I do not own Glee or anything to do with it. That belongs to Ryan Murphy and FOX

Well here we go this is the last chapter. Like I said there will be a sequel details which will be told at the end. Ill like to thank anybody who has read or reviewed it really means a lot to me, I have smashed my review record for a fic and I hope you all read and review the sequel

Don`t stand so close to me

Chapter 13: Need you now

"It is my honour to present to you the class of 2013" Figgins replied as he stood down from the microphone and was replaced by one of Emma`s graduating classmates but Emma wasn't really paying attention. She was sat on the stage next to Rachel who was smiling blissfully playing with an engagement ring, Yes Finn had proposed to her the night before and Rachel couldn't keep the grin off her face. Emma stared out into the audience where her mother, father, James and his fiancée Natasha and Gracie were all sat but she wished that somebody else could be there as well. She half wished that he had turned up; after all he must have heard about the ceremony through the local papers

"And on behalf of my fellow students I would like to thank you all. You will all do wonderful work" the girl who Emma hadn't seen before because she didn't really talk to many people since Will left, only Rachel and the rest of Triple Threat she spoke to. The girl then placed the microphone on the stand and stood down while the audience all cheered and clapped. Emma noticing that her mother had a tear in her eye. Emma glanced once again at the entrance to the hall hoping to see a tall figure there but there was nothing. Rachel put one arm around her friend as Finn joined Kurt with their parents who had just got married.

"I just thought Will might have turned up" Emma replied sadly. Rachel was about to speak when she was interrupted by one of her father`s congratulating her. Emma then followed Tina and Mike off the stage towards her mother and father who engulfed her in a hug

"I was so proud of you sweetie" Eva smiled. Emma gave a smile but Gracie noticed she wasn't acting like someone who had just graduated

"It couldn't be... could it" the red headed girl thought to herself as she put her wrap around herself. She knew of Emma`s crush on her tutor through her mother but that`s all Gracie thought it was a crush. But the way Emma was reacting it was almost as she wanted him to be there

"Yeah at least you don't mess up at everything" James chuckled and was replied by a nudge in the ribs from Natasha

"James" Ed scolded his son "I know your 25 but you're not too old for a hit" James gave a wry smile as Emma shivered remembering this scene when she had started uni

"You ok Emma" Gracie said puzzled and Emma nodded smiling at her younger sister

"Just... thinking Gracie that`s all" she replied as she followed Natasha and James into the parking lot to where they had arranged a small party for `Triple Threat` partly for graduating and partly for winning Nationals the week before

"Something isn't quite right" Gracie thought as she got into the family car, buckled her seat belt as Ed started to drive off down the main road towards the exit

"Something isn't right" Kurt replied smoothly as his new boyfriend Blaine who had joined the university in Kurt`s second year but didn't get together till they were both in their final year, came back to their table with two sodas,

"With who?" Blaine looked puzzled as Kurt pointed Emma across the room looking in the distance twirling a straw around her fingers and looking upset

"Emma has always looked worried or upset ever since I have been here. The only time she has looked happy is when she was performing with `Triple threat` Blaine remarked. Kurt shrugged as he placed an arm around his boyfriend as Mercedes came to join the pair. Rachel strode across to Emma eyes flashing and looking quite angry

"Emma this is our graduation day if you want to wallow in your own self pity go and do it in the bathroom but don't make us be brought down" Emma stared at Rachel tears spreading in her eyes

"How would you like it Rachel if Finn, the love of your life, was brought away from you and you never saw him again. Three years I have had to cope with this" Emma whispered not wanting her mother or father to hear her. Obviously her mother knew but Emma didn't know that

"I- I'm sorry I didn't know" Rachel trailed off as Finn placed an arm on his fiancées arm. Rachel had told Finn as Finn was upset when Will didn't come back from the Christmas holidays and even though Finn found it a little strange he respected Emma enough not to question her

"Leave her in peace Rach I know exactly what she would be feeling if you left" Finn replied as they sat down on the next table next to the Pillsburys. James and Natasha were talking but Gracie caught the tailend of their conversation

"... I know Finn but if she expected Will to arrive today I think Emma might be living in a fantasy world he's like a pariah around here" Rachel hissed as she gulped some of her drink. While Finn was asking what was a pariah Gracie`s eyes lit up and she smiled to herself. Finally the pieces were coming together and if she was quick she could give her sister the happy ending she was looking for

"James just tell mom and dad I`m going out" she called to her brother but he was engrossed in his conversation with Natasha he didn't hear her. Gracie rolled her eyes as she crossed past the table which had Santana, Brittany, Mike, Tina and Artie on it, grabbed her coat from the hook, glanced at Emma, gave a small smile to herself, then walked out of the room almost bumping into Puck who looked her up and down smirking

"Haven`t changed a bit have you Noah" Gracie scoffed as she left the room. Noah blinked as only Rachel called him by his first name and he had no idea who this girl was.

"Another beer" Will replied as he pooled his money together, the bartender eyed him suspiciously

"Another one that`s like your third one" the bartender replied "Didn`t you drive here"

"Ill walk" Will mumbled "I just want this day to be over with". The bartender raised his eyebrows but poured another glass

"That`s the last one though. So what`s the problem" the bartender replied. Will was going to answer when he noticed Gracie walking into the room. Will kinda recognised Gracie as even though she looked older she still looked the same as when Emma showed him her picture on her cellphone.

"Ill just be a moment" Will mumbled as he walked across to her. What he didn't expect was for Gracie to slap him in the face. Will winced as he rubbed his face

"You know my sister`s feeling depressed ruining her graduation day because she doesn't think that you care about her" Gracie put her hands on her hips and stared at Will. Will looked confused as he continued to rub his face

"W-what it's the graduation..." he trailed off as Gracie started to get even angrier

"Have you had your head in a gutter or something" she rolled her eyes "And another thing Emma`s not had a proper boyfriend since you left. Sure she went on dates but then she came home crying saying to me they never were as good as you. She needs to know if you're going to be there for her or not" Gracie was interrupted by Will grabbing her arm

"The only reason I went away was to protect Emma, now that she isn't a student anymore at the uni " Will trailed off as he noticed Gracie staring at him not really believing what he was saying "Look take me to her and ill prove it to you" Will stood up as Gracie glanced at him

"It's a bit of a trek as I walked to the bar. I kinda knew you would be here as this was where you and Emma first met" Gracie smiled at Will "What can I say I`m a bit of a romantic" the red headed girl shrugged to herself giving the older male a smile

"Well I can`t drive so I guess we should start walking. Lead the way" Will grinned as Gracie just shot him a weird look as she opened the door of the bar following Will. The bartender muttered something to himself as he polished a glass just as a dark headed woman entered the bar and sat down on the stool

"Has he gone Barry" the woman glanced at the bartender who nodded flipping a glass up and down "Good" she sighed "I was going to wonder when he would go I thought he was going to drink the bar dry"

"You know that`s not my style Cleo just trying to get two people together who belong together" Barry smiled at Cleo who nodded back with a wink before asking for her order


"S-sorry" Finn apologised as he stepped up to the mike and slightly grinned at the audience "Ill just like to thank everyone for well graduating I know it's been a tough ride"

"Yeah for you" a voice yelled and Rachel shot Puck a look knowing it was him who made the remarks

"Shut it Puck" Rachel shouted back and Finn shot his fiancée a smile

"Anyway ill just like to dedicate this next song to everyone in `Triple Threat` this is what clinched us Nationals and ill also like to dedicate this to Rachel " Finn smiled as he put the mike back and walked back to his and Rachel`s table. The sound of `Need you Now` started to play and Emma could feel her spine tingle

"This is what won us Nationals like Finn said but I chose this specifically because it always reminded me of Will especially when he left it even made more sense. W-what is going on" she thought confused. Couples went up on the dance floor James and Natalie, Rachel and Finn even her mother and father were swaying along to the music. Emma sighed as she looked down at the floor a slight tear falling from her eye then all of a sudden she felt a strong hand grip her own and she looked up to look in the smouldering eyes of Will`s

"W-what is this real is this a dream" Emma stuttered

"Well no this isn't a dream because I wouldn't be able to do this" Gracie smiled as she tapped her sister on the head. "Em you never change do you" Gracie smiled at her elder sister before flipping her red hair and going to sit with her mother, father and brother

"Shall we" Will smiled as Emma nodded. Will took her hand and lead her to the dance floor where the remaining couples all escaped leaving the pair alone even though her father was sending Will some strange looks

"How did Gracie know" Emma whispered as she and Will waltzed along the dance floor to the music. She stared at him three years had took something out of him but he still looked amazing Emma smiled shyly to herself

"I don't know but something in her must have told her I was going to be at the same bar I was at when I met you three years ago. The reason I didn't come was that I was scared at how people would react, But now I don't care about that anymore" Will glanced into Emma`s brown eyes which were shining

"I`m also not your student anymore as well" Emma whispered "Now we can be together for real this time" she added as she leant on Will`s shoulder "Not that I didn't want to be with you at fist it's just..." she was interrupted as Will leant in for a kiss slightly startling Emma. The kiss lasted longer than one Emma had ever known a kiss last for but she also knew in this moment nothing would ever be the same again

"How long has this been going on for!" Ed exclaimed in anger glaring at the scene in front of him as he watched his daughter. He made an attempt to stand up but Eva grabbed her husband`s palm and stared at him a slight grin spreading on her face

"Three long hard years" Eva sighed with contentment "I`m just glad it's all over with. No more hiding around or Emma being forced to be depressed"

"You knew all along didn't you" James glanced at his mother raising an eyebrow

"This is so romantic" Natalie sighed in happiness "A forbidden romance who would have thought but it's always the quiet ones you have to watch out for" she slightly laughed. Eva nodded with a slight grin and James sighed he knew his mother was a sucker for a good romantic story

"The day she stormed out of the house after the argument with me I knew she was in love with him" Eva smiled softly as Will and Emma finished their kiss just staring at one another

"Finally!" Rachel grinned doing a fist pump in excitement. Finn slightly clapped and smiled

"Looks like you two will be going on double dates soon" Kurt smirked at Finn who looked confused at his step brother

"Triple dates you mean" Blaine grinned at Kurt who shrugged his shoulders at his boyfriend

"I can guarantee that if we go on any dates they will be us only" Kurt huffed as Blaine slightly laughed at Kurt

"Wait so does that mean Carl is free now" Brittany trailed off slightly confused

"Britt he's been free for other three years now" Santana smirked "As I don't date I just use people but yep we have been sleeping with one another"

"How you graduated I have no idea" Quinn rolled her eyes at Santana

"Oh hush you your just jealous because you aren't getting any" she scoffed. The pair of them continued to bicker among themselves but Emma wasn't hearing any of that as she just swayed along to the music in Will`s arms smiling up at him. She had finally got her happy ending after all and this time she wasn't going to let go of him. They do say love comes in strange places but nobody could have predicted of the love that could blossom between a Spanish tutor and his first year student. Especially when one was married and the other in a relationship with a fellow student.

And done... but wait. There`s more!

Yep I`m happy to announce that due to overwhelming support that there will be a sequel to `Don't stand so close to me`. It will be called... `My life would suck without you``. (I know original)

Basically it will be set six months just after the ending of `Don't stand so close` and it will just mostly feature Will and Emma so none of the kids really maybe Rachel and Finn but only slightly but Gracie, James, Ed and Eva may pop up from time to time along with Will`s family. The storyline will involve Emma looking for a position as a guidance counsellor as with Will`s advice she has got the courage to apply for a vacancy along with Will teaching at the local high school. A better summary will be posted soon and the first chapter should be up when I come back from holiday in a week`s time but again I can't promise that but I'll try too especially with the next chapter of `The informant` still to be written as well. I might also bump it up to an M rating as well since you all liked my fluff in the previous chapters see how brave I can be (nervous laugh)

Again like I said at the beginning of the chapter ill like to thank everyone that has spent the time reading or reviewing when I first started this fic I had no idea it would be as popular as it has been so yeah again thanks. Hopefully you will continue to support me in any other fics that I write.

So yeah... until next time