single young woman of exceedingly large fortune tended to attract
attention; in this case the wrong sort. Hilde had learnt only a
couple of hours earlier that Relena had been abducted from Maresfield
Hall the previous night. Lord Treize Kushrinada, who everyone had
supposed to be of exceedingly good character, had made off with
Relena in the hopes of marrying her and obtaining her fortune.

Maresfield was where Relena had been recuperating from an illness of
the spirit; induced partially from her mother dying and partially,
Hilde supposed, from the shock of learning that Lord Heero Yuy, the
man she loved, had only sought to seduce her to win a bet. Hilde
scowled again as she walked. She did not think she would ever
forgive Yuy and his cousin Duo Maxwell for entering into such a
callous bet. Hilde peered down at her bruised knuckles and her scowl
changed to a grin. She felt great satisfaction at having cut Mr
Maxwell down a peg or two; even though her hand would bear the mark
of her punch for some days to come.

Hilde slowed as she came to the grand entrance to Sanq Hall and
lowered her skirts, smoothing creases in the material with her gloved
hands. The stone wall ended in a column that was topped by a carved
figure of a reclining hound and it formed one half of a gateway. Its
partner was a good four widths of a carriage away, making an
impressive entrance to a grand Hall. From the gateway led a gravelled
road that meandered up to Sanq Hall. Hilde could not see the house
from here, trees impeded her view, but she knew that it was a grand
home suited to a Marquise. The title of Marquise was second only to
an Earl, who answered only to the King himself.

Hilde continued walking around the outside of the wall. She would
not enter by the main entrance however much she knew that Relena
would desire her to. She would continue to the small gate that was
out of eyesight of the main entrance: the tradesmen entrance. Hilde
had no doubts on her place in society. Whilst Relena accepted Hilde
as her social equal, Hilde was still just from farm stock.

Hilde smiled reminiscing about the ball held in Ambassador Winner's
honour. Relena had given Hilde the most beautiful dress imaginable
and for a few hours Hilde had pretended that she was one of the elite
upper class; rich and desirable. She had even managed to fool Mr
Maxwell into believing that she was an aristocrat. It had been a
fairytale night, but over so suddenly when news had come of the
unexpected death of Relena's stepmother and aunt, Mrs Darlian.

And once the ball was over Hilde had been reminded more than once
that she should not have her head swell just because Miss Peacecraft
had shown her favour. Some of the servants at Sanq Hall had made it
perfectly clear to Hilde when they met her in the village that she
would never be considered their social superior. If she tried then
they would cut her down to size. Hilde had never intended to flaunt
her friendship with Miss Peacecraft in that way and she was careful
now not to irritate the servants further. She entered by the trades'
entrance, and made her way up the dirt road to the servants' doorway
at the back of the Hall.

Some of the servants disliked that Relena had taken up residence in
their hall with their Marquis. Servants could become very possessive
with their master's status and resent anything or anyone that could
harm their standing. Whilst Relena was rich, wealth did not equate to
quality or class. Parentage was more important and Relena was of
doubtful parentage, a shame that a child could not always put behind
them. Hilde was determined not to make any more trouble for Relena
than she possibly could; she would follow the rules and try not to
ruffle anyone's feathers.

The kitchen was on the lowest level of the hall, below ground level
accessed by stone steps leading to a large wooden door. Hilde
knocked on the door and a scullery maid opened it and smiled a
greeting. The kitchen maids were the nicest, Hilde thought. Not
given to airs and graces like some of the staff that worked
upstairs. The servant ushered her in.

The kitchen was a large room with a high ceiling, its walls
whitewashed so they almost glowed in the light that entered from the
windows. Racks hung suspended on chains secured to the ceiling and
hanging from the racks were every conceivable size and shape of
copper saucepan, roasting dishes, and utensils. Along one wall was
the great stove that was always working; at the moment Hilde could
smell what was probably the second batch of bread for the day. In
the centre of the kitchen was a large worktable made of black
walnut. Upon this food was prepared and at meal times the house
servants would gather around it to eat, the higher servants at the
top of the table, the lower to the end. The class system was just as
regimented below stairs as above. In fact the stable and garden staff
were not even allowed to eat in the house, but had their meals in
rooms above the stables.

The kitchen provided food not only for the Peacecraft family, but
also for the army of house servants, groundkeepers and stable boys
that helped to run the Hall. Bread was baked every morning together
with fresh cakes, buns, biscuits and scones. Meat and vegetables
were baked, boiled, broiled and roasted. In summer preserves were
made from the excess fruit and vegetables grown in the gardens so as
to keep the house well feed with delicacies in winter. Nothing was
wasted. Anything there was an excess of was preserved or sold to
line the pockets of the housekeeper and chef: skins of rabbits,
rendered fat, excess butter and milk from the dairy all went to
supplement their salary.

The kitchen was always a busy place, the centre of the house for the
servants, and today was no different. Maids were kneading bread,
preparing vegetables, making pastry and making preserves. Scullery
maids were cleaning surfaces, scrubbing floors, tending to the fires
and, in one corner, cleaning boots. The chef was not about, but was
probably upstairs consulting with the Marchioness about the menu for
the day. Hilde breathed in the scents and smiled, her stomach
rumbling at the scent of warm bread.

"Is Catherine here?" Hilde asked the maid that had let her in.

"Oh no, Miss." The maid replied "She is still in bed, Dr Barry has
ordered that she rests a while more seeing as she was hurt so."

"Catherine was hurt?" Hilde asked in surprise. She knew no details
of what had occurred the previous night, only that Relena had been
stolen away from Maresfield and then recovered and returned to Sanq
Hall. There was also the rumour going around that the abductor, Lord
Kushrinada, was dead.

The maid nodded in affirmation, but then saw the housekeeper
approaching and, smiling an apology, scampered off to continue
whatever work she was supposed to be doing. Hilde turned to greet the
housekeeper. This was one woman that Hilde did not really get on

Mrs Sylvia Noventa was a very young woman to have such an exalted
position, but she had come highly recommended and was most capable in
her work. She was a widow, her husband had died, like so many
others, in the war with France. She had been forced into supporting
herself and had, through contacts, managed to become a housekeeper in
a large household. From there she had attained her current position
and gained much status from being housekeeper to a Marquis.

Hilde knew that her feelings for Mrs Noventa were reciprocated and
steeled herself for trouble as the woman came over. Mrs Noventa's
eyes were narrowed, her hair scraped back in a style that was
calculated to make her look older. She wore the customary black of a
servant in a mourning household, but usually would wear lighter
colours to distinguish her from the lesser servants.

"How may I help you Miss Schbeiker?" Mrs Noventa asked.

Hilde smiled her most winning smile "I have come to visit Miss

"I do not think that would be possible, Miss Schbeiker." Mrs Noventa
gravely shook her head, taking satisfaction in the downcast eyes of a
disappointed Hilde "She is not yet up and I believe she is not
receiving visitors. Perhaps if you call back another time."

Hilde knew that if she called again, Mrs Noventa would have a similar
excuse for her. Mrs Noventa valued the status of her employer, it
reflected upon herself, and she did not want it lessened because the
sister of the Marquise associated with impolite society.

"Thank you, Mrs Noventa." Hilde said quietly "If you would be so good
as let her know I called." She knew all too well that Mrs Noventa
would ensure that Miss Peacecraft knew nothing of the visit.

"I am sure Miss Peacecraft would be delighted to see you." Came the
deep voice of the butler Peygan. Hilde looked up in surprise and
gratitude. Here was a bit of luck. It was well known that Mrs
Noventa and Mr Peygan did not get on at all. There was a long-
standing feud between them, the basis of which none knew for sure,
but Hilde supposed it was as much due to Mrs Noventa's snobbishness
as anything else.

"I have told Miss Schbeiker that Miss Peacecraft is unwell and cannot
be disturbed." Mrs Noventa had turned to glare at Peygan, annoyance
at the interruption showing quite clearing on her face.

"I know that Miss Peacecraft would be delighted to see her young
friend." Peygan said firmly. Mrs Noventa nodded curtly and walked
off. In the hierarchy of servants, Peygan as Butler outranked Mrs
Noventa; another reason why Sylvia and Peygan did not get on.

Hilde smiled in delight and gratitude "I did not think I was going to
get by her." Hilde whispered, not wishing the many listening ears in
the kitchen to hear what she was saying "Thank you so much for
helping me Mr Peygan."

Peygan smiled and said loudly, so that all the servants could hear
and understand "You are always welcome to visit Miss Peacecraft, the
Marchioness has given me to understand that. Now why did you not
call to the front door?" He raised a hand and gestured for her to
walk with him out of the kitchen and up the servants' stairs to the
main hall.

"Mr Peygan, I am scarcely fit for arriving a the front door!" Hilde
grinned, gesturing to her plain country clothes.

They started to walk up the grand staircase that led to the first
floor, where Relena's rooms were to be found.

"Miss Schbeiker, if you come to the front door you will have no
trouble visiting Miss Peacecraft." Peygan said as he walked with
her "It was only luck that I happened to come into the kitchen when I
did. Mrs Noventa can be a difficult woman sometimes and I know that
she will continue to make your entry difficult."

Hilde nodded accepting his words, but still feeling very
uncomfortable with the general idea of arriving at Sanq Hall like a
privileged guest. They paused outside a door and Peygan knocked on
it twice, before opening it and announcing Hilde's presence. Hilde
smiled as she heard Relena's delight at her visitor, and nodded her
thanks to Peygan before entering the room.

Relena was sitting comfortably on a chaise longue, her feet up and
pillows supporting her back. She wore a simple white night dress
covered with a pale blue lounging robe, secured with gold braided
toggle. Her hair was loose around her shoulders, apparently she was
only just out of bed as a maid was busy making it. On a small table
beside her was a tray of hot buttered muffins and tea of which Relena
was partaking heartily. Hilde observed that Relena looked well,
although rather pale and tired.

"Miss Peacecraft!" Hilde said pulling a chair up so she could sit
opposite her friend without having her move from her obviously
comfortable position "I have come directly I heard of your adventure –
are you alright?"

Hilde had expected tears from Relena having been subjected to such an
ordeal. She was surprised to observe, however, Relena smile broadly
and sit up straighter.

"I am fine!" she replied sincerely "And please, call me Relena." She
glanced at the maid who had continued to make the bed "You need not
be so formal with me, you know that!"

Hilde smiled again but said nothing. Relena guessed that anything
said between the two would be reported directly to the servants below
the stairs so also said nothing more until the maid had finished her
task and curtsied to her mistress. Relena requested another pot of
tea and the maid departed. Relena reached for Hilde's hand and
grasped it lightly.

"Hilde, I have the most wonderful news!" she said in delight.

"Oh? Here am I all prepared to offer you support and comfort after
your ordeal and here you are all merry!" Hilde laughed "Please do
tell me your news!"

Relena grimaced "It was horrible, being taken by Treize and Une, but
it had such a wonderful ending!" she looked apologetically at
Hilde "Heero Yuy rescued me like a knight of old and declared his
true feelings for me!" Hilde raised an eyebrow in surprise "Oh
Hilde, don't look at me like that!" Relena exclaimed, laughing at her
friend's expression. "You do not understand! He told me exactly why
he did not pursue me after the ball: he was under the impression that
his family blood was tainted with madness and he did not want to
subject me to the risk of him going mad."

Hilde was puzzled now "But his sister was mad." She said, "Everyone
knows how she was locked away and then took her own life."

Relena shook her head and related how she had learned that in all
probability Helena was not inflicted with madness and how she
probably did not take her own life. "Lord Kushrinada had used all
her funds and no longer had any need for her. He was not so wealthy
as everyone supposed, in fact it appears he was quite in debt and
desperate to obtain funds. That was why he and Une abducted me, they
intended to take me over the border to Scotland for Treize to marry
me. It was probably their intention to have me committed too – an
excellent way to get rid of an unwanted bothersome wife once you have
gained her fortune"

"Oh, Relena!" Hilde said, her hand to her mouth.

A knock on the door announced the arrival of a footman with tea for
Hilde. Again conversation paused until after the servant had poured
Hilde a cup and left.

"And Treize is…?" Hilde asked, a little timidly knowing the answer
but wanting to hear it from Relena.

"I have been advised that Treize was killed by Wufei." Relena said
solemnly "They duelled with swords, but I know no more than that."

"Mr Chang!" again, Hilde held her hand to her mouth in shock.

Relena nodded sadly "I know no more than that. I have not seen Wufei
yet, but imagine that he has been deeply affected by taking a life."

Hilde nodded. "What has happened to Lady Une?"

Again, Relena looked a little sad "Wufei bought her back to Sanq
Hall, not knowing what else to do with her. Millardo immediately
dispatched a letter to her estranged husband, Lord Une, as Millardo
did not want her here. Normally I would agree, but when I saw her
this morning she was a changed woman. She was silent and stared at
nothing in particular. She would go where directed, but she was like
a doll; doing what people ordered her too. Dr Barry said that it was
the shock of what had happened."

"I find it hard to be sympathetic with that woman." Hilde said,
sipping her tea and helping herself to one of Relena's muffins.

"You would have, had you but seen her." Relena shook her head "But
she is gone now." Hilde looked at her questioningly "Her husband
sent a carriage for her this morning, into which a servant bundled
her and took her away. To where, I know not."

"And Catherine?" Hilde asked, "Below stairs I heard that she had been

Relena nodded "Yes, in the course of trying to protect me she
received a blow to the head. Ambassador Winner's bodyguard Rashid
bought her back here and apparently Dr Barry was most concerned about
her because she did not regain consciousness for some time. Mr
Barton was sent for and sat all the night with her, along with
Rashid." Relena's eyes twinkled "When Catherine did wake up and Dr
Barry declared her out of danger Rashid embraced her before leaving
the room."

"No!" Hilde grinned "I imagine she told him off well and truly."

Relena, still smiling, shook her head "Apparently not. I think she
was so taken aback that before she had a chance to comment on it he
had gone."

Hilde giggled "Well then, Trowa will certainly tease her about it for
a long time to come."

It was Relena's turn to giggle "I cannot imagine Mr Barton teasing

Hilde placed her empty teacup and saucer back on the tray. "We have
strayed from your original news. Have you told Millardo about Lord
Yuy's confession of high regard for you?"

Relena blushed a little "Yes, I did this morning when I awoke and
found myself back here. When Millardo did not listen at first I am
afraid I had to resort to threatening to leave Sanq Hall and retiring
to the rectory. Millardo promised me that he would send a letter to
Lord Yuy inviting him to tea this afternoon."

Just at that moment Relena's door opened and Lucrezia all but ran
in. "He is here!" she exclaimed.

Relena calmly put her cup down and patted her hair and dress trying
to smooth out imagined creases. As Lucrezia took a hairbrush from
Relena's toilette and started to brush Relena's hair, Hilde grinned.

"I imagine that you must be referring to Lord Yuy." She observed.
The sparkle in Relena's eyes confirmed it.

"You will stay, wont you?" Relena asked "Millardo means for me to
have as many chaperones as he can squeeze into the room, and I should
like it if you were one of them."

Hilde smiled at her friend's plea as Lucrezia twisted her long heavy
hair up into a simple bun on the top of her head.

"You are most welcome to stay." Lucrezia confirmed "In fact, the more
friendly faces the better to counter Millardo's dour one."

Lucrezia smiled as the two young ladies giggled. There was another
knock on the door and Millardo entered. He did look cross and Hilde
had to try hard to school her face into a serious expression.
Millardo walked over to where Relena lay on the chaise longue and
scooped her up into his arms.

"Millardo, really!" Relena protested "I can walk on my own to the
drawing room."

"That you may, but I am here to carry you." Millardo insisted "Stop
protesting, your visitors await. The sooner this is done with, the
better I will like it."

"Visitors?" Relena asked, and Hilde felt herself go still knowing
what Millardo was about to say.

"Yes, Mr Maxwell has accompanied Lord Yuy and wishes to pay his

Hilde stood "Miss Peacecraft, may I beg not to sit in on your tea?"
she asked, "I should like to visit Miss Bloom and reassure myself of
her health."

Relena looked a little puzzled as to her friend's change of mind, but
smiled "Of course." She said, "Please tell Catherine I shall visit
her again later this afternoon."

Hilde watched Millardo carry Relena from the room feeling relief that
she had managed to evade another encounter with the impossible Mr
Maxwell. When she and Relena were alone again, Hilde would confess
the real reason why she did not accompany her.

Lucrezia touched Hilde's arm and Hilde realised that she had been
talking to her.

"I am so sorry?" Hilde apologised, Lucrezia smiled.

"Let me show you to Miss Bloom's new accommodation."

* * * *

Duo Maxwell had risen late the day after his encounter with Miss
Hilde Schbeiker. He had not been able to sleep well, partially
because of the pain his eye was giving him and partially from
anticipation of seeing the young lady again.

Never had a woman intrigued him as much as the delightful Miss Hilde
had. True, her face and form were very pretty, but he had met women
more beautiful than she. It was her spirit that shone out and that
captivated him. She was strong and independent. She did not simper
and faun on his every wish. Duo touched his eye again. Quite the
opposite in fact. And Duo knew that he was going to have to work
hard to even have the lady look at him without disdain.

Duo had acted incorrectly, he had assumed in a bout of most
uncharacteristic jealousy that Hilde had a relationship with his
cousin Heero. Heero, of course, had denied it and Duo unbelieving
had immediately gone to ask Hilde.

Why had he done that? Duo did not really know for sure, but after
Hilde had given her most adamant denial Duo realised that he felt a
deep regard for this girl. A very deep regard. So deep that when he
sat and imagined her face framed by her pretty dark curls, his throat
tightened, his heart sped up and he felt the need to be in her
presence. He did not care if she spoke to him or not, he just needed
to be by her.

Duo had gone to Heero's room, as soon as his valet had attended to
his dressing, with the intention of apologising and then travelling
to Hilde's farm and apologising again to her. Heero had looked tired
but had laughed when he had seen Duo's face obviously more than happy
with the answer Hilde had given him. Then Heero had become more
sombre and explained all that had occurred the night before and
showed him the letter Heero had received from Millardo.

Duo had been shocked at what had befallen the young heiress, but also
delighted at the news that Heero was not in danger of falling pray to
madness. He also felt great satisfaction that Lord Kushrinada, the
perpetrator of all Helena's woes, was dead.

And then Duo had perked up; with this news he had the perfect reason
to go and visit the lovely Miss Schbeiker. He had departed at once
only to be met at the farmhouse door by one very large and irate Mr

Hilde's father was tall and broad and very well muscled. He towered
over the not too short Duo and was at least twice as wide. Mr
Schbeiker was a Teutonic giant with fair hair and bright blue eyes.
His arms crossed against his chest, his biceps well defined under the
thin linen shirt he wore.

Duo had taken a pace backwards when confronted by this sight and had
almost audibly gulped. Obviously, he thought, the petite Miss
Schbeiker had taken after her mother. Duo had politely asked if he
would be allowed to speak to the eldest Miss Schbeiker and Mr
Schbeiker had equally politely told him no.

"Hilde has told me that she does not want your acquaintance." Mr
Schbeiker had said firmly "I do not know why she has such a strong
dislike of you Mr Maxwell, but I do know that she has a good nose for
trouble makers and she has classed you as one. Kindly stay away from
my daughter else I shall have to make you stay away." Mr Schbeiker
grinned and Duo saw Hilde's smile in his face "I taught my daughter
how to box, Mr Maxwell, and if such a little girl can make a mark on
your face, imagine what an imprint of my delicate fist would make!"

Duos blinked and unconsciously stepped back a pace.

"Now, be on your way lad, and don't let me hear that you have been
upsetting my Hilde again!"

"Yes sir!" Duo had nodded and mounted his horse feeling like a school
boy caught scrumping. He had ridden dejectedly back to Maresfield
where he found Heero mounted ready to ride to Sanq Hall for tea as

Heero had looked at his cousin with pity as Duo related just how big
Hilde's father was and how adamant he was that Duo should not pursue

"Do not give up, Duo." Heero quietly advised "Come with me to Sanq
Hal. Miss Schbeiker is the best of friends with Miss Peacecraft. I
should imagine that is where your lady is."

Duo again brightened at this suggestion commenting confidently "And
Mr Schbeiker can hardly be aggrieved with me visiting Miss

And so that was how Mr Maxwell came to visit Sanq Hall full of
anticipation of seeing Hilde again. As they waited in the drawing
room Duo rehearsed his look of surprise, his look of remorse, his
look of apology and his look of pain (not that that look needed much
rehearsing). Heero frowned at Duo as the door to the drawing room
was opened and Duo carefully schooled his expression back to one of
polite concern.

Millardo entered carrying Relena who blushed as Heero immediately got
to his feet.

"Rel- Miss Peacecraft!" he exclaimed, watching as Millardo lowered
her down onto the couch. "Are you well enough to be up?"

Relena held her hand out for Heero to kiss and Duo noted with much
interest that it was now Heero that looked a little flushed.

"I am perfectly fine." Relena said softly, her colour also rising
another fraction to a warm pink as Heero grazed the back of her
knuckles with his lips "My brother is just being overly protective of
my health."

Duo turned to the door expecting to see Miss Schbeiker enter and felt
great disappointment when she did not. He turned to Miss Peacecraft
and bowed over the hand that Heero had just relinquished.

"My compliments, Miss Peacecraft." He said, "I was most distressed
to hear of your misfortune this morning and felt I needed to offer my
sympathies in person." He let her hand go and observed her
closely. "Although I must admit that you seem to be in better health
and spirits than I dared to even hope."

It was true. Relena, although pale and a little tired looking, had a
glow of serenity around her. Certainly not what one would expect
form a young lady kidnapped and subjected to goodness knows what

Relena smiled "Despite my recent illness, Mr Maxwell, I believe that
I am stronger than you think." Her eyes narrowed slightly as she
noticed his bruised face and she turned to look at Heero's bruised
jaw. She looked back at Duo "Mr Maxwell, you appear to have hurt
yourself. In fact, observing the pair of you, it would seem that you
have been involved in a brawl."

At her words both Heero and Duo had touched the bruised portion of
their faces. Upon hearing the word brawl, they glanced at each other.

"Miss Peacecraft, please be assured that I did not obtain this damage
from my cousin." Duo grinned a little lopsidedly "I am afraid I was
given a lesson in manners from someone who thought I was sorely
overdue for one. I must own that the person was correct."

Relena Peacecraft was an intelligent and observant person. She noted
that Duo made no mention of gender, which was unusual. Then she
recalled that Miss Schbeiker had a bruised hand that she had sought
to hide. Relena's mouth formed a perfect o as she put two and two
together and correctly calculated four.

So that was why Hilde had suddenly decided not to join Relena; the
knowledge that Mr Maxwell was here. It was odd, for on the night of
the ball Relena had been quite convinced that there was a spark of
something between them. Something had occurred since to cause Miss
Schbeiker to become quite aggressive. She pondered it for a moment,
perhaps Duo had been too forward with Hilde, but Relena found that
hard to believe. Mr Maxwell seemed to be a gentleman, and she
doubted that he would be so forceful as to warrant giving him a black

Duo had raised an eyebrow and Relena realised that she had been
staring. She flushed a little and dropped her gaze. Hilde might not
thank her for it, but Relena felt the need to help Mr Maxwell who
appeared a little sad.

"I am so sorry that I kept you waiting." She said "But I was enjoying
a visit from Miss Schbeiker – you remember her don't you?" she raised
her eyes to see Duo look of surprise and she smiled in satisfaction
on having correctly guessing his interest. Almost at once his gaze
went past her to the window as if he hoped to observe her making her
way from the house. "She was going to attend me, but decided that she
would visit with my maid Catherine instead." Relena continued "I dare
say she will be leaving Sanq Hall on foot shortly."

Duo smiled "Miss Peacecraft, forgive me. I must leave you
prematurely as I have remembered a meeting that I must attend."

"Must you?" Relena asked innocently.

"I truly am sorry, but yes. I came to satisfy myself as to your
state of health and that I have done. I will now leave you to your
business discussions with Yuy." Duo smiled confidant that in the
person of Miss Peacecraft he had a friend who would aide him in his
pursuit of Hilde.

Duo caught the sardonic glare of Heero, then reached down for
Relena's hand and kissed it, murmuring in a whisper that only she and
he would hear.

"Thank you."

Relena inclined her head and Duo left the room to find the perfect
spot in the garden to accidentally come across Hilde.