Bella's Pov:

A sinister voice sent chills down my spine:

"Well, Hello Isabella…"

I looked up at Edward and whispered "Chris"

"So you remember me" He stated as a fact.

"Yes, it's not like I can forget you even if I tried. With my vampire memory and all" I said sarcastically.

"Don't be a smart ass with me bitch or your poor dad gets it" He laughed evilly.

"Please don't hurt our dad" I begged him.

"So Edward is there with you?"

"Yes, we are looking for our father" I answered quietly.

"You'll never find him"

"Please tell us where he is" Edward asked Chris.

"No I don't think I will" Chris answered before hanging up.

"SHIT" I yelled.

"Let's keep going Bells" Edward said before running in the direction that we were heading before we stopped to answer the phone, I followed behind him. We ran for another two days without stopping before we finally had to stop to hunt. After we finished hunting I received a message.

I pulled out my mobile and looked at it; it was from the same number that Chris called me from yesterday. The message said 'Dear beautiful Isabella and her brother Edward, if for ever want to see you dearest father again you better go to Isle Cullen and you better be there before 48 hours are up'

I showed Edward the message and said "Let's go"

So we started our journey to isle Cullen, worrying about what we might see. Hoping that our father is still alive and ok, praying that Chris hasn't done anything to hurt him. All we can do is think positive and hope for the west, leaving all our negative thoughts to the back of our minds because our father is STILL alive and will be for a very long time.

Sorry that it is short and has been awhile since I have update. I have been busy but I will try to update more often now. Please review and tell me what you think.
